
See also: födans



Present participle of foedō


foedāns m or f or n (genitive foedantis); third declension

  1. Defiling.
    infelix crinis scindit Iuturna solutos unguibus ora soror foedans
    The unhappy sister Juturna tore the loosened hair, defiling her face with her fingernails.
    - Vergil, Aeneid, Book XII


Third declension.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masc./Fem. Neuter Masc./Fem. Neuter
Nominative foedāns foedāns foedantēs foedantia
Genitive foedantis foedantis foedantium foedantium
Dative foedantī foedantī foedantibus foedantibus
Accusative foedantem foedāns foedantēs, foedantīs foedantia
Ablative foedante, foedantī1 foedante, foedantī1 foedantibus foedantibus
Vocative foedāns foedāns foedantēs foedantia

1When used purely as an adjective.

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