The Storm



From Donald Trump mentioning "the calm before the storm" in an October 2017 interview.[1]


Proper noun

The Storm

  1. QAnon (conspiracy theory)
    • 2017 December 19, Paris Martineau, “The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse”, in New York, archived from the original on 26 December 2018:
      Like Pizzagate, the Storm conspiracy features secret cabals, a child sex-trafficking ring led (in part) by the satanic Democratic Party, and of course, countless logical leaps and paranoid assumptions that fail to hold up under the slightest fact-based scrutiny. However, unlike Pizzagate, the Storm isn’t focused on a single block of shops in D.C., or John Podesta’s emails. It’s much, much bigger than that.
    • 2018 January 17, David Neiwert, “Conspiracy meta-theory 'The Storm' pushes the 'alternative' envelope yet again”, in Southern Poverty Law Center:
      In an online universe where conspiracy theories not only sprout like kudzu but attract bigger audiences the more outrageous and strange they grow, it was probably inevitable that an uber-theory like “The Storm” would become an overnight sensation.
    • 2018, West Mick, Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect.
      There are many extreme political conspiracy theories, with varying degrees of plausibility, things like “Pizzagate,” “The Storm,” “QAnon,” and “Russiagate.”
    • 2018 September 12, Abby Ohlheiser, “Reddit bans r/greatawakening, the main subreddit for QAnon conspiracy theorists”, in The Washington Post:
      QAnon, whose supporters also call it “The Storm” or “Great Awakening,” is a wide-ranging conspiracy theory that burst into greater visibility this summer, after supporters at a Trump rally wearing Q shirts prompted a rush of national media coverage about it.

Usage notes

The predominant term for this conspiracy theory is "QAnon", with "The Storm" being much rarer.


  1. Mark Landler (6 October 2017), “What Did President Trump Mean by ‘Calm Before the Storm’?”, in The New York Times, retrieved 12 March 2019


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