
See also: Appendix:Variations of "et"



Probably from Latin -icius. Compare Italian -iccio, Spanish -izo, Portuguese -iço; cf. also French -iche. Its occasional use to form nouns may have originated with adjectives that were later substantivized/nominalized over time. Alternatively, of Slavic origin.


  • IPA(key): /et͡s/


-eț m or n (feminine singular -eață, masculine plural -eți, feminine and neuter plural -ețe)

  1. used to form adjectives from nouns or verbs denoting propensity or likeness, being inclined toward, or having the quality of (e.g. orb > orbeț, pădure (woods, forest) > pădureț (wild), îndrăzni (to dare, venture) > îndrăzneț (bold, daring, courageous), lume (world, people) > lumeț (social; liking people; cheerful, chirpy)); may be roughly compared to -y or -ish in some cases; see also -ăreț, with a similar function
  2. used to form nouns relating to another noun or action (e.g. drum (road) > drumeț (voyager, traveler, hiker))
  3. used to form diminutives of some nouns (e.g. pod (bridge) > podeț (footbridge))


Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Romanian_words_suffixed_with_-e%C8%9B' title='Category:Romanian words suffixed with -eț'>Romanian words suffixed with -eț</a>

See also

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