



adstō (present infinitive adstāre, perfect active adstetī, supine adstatum); first conjugation

  1. Alternative form of astō


   Conjugation of adsto (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present adstō adstās adstat adstāmus adstātis adstant
imperfect adstābam adstābās adstābat adstābāmus adstābātis adstābant
future adstābō adstābis adstābit adstābimus adstābitis adstābunt
perfect adstetī adstetistī adstetit adstetimus adstetistis adstetērunt, adstetēre
pluperfect adsteteram adsteterās adsteterat adsteterāmus adsteterātis adsteterant
future perfect adsteterō adsteteris adsteterit adsteterimus adsteteritis adsteterint
passive present adstor adstāris, adstāre adstātur adstāmur adstāminī adstantur
imperfect adstābar adstābāris, adstābāre adstābātur adstābāmur adstābāminī adstābantur
future adstābor adstāberis, adstābere adstābitur adstābimur adstābiminī adstābuntur
perfect adstatus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect adstatus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect adstatus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present adstem adstēs adstet adstēmus adstētis adstent
imperfect adstārem adstārēs adstāret adstārēmus adstārētis adstārent
perfect adsteterim adsteterīs adsteterit adsteterimus adsteteritis adsteterint
pluperfect adstetissem adstetissēs adstetisset adstetissēmus adstetissētis adstetissent
passive present adster adstēris, adstēre adstētur adstēmur adstēminī adstentur
imperfect adstārer adstārēris, adstārēre adstārētur adstārēmur adstārēminī adstārentur
perfect adstatus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect adstatus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present adstā adstāte
future adstātō adstātō adstātōte adstantō
passive present adstāre adstāminī
future adstātor adstātor adstantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives adstāre adstetisse adstatūrus esse adstārī adstatus esse adstatum īrī
participles adstāns adstatūrus adstatus adstandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
adstāre adstandī adstandō adstandum adstatum adstatū
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