


Borrowed from Latin furfur (bran) + -aceous.


furfuraceous (not comparable)

  1. Made of bran.
  2. Resembling bran; having or characterised by small flakes that resemble bran; resembling dandruff.
    • 1828, William Jackson Hooker, Pitcairnia Bracteata: Bracteated Pitcairnia, Samuel Curtis (editor), Curtis's Botanical Magazine: Or, Flower Garden Displayed, Volume 55 [Volume 2 of the New Series], page 207,
      Leaves a foot or more long on the lower part of the cylindrical and furfuraceous stem, linear-lanceolate, coriaceous, obscurely striated, very acuminated, the margin entire, except at the sheathing base, where there are some strong brown teeth pointing upwards: [] .
    • 1834, Baron Alibert, Samuel Plumbe (translator), On the Diseases of the Skin, Michael Ryan (editor), London Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 4, page 207,
      This form does not produce crusts, but furfuraceous scales, white, more or less thick, sometimes damp, and adhering to the hair by the help of a viscous and fœtid discharge, and sometimes dry and friable, detaching itself from the head with the greatest facility.
    • 2000, Dashka Slater, The Wishing Box, page 6:
      When she looked at photographs of raging urticaria or furfuraceous rashes, she teetered between repulsion and captivation.


Derived terms

  • furfuraceous cretinism (medicine, obsolete)
  • furfuraceous desquamation (medicine)

See also

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