


From Middle High German da(r) nāch, from Old High German dar(a) nāh. Cognate with German darnach (modern danach).


darnaach (Sette Comuni)

  1. after it, afterwards
  2. Forms the past and present continuous tense, with zèinan (to be):
    Ich pin darnaach ghéenan so misse.
    I'm going to Mass.
    Ich pin gabéest darnaach sraiban.
    I was writing.


  • “darnaach” in Martalar, Umberto Martello; Bellotto, Alfonso (1974) Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini, 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo
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