Cliff notes

See also: cliff notes



Derived from Cliff's Notes, a series of literature study guides published by Clifton Hillegass.


Cliff notes pl (plural only)

  1. A rundown (rough outline) of a situation, event, etc.
    • 2012, Gary Wayne Clark, The Devolution Chronicles: Rise of the Chimera, →ISBN, page 105
      Ryker stepped forward and blurted out the cliff notes of the current crisis.
    • 2014, CP Moore, Legacy of the Gods, CP Moore →ISBN
      Well, of course there's more, a lot more. But that's the cliff notes of what faces us once we find Sanderson.
    • 2015, Jack Fisher, The Escort and the Gigolo, Lulu Press, Inc →ISBN
      “If this is you being serious, I'll just give you the cliff notes of the plan for tonight,” said Ray.
    • 2017, “What North Korea Wants”, in Reuters War College:
      Can you give us the, the Cliff notes version of that?

See also

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