


dépouiller + -ment


  • IPA(key): /de.puj.mɑ̃/
  • (file)


dépouillement m (plural dépouillements)

  1. stripping; skinning (removal of skin from an animal)
  2. loss; shedding (of leaves from a tree)
  3. stripping; reduction; cutting; snipping; whittling down (removal, at least in part, e.g. of text); act of getting rid
  4. robbing, stealing; pinching
  5. destitution (state of being without)
  6. shedding, disowning (e.g. of personal belongings)
  7. count; vote count; counting of votes
  8. (computing) data reduction

Usage notes

The main idea is that of getting rid of something, either totally, or in part.

Further reading

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