What a Girl Wants is a 2003 film starring Amanda Bynes as Daphne Reynolds, Colin Firth as Henry Dashwood and Oliver James as Ian Wallace.

Trying to fit in. Born to stand out

Daphne Reynolds

  • If you take your nose out of the air for one second you'll see that you're designer, I'm vintage. You've got a mansion, I've got a five floor walkup. You're snotty little miss cranky pants and I go with the flow, so why would you ever think for one second that I'd ever have the same taste in guys? So here's a little pointer for you. Get over yourself and stop trying to be my daddy's little girl because I'm not going anywhere.
  • My evil stepsister, you've seen Cinderella, right? Let me clue you in, I win.
  • It's bigger than our entire apartment and the Chinese restaurant downstairs and the dry cleaner down the street; it makes the White House look like a McDonalds!
  • Every year I would wish if that I was good enough you would come and find me.
  • Dude, its chocolate. Need I say more?

Ian Wallace

  • Why do you try so hard to fit in when you are born to stand out?
  • You know, just another one of my glamorous jobs.
  • (Joking) Eloping together. Yeah. I realize it's a bit sudden but after last night, there was really no turning back.

Henry Dashwood

  • I think I owe you a rather large apology.
  • Remember when I told you how groovy I used to be?
  • You like Co-co Pops?
  • I'm not explaining this very well, am I?
  • For me, it's just a stop on the campaign trail, and for Glynnis it's a chance to launch Clarissa on society.
  • No, in Clarissa's case it's more like an intercontinental ballistic missile.


  • That girl is totally barbaric!
  • Maybe someone should've put a cork in it seventeen years ago.
  • Oh, very you, lovely. So Henry asked us to give you a few pointers, didn't he? Well, pointer number 1: go home. Mother and I belong here and it's quite clear you just don't fit in. And pointer number 2: while you're packing, keep your grimy little Yankee paws off Armistead Stuart, he's mine.
  • [after Daphne walks out in fashion show] Holy poo on toast.
  • Seems you had a better time in Morocco than you let on

Jocelyn Dashwood

  • (to Daphne) Everybody's rooting for you to fail. That's what makes it fun.
  • (to Daphne) No hugging, dear. I'm British. We only show affection to dogs and horses.


Clarrisa: Oh, very you, lovely. So Henry asked us to give you a few pointers, didn't he? Well, pointer number 1: go home. Mother and I belong here and it's quite clear you just don't fit in. And pointer number 2: while you're packing, keep your grimy little Yankee paws off Armistead Stuart, he's mine.
Daphne: If you take your nose out of the air for one second you'll see you're designer, I'm vintage. You've got a mansion, I've got a five floor walkup. You're a snotty little miss cranky pants and I go with the flow, so why would you ever think for one second that I'd ever have the same taste in guys? So here's a little pointer for you. Get over yourself and stop trying to be my daddy's little girl because I'm not going anywhere

Glynnis: I'll put a cork in it, Clarissa.
Clarissa: Maybe someone should have put a cork in it seventeen years ago.

Glynnis: Now Daphne, we don't want to make a scene now, do we?
Libby: Take your hand off my daughter or you won't get a scene, you'll get a Broadway Musical!

Henry: I think I owe you a rather large apology.
Libby: Do you think I've waited 17 years for an apology?

Henry: You like co-co pops?
Daphne: Dude, its chocolate. Need I say more?

Glynnis: Darling, darling, all I'm saying is before we let this hypothetical daughter blow your political career out of the water, we might at least consider doing some checking up on her
Henry: Now, checking up for what?
Glynnis: I don't know... criminal record, blood type, triple sixes on her scalp
Henry: Glynnis, she has a birth certificate, she has my photograph... and she has my eyes.

Henry: I'm not explaining this very well, am I?
Daphne: No, not really. But I'm having fun watching you try.

Daphne: Hey! What are you doing here?
Ian: You know, just another one of my glamorous jobs.
Daphne: Oh!

Clarissa: [Sees Daphne fall over the wall] Did you see that?
Glynnis: What?
Clarissa: An impossibly large bird falling off that wall.
Glynnis: Are you hallucinating?
[Waves her hand in front of her face]

Henry: For me, it's just a stop on the campaign trail, and for Glynnis it's a chance to launch Clarissa on society.
Daphne: Launch her? You make her sound like a ship.
Henry: No, in Clarissa's case it's more like an intercontinental ballistic missile

Henry: So are you and Daphne...
Ian: Eloping together. Yeah. I realize it's a bit sudden but after last night, there was really no turning back.
Henry: You are joking aren't you?
Ian: Yes, of course.

Glynnis: [Takes a bite of her eggs] These eggs are positively glacial. When I run this house, senile servants will be the first thing to go.
Clarissa: You'd have to get around the old bat somehow. She'd never allow it.
Jocelyn Dashwood: (walking in) Anyone seen my pruning shears? The old bat seems to have forgotten where she put them.


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