
See also: agrèmens





agrémens pl (plural only)

  1. Agreeable qualities or circumstances.
    • 1858, in The National Magazine:
      Arthur Young, that shrewd plucky traveller, smiled as we do at the tedious repetition of the agrémens of beautiful Paris.
    • 1858, "The Life of George Tucker", in The Life and Philosophical Writings of George Tucker (republished in Bristol by Thoemmes Press in 2004), volume 1:
      "The impressions which I had previously conceived were confirmed that there was no place in the world in which the agrémens of life are so accessible at so little cost by an individual who lives only for himself..."
    • 2006, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, The Room in the Dragon Volant:
      "I was the principal witness for the prosecution in this cause célèbre, with all the agrémens that attend that enviable position."



Alternative forms


agrémens m

  1. (archaic, ante 1835) plural of agrément
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