

(index ha)

A drawing of a "haahla"

Alternative forms



  1. (historical) trammel hook (kitchen utensil used to hang a pot over an open fire hearth and to regulate its height over the fire)


Inflection of haahla (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative haahla haahlat
genitive haahlan haahlojen
partitive haahlaa haahloja
illative haahlaan haahloihin
singular plural
nominative haahla haahlat
accusative nom. haahla haahlat
gen. haahlan
genitive haahlan haahlojen
partitive haahlaa haahloja
inessive haahlassa haahloissa
elative haahlasta haahloista
illative haahlaan haahloihin
adessive haahlalla haahloilla
ablative haahlalta haahloilta
allative haahlalle haahloille
essive haahlana haahloina
translative haahlaksi haahloiksi
instructive haahloin
abessive haahlatta haahloitta
comitative haahloineen

See also

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