


Ultimately from Old East Slavic Москов- (Moskov-), originally referring to the Moskva River. Further etymology is unknown and disputed (see the Russian Wikipedia article for more information). The American placenames derive from the Russian city or from other sources; see the definitions below.


Proper noun


  1. The capital city of Russia.
    • 1917, Anton Chekhov, Constance Garnett, transl., The Darling and Other Stories, Project Gutenberg, published 9 September 2004, →ISBN, page 71:
      The mother, Ekaterina Pavlovna, who at one time had been handsome, but now, asthmatic, depressed, vague, and over-feeble for her years, tried to entertain me with conversation about painting. Having heard from her daughter that I might come to Shelkovka, she had hurriedly recalled two or three of my landscapes which she had seen in exhibitions in Moscow, and now asked what I meant to express by them.
  2. (metonymically) The government of Russia or the Soviet Union.
    Synonym: Kremlin
    • 1987, Shelomoh Naḳdimon, First strike: the exclusive story of how Israel foiled Iraq's attempt to get the bomb, page 40:
      Moscow said "Nyet!"
    • 1997, Mervin Block, Writing Broadcast News: Shorter, Sharper, Stronger, →ISBN, page 154:
      Yet, a few US newscasters will go on the air at 6 pm or later and say, "Moscow said tonight.["] ... A careful writer would make his script read, "Moscow said today. ..."
    • 2009, Svante E. Cornell, S. Frederick Star, The Guns of August 2008: Russia's War in Georgia, →ISBN, page 184:
      In addition, Moscow argued that Georgia had violated international law by introducing its forces into South Ossetia, a move Moscow said Tbilisi had committed itself not to do under the earlier CIS-sponsored peacekeeping arrangements.
  3. A city in Idaho; the county seat of Latah County; probably named after the Russian city.
  4. A city in Kansas; said to be named after Luis de Moscoso Alvarado, a Spanish explorer.
  5. A city in Tennessee; named after Mosgo, a Cherokee chief.
  6. A town in Maine.
  7. A town in Wisconsin; named after the Mascouten tribe.
  8. A borough of Pennsylvania.
  9. A village in Ohio; said to be named by French veterans of the Battle of Borodino (near Moscow, Russia).

Derived terms


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