cavolo riscaldato


FWOTD – 27 December 2018


Literally “reheated cabbage”.


  • IPA(key): /ˈka.vo.lo ris.kalˈ, [ˈkäːvolo̞ ris̪käl̪ˈd̪äːt̪o]
  • Rhymes: -ato
  • Stress: càvolo riscaldàto


cavolo riscaldato m (plural cavoli riscaldati)

  1. (figuratively) something old, outdated or obsolete displayed as if it were new
    • 1742, Giovanni Lami, “Dialogo primo”, in Dialoghi di Aniceto Nemesio [Aniceto Nemesio's Dialogues], page 53:
      Finiamola un poco con queſte digreſſioni una volta; e guardate o Maeſtro Ilarione, che a pag. 134 ritorna in iſcena il cavolo riſcaldato, dico Giuſeppe Averani
      Enough with these digressions already; and notice, o Master Ilarione, how on page 134 the reheated cabbage, namely Giuseppe Averani, comes back in the scene
    Synonym: minestra riscaldata
  2. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see cavolo, riscaldato.
    • 2010, Clara Coïsson, transl., Ognuno muore solo [Every Man Dies Alone], Sellerio editore, translation of Jeder stirbt für sich allein by Hans Fallada, page 111:
      Lei tornò in cucina per scaldare degli avanzi di cavoli. Suo marito mangiava volentieri i cavoli riscaldati.
      She went back to the kitchen to heat up some leftover cabbage. Her husband usually ate reheated cabbage gladly.

Further reading

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