
See also: koos



  • IPA(key): [ˈkoːʃ]
  • Hyphenation: Koós

Proper noun


  1. A surname.


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative Koós Koósok
accusative Koóst Koósokat
dative Koósnak Koósoknak
instrumental Koóssal Koósokkal
causal-final Koósért Koósokért
translative Koóssá Koósokká
terminative Koósig Koósokig
essive-formal Koósként Koósokként
inessive Koósban Koósokban
superessive Koóson Koósokon
adessive Koósnál Koósoknál
illative Koósba Koósokba
sublative Koósra Koósokra
allative Koóshoz Koósokhoz
elative Koósból Koósokból
delative Koósról Koósokról
ablative Koóstól Koósoktól
Possessive forms of Koós
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Koósom Koósaim
2nd person sing. Koósod Koósaid
3rd person sing. Koósa Koósai
1st person plural Koósunk Koósaink
2nd person plural Koósotok Koósaitok
3rd person plural Koósuk Koósaik
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