


From Ottoman Turkish دمدار (dümdar), from Persian دمدار (dumdār, rear guard).


  • IPA(key): [ˈdɒndaːr]
  • Hyphenation: dan‧dár


dandár (plural dandárok)

  1. brigade (military unit)


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative dandár dandárok
accusative dandárt dandárokat
dative dandárnak dandároknak
instrumental dandárral dandárokkal
causal-final dandárért dandárokért
translative dandárrá dandárokká
terminative dandárig dandárokig
essive-formal dandárként dandárokként
inessive dandárban dandárokban
superessive dandáron dandárokon
adessive dandárnál dandároknál
illative dandárba dandárokba
sublative dandárra dandárokra
allative dandárhoz dandárokhoz
elative dandárból dandárokból
delative dandárról dandárokról
ablative dandártól dandároktól
Possessive forms of dandár
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. dandárom dandárjaim
2nd person sing. dandárod dandárjaid
3rd person sing. dandárja dandárjai
1st person plural dandárunk dandárjaink
2nd person plural dandárotok dandárjaitok
3rd person plural dandárjuk dandárjaik

Derived terms

  • dandártábornok
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