
See also: azo, AZO, azò, and azo-



From Latin -āceus.


  • (Castilian) IPA(key): /ˈaθo/
  • (Latin America) IPA(key): /ˈaso/


-azo m (feminine -aza, plural -azos, feminine plural -azas)

  1. Forming augmentatives; words expressing greatness or size
    plan (plan) + -azoplanazo (great plan)
    gato (cat) + -azogatazo (large cat)
    cuerpo (body) + -azocuerpazo (sexy body)
  2. Forming pejoratives; words emphasizing contempt for a subject
    cabrón (asshole, bastard) + -azocabronazo (major asshole)
  3. Forming words expressing a hit or strike
    puño (fist) + -azopuñetazo (punch, a hit with the fist)
    cabeza (head) + -azocabezazo (headbutt, a hit with the head)
  4. Forming words expressing suddenness or brevity
    teléfono (telephone) + -azotelefonazo (a sudden ring of the telephone)
    ducha (shower) + -azoduchazo (a quick shower)

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Spanish_words_suffixed_with_-azo' title='Category:Spanish words suffixed with -azo'>Spanish words suffixed with -azo</a>
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