


Akin to coppa (cup).


  • IPA(key): /ˈkop.po/
  • Stress: cóppo
  • Hyphenation: cop‧po


coppo m (plural coppi)

  1. jug, pitcher
    Synonym: orcio
  2. (historical, unit of measure) An ancient unit of volume.
  3. A type of curved roof tile.
    Synonym: tegola
  4. (fishing) Synonym of negossa
  5. (archaic) cavity
    1. The cavity of the eye.
      • 1321, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Inferno [The Divine Comedy: Hell] (paperback), 12th edition, Le Monnier, published 1994, Canto XXXIII, lines 94–99, page 495:
        Lo pianto stesso lì pianger non lascia, ¶ e ’l duol che truova in su li occhi rintoppo, ¶ si volge in entro a far crescer l’ambascia; ¶ ché le lagrime prime fanno groppo, ¶ e sì come visiere di cristallo, ¶ rïempion sotto ’l ciglio tutto il coppo.
        Weeping itself there does not let them weep, and grief that finds a barrier in the eyes turns itself inward to increase the anguish; because the earliest tears a cluster form, and, in the manner of a crystal visor, fill all the cup beneath the eyebrow full.
    2. The concave part of a helm.


  • coppo in – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
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