


From feminist + -y.


feministy (comparative more feministy, superlative most feministy)

  1. (colloquial) Like a feminist, or like stereotypical feminist beliefs.
    • 2003, Annabel Giles, Crossing the Paradise Line, p. 74:
      Tessa knew she was supposed to feel robbed of her womanhood or something feministy like that, but actually she quite liked it.
    • 2013, Vanessa Furse Jackson, The Revolving Year:
      “I am independent,” she said. “But not feministy in that way.”
    • 2018, Hadley Freeman, The Guardian, 15 February:
      And what if you know that it’s shallow to fall for media narratives about women fighting with one another […] and you want to be all feminist-y and everything, yet at the same time Carrie versus Samantha is the only news story you actually care about?
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