


Blend of AFC + chick


AFChick (plural AFChicks)

  1. (seduction community, slang) A female AFC.
    • 1999 December 28, Janice Graham, “Does saying belowme really work?”, in, Usenet:
      I am an AFChick (female version of "average f*cking chump") who has been lurking, posting, dodging, and lurking again for a few months now.
    • 2000 January 6, The Fair Penitent, “Smelling funny? (Re: interesting airplane ride... )”, in, Usenet:
      I figured that I wasn't going to ever break out of AFChick status unless I beared[sic] a little constructive pain and stuck with it.
    • 2000 February 13, Boris, “Women as AFChicks”, in, Usenet:
      One of them is already for a long time member of the lesbian/feminazi scene here, and for I can tell most of them are way beyond the AFChick stage and hearing about some of them trying to act like an "alpha female" was sooooo pathetic...
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