
Old English


Originally from the past participle of Proto-Germanic *dabaną (to pass, happen, occur, fit), from Proto-Indo-European *dʰabʰ- (appropriate, good, fitting).


  • IPA(key): /ˈdɑfen/, [ˈdɑven]


dafen ?

  1. what is fitting



  1. becoming, fit, suitable, fitting, proper
  2. convenient


Derived terms

  • dafenlic, daflic fit, becoming, proper, suitable, right, convenient
  • dafenlīce adv. fittingly, becomingly, properly, suitably, rightly, unconvenient
  • dafenlīcnes f. fit time, opportunity, convenience
  • gedafen fit, becoming, proper, suitable, right, convenient
  • ungedafenlic, ungedæftenlic improper, unseemly, unseasonable, inopportune, inconvenient, troublesome
  • ungedafenlīce, ungedæftlīce adv. unseasonably, inopportunely, inconveniently, improperly, unduly, unreasonably, unjustly, unsuitably.
  • ungedæftnes f. untimely intervention or interruption, inconvenience
  • ungedafenlicnes f. unfitness, inconvenience
  • dafenian, deofenian to beseem, befit, be right, to be convenient
  • dēfe befitting, suitable, proper: meek, gentle, kindly


  • 1916, John R. Clark, "A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary for the Use of Students", dafen, et al.
  • Bosworth, J. (2010, March 21). An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online (T. N. Toller & Others, Eds.), dafen.
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