


abase + -er



abaser (plural abasers)

  1. One who, or that which, abases. [Late 16th century.][1]
    • 1587, John Bridges, A Defence of the Gouernment Established in the Church of Englande for Ecclesiasticall Matters, London: Thomas Chard, Book 3, p. 297,
      Therefore he that shall be disobedient to [the Deacons], shall be altogither without God, and wicked, and contemning Christe, and an abaser of his ordinance.
    • 1887, E. H. Whinfield (translator), Masnavi I Ma’navi: The Spiritual Couplets of Maulána Jalálu-’d-Dín Muhammad i Rúmi, London: Trübner, Book 6, Story 6, p. 300,
      God is an Abaser and an Exalter;
      Without these two processes nothing comes into being.
    • 1905, Morrison I. Swift, Human Submission, Philadelphia: The Liberty Press, Chapter 5, p. 37,
      He has committed the irretrievable character fault of suffering himself to be wrenched out of manhood into slavehood, whereafter he conforms no longer to the high free true laws of his soul but moulds his being to his false state and to the compelling will of abasers.


  1. “abaser” in Lesley Brown, editor, The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 2.


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