


Blend of fan + Manilow.


Fanilow (plural Fanilows)

  1. (fandom slang) A fan of American singer-songwriter Barry Manilow.
    • 2009, Megan McCafferty, Perfect Fifths, Crown Publishers (2009), →ISBN, page 35:
      “A fellow Fanilow!”
      “Look how young she is! A mini Maniloony!”
    • 2011, Elise Ballard, Epiphany: True Stories of Sudden Insight to Inspire, Encourage, and Transform, Harmony Books (2011), →ISBN, page 233:
      I am a huge Fanilow and had the good fortune of meeting and spending a little time with Barry a few years ago.
    • 2011, Rick Garman, Las Vegas for Dummies, Wiley Publishing (2011), →ISBN, page 248:
      You don't have to be one of the almost obsessive “Fanilows” to be totally won over by Barry Manilow's latest Vegas show at Paris Las Vegas.



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