

FWOTD – 19 July 2015

Alternative forms


Literally, ‘mouth's tail’, from жэ (žă, mouth) + кӏэ (č̣̍ă, tail). Cognate with Kabardian жьакӏэ (ẑāč̣̍ă). The word may be recontructible at the Proto-Circassian level as *žāḳ’ā /ʒaːkʼʲa/.

Abkhaz а-жакьа (ā-žāḳ̍ā), Abaza жакӏьа (žāḳ’ā), Ubykh жакӏьэ (žāḳ̍ă, beard) are borrowed from Circassian languages. See the first for more.

Iron Ossetian за́чъе (záḱ’e, beard), Digor Ossetian закъӕ (zak’æ, beard), зекъӕ (zek’æ, chin), Mingrelian ბჟაკე (bžaḳe, beard) are borrowed from Northwest Caucasian languages.


  • IPA(key): [ʒaːtʃʼa]
  • (file)


жакӏэ́ (žāč̣̍ắ)

  1. beard



  • Šagirov, A. K. (1977), Lomtatidze K. V., editor, Etimologičeskij slovarʹ adygskix (čerkesskix) jazykov [Etymological Dictionary of Adyghean (Circassian) Languages] (in Russian), volume I, Moscow: Nauka, page 199
  • Klimov, G. A.; Xalilov, M. Š. (2003) Slovarʹ kavkazskix jazykov. Sopostavlenije osnovnoj leksiki [Dictionary of Caucasian Languages. A comparison of the Basic Vocabulary] (in Russian), Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, →ISBN, page 67
  • Chirikba, Viacheslav A. (1996) A Dictionary of Common Abkhaz, Leiden, page 92
  • Abajev, V. I. (1989) Istoriko-etimologičeskij slovarʹ osetinskovo jazyka [Historical-Etymological Dictionary of the Ossetian Language] (in Russian), volume IV, Moscow, Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences, page 285
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