

A bloodhound, a breed of dog known for having pronounced flews.


flews pl (plural only)

  1. The pendulous flaps of skin hanging from the side of the lips of certain dogs, especially hounds.
    The raging hound's flews were twisted upwards in an angry snarl.
    • 2010, Dogs All-in-One For Dummies, →ISBN, page 347:
      Gently go over your dog's face with the washcloth until it's clean. Be sure to wash the flews, or the hanging skin around the mouth.
    • 2013, “Flews”, in Encyclopedia of K9 Terminology, →ISBN:
      In the case of the Gordon Sette, the flews are not pendulous. The lip line from the nose to the flews shows a sharp, well-defined, square contour.


  • flews in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.


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