


Blend of Spike + Willow.

Proper noun


  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Spike and Willow Rosenberg from the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    • 2002 October 10, Stephen Weick, “Re: The Bright side of Deep Down.”, in alt.tv.angel, Usenet:
      Well, I'm beginning a campaign for Spike and Willow in 02. Wanna join for Spillow?
    • 2002 October 10, Rose, “Re: Spike and Willow (spoilers for Same Time)”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer, Usenet:
      Spillow is best. Spillow the drinkin' & gal-chasin' pair. They won't put Willow with a man romantically, I promise you that.
    • 2005 July 16, Yelps [username], “Re: What Happens When Buffy Is Done Baking?”, in alt.tv.angel, Usenet:
      You're all forgetting Spillow


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