
See also: Jessé



From Ancient Greek Ἰεσσαί (Iessaí), from Hebrew יִשַׁי (Yishai)


Proper noun

Jesse (plural Jesses)

  1. (biblical) The father of king David.
  2. A male given name of biblical origin.
    • 1882, Jesse James (folk song):
      Jesse James was a lad that killed many a man, / He robbed the Glendale train. / He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor, / He'd a hand and a heart and a brain.
  3. A female given name, a variant of Jessie.
    • 1985 Alice Munro, The Progress of Love, Chatto&Windus 1987, →ISBN, page 166-167:
      We had decided to change the spelling of our names. Mine was to become Jesse instead of Jessie, and hers was to be Meribeth, not MaryBeth. We signed these names to the test papers we turned in at school.
      The teacher waved my paper in the air. "I can't give a mark to this person, because I don't know who this person is," she said. "Who is this Jesse?" She spelled the name out loud. "That is a boy's name. Does anybody here know a boy named Jesse?"



Jesse (plural Jesses)

  1. (architecture) A representation of the genealogy of Christ, in decorative art, such as a genealogical tree in stained glass or a branched candlestick.


  • Jesse in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.



  • IPA(key): /ˈjesːe/, [ˈje̞s̠ːe̞]
  • Hyphenation: Jes‧se

Etymology 1

The Vulgate Latin name Iesse, Jesse was known in medieval Finland, but the modern revival of the name is much due to English Jesse.

Proper noun


  1. A male given name, popular since the 1980s.
Inflection of Jesse (Kotus type 8/nalle, no gradation)
nominative Jesse Jesset
genitive Jessen Jessejen
partitive Jesseä Jessejä
illative Jesseen Jesseihin
singular plural
nominative Jesse Jesset
accusative nom. Jesse Jesset
gen. Jessen
genitive Jessen Jessejen
partitive Jesseä Jessejä
inessive Jessessä Jesseissä
elative Jessestä Jesseistä
illative Jesseen Jesseihin
adessive Jessellä Jesseillä
ablative Jesseltä Jesseiltä
allative Jesselle Jesseille
essive Jessenä Jesseinä
translative Jesseksi Jesseiksi
instructive Jessein
abessive Jessettä Jesseittä
comitative Jesseineen

Etymology 2

Finnish Jeesus.

Proper noun


  1. (slang) Jesus.
Inflection of Jesse (Kotus type 8/nalle, no gradation)
nominative Jesse Jesset
genitive Jessen Jessejen
partitive Jesseä Jessejä
illative Jesseen Jesseihin
singular plural
nominative Jesse Jesset
accusative nom. Jesse Jesset
gen. Jessen
genitive Jessen Jessejen
partitive Jesseä Jessejä
inessive Jessessä Jesseissä
elative Jessestä Jesseistä
illative Jesseen Jesseihin
adessive Jessellä Jesseillä
ablative Jesseltä Jesseiltä
allative Jesselle Jesseille
essive Jessenä Jesseinä
translative Jesseksi Jesseiksi
instructive Jessein
abessive Jessettä Jesseittä
comitative Jesseineen
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