
See also: gavés and gavęs




  1. past tense of gives
    • 2010, Villy Sørensen, Samlede historier, Gyldendal A/S →ISBN, page 135
      Fif havde ikke tjent menneskeheden, men direktøren - og dog havde han frelst menneskene fra en stor fare såsandt tigrene dengang havde vist den bedste vilje til at æde det ene menneske efter det andet sålænge forråd gaves.
      Fif had not served humanity, but the director - and yet he had saved the humans from a great danger, as the tigers had then shown the best will to eat one human after another, as long as there was stock.
    • 1845, Erindringer som Bidrag til Norges Historie fra 1800 - 1815: af Jacob Aall, page 474
      Enhver, som med Alvor og Upartiskhed sætter sig ind i disse Forhold, vil tilstaae, at hverken før eller siden noget saa beqvemt og charakteristisk Tidspunkt gaves,...
      Anyone, who, with seriousness and impartiality gains insight into these matters, will admit that there had never been a moment as convenient and characteristic before or since,...




  1. second-person singular present indicative of gaver
  2. second-person singular present subjunctive of gaver
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