bozo eruption



bozo eruption (plural bozo eruptions)

  1. (slang, Canada, politics) A remark—usually unscripted—by a politician or other public figure which is especially ill-considered and foolish, and which has negative repercussions for that individual and for his or her affiliated group.
    • 2010 Dec. 9, David J. Climenhaga, "Smokin' Tom Flanagan! Jumpin' Steve Harper! Bozo eruptions erupting all over!," (retrieved 27 May 2014):
      Smokin' Tom not only teaches political "science" . . . he's a rich old white guy who advises our prime minister and his underlings on how to avoid "bozo eruptions."
    • 2012 April 23, Graham Thomson, "Progressive appeal of Conservatives wins 2012 election," Edmonton Journal (Canada) (retrieved 27 May 2014):
      But things shifted the last week with the pro-Caucasian and anti-gay “bozo eruptions” from Wildrose candidates.
    • 2012 Sept. 11, Matt Gurney, "The NDP's hothead needs your money," National Post (Canada) (retrieved 27 May 2014):
      NDP MP Pat Martin, known for the odd bozo eruption, is seeking the public's help for a legal defence fund.
    • 2013 May 20, David P. Ball, "What If Political Parties Stood behind Their Bozos?," The Tyee (Canada) (retrieved 27 May 2014):
      Rob Ford remains Mayor of Toronto. . . . [A]re some correct in saying that in our quest to prevent disastrous Ford-style "bozo eruptions" on the campaign trail, we may have gone too far?
    • 2014 May 26, The Canadian Press, "Liberal MP criticizes Justin Trudeau over abortion edict," Toronto Star (Canada) (retrieved 27 May 2014):
      McKay says on a recording obtained by CTV News that he thought Trudeau had a “bozo eruption” and didn’t think about what he said when he declared that anti-abortion candidates won’t be allowed to run for the Liberals.


See also

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