folding money


Some folding money


folding money (uncountable)

  1. Paper currency; cash in the form of printed banknotes.
    • 1924 17 March, "Secret Rumor Tells of Hidden Treasure," The Dispatch (US) (retrieved 1 Oct. 2010):
      [I]magine that you parted with some good folding money—for it takes the "long green" to secure four-year old peach brandy.
    • 1963 15 Nov., "Art Masterpiece," Evening Independent (US) (retrieved 1 Oct. 2010):
      Few of us ever have folding money in our pockets long enough to become very well acquainted with it.
    • 2007 28 June, Bill Virgin, "Is the ATM growing obsolete?," Seattle Post-Intelligencer (retrieved 1 Oct. 2010):
      Less need for paper cash means fewer trips to the ATM to get more folding money.



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