


acclaim + -er


acclaimer (plural acclaimers)

  1. One who acclaims.
    1. One who salutes or praises with great approval.
      • 1824, Charles Maturin, The Albigenses, London: Hurst, Robinson, Volume 2, Chapter 3, p. 53,
        [] the voices of thousands of spectators pealing in thunder from the rocks on which their dark and crowded masses rested [] sent forth a shout of mingled triumph on their appearance and approbation of their cause; and its echoes continued to roll round the hills long after the lips of the acclaimers were closed []
      • 1912, Henry James, letter to William Dean Howells to be read at a dinner in celebration of Howells’ seventy-fifth birthday, in The North American Review, Volume 195, No. 677, April 1912, p. 558,
        For I doubt, you see, whether any of your toasters and acclaimers have anything like my ground and title for being with you at such an hour.
    2. (obsolete) One who claims.
      • 1627, Patrick Forbes, Eubulus, or A Dialogue, Aberdene, p. 27,
        All our Dispute, is, what Companie, of so manie Acclaimers, is the true Church of CHRIST.


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