


Shortened from Jenő + -ci (diminutive suffix).


  • IPA(key): [ˈjɛnt͡si]
  • Hyphenation: Jen‧ci

Proper noun


  1. A diminutive of the male given name Jenő.


Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative Jenci Jencik
accusative Jencit Jenciket
dative Jencinek Jenciknek
instrumental Jencivel Jencikkel
causal-final Jenciért Jencikért
translative Jencivé Jencikké
terminative Jenciig Jencikig
essive-formal Jenciként Jencikként
inessive Jenciben Jencikben
superessive Jencin Jenciken
adessive Jencinél Jenciknél
illative Jencibe Jencikbe
sublative Jencire Jencikre
allative Jencihez Jencikhez
elative Jenciből Jencikből
delative Jenciről Jencikről
ablative Jencitől Jenciktől
Possessive forms of Jenci
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Jencim Jencijeim
2nd person sing. Jencid Jencijeid
3rd person sing. Jencije Jencijei
1st person plural Jencink Jencijeink
2nd person plural Jencitek Jencijeitek
3rd person plural Jencijük Jencijeik
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