
See also: cuntè

Middle English

Alternative forms


From Old English *cunte, from Proto-Germanic *kuntǭ.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkunt(ə)/



  1. (mildly vulgar) vagina
    • a. 1300, Hending, The Proverbs of Hending, stanza 42, page 479v-r:
      Þe maide þat ȝeuit hirſilf alle. / Oþir to fre man, oþir to þralle. / Ar ringe be ſet an honde. / And pleiit with þe croke and wiþ þe balle. / And mekit gret þat erſt was ſmalle. / Þe wedding got to ſconde. / Ȝeue þi cunte to cunni[n]g / and craue affetir weddin[g] quod hendi[ng].
      The woman that gives herself totally / either to a freeman or a serf / before a ring is set on her hand / and who plays with the twig and berries / and makes great that once was small / [Her] wedding becomes shameful. / "Give your vagina with cunning / and make your requests after the wedding" said Hending.



Old French

Alternative forms

Etymology 1

From cunter. See conte, compte.


cunte m (oblique plural cuntes, nominative singular cuntes, nominative plural cunte)

  1. (Anglo-Norman) account; tale; story

Etymology 2

Variant of conte, comte.


cunte m (oblique plural cuntes, nominative singular cuens, nominative plural cunte)

  1. (Anglo-Norman) count (nobleman)
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