


From al- + kalkuli.


  • IPA(key): /alkalˈkuli/
  • Hyphenation: al‧kal‧ku‧li
  • Rhymes: -uli


alkalkuli (present alkalkulas, past alkalkulis, future alkalkulos, conditional alkalkulus, volitive alkalkulu)

  1. (transitive) to impute; to assign; to count, include (in a category, group, etc.)
    • L. L. Zamenhof, Homaranismo, Section VI,
      je la demando, al kiu popolo mi alkalkulas min, mi respondas: mi estas homarano
      when asked what people I consider myself to belong to (lit. to what people I assign myself), I answer: I am a member of the human race
    • Vladimír Váňa (translator), Aventuroj de la Brava Soldato Švejk dum la Mondmilito (The Good Soldier Švejk) by Jaroslav Hašek, Part 1, Chapter 9,
      Mi dezirus, ke oni alkalkulu al li la jarojn de lia servo en la garnizona malliberejo.
      I hope for his sake his years of service in the garrison gaol will count toward his pension. (Cecil Parrott translation, Heinemann, 1973)


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