


From al- (to) + propra ((one’s) own) + -igi (causative suffix).


  • IPA(key): /alproˈpriɡi/
  • Hyphenation: al‧pro‧pri‧gi
  • Rhymes: -iɡi


alproprigi (present alproprigas, past alproprigis, future alproprigos, conditional alproprigus, volitive alproprigu)

  1. to make one’s own; to appropriate, take possession of
    • L. L. Zamenhof (translator), “Kupra porko” (“The Metal Pig”) in Fabeloj by Hans Christian Andersen, Book 1,
      “Ho, se mi ankaŭ povoscius desegni kaj pentri! Mi povus ja tiam alproprigi al mi la tutan mondon!”
      “Oh, if I knew how to draw and paint too! Then I could make the whole world my own!”
    • Mauro Nervi (translator), La Metamofozo (Die Verwandlung / The Metamorphosis) by Franz Kafka, III
      Sed tiu besto nin turmentas, forpelas la luantojn, evidente celas alproprigi la tutan loĝejon kaj devigi nin tranokti surstrate.
      But as it is, this beast is pursuing us and driving away our lodgers; it obviously wants to take over the entire apartment and put us out to sleep on the street. (Joyce Crick translation, Oxford, 2009)
    • Stellan Engholm, Homoj sur la Tero, Chapter 3,
      Li estis kontenta pri si mem, pri la tuta mondo kaj la senŝanĝaj kutimoj, kiujn li alproprigis al si, kaj oni atendis, ke li same vivos ĝis fino.
      He was content with himself, with the whole world, and with the unchanging customs he had made his own, and it was expected that he would continue to live the same way until the end.
    • Vinko Ošlak, Filozofii subtende, Ĉapitro 16,
      tiuj, kiuj maljuste alproprigas por si la havaĵojn de la aliaj
      those who unjustly appropriate for themselves the possessions of others

Usage notes

Although the Plena Ilustrita Vortaro defines the word as “Transigi posedaĵon de unu persono al alia (To transfer a possession from one person to another)”, by far the most common meaning in the literature is “to appropriate,” whether or not the word is accompanied by the phrase al si (mi, vi, ni).


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