


engine + -man


engineman (plural enginemen)

  1. A man who operates or manages an engine.
    • 1879, John Sutherland Sinclair, Earl of Caithness, Lectures on Popular and Scientific Subjects:
      The engineman having only to turn two cocks, so as to connect the steam with the one or the other vessel."
    • 1901, M.P. Shiel, The Purple Cloud:
      It was only when I sat, an hour later, disgustedly reflecting on this incident, that I remembered that there was always some 'hand-working' of the engine during the cage-descents, an engineman reversing the action by a handle at every stroke of the piston, to prevent bumping.
    • 1911, Anonymous, The Traveling Engineers' Association:
      As an aid to this end, and that the railroad companies may derive the highest efficiency from the man employed as a locomotive engineman, a code of questions is given him, and it is expected that the preparation necessary to correctly answer the questions will indicate how well he has progressed.


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