Pray to the to the Lord for these Mississippi streets. ~ Lavell W. Crump
I once asked a New York reporter if his newsroom issued him a pith helmet and jodhpurs when he ventured down to the Heart of Darkness they portray Mississippi to be. He had asked me if I knew where he could find some Klan to interview and didn't appear to believe me when I told him it wasn't much of a going concern in most of the state anymore. ~ Geoff Pender
Yeah! Mississippi, you know what I'm talking about. The home of the blues, the dirtiest part of the south... Mississippi! Everybody from the south, let's ride! ~ Lavell W. Crump

Mississippi, also known as the State of Mississippi, is a U.S. state that is located in the southern region of the contiguous United States of America.


  • Know what I'm talking about. Yeah, Mississippi. Motherfucker! Newton County. What I live and die for, Scott County. Ball for the kids, Simpson County. Know what I'm talking about. Hell yeah! Mississippi, you know what I'm talking about. The home of the blues, the dirtiest part of the south. You know what I'm talking about. The place where you get them fish and them criss, motherfucker. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The Delta, motherfucker. Cotton, you know what I'm talking bout!
  • Bring the gangster walk back. Memphis! Mississippi! Everybody from the south, let's ride... North Mississippi in this bastard!
  • All I can say is that I am well. I have the enemy closely hemmed in all round. My position is naturally strong and fortified against an attack from outside. I have been so strongly reinforced that Johnston will have to come with a mighty host to drive me away. I do not look upon the fall of Vicksburg as in the least doubtful. If, however, I could have carried the place on the 22nd of last month, I could by this time have made a campaign that would have made the State of Mississippi almost safe for a solitary horseman to ride over.
  • I once asked a New York reporter if his newsroom issued him a pith helmet and jodhpurs when he ventured down to the Heart of Darkness they portray Mississippi to be. He had asked me if I knew where he could find some Klan to interview and didn't appear to believe me when I told him it wasn't much of a going concern in most of the state anymore.
  • Government secrecy outside the strict confines of national security is a generally bad thing, and it never appears to work out well for those being governed. Mississippi in particular should know this well.
  • I love the spring in Mississippi... I'm so incredibly proud to say I'm say I'm from Mississippi, and Mississippians continue to make me proud to say that's where I'm from.
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