Thabo Mbeki

Thabo Mbeki (born 18 June 1942) was the second post-democracy President of South Africa. He was forced to resign from the post by his African National Congress party in 2008.


  • Aids is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. I don't believe it's a sensible thing to ask: 'Does a virus cause a syndrome?' It can't. A virus will cause a disease. The syndrome is a group of diseases as a result of immune deficiency. As a result of immune deficiency you suffer various diseases.
    • August 2000, addressing South African Parliament .
  • By all means, let's work together.
    • 26 August 2011, University of Stellenbosch .
  • Despite the advances we have made in our 12 years of freedom, we must also recognise the reality that we still have a long way to go... We should never allow ourselves the dangerous luxury of complacency, believing that we are immune to the conflicts that we see and have seen in so many parts of the world.
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