For the censored version of the same series, see Hell's Kitchen.

Hell's Kitchen is a cooking reality show where Chef Gordon Ramsay puts aspiring chefs through different challenges and dinner services to decide who is the best. This is the uncensored international version, which is available on DVD and broadcast in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Season 1

Episode One [1.01]

Elsie: [about Chef Ramsay] He's like the Simon Cowell of the kitchen.
Jessica Cabo: He's way worse than Simon Cowell.

Narrator: The time has come for the competitors' first encounter with Chef Ramsay and his legendary high standards. They have no idea what they're in for.

[Signature dishes]
Gordon: I'm Gordon Ramsay, welcome to Hell's Kitchen. (on Andrew's dish) Whose is this?
Andrew Bonito: Andrew, Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Andrew, step forward. And what is it?
Andrew Bonito: It's called Andrew's Absolute Penne.
Gordon: Andrew's Absolute Penne.
Andrew Bonito: Correct.
Gordon: [takes a taste of the dish and spits it out] That... is absolute dog shit. Have a little taste.
Andrew Bonito: [tastes the dish] Could use some salt.
Gordon: You think you're smart, do you?
Andrew Bonito: I have my moments.
Gordon: And how long have you been cooking?
Andrew Bonito: About ten years.
Gordon: What a waste of ten years. Get back in fucking line.

Gordon: You knew I was coming. (on Jimmy's dish) Whose is that?
Jimmy Casey: Jimmy.
Gordon: Step forward, big boy. And just explain to me what it is?
Jimmy Casey: Pan-seared chicken breast stuffed with portobello mushroom and goat cheese.
Gordon: [holding Jimmy's dish] It looks like a dehydrated camel's turd.
Jimmy Casey: Yes, sir.
Gordon: What's all that on the side, here?
Jimmy Casey: That's the tops of the carrot.
Gordon: Taste them.
Jimmy Casey: [tastes the dish] Quite bitter.
Gordon: Quite bitter? I guess you want me to eat that. Hold out your hands. [throws part of Jimmy's dish with a fork] There you go. All right, stand back. [tastes Jimmy's dish] Excuse me. [spits it out] It's dry, overcooked on the outside, raw on the inside. Back in line.

Gordon: [After tasting Ralph's dish] And what position are you?
Ralph: I'm the number one.
Gordon: You're the number one? With that shit? Back in line.

Gordon: First name?
Dewberry: Dewberry.
Gordon: Blueberry?
Dewberry: Dewberry.
Gordon: Oh, DEWberry. Bloody hell, I'm not sure which is worse.

[Ralph hands Gordon the first ticket of the night]

Gordon: [to Ralph] Now disappear.
Ralph: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: Blue Kitchen, on order four covers table 22 one risotto, two spaghetti, one soup, no cheese
Michael Wray: Yes, Chef.

[The other four stand there and say nothing]

Gordon: That was pathetic! That was absolutely pathetic! I call out the first ticket, the big excitement and you stand there like five wimps. Five bloody wimps, I'll start again: four covers table 22. One risotto, two spaghetti, one soup, no cheese.
Blue Team: Yes, Chef.

Narrator: Now the red kitchen's first entrées are about to go out. All that's left is a piece of salmon from the most experienced chef on the red team.
Gordon: Chris.
Chris North: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here. You're an executive chef, right?
Chris North: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Yeah? What do you think of that?
Chris North: It's a little fucked up, chef.
Gordon: [shoves the fish onto Chris' chest] There you go. Sorry. I told you fucking earlier, hello? And you knew it's fucked up.
Chris North: You're right, chef.
Gordon: Yeah? And an executive chef doesn't serve shit like that, do they?
Chris North: I apologize, chef.
Gordon: No, no, you apologise. Don't you DO it again! Okay?
Chris North: I'll start it again, chef. (interview) I haven't gotten where I am today without having skills. I think Gordon recognizing talent is going to come with time.
Gordon: Send the whole fucking table back. The executive chef has just sent me an overcooked piece of shit. (interview) Chris has a huge chip on his shoulder. He's an executive chef which basically means you sit on your arse all day long. And clearly he's been doing that for the last ten years.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Jimmy]

Gordon: Jimmy, come here. [shows to Jimmy that the lamb was mangled] What have you done to that? Does that look good to you?
Jimmy: No, chef.
Gordon: So if it doesn't look good to you, why are you serving it to me? That looks like a dog dinner. And you want me to serve that in there? And you want to walk away winning a restaurant?
Jimmy: No, chef.
Gordon: [dumps the lamb onto Jimmy's whites] Fuck yourself. Get it in the bin. Get that shit out of there. How can you do that? What do we talk about standards? What do we say about if it's not right...?
Jimmy: If it doesn't look right, it doesn't go out.
Gordon: So you want that to go out?
Jimmy: No, chef.
Gordon: Is that your best shot?
Jimmy: No, chef.
Gordon: And what are you going to think of me tomorrow morning if you watched me serve that? You're going to think I'm the biggest arsehole in America. Aren't you?
Jimmy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And you expect me to serve that?
Jimmy: No, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, for as long as I'm alive, big boy, I'm never going to serve that shit! (interview) My reputation's on the line. And I didn't come to America to look second-best. (to Jimmy) Start it again!

Andrew Bonito: How does this look, Chef Ramsay?
Gordon: What do you mean, "How does this look?" Hey, Andrew, get out the habit - come here, you. I'm not going to run to you, I'm trying to run the hotplate here. So would you be so kind to come and talk to me. Is that clear?
Andrew Bonito: (interview) I firmly believe that Chef Ramsay just doesn't like me.
Andrew Bonito: Is this acceptable, chef?
Gordon: Yeah, listen to me, did you hear my fucking question?!
Andrew Bonito: Yes.
Gordon: Answer it! Okay?
Andrew Bonito: Yes.
Gordon: Good! Now what are you saying?
Andrew Bonito: I'm asking if this looks acceptable.
Gordon: Right, get it on the hotplate.
Andrew Bonito: (interview) You - you want to pick on me? Pick on me, I don't give a shit!
Gordon: And you think every time you want to ask me a question, fat fuck, that I'm going to go down there and run to you while I'm trying to run a kitchen. You fucking come to me. Is that clear?
Andrew Bonito: Yes, it is, chef.
Gordon: Good! Now what was the question?
Andrew Bonito: Is this acceptable to you?
Gordon: I'll let you know. Now fuck off. (interview) Andrew, he likes to learn the hard way. Kitchens are run on emotions. I may get upset, but the most important thing is, it's not personal.

Lady: Chef? Mr. Chef?
Gordon: Yes, ladies?
Lady: You hurt my friend's feelings.
Gordon: I hurt your friend's feelings?
Lady: Yes, she's very upset.
Gordon: Why?
Lady: Because you told her to fuck off.
Gordon: Oh, really? Did I?
Lady: Yeah, you did.
Gordon: Could you tell her that I meant it?
Lady: Yeah, I'll tell her.
Gordon: Jean-Philippe, s'il vous plaît? Can you please escort these bimboes back to plastic surgery?

[After a dismal opening night, Chef Ramsay has had it]

Gordon: Blue team, stop what you're doing. Stop what you're doing. Forget it. [crosses over to the red kitchen] Red team?
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Switch it off. I'm shutting down the kitchen. I'm so pissed off, I'm not prepared to see any more shit food coming out. SHUT IT DOWN!

Gordon: Jeff, your performance as a waiter? Nobody liked you. In fact, two out of three of your tables walked out early.
Jeff: It was just a horrific, horrific experience.
Gordon: And you want to win your own restaurant?

Episode Two [1.02]

Gordon: (interview) You can't have the meat standing there or the fish sat there waiting for the vegetables. Why should everything else suffer?

[A man comes up to the hot plate]
Gordon: You're waiting on a wellington and one bass, yes? Well I'm deeply, deeply, deeply sorry, but right now we're about seven tables behind.
Man: That doesn't do much for me.
Gordon: Yeah, right. Can I just say you do fuck all for me either.
Man: Sorry?
Gordon: You do nothing for me either.
Man: I just don't understand why it's so difficult to serve some people their food.
Gordon: Are you that arrogant you haven't got a clue of what's going on behind me?
Man: It seems like you have a lot of amateur sous chefs.
Gordon: Right. Finally your head's coming outside your arsehole. Now sit down, you fucking dick. What an arsehole!
Narrator: Nothing upsets Chef Ramsay more than when customers come to the kitchen.

Gordon: Away now, two cod, two wellington. (gets no response from Dewberry) Away now, two cod, two wellington.
Dewberry: Yes, chef.
Gordon: How long?
Dewberry: 12 minutes.
Gordon: 12 minutes? Show me your wellington's rested.
Dewberry: I have no idea.
Gordon: What?!
Dewberry: I have no idea, I am so confused.
Gordon: Oh, my god! You don't care any more do you?
Dewberry: At this point, no I don't.
Gordon: You're not interested any more?
Dewberry: No.
Gordon: No, you can't cut it?
Dewberry: No I can't.
Gordon: You're useless, you know that?
Dewberry: I am. Goodbye! [starts to leave]
Gordon: Goodbye. That's it?
Chris: Dewberry!
Jeff: Dewberry! Come on!
[Dewberry sees Elsie, and then stops by the door]
Dewberry: (interview) When I got ready to leave and I saw the look on Elsie's face, I knew I couldn't walk out.
Dewberry: [coming back] Sorry, chef. I'm confused. I don't know what I'm doing.
Gordon: Thank you for coming back. You never -- hello? Desert your section again! You understand?
Dewberry: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You stand there like a man and you face it!
Dewberry: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Because I'm standing in front of customers taking shit because of you!
Dewberry: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Get on your section and get those wellingtons out.
Dewberry: Yes, chef.
Dewberry: (interview) He was trying to get me to understand what the shortcomings were and about staying with the team and he was trying to get me to be I guess better than I am evidently. [sheds a tear]
Gordon: He hasn't cooked anything because he's standing there. Now he wants to run back to his mummy.

Narrator: After pizza was delivered and his maître d' was assaulted, Chef Ramsay has seen enough.
Gordon: Red team, shut the place down and clean down, yeah?
Red team: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [crosses over to the blue kitchen] Last table, shut it down. Everything off, yes? Stoves off, turn it off.

Gordon: Red team, three quarters of your diners really enjoyed the appetisers... but nearly half your diners didn't receive their main course. In fact - and this is a real first for me - one of your tables was so frustrated, they phoned for a fucking pizza. And guess what? They ate it! And the main course still hadn't come out! That is one not to forget.

Gordon: Dewberry, You're going home for one simple reason. You're a coward. You turned your back on your team after you screwed them.

Episode Three [1.03]

Gordon: Why's the spaghetti not in there yet?
Wendy Liu: The water's not at a rolling boil.
Gordon: Not boiling? Did you top it up with cold water?
Wendy Liu: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Why did you put cold water in there?
Wendy Liu: I thought that cold water was supposed to boil faster than hot water.
Gordon: What?!

Gordon: Jeff, one spaghetti lobster with no lobster in it. The other is loaded with lobster. Wear that one out!
(Michael steps in and splits the spaghetti lobster for Jeff)
Narrator: Chef Ramsay's addition of Michael to the red team is already paying off.
Maryann: (to Jeff) Say "Thank you Mike." Say "Thank you Mike."
Jeff: Thank you Mike. (under his breath) They're expecting too much for someone who's never been on a fucking line before.
Maryann: Jeff, do you want him to cook your meat for you, too?
Jeff: What do you want me to do?! I've never been on a FUCKING line before! I'm doing it, I'm trying!
Chris North: Jeff, Jeff!
Maryann: Are you fucking talking to me, right now?! Are you?
Gordon: Whoa, whoa! What is going on?
Jeff: I'm trying the best I can!
Gordon: Come here, you!
Jeff: I'm doing the best I can, but I've never been on a line before! I'm doing the best I can!
Gordon: Alright, stop shouting. Stop shouting. What are we waiting on?
Jeff: I'm working on that spaghetti right now.
Gordon: Alright, then. Move your arse, and get it done! Dear, oh dear...
Chris North: Jeff, we're gonna help you, but you don't talk to chef like that, okay?

[Jeff has been struggling throughout dinner service]
Chris North: Jeff, you heard that (last order)?
Jeff: No, I'm done man. I'm finished.
Chris North: No you're not! Come back, Jeff!
Gordon: Are you going to go then? Are you going to run?
Jeff: No, I'm going to stay and finish up service.
Gordon: Oh really. Why?
Jeff: Because I'm not a quitter.
Gordon: You're not a quitter. Hey, you're not a fucking cook either. [returns to the pass]
Jeff: (under his breath) You're an asshole.
Maryann: What was that? What did you just say? I want you to say it louder! I want you to say it louder, Jeff!
Gordon: Come here. What did you say?
Jeff: If you don't like me, I don't know what to tell you. You're an asshole!
Chris North: That's not cool, Jeff.
Gordon: Unbelievable.
Chris North: That is not fucking cool.
Jeff: [takes his jacket off and leaves the kitchen] Send my ass home. I've had enough of this shit!

Gordon: Jeff, well, I had to laugh at the end when he called me an asshole. I've been called far worse than that! Wendy, well, you know it's about time I put you out of your misery.

Episode Four [1.04]

Episode Five [1.05]

Episode Six [1.06]

[During the tasting challenge]
Gordon: Andrew, can you hear me, you jumped-up little politician, can you hear me? [contestants chuckle] Oh good, that's working. Jimmy, what's it like to be slim? He definitely can't hear me.
Gordon: Jimmy, don't eat my fingers.
Andrew Bonito: Feels like chicken, tastes like chicken...
Gordon: So, what is it?
Andrew Bonito: Chicken.
Jimmy: It tasted like a meat tortellini with a bit of sweated onions in the background.
Gordon: Jesus Christ! [Gordon doubles over, contestants chuckle] That was chicken, you twat!
Jimmy: Uh, okay
Elsie: Tortellini, where in the fuck does he get tortellini from?
[During the tasting of sweetbreads]
Michael Wray: It's something awful man, something from a cow that I shouldn't be eating. It tastes like a brain or something like that. I don't know. [Gordon laughs]

[The Blue team's storeroom has been locked for tonight's service. Once they unlock it and take the chickens out, Andrew tries to tape the latch of the door right when Scott passes by.]
Scott Leibfried: What are you doing? Get that fucking tape off of there. Now get the fuck back in there! You think I'm fucking stupid?! I'm not stupid like you. Come here. You fucking guys fuck it up, and you get a punishment you don't fucking break it so it works for you. You blew it, pay the consequences! Got it?
Andrew Bonito: Yes, chef.
Scott Leibfried: Why don't you try being as serious as these people are on your team instead of being a jerk? [takes the chickens back into the storeroom]
Ralph: Chef, I'm going to break those down right now.
Scott Leibfried: No you're not, because Andrew just ruined it for you because he was taping the door. When you need them you got to come in here and get one.

[Ralph and Andrew are up for elimination]
Gordon: You know, from the first day I met you, Andrew, you're not the kind of arrogant, big-headed little twat that likes to be steamrollered. Now you're telling me that Ralph manipulated your dish into becoming a poached halibut?
Andrew Bonito: Chef it's, uh, like I said--
Gordon: Andrew, give me your jacket.

Episode Seven [1.07]

Gordon: Jimmy, You won the challenge yesterday. You get to decide the person who will be serving the Caesar Salad and Fruit Flambé tableside.
Jimmy: Jesus.
Gordon: What's that? He didn't make it to the final five.
Jimmy: I'm going to go with Elsie because she came in second in the challenge yesterday.

Gordon: (to Jimmy) Why are you putting that salt on there, why are you putting chicken stock on there?
Jimmy: It's uh, fish, chef.
Gordon: Why are you putting that over there like that?
Jimmy: It - it's not - it doesn't -
Gordon: I saw you over there, I saw you going -
Jimmy: I did do it -
Gordon: Hey, hey, listen, listen. Don't fucking start shouting your fat mouth at me. Hey - hey look at me. So I'm asking you why you're putting the fucking fish stock on a fucking risotto! GET IT OFF! (as he does) Because I think it's a bit bizarre that you finished it and you get a ladle of fish stock like that and you put over the risotto! So I'm asking you and you refuse to tell me! THEN, you will open your fat fucking mouth! So why is it on there?
Jimmy: I'm sorry, chef.

Gordon: Jess - while you want to give a big attitude, I've got to go back out there and fucking tell him, unfold your fucking arms - right now - and don't dare start getting fucking chippy or lippy or fucking pissy with me.
Jessica Cabo: I'm not, chef.
Gordon: We've got a massive problem now, and we've got no fucking fillet steak.
Jessica Cabo: Okay.
Gordon: I've got twenty seven on order - how many of you got?
Jessica Cabo: I... listen, I'm trying to start work with them back there -
Jessica Cabo: Two!
Gordon: Two! I hope you're fucking joking! Can I send this food here? Get back on your section and talk to me.
Jessica Cabo: All right then! (raising her arms)
Gordon: Ey Hello! What's this (repeat what she did) Get Back on your section!

Gordon: Why isn't the fish in the pan? (no answer from Jimmy) Why isn't the fish--
Jimmy: I'M TRYING TO FUCKING DO BOTH at the same time, what do you want me to do?!
Gordon: Come here you, come here you.
Jimmy: No!
Gordon: What do you mean no?
Jimmy: I'm trying to do both at the same time.
Gordon: Just calm down. Just calm fucking down.
Jimmy: I'm trying to do both at the same time.
Gordon: Are you about to crack?
Jimmy: No.
Gordon: Don't fucking shout at me. What are you going to do?
Jimmy: I'm going to stay and finish.
Gordon: Calm down - while I'm standing here pissed off - what about those fucking customers there then?
Jimmy: I'm trying for them.
Gordon: Right. Talk to me properly or fuck off! Is that clear?
Jimmy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Right. Is the fish in the pan?
Jimmy: No, chef.
Gordon: Get it in the pan!
Jimmy: Yes.
Gordon: [sees Jessica's pan catching fire] Oh, fuck's sake! Jessica, what are you doing? Shut it down, yes? (the remaining chefs groan) Yeah, and I'm going to tell you why I'm going to shut it down, okay? Because two individuals let me down here tonight, you (Jimmy) were one of them and you (Jessica) were the other one. And you think that is bad, I'll tell you what, if you'll ever going to to make it. You'll have to take a lot more pressure than that. Shut it down. (to Jean-Philippe) Tell the customers, I'm closing the place down.

Episode Eight [1.08]

Gordon: [Jean-Philippe enters the kitchen] Right. Hello! Come here now, yeah? Yes Elsie, you're pissed off, you should see what's going through my mind right now. (to Jean-Philippe) How many tables have walked out?
Jean-Philippe: Two tables chef.
Gordon: I'm not going to agonise the pain any longer and if you think I'm going to stand here for the next hour, busting a gut, to get the filet, to get the halibut, then to get the veg, then to get the chicken without the sauce, then to get the sauce without the chicken, BANG! I've had enough! Shut it down!

Episode Nine [1.09]

Gordon: (on making a soufflé) When they work, it's a dream come true. But when they don't work, it's a huge disappointment.

Ralph: (interview) When we saw these last five tickets counted down. It was like the countdown to the new millenium.

[Michael is on the pass on Chef Ramsay's leadership test]
Gordon: (interview) Michael, he hadn't said anything to any of his team, then all of a sudden he put his head down and he turned 'round at them and said:
Michael Wray: You guys cook like old people fuck.
Gordon: (interview) And I thought, "My God! That came out of the blue." You know, I wouldn't expect something like that to come out of his mouth!
Scott Leibfried: Yes, chef!
Maryann: Thank you, chef.
[Chef Ramsay laughs]

[Michael, Ralph and Jessica have successfully completed dinner service]
Gordon: Okay, well done. Bloody well done. First time ever in Hell's Kitchen, we have completed a fully booked dining room. Starters, mains and desserts. You three did it. [high fives the three chefs] Team, team and team. And last night, none of us had any sleep. 24 hours virtually. And do you know the most important thing about tonight's service? Did you see any food come back?
Michael Wray: No way.
Gordon: No. Did you see any dishes come back? No, nothing. And do you know the most exciting thing for me from a chef's point of view? Every dish looked the same. Spot on. Well done. I am a very proud man.

Episode Ten [1.10] (Two Hour Finale)

[Jean Philippe and Ralph are discussing waitstaff uniforms for Ralph's restaurant.]
Ralph: Men are men and women are women and there's no reason to dress them alike.
Jean-Philippe: No... Do you want the ladies to wear some black panties?
Ralph: Excuse me? Leggings? Uh, panty hose?
Jean Philippe: Mm-hmm, you have to think about those things, I tell you.

Season 2

Episode One [2.01]

Gordon: Jesus!
Rachel: That's mine, chef. (Step foward) (interview) I am proud of being a redneck. I don't have to be the big dog. But, uhh...I'm not going to let anybody run over me.
Gordon: What is that on there?
Rachel: It's a butterfly shrimp and chocolate sauce.
Gordon: Uh, fucking hell. Get me back to London. And what's all the little bits on the uhh...lemon?
Rachel: Uh, that's a chili pepper. I wouldn't eat it if your mouth is on fire, sir.
Gordon: No, sweetheart. My mouth's fucked. It's not on fire, it's fucked.

Gordon: Fuck me. Who is this?
Polly: It's mine. (Step forward)
Gordon: And, uh... first name?
Polly: Polly.
Gordon: How long you've been cooking?
Polly: Most of my life. (interview) I have had 6 sons, I had them all naturally and if I can endure that, Hell's Kitchen's going to mean nothing for me.
Gordon: And just explain to me what it is, please.
Polly: Um, it's an undone focaccia bread with a garlic dipping oil.
Gordon: Undone, what does that mean? Undone?
Polly: It means it's not done.
Gordon: Oh, so...half-baked? Focaccia bread? (picks up undone focaccia bread and examines it) Oh, my god. Right now, I'd rather eat poodle shit than put that in my mouth.

Gordon: And whose is this?
Maribel: That's mine, chef.
Gordon: And first name?
Maribel: Maribel.
Gordon: Maribel. What is it?
Maribel: It's a Argentine planton soup.
Gordon: (taste the soup and spits it out) I'm so sorry. It's garlicky, it's hot, and it looks like baby vomit.
Maribel: (interview) It was a disaster. He spit it out. (pretends to spit) I don't think it's too spicy, I don't think he takes the spice, he's a wimp when it comes to that.

Virginia: It's my coconut and pomegranate root salad.
Gordon: And what's cooked on the plate?
Virginia: Hmmm.... the nuts are toasted.
Gordon: (sarcastically) The nuts are toasted?
Virginia: Yes.
Gordon: Well fuck me! We've toasted nuts for 29 minutes and then grated a coconut! [tastes her food] It's fine. [Virginia smiles] As far as rabbit food goes because it's all raw and crunchy.

[During prep, Tom is sweating into the boiled tomatoes]
Gordon: Tom!
Tom: Yes, chef?
Gordon: You're sweating in the fucking food! We're in danger of being closed down before we even open. Get it in the bin and start again.

Man: [comes up to the hotplate] Gordon?
Gordon: Let me just serve this table.
Man: Why is there no pumpkin in my risotto?
Gordon: Right, can you get out of the way? One spaghetti, one risotto.
Man: I want the next pumpkin risotto.
Gordon: Oh? Are you always going to be that rude and interrupt when I'm trying to talk?
Man: I just want more pumpkin, that's all I want.
Gordon: Right, well I'll give you more pumpkin and I'll ram it right up your fucking arse. Would you like it whole or diced? Can we get security and get Knob back to the seat please, yes?
Man: I just want pumpkin.

Gordon: This has been open for an hour and a half. We have served fucking zero.
Polly: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I've put more food in the bin tonight than I've ever seen in 10 years!

[With Polly on appetizers, nothing has come out of the red kitchen in 90 minutes. Heather is now on appetizers and has brought them to the pass.]
Gordon: Service, please.
Sara: Yay!!! [Heather tries to shush Sara] Sorry. Sorry.
Gordon: What's going on?
Heather: Nothing, chef. Nothing chef.
Gordon: Who's shouting and screaming? Hey, Sara, let me just tell you something. You're not a fucking cheerleader so stop acting like one. Because we have nothing to fucking smile about. And listen, ladies, that has been one hour and forty minutes for four starters. And personally, I wouldn't laugh, or scream, or start wetting your knickers, because that is fucking embarrassing.
Heather: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Just take one good look at yourselves in the mirror, 'cause it's a fucking disgrace!

Virginia: What do you guy think we should do about the sauce?
Rachel: What have you got?
Virginia: I have a whole bunch of lamb stock and...
Maryann: This is veal stock! This isn't lamb stock, this is veal stock. There's no way in hell we can pass this off as fucking lamb sauce.
Virginia: (interview) I was totally desperate. Desperate enough to go over to the other team and ask them for some lamb stock. [crosses into the blue kitchen and goes over to Giacomo] May I have some lamb stock, please?
Giacomo: I don't think so.
Keith: [laughs] No way! Get out!
Virginia: Please, you guys?
Keith: No way.
Virginia: You guys don't want to share any with me? You guys don't know if you might need something in the future.
Keith: I don't give a fuck.
Virginia: (interview) It was horrible. It was horrible. No matter what I did, something was messed up.
Gordon: We are so fucked it's unbelievable.

Gordon: Listen to that shit! (to Jean-Philippe) I can't take it anymore. Shut it down. (to both teams) Stop! Turn it off!

Episode Two [2.02]

Gordon: (to the Blue Team) Okay, listen up, here we go. On order, two covers table 24. Appetisers: one spaghetti, one Salad Saint-Jacques. Entrées: one duck, one chicken. Let's go, all together.
Tom: Would you please repeat it chef?
Gordon: Move your fat arse, and read it yourself, okay?
Tom: Fair enough, chef.
Gordon: Four minutes to the window, one spaghetti, one Salad of Saint-Jacques.
Gabe: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Four minutes?
Gabe: We need two quails, chef, with that?
Gordon: Two quail? Gabe--
Gabe: No, no, I know chef--
Gordon: Sh--shut the fuck up...
Gabe: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Would you MIND not being so rude?!
Gabe: Yes, chef.
Gordon: There's quail nowhere on that ticket!
Gabe: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Just listen!
Gabe: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Concentrate!
Gabe: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Four minutes to the window! One spaghetti of lobster, one scallops!
Gabe: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Now, would you like me to fucking e-mail that to your BlackBerry?
Gabe: No, chef.
Gordon: Move your arse!
Gabe: Yes, chef!

Gordon: Oh, my God almighty! (to Maribel after she spilled the spaghetti) Right now, here's what I suggest you do: buy a restaurant and put one table in there. Any more than that, you'd be fucked!

Gordon: One duck and one chicken!
Tom: I have a duck and a chicken ready for it's sides.
Gordon: (to Giacomo) And taste that. Taste that there. Just taste that. Why has he fried the cabbage?
Scott Leibfried: I don't know chef.
Gordon: It's like glue! Is that what you want to do is to start sneaking things in there?
Giacomo: No chef.
Gordon: So, you agree it tastes like shit.
Giacomo Yes sir, and I still served it.
Gordon: You still served it?
Giacomo: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Hey, hey, and you want a restaurant in Vegas?
Giacomo: A lot of work to do chef.
Gordon: Hey, why don't you become a hairdresser? Poncing around with women's hair?
Giacomo: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Now get the cabbage on.

Man: All I want to know is we're going to eat tonight or not.
Gordon: Honestly, for the first time in my fucking cooking career, yeah? I'm in a kitchen with Muppets. Thank you, sir.

[the customers have left Hell's Kitchen]
Gordon: Ladies, just come here. Just stand there and tell what you see in the dining room. [crosses over to the blue kitchen] Hey, you, hello? Gabe. You, (to Tom) Sinbad. Shut it. (to Giacomo) Mop-head, hello? Just come here. Just come here all four of you. Just stand there and tell what you see in the dining room. Right in front of your very own eyes: a death of a restaurant. (cuts to the empty dining room) Pathetic. Shut it down!

Episode Three [2.03]

[In the challenge. The blue team has three dishes while the red team only has two.]
Gordon: So, blue team. Tortellinis, but sadly, no sauce.
Tom: [slouching against the counter] May I speak?
Gordon: No tortellinis...
Tom: May I speak?
Gordon: ...from the red team. (to Tom) May you speak? May you stand up straight and stop acting like a slob?
Tom: Well I'm trying... no, I need to-
Gordon: No no. Cut the fucking bullshit, will you? Just stand up straight, at least look like a fucking cook!
Tom: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [mocks Tom] Do I slouch and slob and talk like this like some big fat fucking slob?
Tom: (interview) Who do you think you're talking to? He doesn't want to get into a street fight with me. Trust me.

Giacomo: Chef Scott, this oven is cold. It's coming out cold.
Scott: What, you're just noticing this now?
Giacomo: No, I noticed it earlier.
Scott: Dude, you don't have the fucking gas on, stupid!
Gordon: Why is the oven not on? Hello, bird-brain! Why is the oven not on?!
Giacomo: I'm not sure, chef.
Gordon: You're not sure? YOU DONKEY!!

Gordon: (with a pan of mashed potatoes) Tom, it's two turbot, yeah? There's only enough there for one, Tom.
Tom: We don't have any more mashed potato.
Gordon: Oh, get out of here! You've ran out of mashed potato?
Keith: Where the fuck did all the mashed potatoes go?
Tom: I'm looking for them, chef.
Gordon: How many wellingtons have we sent? We've only served two fucking tables their main course, Keith!
Keith: We prepped them, I don't know where they went. He said he burned them.
Gordon: Have you burnt the potatoes?
Tom: Yes, I did.
Gordon: You've stopped caring now. I can see it in your attitude.
Tom: No, I haven't.
Gordon: Yes, you fucking have. You stopped caring now. What do you care about?
Tom: I care about making an ass of myself right now.
Gordon: Really? Hey, congratulations. Exactly what you're just doing.

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Maribel]
Gordon: Oh, come on. Come on. You're maybe there, but this is not fair! Read out the ticket for me for the wellington.
Maribel: Medium.
Gordon: IT'S RARE! Oh, come on! It's the only table that you're doing, Maribel! Christ almighty!
Woman: (to JP) We're going to leave. I don't see my food.
Gordon: (to JP) Is that the table?
Jean-Philippe: It's the two ladies.
Woman: We've waited too long. [exits the restaurant]
Gordon: Missy.
Maribel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Table has walked out. And the sad thing about it: you've given up so FUCKING easily because you don't give a SHIT! [kicks the bins] SHIT!! (to the red team) Switch everything off, yeah?
Sara: Yes, chef.
[customers are leaving Hell's Kitchen]
Lady: Alright, well thank you.
Man: Yeah, thanks for nothing.
Gordon: Everyone, shut the kitchen down.

Episode Four [2.04]

Gordon: (to Garrett) There's not even an ounce of salt in there. Are you serious? We can't send any food, Garrett... GARRETT... Unless we've tasted anything. If you haven't tasted your own fucking food, what chance have you got!?
Garrett: None.
Gordon: I'd rather fuck off for a burger!

Gordon: (on Maribel's potatoes) Maribel, what is that?
Maribel: It's mashed potatoes, chef.
Gordon: Tell me why is it gone like glue? Missy, I'd get some fresh ones if I was you.
Maribel: (to her team mates) Do we have any more potatoes, guys?
Gordon: Oh, dear. You know what? If that's the last thing in this country to eat, I'd fucking starve.

Gordon: Service please, where's the wellington?
Tom: It was a little too pink.
Gordon: Oh no, oh come on, it's a little too pink. Keith!
Keith: Four minutes chef.
Gordon: Four minutes to the window, thank you. Tom, do you realise what's going on in here?
Tom: Yes, people are communicating.
Gordon: Yeah that's right, first thing turn around and Chef four minutes to the window. You, [gets in to a chipmunk pose] "A little pink". What fucking line of communication is that on?

Gordon: (to Tom) This order here is 7:35. Hello? Stop! Hey, lis--Stop! Come here, you! You idiot. Now I've FUCKING HAD ENOUGH! What I'm trying to tell you in your fucking eyeballs that the quail in the spaghetti now and you're putting the quail in.
Tom: No, I have the ones there.
Gordon: THAT'S FOR THAT FUCKING ORDER THERE!!! [pounds the counter; the restaurant falls silent.] You're not bothered, are you? It doesn't hurt, does it? [points to his heart]There's nothing here.
Tom: No, it does. I can't yell. I can't cry. All I have to do is do it. [Tom's meat pan catches fire.]
Gordon: Oh, my God. [Tom blows on the fire and it gets bigger] THE DUCK'S BURNT!! YOU'RE COOKING IN A BURNT PAN, YOU FUCKING DICK!! Oh, my god! Leave it! Leave it! LEAVE IT!! Just fucking leave it! [places the pan off the burner and the fire goes out] You're going to blow fire in your face, you fucking donkey!! Keith.
Keith: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Get on the meat section, and stay next to him, and don't let him cook a fucking thing! And you (Tom), open those big eyes and watch what the fuck this guy is doing.
Tom: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Shut it and watch!
Tom: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Shut it!!

Tom: I'm waiting on--

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Virginia]

Gordon: Virginia!
Virginia: Yes, chef?
Gordon: What is that there? What is the wellington requested?
Virginia: Medium.
Gordon: What is that?
Virginia: I thought it was medium, but it's my bad.
Gordon: Here we go again. What is that?
Virginia: I thought it was medium, chef.
Gordon: What is that?!
Virginia: Rare?
Gordon: Rare, that's right gold-star!

Gordon: Missy.
Rachel: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Why are you glazing it with butter and not egg wash?
Rachel: It was egg wash, sir.
Gordon: What's that in there?
Rachel: That's egg.
Gordon: Egg yolk or egg white?
Rachel: Egg white?
Gordon: Oh, no. Have they all been glazed all night with egg white?
Rachel: Wrong thing evidently.
Gordon: Oh, no. Why are wellingtons going in now?
Virginia: We ran out, chef.
Gordon: You ran out?
Virginia: Yes.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me... ladies, I personally don't want to do this anymore. (to Rachel) I'm fed up with your shit, (to Maribel) I'm fed up with your shit. (to Virginia) You've been a fucking letdown the minute you started cooking.
Virginia: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Then you LIED to me that the turbot's en route, when she (Sara) hasn't even got it out of the FUCKING fridge! Do you want to continue like this?
Virginia: No, chef.
Gordon: Fuck the lot of you! Is that clear?
Red Team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Fuck the lot of you!
Rachel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [pounds the counter] You! Come here, you. (to Keith) Fat fuck. (to Tom) Hey, doughnut. Come here, you. Hey, ladies, come here. Let me tell you something, [takes off his apron and throws it at Tom] Here you go! [throws his towel at Tom] Here you go! I've had enough! I've had ENOUGH! I cannot believe you're actually attempting to fucking win a restaurant! Get back in your fucking dorms, and alone. By the time you get back in here, from the blue team, nominate someone that's going tonight. And from the red team, come back with someone that's leaving. NOW GET OUT! OUT!! LEAVE THE STOVES!!
Lady: I don't think we're getting dessert.

Episode Five [2.05]

Narrator: Chef Ramsey is giving the red team some polite words of engorgement.
Gordon: (To the Red Team) Please, please, please, please, please, please, please move your arses!!

[Gordon checks the quail brought up by Rachel]
Gordon: Oh, no. No, no, no. Rachel!
Rachel: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here, you. Come here. No, fuck it. All of you, come here right now. [pounds the counter] And eat. Eat that. Eat it. I'm, I'm, I'm--I'm dying to understand what's going through your FUCKING MIND! Now, what do you think of the quail?
Sara: It's overcooked. Little too much production on the sauce chef and you can see bones.
Gordon: What's your verdict?
Maribel: It's dry and tastes a little burned.
Gordon: Yeah, it's shit! A little burned?! Fuck me! Do you need some glasses? (to Jean-Philippe) Ask one of the customers for his fucking glasses. There, table seven, he's got them (to Rachel) And what's in it for you?
Rachel: It's overcooked.
Gordon: Pssss...fuck off will you?
Virginia: All right, let's do it again guys, come on. [Jean-Philippe returns with a pair of glasses]
Gordon: There they are. There's the gentleman's glasses. I'm serious now! Does anyone need a pair of glasses? Fuck off, Jean-Philippe. Did you really think I was going to go out there with the quail, burned to a cinder? (Rachel doesn't answer) Did you really think I was going to send that? I need to know in your mind. Did you actually think I was going to serve that? (still no answer) Come here, you, come here. [leads Rachel into the pantry] What the fuck are you doing? Do you want to go home?
Rachel: Ahem.
Gordon: No, no, tell me now!
Rachel: I will not let you down tonight.
Gordon: You already have! I want to pull it back!
Rachel: I will get you through entrées.
Gordon: I know damn well you can do it. I can see it in your eyes. I can identify with the hunger but right now, missy, there's just a blonde empty fucking head.
Rachel: I won't let you down.
Gordon: Get it together, communicate, open up and start talking to me. Now move!
Rachel: Yes, chef.

Gordon: This is your time now to step up and get your team together.
Keith: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Those two, yeah? Are cooking like donkeys. Come on! Donkey's Kitchen, should we change the fucking logo? D.K.?
Garrett: No, chef.

Gordon: Where's the cabbage? Come on, Garrett! Keith and Garrett! You just got all quiet! None of you are working as a team! Where's the lamb SAUCE?!
Heather: Come on, man!
Garrett: Just need a minute--
Heather: Right here, chef.
Garrett: Lamb sauce is coming up.
Gordon: There's just nothing coming together!
Garrett: Right here, chef.
Gordon: Thank you very much.
Garrett: Not a problem, chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck off you, you fat useless sack of fucking yankee-danky-doodle shite. Fuck off will you please, yeah?

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Rachel]
Gordon: (to Maryann) How's it cooked?
Maryann: It was cold.
Gordon: Uhm, Rachel, come here.
Rachel: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Just touch that. What's the lamb?
Rachel: It's well done.
Gordon: It's requested pink. That's cooked to fuck! [pounds the counter] It's barely edible!! [sits down] Aw, for God's sake!
Rachel: Rachel, this is pitiful. Rachel, you suck.
Gordon: (to Rachel) Stop right there. I'm going to put you out of your misery. Switch it off. [crosses over to the blue kitchen] Just stop. Shut it down!
Heather: Yes, chef.

Narrator: Although dinner service is finished, Chef Ramsay is not finished with one of the chefs.
Gordon: (to Keith) You've got that spoiled brat syndrome. That huffy puffy, turn your eyes, fold your arms and you don't even look at me in the eyes.
Keith: I didn't mean that, chef.
Gordon: Deep down inside, you've got a big amount of talent there, you know that. But my biggest problem is no-one's noticed it properly. Has anyone ever told you how good you could be?
Keith: No, chef.
Gordon: You can cook, big man, you know that. The first hour and a half of service, you were running it. Then you made one stupid mistake. The quicker you get rid of the attitude, you're going to shine.
Keith: Yes, chef.

Episode Six [2.06]

Heather: (referring to herself, Keith and Garrett) We're going to be the final three.

[While unloading ice from a truck]
Keith: Heather is one tough bitch!
Heather: I'm the toughest bitch there is.

Heather: I was sweating like Tom today.

[Gordon and the red team enter Nick & Stef's Steakhouse]
Gordon: So this place is renowned for its steaks.
Narrator: Now the red team has moved onto entrées at another Hollywood hot spot.
Maribel: Nice and private, very nice.
Narrator: And Virginia has an important question for the owner...
Virginia: What's the one key thing that you can honestly say? I'm saying like right when you think of it. What can you tell me here right now? I'm saying like...
Narrator: ...if only she could ask it.
Virginia: ...What have you learned now that you did then when you opened up a place?
Joachim Splichal: You need consistency. That's it. Consistency.
Virginia: I just find it very, I love the fact that you grew so quickly. I mean that's so...
Sara: (interview) We were like "Shut up! Shut up!" At what point is Virginia not fake?
Virginia: on and so forth. But, you know anyway...
Maribel: (interview) "Blah. blah. blah. Yadda. Yadda." Virginia, she annoys me.

[The chefs meet in front of Chef Ramsay]
Gordon: Garrett, yesterday when I went out with the girls, you... gave me this. (the finger) Right now big boy, you've got nothing to be brash, cocky or show such attitude over. Do you want to go?
Garrett: No.
Gordon: I never, ever want to see this in front of my face again. Let's get that clear.

[Gordon checks on sashimi brought up by Virginia]
Gordon: Virginia!
Virginia: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Look what you're sending me. Come here you. It's just... It's just getting thicker and thicker and thicker.
Virginia and Sara: Alright.
Gordon: It's just fish sliced.
Virginia: Yes, chef.
Gordon: That's what it is! It's raw fish! It's fucking sliced! We still can't get that out!

[Gordon checks on duck salad brought up by Garrett]
Gordon: What in the fuck is that? What is this?! Get me a duck salad now!
Garrett: [takes the plate back] I got another one on the way chef.
Gordon: Why did you serve me that? We're doing so well?! (to Keith) Keith, if there's a time you need to get a grip for your team, it's right now!

Narrator: The red team has moved on to entrées and Sara has brought her lamb...
[Sara delivers her lamb to the pass, Gordon checks it]
Gordon: What's that?
Narrator: the slaughter.
Gordon: What the fuck is that? Missy (Sara), Just what are you doing with the lamb?
Sara: I'm learning, chef.
Gordon: You're learning?
Sara: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What do you mean you're learning?
[flashback to when the red team creates their own menu]
Gordon: Sara! What is going on? Are you... fucking blind?
Sara: No, chef.
Gordon: What is that? In your-- What are-- I don't know what the fuck you're doing!
Sara: Me neither, chef.
Gordon: That is not going anywhere, missy!
Sara: Okay.
Gordon: Except in the fucking bin!!

[Gordon asks for Sara's lamb in the red kitchen]
Gordon: Where is the lamb?
Sara: It's working, chef.
Gordon: I'm about to send the third table of entrées from the blue team and I still haven't got the lamb out from the red team!
Sara: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Now it's turning into a fucking big embarrassment!
Sara: Yes, chef!
Gordon: And I'm going to kick you out any minute now, unless you get me a fucking lamb!!
Sara: Yes, chef!

Gordon: Sara! Come here, missy!
Sara: Yes, chef?
Gordon: I don't know if you're colour-blind or you've got a problem with your fucking contact lenses, that is blood. Look, it's blood! They want it medium, it's still fucking rare! [pounds the counter]
Sara: Yes, chef!
Gordon: There's blood everywhere! We still haven't sent an entrée from the red team.
Sara: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe at the pass) Take the lamb off the menu. Stop it! I don't give a flying FUCK! (to Sara) You! Don't DARE cook any more lamb: Jean-Philippe has taken so much flak on the back of your inconsistency!
Sara: Hmm.

Gordon: If you're going to grill a salmon Sara, you don't tie it and fucking stuff it together. That is the third dish from the red team that is totally impractical. Can we just cut the salmon into a slice without fucking around?
Sara: Yeah. Consistency?
Gordon: Don't fucking dare! Don't fucking dare!! Missy, missy, come here you fat mouthed little stupid bitch!
Sara: Yes, chef?
Gordon: You're pissing around with something that's not working! Has that fucking clicked?
Sara: Yes, chef.
Gordon: IT'S FUCKING RARE!! Just stop! [calls the blue team who have just completed their service] Blue team, come here! All of you! I'm so fucking determined to have a successful completed service. I've got 11 tables waiting for main courses from the red team! You (the blue team) get on the sections and work together!
Sara: Thank you, chef.
Gordon: I personally don't want to stick around for pretty more shit. [exits the kitchen in disgust] A fucking embarrassment.

Episode Seven [2.07]

Heather: You've got to watch your scallops.
Sara: Thank you, Heather. I've got it.
Gordon: Missy.
Sara: Yes, chef?
Gordon: If you sauté scallops in a non-stick pan, they won't stick. That's why it's called FUCKING NON-STICK!!! [Gordon's voice goes falsetto on the "STICK"] I don't know what non-stick means in Texas, sweetheart, but fuck me!
Sara: Yes, chef!

Narrator: Hoping to satisfy Chef Ramsay, Garrett rushes his chicken to the pass.
Gordon: Garrett, the chicken is raw!
Garrett: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're going to kill someone!
Narrator: Garrett has just brought a dish to the pass that is not only inedible but downright dangerous.
Gordon: You knew it's raw!
Garrett: I'm doing it because it's faster chef. It's the only reason.
Gordon: Faster?! You've always got a fucking answer for everything!
Garrett: I'm just trying to--

[a woman comes up to the hotplate demanding for food]

Lady: Excuse me, Mr. Ramsay.
Gordon: Yeah, just wait I'll be thirty seconds right now.
Lady: Uh... Excuse me.
Gordon: I just asked for thirty seconds, will you just be so kind, I'm in the middle of serving a table. Service!
Lady: How long do you think it might be?
Gordon: Would you mind taking your breasts off my hotplate? Look at that. How will I serve food with those fucking things there?
Lady: Oh what the fuck, you?! [flips a plate full of food on the tray; angrily pushes the tray; leaves the restaurant]
Gordon: Security, please!

Gordon: (to Sara) Missy, how many scallops are you serving per portion?
Sara: Five each.
Gordon: Are they small, big or massive?
Sara: They're medium.
Gordon: They're medium? Missy, [in a fast tone; gives her a towel] clean your fucking glasses, I'll ask you quickly, yeah? Yeah, let's do it this way. CLEAN YOUR FUCKING GLASSES!!
Sara: Alright, chef. [wipes her glasses]

Gordon: Carrots!
Garrett: Yes, chef!
Gordon: "Carrots" I said, not "Garrett".

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Garrett]

Gordon: Look at that salmon. Is that the best piece of salmon? (Garrett doesn't answer) I'VE ASKED IS THAT THE BEST SALMON?!
Garrett: Yes, chef.
Gordon: It's chewed and buckled and... What have you done to it? (to Garrett) Mister, get a grip! I can't take it anymore!

Gordon: Virginia, what are you doing?
Virginia: I'm plating, I'm getting the tortellini, chef.
Gordon: There's not a tortellini on the order.
Virginia: But there's tortellini, chef.
Gordon: Listen, you stupid fucking fat-mouth bitch! Bring me your ticket here, bring it here! And read it out-- Come here!
Virginia: You're right, chef.
Gordon: Now, will you fucking SHUT UP! [throws the ticket at the counter] YOU JUST TALK CRAP! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! [repeatedly pounds the counter]

Gordon: Where's that Belgian?
Jean-Philippe: I would like to sit around with you, and stay with you, but I can't. [backs to the pass] Chef!
Gordon: What are you trying to do, lose your virginity? [Jean-Philippe takes a look at Gordon, then returns to his station]

Episode Eight [2.08]

Gordon: Let's go, three salmon, one turbot.
Sara: Heather?
Heather: What?
Sara: Is there any salmon left in the house?
Gordon: What's going on? What's going on?
Sara: Chef, I--
Gordon: What? Come here you! Tell me! I'm the fucking chef!!
Sara: Yes, chef. I don't have enough salmon to get through the night.
Gordon: You're not serious, are you?
Sara: I am serious chef.
Gordon: Hey, I'd fuck off and go and buy some if I were you.
Sara: May I substitute using turbot?
Gordon: Why don't you check with the maître d'? Can we serve turbot in place of the salmon?
Jean-Phillippe: On which table?
Gordon: Table 20. Please? Thank you. (to Sara) Hey, you, fuck off, will you? You useless cow.
Sara: Turbot's in here. Sorry chef.
Gordon: You know missy, you're finished aren't you?
Sara: No, chef, come on!
Gordon: Hey, what do you mean come on? I want you to come on! I want you to wake up!
Sara: Chef, I told you and they're resolving it now and all I can do is give you the turbot. I have the salmon in the fridge and there's only 2!
Gordon: That's right! And whose fucking fault was it?! Don't get fucking upset with me in my fucking kitchen when you're standing there sulking because you fucked the salmon!
Sara: I'm not sulking chef.
Gordon: Yeah, you're finished. Heather, get on the fish please and do something for her yeah?
Sara: No, chef.
Gordon: So wake up and get it back together!
Sara: I don't need to be replaced chef!
Gordon: Then tell her then.
Sara: I don't need to be replaced.
Gordon: There you go.
Sara: (interview) I screwed up one fucking table with one fucking salmon. I wasn't beat. Don't get up all about my crotch about shit.

Gordon: Virginia, you're no longer safe!

[Virginia and Sara are nominated for elimination.]

Gordon: Virginia, you won the challenge. I guaranteed you a place in the final three. If you want to go, that is your choice. If you decide to stay, I'll send Sara home.
Virginia: I understand what you're telling me that I want to be in the final three because I deserve to be in the final three, not because you're a man of your word. Not because of a friggin challenge. I want to be there because I deserve to be.
Gordon: I can't help you anymore. This is entirely your decision.
Sara: Can I ask a question chef?
Gordon: Shut the fuck up for 30 seconds.

Episode Nine [2.09]

[Virginia and Keith are nominated for elimination while Heather is advancing to the final round.]
Gordon: quite possibly the toughest decision I've had to make. The person leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight and will not be advancing to the final two is........ Keith. What I am looking for is a leader. And personally big boy, you're not ready. Give me your jacket.
Keith: [gives Gordon his jacket] So you're saying that Virginia's a better leader than me? I've been leading the whole time. Whatever station you told me, through the line with people that didn't know anything.
Gordon: I personally don't think you're ready to lead.
Keith: I personally think that you have a hard on for Virginia.
Gordon: Why did you have to be so fucking rude?
Keith: Because you're rude to me all the time.
Gordon: So? Now I definitely know I've made the right decision. So your attitude does stink.

Episode Ten [2.10] (Two Hour Finale)

Season 3

Episode One [3.01]

[Signature Dishes]

Gordon: And whose dish is that?
Vinnie: It's mine chef.
Gordon: What is the dish?
Vinnie: It is chorizo encrusted pink snapper.
Gordon: Where in the fuck's the snapper?
Vinnie: It's underneath.
Gordon: That's the snapper there?
Vinnie: Yes sir.
Gordon: Okay. [tastes] God, fuck. Do you think you can really seriously eat that without burning your mouth? What a disappointment.
Vinnie: I don't think so.
Gordon: Now you want to fucking argue. Back in line.
Vinnie: Yes, chef. (interview) I think he looked at me and said "This guy's really confident." and I think I intimidated him.
Gordon: What a fucking jerk.

Gordon: Whose is this?
Josh: (interview) Food is sex and everybody likes sex and everybody likes food. I want to make people feel like they just had great sex.
Gordon: Unfortunately it's raw. Raw foie gras. Take that. [gives a piece to Josh and they both taste]
Josh: (interview) That foie gras was goddamn perfect.
Gordon: That is way way way too salty my man.
Josh: (interview) Ok, I'll give him, it was a little salty.

Narrator: Very few of the chefs have impressed Chef Ramsay with their dishes. Now it's down to the final chef.
Gordon: Oh fuck me. Whose is this?
Aaron Song: (Dressed up as a cowboy) It's me chef.
Gordon: And where's your horse?
Aaron Song: I left him parked outside chef.
Gordon: I've never met an Asian cowboy.
Aaron Song: (interview) I knew I shouldn't have worn this outfit!
Gordon: You are one chunky monkey aren't you?
Aaron Song: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What is it?
Aaron Song: It's finger food chef so,
Gordon: How big are your fucking fingers?
Aaron Song: I have big hands.
Gordon: [tastes part of the dish] This is nice, just throw all that away. Your biggest problem is you don't know when to stop.
Aaron Song: (interview) My plate was full but, heck I would've eaten all the food on the plate.

Narrator: With the red team in shambles, Chef Ramsay turns to the blue team for some reassurance.
Gordon: Aaron, how are you feeling?
Aaron Song: Sorry. [starts to cry] I can't believe I'm crack-- I'm cracking up right now.
Gordon: Keep it together! For God's sakes, man!
Aaron Song: I don't know what's going on... [continues to cry]
Gordon: Now you're making me feel nervous! I am not going into service with this level of incompetence. You know that.
Jean-Philippe: (outside, to the waiting diners) Not too good... not too good...
Gordon: Stop fucking crying! Stop! STOP!! Do you want to go and lie down in the dorm?
Aaron Song: No sir, I'm fine chef. I apologize.
Gordon: You can do it.
Aaron Song: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Good man.

[Gordon checks on quail eggs brought up by Tiffany]

Gordon: Who cooked these quail eggs?
Tiffany Nagel: I did chef.
Gordon: Touch that there. It's like a plastic silicon implant. Fucking bin them. Get rid of them.

Gordon: (to Vinnie) Hey, just come here you... you're putting water in the risotto.
Vinnie: Chef, I put water in the risotto, we don't have any more stock.
Gordon: Oh, for fuck's sake...
Vinnie: (interview) Well, stock is made of water, and vegetables are made of water. No harm, no foul. That's all we have.
Gordon: [tastes] It tastes like gnat's piss. [coughs] Stop it! Look at me now, okay? Get off the section! Hey, Brad! Get on there. Get your arse on there. And stay on there!
Brad: (interview) It was a relief when Chef Ramsay put me on the appetizers, because the apps station was going down. It was going down, big time.
Gordon: And create the seasoning, please, yes?
Brad: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Vinnie!
Vinnie: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Wash up!

[Gordon gathers the Red team at the corner]

Gordon: What is going on?
Julia: I'm trying to help her (Tiffany) with her eggs, but she don't want me to fix it. That's all I'm saying.
Gordon: Okay, let me just tell you something: There's more argument going on than there is cooking. (to Tiffany) You're coming off the section.
Tiffany Nagel: Okay.
Gordon: (to Melissa) Melissa, get on the appetisers. (to Julia) You cook the fucking quail egg and can we just work as a little bit of a team?
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Right now, put it to bed, fucking concentrate!
Red team: Yes, chef!

Narrator: While it's total chaos in the red kitchen, in the blue kitchen, the retirement home chef seems to be feeling all of his 48 years.
Aaron Song: [washing his face with water] Oh, fuck.
Brad: (interview) I'd like to see Aaron get better.
Aaron Song: Oh, fuck.
Brad: (interview) Get better at cooking.
Aaron Song: I'm kind of dizzy right now. I'll be back in five, gentlemen.
Brad: (interview) He just gave up. I would never walk off the line short of being punched in the face. Finish your night.
[Aaron walks into a store room and takes off his jacket. Gordon follows him in there.]
Gordon: You've gone white.
Aaron Song: [whimpering] Chef, I don't want to quit because of me. I don't want to quit because...
Gordon: Hey.
Aaron Song: But, I don't want to quit because of the guys, they're trying so hard. Everybody's trying really hard.
Gordon: Hey, shhhhhhhh. Relax, relax, relax.
Narrator: With Aaron taking early retirement from the meat station, Josh jumps in and tries to save the day.
Josh: Two minutes in, Eddie, are you okay with two minutes on that?
Eddie: Yes.
Josh: Okay, two minutes!
Brad: Come on guys, no bickering, lets do it!
Josh: (interview) I was born for this.
Josh: Come on guys! (interview) Unfortunately, I myself, walked into the deepest pile of the shit.
Gordon: Josh,
Josh: Yes, chef?
Gordon: How many portions of chicken are overcooked?
Josh: One, two, three, four and that's all the chicken that we have, chef.
Gordon: So we've got no chicken anywhere?
Josh: We have no chicken, chef.

Scott Leibfried: We don't have any fucking chicken, we don't have any more Wellingtons, we don't have any fucking lettuce! We haven't served any food! How could we be out of anything?!

[the customers have begun leaving]

Gordon: (to the red team) Your tables are now getting up... pissed off, and leaving! NOTHING'S GETTING DONE.
[cuts to the blue kitchen where Eddie's pan catches fire]
Brad: Eddie, fill those out. They're going to taste like fucking lighter fluid.
Joanna: People fucked me up right now.
Gordon: Maryann, are they arguing again?
Maryann: Yes, chef, they are.
Gordon: (to the blue team) Just stop! [calls out the red team] Come here. Shut it down, forget it. The service, (to Jean-Philippe) we're shutting it down.

Gordon: You've got every right to look down, because that was embarrassing. Ladies, I've never seen girls bitch so much. It was just evil and twisted. Hell's Bitches.

Gordon: Vinnie, sixty minutes without any appetisers. What have you got to say?
Vinnie: I didn't know what you wanted. You didn't want to show me. So what did you want me to do?
Gordon: You two faced lazy little fucker!
Vinnie: Lazy?
Rock: (interview) All I could think to myself was, "Please shut up! Who are you talking to? Are you serious?" I just couldn't, I couldn't believe it.
Gordon: What do you want me to do? Wipe your arse?

Episode Two [3.02]

Aaron Song: (to the customers) My name's Aaron. I'm a chef. I'm one of your chefs tonight. And welcome to Hell's Kitchen.
Customers: Thank you.
Gordon: (to Jean Philippe) What in the fuck is Aaron doing in the dining room?
Aaron Song: My name's Aaron, and I'm a chef in Hell's Kitchen. Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.
Jean Philippe: He's talking to customers.
Gordon: He's talking to customers.
Aaron Song: My name's Aaron. Well, you already know my name because it's on my shirt!
Gordon: Get that fucking donkey out of there!

Narrator: 45 minutes into dinner service and Eddie's spaghetti has brought the blue kitchen to a standstill so Chef Ramsay turns to the women for a little hope.
Gordon: Spaghetti, scallops how long?
Bonnie: 3 minutes, chef.
Gordon: [sees what Bonnie is doing] What are you doing? What are you doing?
Bonnie: I'm doing 3 scallops, chef.
Gordon: See? I called one spaghetti, one scallops, then she's doing three scallops.
Bonnie: I thought I heard... I'm sorry. Okay, one scallop.
Gordon: Are you a dumb blonde?!
Bonnie: (interview) I feel like I'm the one that everybody sees as the idiot in the group, so I'm always trying to prove everybody wrong.
Gordon: Fucking Barbie.

[Gordon checks on Dover soles brought up by Vinnie]

Gordon: Vinnie!
Vinnie: Yes, chef?
Gordon: I thought by this stage you'd tell me the truth. I'm telling you, one nicely cooked there, yeah? And one that is cooked to fuck.
Vinnie: Yes, chef.

[Gordon tastes Eddie's risotto at the pass]

Gordon: Eddie! Oh, no. Oh, no! [returns to the workstation] ALL OF YOU! Taste it! It's inedible! [spits it out] It's way too peppery and you wouldn't even serve it to a fucking PIG! (to Eddie) Get off the section!
Eddie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Get off!
Eddie: Yes, chef.

[Gordon tastes Brad's risotto at the pass]

Gordon: Taste that. It's overcooked and peppery, Brad! Fucking wake up will you please, yes? That's the second one by two different cooks. One fucking risotto, as quick as possible please.
Brad: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Josh, what are you doing there, what are you doing there with that chicken there? Is that dry?
Josh: No, chef.
Gordon: It looks dry from here. Just touch that, that's the skin, my man. Yeah. Yeah.
Josh: Yes, chef. Yes, chef. [Gordon smashes the chicken from the plate] (interview) Did that honestly just happen? What just happened?!
Gordon: That's it, fuck it! [throws the chicken on the floor] That's dry.
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You, you, you, you! Hey, you, you! Come here! You, come here! Hey, you! Fucking come here, you! [calls out Aaron] Where's that fucking cowboy? Aaron! [Aaron enters the kitchen] Now you've (Josh) got dry chicken. You fucking donkey! You (Eddie) can't even do a fucking risotto, you know that? You (Aaron) can't even filet a fucking fish! You, you, you, you, you, you, fuck off out of here. Get out! GET OUT!! The fucking girls will finish the meal service! Get out!!

Gordon: Aaron, you're in the dining room like the President of the United States of America shaking hands with people. What the fuck was that all about?
Aaron Song: I apologize, chef. Obviously, I didn't do that great of a job.

Episode Three [3.03]

Bonnie: (interview; when troops wake up the chefs) I'm in the shower with conditioner in my hair. I was like run through the house half naked and I look like a drowned rat and I'm not happy.

Vinnie: (interview) It's was very disheartening to not to be able to serve the people that serve us.

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Joanna]

Gordon: Joanna!
Joanna: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Taste it quickly.
Joanna: Okay. [tastes the risotto]
Gordon: Come on, taste it. Let's go. [spits risotto out] It's soft, it's salty, yes? And it's just.. It's crap.
Joanna: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Bonnie]
Gordon: Who's coo... Who?...
Bonnie: I did the scallops, chef. What's wrong?
Gordon: What's wrong?
Bonnie: Are they raw?
Gordon: Oh, come on! Fucking hell! You just asked me are they raw. Why don't you tell me what the fuck they are?
Bonnie: They're raw, chef.
Gordon: [angrily throws a scallop in the bin] Fuck off!

Gordon: Gentlemen, today is about consistency. Brad.
Brad: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Are you consistently shit?!
Brad: No, chef!
Gordon: You're about to sink the navy, you dick-head!

Gordon: [smelling the crab] Hey, missy (Joanna), is that crab high to you? Anyone else smell that? Where's the crab? [picks up the container and smells it] Ugh! Maryann, smell that-- [seeing Joanna trying to leave] hey you, don't you fucking dare! Come here you! Hello!
Maryann: [smelling the crab] Oh god.
Gordon: Can you not smell that? The crab is off. It's fucking rancid! How can you do that?
Joanna: I did not smell the crab chef.
Bonnie: (interview) I can't believe Joanna had been using that. I mean, it just made you sit up and go "Whoa!"
Gordon: Have you sent one out already?
Joanna: No, chef, we haven't.
Gordon: Thank God for that! YOU'LL KILL SOMEONE!! [throws the crab in the bin] Hey... get off! Get off! Julia, take over.
Julia: Yes, chef.
Jean Philippe: Should I recommend something else?
Gordon: Oh, you fuck recommend. Yeah, recommend a new restaurant!

[Rock delivers his scallops to the pass with eggs cooked by Vinnie]
Gordon: Hey, hello! Come here, donkeys! Here we go. We started. Come here! What is that?
Brad: It's a raw egg.
Gordon: What is that? [shows the egg to Josh] Wha-what is that? What is that? [slams the raw egg in Vinnie's whites] Fuck off, will you? Fuck off! Okay?!
Rock: (interview) He slammed that shit right in Vinnie's... chest and Vinnie tensed up and he was about to bust and all I could think was, "Oh, my God. Do not lose your head."
Gordon: Fuck off!! Hey, why did you let it go when you know it's not fucking ready?
Vinnie: I screwed up again chef.
Gordon: Hey, look at me now. You've now just confirmed to my mind you're not trustworthy! So fuck you!
Vinnie: (interview) It's tough to bite your tongue. I just figured take it, it's the only way to win and you'll be alright.
Gordon: Start the fucking table again.

Jen Yemola: Julia, what you got in here is enough for two orders.
Julia: Okay.
Jen Yemola: I'm going to toss all this (spaghetti) out. [dumps it in the garbage]
Gordon: Away next, scallop, risotto, spaghetti yes?
Julia: Ladies, spaghetti!
Jen Yemola: You need more spaghetti Julia? Oh, I fucking just tossed it! Let me just get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. (interview) We had an order for spaghetti and I threw out what we had and I just decided to retrieve the spaghetti from the top of the garbage and washed it. 212 (degrees) kills the bacteria and I decided to serve it.
Julia: Where did you get it from?
Jen Yemola: The garbage on top.
Julia: Oh no, no, no. No way. (interview) Who in the world picks food out of the trash? You can't just do anything in the heat of the moment.
Gordon: (not having seen what Jen did) How long Julia?
Julia: Six minutes chef.
Gordon: Oh dear.
Narrator: Julia's quality control kept garbage from being served and Jen should consider herself lucky Chef Ramsay didn't witnessed her mistake. Meanwhile in the blue kitchen, the pressure is on Josh and Brad to get out some entrées.
Gordon: Let's do two wellingtons, one turbot. Lets go.
Brad: Josh, did you hear that? I'm going on two wellingtons. Can you, I need you guys to go.
Josh: That's not a problem. How long on the wellingtons?
Brad: I can go right now.
Josh: No, I can't.
Brad: You can't? I need to pull this out then.
Gordon: Hey, JOSH!!
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Fucking little bastard! Hey, are you just trying to sabotage them?
Josh: No way, chef.
Gordon: So that it makes you look good?
Josh: No way, chef.
Gordon: Who's the first person you should be telling?
Josh: I should talk to him (Brad), chef. I should talk to meat station. It was my fault, chef. (defensively) No sabotage. (interview) I wasn't trying to sabotage. Are you crazy?
Gordon: You deserve a kick in the nuts.
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Hey, start the fucking table again.

[Gordon notices Brad scraping off the bottom of a burnt wellington]
Josh: Brad, two minutes.
Brad: Yes, no go in two minutes 45 seconds.
Gordon: Hold on, there's someone being dishonest. Lift the bottom of the wellington over. [Brad does so] Oh come on. You give me them anaemic bits of shit, I'll fucking throw them up your arse sideways. [kicks a bin] Where's your fucking brain? I just cannot believe this! Can we have the two main courses TOGETHER?!!! [kicks the bins] SHIT!!! (groans)

[Gordon asks for wellingtons in the red kitchen]

Gordon: Where's the wellington? How long?
Jen Yemola: [comes up to Gordon] My wellingtons are going to be overdone.
Gordon: Oh, for fuck's sake! Oh, come on!!
[cuts to the dining room]
Male diner: I'm not waiting another minute for my main course.
Gordon: Seventeen (wellingtons) on order and you've got three to send. We're fourteen short!
Jean-Philippe: (to a female diner) You don't want to stay a bit longer?
Female diner: Uhm, no.
[the customers have begun leaving. Jean-Philippe returns to the pass]
Jean-Philippe: Chef, they are all walking out. To the left and 12, 14, from both sides, chef.
Gordon: (to the red team) Stop! (calls the blue team) Come here! Hey, hello, chef (Josh), sabotage! Your tables are now getting up and leaving! Fuck off, will you, yeah?! [gets the tickets from the pass, crumples them and throws them away] Get out! GET OUT!!!

[after the service in which the Red team lost]
Gordon: Fucking hell! I still smell that (rancid) crab!

Gordon: Not only did Joanna serve rancid crab that could've seriously made a customer ill, she completely gave up, screwed her team, and if you can't handle one individual section, you got no chance of running a business.

Episode Four [3.04]

[During the blind taste test.]

Gordon: Ready? Brad, you sack of shit.
Gordon: Come on, what is that? Hello?
Brad: Papaya?
Gordon: Fucking carrot, you doughnut.
[the Blue team lost and was forced to eat various organ meats]
Gordon:: Your palates are shit, so taste everything on this platter.

Gordon: You, Melissa? You're running the appetisers, yes?
Melissa Firpo: Yes.
Gordon: You're running ahead, and no-one's with you. You're not a team player. Right now, I need some team fucking spirit!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: I might kick you out and I'll do the fucking section myself!
Melissa Firpo: Yes, chef!
Gordon: I know what your game is. You just want to get all the appetisers out.
Melissa Firpo: No chef, I swear to God that's not true.
Gordon: Look good, [pretends to put makeup on] Oh, fuck me. [pretends to adjust his boobs] Oh, fuck me! Fuck off. Piss off. Fucking bimbo.

Gordon: We're waiting on you Bonnie! Is that just sliced in half there and put back in the pan?
Bonnie: [points at chicken on the cutting board] This chef?
Gordon: Oh no, Bonnie, not that. You're fucking here, you stupid cat. D'you know what? Every time I've asked you a sensible question, you give me a dumb blonde answer.
Bonnie: Sorry chef.
Gordon: Right, let's go back to the beginning shall we?
Bonnie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Have you just sliced the chicken in half and stuck it back in the oven?
Bonnie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Is it dry?
Bonnie: It doesn't feel dry but I'll start over.
Gordon: It's fucking lost its texture. Right now, you're all screwing your fucking selves. Is the chicken in for the langoustine?
Bonnie: [points to the same chicken] Yes, chef. Right here.
Gordon: Fuck me. No that's the main course one.
Bonnie: It's right here.
Gordon: Listen, Hey, listen, it's not in.
Bonnie: It's not in but I'm putting it in now.
Gordon: Right so - here we go again. - When are you going to fucking shut up? I'VE HAD ENOUGH NOW! Stop lying to me! You're saying yes all the fucking time YET NOTHING'S DONE!!! WORK TOGETHER!!
Red team: Yes, chef!

[A tall lady comes to the hotplate demanding for food]
Gordon: Jean-Philippe, what table is the lady from, please? So we can find out where food is, please?
Jean-Philippe: 23 chef.
Gordon: 23, blue, yes?
Jean-Philippe: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Take the giraffe back to her table please. Service please, let's go.
Lady: Excuse me?! I'm asking for service and he's being rude.
Gordon: Let's go. (to the tall lady) Fuck off, will you? Move your fucking arse, will you?

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Vinnie]
Gordon: Is that medium there?
Scott Leibfried: He was flashing them in the oven after they were cooked.
Gordon: [returns to the workstation] Okay guys. Just stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP!!!! Blue donkeys, come here! Touch that, touch that. IT'S RARE!! You (Vinnie), look at me. You don't care anymore, you know that?

Gordon: (checking Vinnie's wellingtons) Vinnie!
Vinnie: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Vinnie, come on chef. Look, raw pastry's trimmed off the bottom. That's the shit you don't send to the customers. It's still left on. Tell him to trim them please?
Rock: Trim them real quick.
Gordon: Chef Vinnie!
Vinnie: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Look at me. Can you trim it properly?
Vinnie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And bring it to the hotplate and cut the pastry with a straighted knife. Donkey! Is it every other one is right? Or is it one in three is right?
Vinnie: No, chef. This one's perfect.
Gordon: This one's perfect. What have you overcooked? How much have you binned?
Vinnie: I fucked a lot up but I'm on it now.
Gordon: [seeing Vinnie's wasted meat] Oh, no!
Vinnie: (interview) I kept my own private garbage bin on my station and I had six wellington orders and one chicken in my bin.
Gordon: Hey, a restaurant wouldn't even open with that. You'd close it before you got anywhere. [slams the tray on Vinnie's station]
Vinnie: (interview) It was a mistake. It's an expensive mistake.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me senseless!

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with pasta]
Jean-Philippe: Table 20, spaghetti undercooked chef.
Gordon: Blue, yes?
Jean Philippe: Oui chef.
Gordon: Where's fucking pretty-boy sushi man (Josh), where is he?
Josh: Right here, chef.
Gordon: Complaint: raw spaghetti. No don't fucki-- [grunts] The fuck you call that? What do you think you are? WWF Wrestling?! DICK! Taste it!

[Gordon gathers both teams to the pass]
Gordon: Let me just tell you something: The customers are deciding which team is winning this evening. Your fate is in their hands, yet you still send crap! One more dish back, and I'm going to fucking shut it down. Now, get a grip!

Gordon: Oh, God. Fucking hell. I'm just getting so fucking wound up. It's not going anywhere. We're not getting anything out. Everything's fucking done, clearly given up, and it's fucking embarrassing.
Red Team: No, chef!
Jean-Philippe: [returning with a dish] Chef?
Gordon: Aw, fuck off! Oh, fuck off! [kicks a bin] Fuck off! What did they say?
Jean-Philippe: Chicken being cold, chef.
Gordon: Ah?
Jean-Philippe: Chicken being cold.
Gordon: Right, hey, gentlemen. Hey, ladies, yeah, all look good well over. Hey, Barbie! (Bonnie) Do your hair before you come over! Stone-cold chicken, fucking salty fucking garnish, yeah? And fucking - there you go chef, there you go. [drops the dish on the floor] Fucking clear down.
Josh: (interview) Chef was furious. He dropped the plate, he said "Fuck off! Shut down!" And we were SO goddamn close again! Damn it.

Gordon: Vinnie talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. The bottom line with Vinnie is he's a crap cook.

Episode Five [3.05]

[During the cooking challenge, while cooking the duck breast]

Julia: Bonnie, do I sear it until it gets really, really crispy?
Bonnie: No, you have to do it very slowly. It's not a sear.
Melissa Firpo: [pushing in next to Julia] What's the problem? Julia, ask me if you have any questions.
Bonnie: Alright...
Julia: What is your problem, Melissa?
Melissa Firpo: You're supposed to listen to me, not Bonnie.
Bonnie: (interview) Excuse me?!

Melissa Firpo: Check in on your duck, Julia. You took it out of the oven.
Julia: Yeah, so it won't burn.
Melissa Firpo: I think you should stick it back in, just for a little while.
Julia: But it's already medium.
Melissa Firpo: Guys, all the food has to be plated hot. I'm assuming that you have just a little bit of knowledge of how to cook...
Julia: Don't assume!
Melissa Firpo: ...otherwise, you shouldn't be here.
Julia: I thought that you knew how to cook, too!
Bonnie: (to herself) I am above all this.
[cut to Rock, who is standing in the storeroom by the red kitchen]
Rock: Argue, argue. Hell's Bitches, Hell's Bitches. Yes!

[Both teams have been cooking meals for a wedding reception in Hell's Kitchen]

Gordon: This menu is a crucial, critical menu. Did you use the time wisely?
Red Team: No, chef.
Gordon: What? No?
Bonnie: Too many people were arguing on our team chef.
Gordon: Oh, come on, ladies. Why are we arguing Julia on such an important occasion?
Julia: Because there was one person who wanted to run around and do every single thing.
Gordon: Who was in charge?
Melissa: I'm in charge, but unfortunately I can't do everything at once. I need help.
Gordon: Stop. I didn't put you in charge, madam. You're standing there acting like some jumped up little cavewoman. Today's challenge quite frankly was a team effort. Let's hope what you have produced in the last hour is delicious.

[The teams are tied one to one in the wedding reception challenge]

Narrator: Now it all comes down to the meat entrée.
Rock: (interview) Tied 1-1. All the pressure is riding
Gordon: Third and final dish. Please present the meat entrées.
Melissa: (to Jen) We shouldn't send it.
Gordon: Please present the meat entrées together.
Rock: Ready, Jen?
Melissa Firpo: Jen, don't send it. Don't.
Gordon: Melissa, I don't know what you're trying to do, or whether you're trying to upset our guests. But right now, I'm starting to get pissed. Now will you send your food?!
Rock: Let's go. [Rock and Jen bring the meat entrées to the table.]
Gordon: Right. Domes off. [Rock and Jen reveal their dishes, Jen's dish is a small dried up duck breast on a bare plate.] Alright... okay... ahem...
Bonnie: (interview) There are no words to say how humiliating it was serving a piece of shit duck to a husband and wife to be. I really wanted to disintegrate.
Gordon: Oh dear. Jen.
Jen Yemola: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Describe the dish.
Jen Yemola: That's a duck breast... um...
Gordon: First of all, I'm deeply embarrassed.
Jen Yemola: I am as well. (interview) I was so embarrassed you know. They probably think I cooked it. I had nothing to do with that!
Gordon: Rock, please explain.
Rock: We have a dry aged rib eye that's been pan seared and served with wild mushroom cream sauce.
Gordon: Thank you. [gives Carlotta the rib eye and Cyrus the duck breast]
Cyrus: [trying to cut through the duck] Oh wow, this is really tough.
Gordon: I'm so sorry. Nobody's going to be eating that, are they? [takes the duck away and covers it with a napkin, then looks at the Red Team in disgust]
Carlotta: [tasting the rib eye] This is delicious. That's great.
Cyrus: Definitely.
Narrator: Rock's rib eye easily beats the women's lame duck and the men win their first challenge in Hell's Kitchen.
Josh: (interview) Two things are happening right now. Number one, we finally got a win and we feel great about it. Number two, it's open hunting season on chicks and we're about to start picking them off one by one.
Gordon: My, er, apologies, and we'll do all that we can to make sure it's a very special day. Thank you for joining us for the tasting.
Carlotta: Thank you. [she and Cyrus leave]
Gordon: (to the Red Team) You four Hell's Bitches, I am embarrassed. I don't think I've ever, EVER been so embarrassed inside this restaurant in my entire life. That was a joke! You should be ashamed. All four of you are going to work your arses off. Get. Out. My. Sight!

[During preparation for the wedding reception, Melissa has burned a potato dish and has to redo it]
Gordon: They are getting fucking married! I can't stop the church!

Gordon: (to Josh) You still look fabulous by the way, yeah? You should be covering GQ: you, front cover, "Captain Dick".
Josh: (interview) Chef wants to put me on the cover of GQ. That's fine and good. But what I'm waiting for is for him to put me in charge of Green Valley Ranch.

[During the wedding reception, the wedding MC (Francisco) comes to the pass to demand faster service from Gordon]
Francisco: Gordon?
Gordon: [calls the waiters] Service, please! (to Francisco) Can you get out of the fucking way? I'm trying to serve food. You get out of the way. Stand out of the fucking way!!
Francisco: Okay, I think that went well.
Gordon: Unbelievable.

[Melissa has been struggling throughout service]

Gordon: Just come here. Can you stop pissing around? Stand up straight. What is your game here today? What is your fucking game? Something just happened to you. You just switched off completely. You're turning into a right little bitch!
Melissa Firpo: No, chef.
Gordon: Wake up!
Melissa Firpo: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Fucking pathetic!

Gordon: Where is the sauce for the sea bass?
Josh: It's right here, Chef. [brings his sauce to the pass]
Narrator: Josh is moving fast to get entrées to the pass.
Gordon: Hey you, come here.
Narrator: ...maybe, a little too fast.
Gordon: Heat the sauce up! IT'S STONE-COOOOOOOLD!!!

Episode Six [3.06]

[The blue team has lost the lobster challenge]
Gordon: Losers, unfortunately, your punishment is at the other end of the spectrum. It's incredibly unglamourous. I can't think of any worse place to be. Today, I'm looking for everything that's possible to be recycled from every garbage bin inside this restaurant.
Rock: I've never seen anything inside of a garbage can that should be taken out. I might find this a little difficult.
Gordon: I can guarantee that within one hour, you'll find something.
Rock: (interview) Chef Ramsay tells us that they get to go to In Touch magazine and we have to dig through some fucking trash. I grew up in the ghetto in the hood. I ain't never been in no trash.
Brad: Let's take our punishment like gentlemen.
Gordon: Brad, thank you for being a man.
Brad: Thank you chef.
Rock: I guess I'm not a man. [starts throwing and slamming stuff as the blue team cleans up the kitchen] (interview) I'm pissed off! That was the dumbest fucking decision I've seen! That was bullshit!
Brad: (interview) Rock, he was pissed. Pissed to the point where I thought he was going to flip out.
Rock: What kind of shit is that?
Brad: (interview) I'm sorry, "thought". He flipped out.
Rock: Lobster bisque.You can get that shit at motherfucking Corner Bakery! (interview) You can go everywhere and get a fucking lobster soup! A grilled bullshit salad with some fucking apple! ORIGINALITY!! BE CREATIVE!!
Rock: And they get the fucking win! (interview) They're not creative over there and we lose?! What the fuck is original about a crab and lobster bisque?! NOTHING!!!
Melissa: Does Rock always get that mad?
Brad: I've never seen Rock that mad.
Josh: Never.

Gordon: Brad?
Brad: Yes, Chef?
Gordon: Two appetisers, you served me three. It's not a good start, guys. Water's not boiling properly for the fucking pasta, I call away a spaghetti and a fucking sea bass, I get a risotto as a little gift I don't fucking need. Stop panicking!

Gordon: Is the mashed potatoes ready yet?
Josh: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Hey, Scott. It looks like gloopy and runny, it's like he's pouring it into a fucking bowl! [bangs the overhead] (to Josh) Hey, come here. Do we put salt in the potatoes?
Josh: Uhm, not at all, chef.
Gordon: Get some potatoes on you.
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [kicks a bin and throws his spoon away] Fuck off! Fuck off! It's like a bunch of fucking babies here!

Gordon: Melissa?
Melissa Firpo: Yes, Chef?
Gordon: It's like paper scallops.
Melissa Firpo: I'll get new ones, Chef.
Gordon: [handing Melissa's scallops to Brad and Josh] There you go.
Josh: (interview) Some of the scallops she did, they were, like, thin as a paper; there's like nothing there.
Gordon: Pass it back to Chef Melissa, the fucking gremlin. Everything she touches, she screws, there you go.
Melissa Firpo: Sorry guys.
Gordon: Hey, madam, this is not our first night?
Melissa Firpo: Yes, chef. No, chef.
Gordon: "Yes, chef. No, chef?" Fucking gremlin.

Melissa Firpo: Monkfish chef.
Gordon: Eh, right. Uhm, Fish King, (Josh) come here you. There's the monkfish.
Melissa Firpo: Overcooked?
Josh: It's overcooked.
Gordon: Oh, god almighty. You don't know that's overcooked?
Melissa Firpo: Sorry chef.
Gordon: Hey, Brad, she doesn't know that's overcooked. Rock, she doesn't know that's chewed to fuck and overcooked. Scott, she doesn't know that's overcooked?
Scott Leibfried: Oh, my God. Completely.
Rock: (interview) Melissa was nervous, I could see it in her eyes and she fell apart. The monkfish was overdone. Pressure busts pipes, baby!
Gordon: It looks like regurgitated dog shit. Where's other monkfish gone?
Melissa Firpo: I have one left chef.
Gordon: Oh, no! So the six top on order are all shit?
Melissa Firpo: Yes.
Gordon: No, no, nooooo! Right Rock, listen to me, no choice now. Stop the veg, get on the fish. You! (referring Melissa) Oi, oi! Get on the garnish. Get the fuck off of there! GET OFF!!

[An entire table of entrées has returned to the blue kitchen and Gordon has had it]
Gordon: What's the matter?
Jean-Philippe: Lobster's chewy, chef. And the beef overdone.
Gordon: Ohhhh, no. The whole fucking six top returned. Hello, look at me. Thanks (Melissa) for overcooking the monk-fish. Thanks (Josh) for shafting me on the mashed potatoes, and thanks (Brad) for being a twat on the appetisers. It's just so sad. Shut it down! Clear down.
Man: What about dessert?
Jean-Philippe: When it's closed, it's closed.
Man: Fuck that!

Gordon: Brad, tonight you were shit. In fact, you were worse than shit. You complemented shit.

Gordon: With Melissa, she's very assertive, and she sounds like a leader, but unfortunately, she doesn't cook like a leader.

Episode Seven [3.07]

Gordon: Hello! Hey, hey, hey! We haven't got the garnish now! The team's not working together and I'm getting a little bit pissed now! Not one of you talking, see what's happening!
Julia: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're just screwing your fucking selves!
Julia: I see what's happening.
Gordon: NO-ONE'S EVEN TALKING TO EACH OTHER!!! [kicks the bins]

Gordon: (to Josh) Where's the lamb? How long please? HOW LONG, PLEASE?!!
Josh: Lamb's coming right now, chef.
Gordon: Let's go.
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Hey, you. Hey, donkey.
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: One's nicely cooked, yeah, coloured, one's boiled. Fuck off, will you? So we're under pressure now and this is where it separates the fucking chef from a donkey! Come here! Let me tell you something.
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Let me tell you something in your ear: YOU CAN'T COOK! That's what's just been confirmed to me.
Josh: Good to go? We're coming, Rock.
Gordon: Yeah, you're coming. So is your fucking elimination. Come round. Just look what you're doing here, you DOUGHNUT! Look, BOILED, BOILED, BOILED, BOILED! DONKEY!
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I expected perfect!

Gordon: Hey, Josh.
Josh: Yes, chef?
Gordon: I wouldn't trust you in a hotdog stand.
Josh: Yes, chef.

Gordon: (to the Red Team) They've (The Blue Team) overtaken you now! Two turbot, One New York strip. Bonnie, you're cooking and your fucking gas isn't even on!

[Bonnie gives a shocked face]

Gordon: [makes fun of Bonnie] OH IS IT? Oh! Don't panic Bonnie, if we go at your pace we're fucked - no-one's going to get fed - let's go -
Bonnie: I don't even know what I'm doing right now chef
Gordon: Hey missy, turn the fucking gas on, it would help!

Episode Eight [3.08]

Gordon: On order, four covers table 32: Scallops, Mullet, Langoustine straight after yes?
Josh: Yes, chef! (interview) I'm working app(etizer)s tonight. I'm totally 100% confident in myself to get the team started off with a bang. (to his team mates) Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Gordon: [finds that Josh has cooked risotto ahead] Why is the risotto on? We haven't given one away. How long has that been on there for?
Josh: That's been on there for four minutes. These were on there earlier. They're going away.
Gordon: [finds that Josh has cooked five other risottos] Fucking h-- how many are you doing? Can someone stop this guy? You've started panicking, my ma. How many fucking risottos are you doing up front? Look at all these pans!
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What is going on? Let me just tell you something: we've opened, we haven't served anything yet, and we've lost money. What a fucking doughnut!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Rock; they're badly overcooked]
Gordon: Rock!
Rock: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Yeah, you can fuck yourself! Look at that there, look at that. There you go. Come on! Oh, fucking hell. Three more scallops in! It takes one minute to sauté the scallops. Is that what we serve in Hell's Kitchen?
Rock: Not at all, chef.
Gordon: We're going from fucking bad to worse, man.
Bonnie: (interview) It just seemed so comical. Rock and Josh aren't doing well.
Gordon: Scallops, risottos, spaghetti! (to Josh) What's in that basket?
Josh: This is one of the pulled--
Gordon: Why? Just talk to me. Why? Why? Why? [sees that there's already spaghetti in the basket]
Josh: Starting over. Starting over.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me. In your restaurant when you come in here do you cook spaghetti before the customer orders it?
Josh: Never, chef.
Gordon: So why are you doing it here?
Josh: It was wrong.
Gordon: Fuck. Oh was it really wrong? Even my mum cooks spaghetti seven minutes before she wants it. Get it in the bin!

[Deleted Scene]
Gordon: Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck. Josh, you're putting more spaghetti in! It's not away!
Josh: I heard two spaghetti.
Gordon: It's the third and fourth table that's right. PUT IT IN THE BIN!
Josh: Going in the bin right now chef.
Gordon: Oh fuck me.

Narrator: While Julia struggles to keep her station under control, Josh continues to test Chef Ramsay's patience.
Gordon: What the fuck is he doing? [sees more spaghetti in the basket] Wha? More spaghetti in there! [dumps it in the bin]
Josh: Sorry.
Gordon: We cook spaghetti to order! Even the fucking, dirtiest, scummiest Italian restaurant in Venice Beach cooks spaghetti to order you donkey!
Josh: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I'm just wondering what the fuck you're doing?
Josh: I'm here chef.
Gordon: You're pushing me to the fucking limit big boy. Huh?

[7:04 PM]
Narrator: More than a hour into dinner service, guests are finally getting a taste of Josh's appetizers.
Jean-Philippe: How is everything?
Lady #1: [whispers in JP's ear] It's under-cooked.
Lady #2: Oh, my God!
[Jean-Philippe returns the risotto to the pass]
Jean-Philippe: Risotto is under-cooked, chef.
Gordon: Sorry?
Jean-Philippe: It's under-cooked, chef.
Gordon: Oh, my God almighty! [tastes the risotto, then spits it out] Ugh! Ugh! Oh, fuck off! oh, fuck-- come here! Come here! Come here, you! What are you doing? Just what the fuck are you doing?! Every table so far, nothing's coming out. You're standing there, you're screwing me, and you're fucking useless! What are you doing?!
Josh: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, do me a favour.
Josh: Yes, chef?
Gordon: [rips Josh's jacket open] Take that off and FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE! GET OUT! GET OUT!! Hey, you! leave the jacket and GET OUT!! GET OUT!!! [throws a spoon at Josh, then follows him to the back area; Josh takes his jacket off]
Gordon: Give me the jacket! Give me the fucking jacket! [Gordon takes the jacket from Josh, crumples it up and throws it into the storeroom] Fucking useless sack of shit! Get out!!! GET OUT!!!
Josh: (interview; imitates a bomb falling and exploding) I would've given my right arm to stay in this service and keep fighting. I came here with a dream to win. And it appears it's over. It appears that Green Valley Ranch is not in my future. Dream's over guys.

Narrator: The four remaining chefs have managed to move on to desserts. But the moment is anything but sweet.
Rock: What is this? Is this yours?
Jen Yemola: That's the ice cream base. Put it over there if you could on the sink. [Rock puts the base on the counter where Bonnie is working. Jen reaches in front of Bonnie for the container.] Asshole!
Rock: You a fucking asshole!
Gordon: Hey, hey, hey! Do you mind? We're not arguing amongst ourselves are we?
Jen Yemola: No, chef.
Gordon: Yeah the fucking weak link is gone, now you should start fucking working as a team!
Rock: Don't jump when you say jump!
Bonnie: Stop, stop, stop.
Rock: Who the fuck you think you're talking to.
Bonnie: Stop!
Gordon: I can not run this kitchen like this!
Jen Yemola: Big man. Big man.
Rock: Big man shit.
Gordon: SHUT THE FUCK UP!! [bangs the overhead] Enough's enough.
Rock: Big man shit!
Bonnie: You guys, knock it off. Okay, we got one brulee, one panna cotta, and then we're done.
Narrator: Despite the ongoing fighting,...
Rock: Simple ass broad.
Jen Yemola: You're crazy.
Narrator: ...The aspiring chefs manage to successfully complete dinner service.

Episode Nine [3.09]

[Gordon has introduced his mother to the three remaining chefs]
Gordon: Rock, no cursing.
Rock: No, chef.
Gordon: Never ever in front of your mum.

Episode Ten [3.10]

Episode Eleven [3.11]

[Deleted Scene]
Scott Leibfried: (to Josh right before dinner service) You two need to get it together right fucking now! Don't make any of your stupid fucking things for Rock or I will take you outside and beat the shit out of you! You fuck him over and I'm coming after you! You got it? You got it?
Josh: Yes, chef.
Scott Leibfried: You understand me? Look at my eyes, I am coming for you if you fuck him over! You got it?
Josh: I will not fuck him over.
Scott Leibfried: (to Vinnie) You too!

[Deleted Scene]
Vinnie: How long on the garnish? Chef Scott?
Scott Leibfried: Am I in charge of the garnish now because you two fucking dickheads can't handle it? Green beans are coming right up. How long on the garnish? Because you two douchebags can't handle it. "How long on the fucking garnish?" I love that. What's the next pickup?
Rock: Surf and turf snapper?
Scott Leibfried: I'm not fucking talking to either one of you schmucks! Shut your fucking mouths, alright?

Season 4

Episode One [4.01]

[the fifteen chefs enter Hell's Kitchen and meet Jean Philippe. Among them is Gordon in disguise.]
Jean Philippe: Welcome to Hell's Kitchen. You must be all very excited to meet Chef Gordon Ramsay. Actually, I'm quite good at doing an impression of him. "ONE SPAGHETTI! ONE RISOTTO! ONE CRAB! WHAT IS THIS?! NOOOOOOOOOOO! IT'S OVERCOOKED!!" What about you? Can you do a little impression of Gordon?
Jean Philippe: How about you?
Jason: "Come on! Where is it?!"
Jean Philippe: I think you're going to have to work on it. What about you big guy?
Gordon: (steps up front) Jean Philippe, it's time to open Hell's Kitchen.
Bobby: (interview) Damn, he's doing it real good.
Gordon: Come here, you! You donkey!
Shayna: (interview) Wait a minute.
Gordon: STOP! Shut it down!
Louross: (interview) I know that voice.
Gordon: That's right. It's me. (removes his disguise. The chefs start screaming and hollering.)
Rosann: (interview) Oh, my God! I've been sitting next to the chef on the bus the whole fucking time!
Dominic: (interview) Whoo! Didn't know it was coming.
Gordon: Halt! Let's see if you guys can actually cook as well as you shout off on the bus. And you, the black Gordon Ramsay right?
Bobby: Yes sir. Four star general.
Gordon: Time to button it now and start cooking. Get in there and cook me your signature dishes. Let's go!

[Signature Dishes]
Gordon: Please god, let there be something on the next plate. [reveals Matt's signature dish] Woah.
Matt: (interview) My signature dish is going to help me stand out, because I'm a true culinary. I understand what Gordon's looking for.
Gordon: What is it?
Matt: I call it Exotic Tartare. Because it's with venison and diver scallops, with caviar and white chocolate and...
Gordon: Whoa stop. Let me get this right again. Either that or I'm just about to be Punk'd. Diver scallops chopped up, caviar and white chocolate. Do you smoke?
Matt: Cigarettes?
Gordon: No. Raw venison, raw quail egg, lime zest, olive oil, scallops, caviar and grated white chocolate. [takes a taste] Capers as well. [chews for about 15 seconds then throws up in the bin.]
Narrator: After a disastrous start to the signature dish tasting, Chef Ramsay has lost more than just his hope.
Gordon: That must be one of the worst combinations I've ever tasted in 21 years of cooking. Piss off will you?
Matt: (interview) I really don't understand what Chef Ramsay didn't like about the dish. I'm a little boggled on that.
Gordon: [picks up the platter and throws it into the trash can] Unreal!

Narrator: With Rosann's dish receiving a good review from Chef Ramsay, things might be looking up.
Gordon: [reveals Petrozza's dish, which is a whole pumpkin] Oh, fuck me...
Narrator: ...Or are they?
Gordon: What in the fuck? Happy Halloween?
Petrozza: (interview) People ask me what my speciality is. But, I don't have a speciality; I can cook anything.
Gordon: What is that?
Petrozza: There's a Cornish hen inside, Chef.
Gordon: A Cornish hen? What'd you do to it to get it in there?
Petrozza: It got in there-- I got it in-- I got it in there.
Gordon: Holy shit. [removes the pumpkin] These are potatoes?
Petrozza: Yes, sir.
Gordon: In how much grease and fat and oil did you fry them?
Petrozza: There's some butter in there.
Gordon: [holding up the potatoes, letting a ton of grease run off his arm] Some butter in that?
Petrozza: That's a lot of butter.
Gordon: Well, just stop there. That goes in there. [scrapes the potatoes into the bin] And let's see what we got for trick-or-treat, shall we?
Petrozza: Okay.
Gordon: [removes the top of the pumpkin] Oh, my god... How do you get in there and eat it? I mean, am I missing a trick?
Petrozza: It's plated tableside.
Gordon: Oh.
Petrozza: It's- it's presented like that.
Gordon: Alright, off you go. [Petrozza splits the pumpkin open, revealing a greasy blob of food] Oh, my god. Okay, stop right there. I don't think I'll get through that, do you?
Petrozza: Okay, no.
Gordon: So, what's the, uh... dish called?
Petrozza: "Hen in a Pumpkin."
Gordon: Right now, looking at that mess, I'd like to stick your fucking head in there, you know that. [tastes the dish] It's dry.
Petrozza: Yeah, well...
Gordon: And the pumpkin's not even seasoned inside, it's bland! You'd have a better chance of sticking a candle in there for Halloween to make me happy than you would sticking a hen in there. Fuck off.
Petrozza: (interview) Chef Ramsay said he was looking for something memorable. And you know, I believe my dish was memorable.

Gordon: Bobby, what are the five entrées on the menu?
Bobby: Uh... we have... uh, I'm not sure.

[Gordon puts his hand over his face and Christina raises her hand]

Gordon: Matt, what are the five entrées?
Matt: Uh... there's uh... [Now Jen and Shayna also have their hands raised, just like Christina] I don't know chef.
Gordon: WHAT!? Petrozza WHAT ARE THE ENTREÉS!?
Petrozza: Um... um...
Narrator: Chef Ramsay has just discovered one minor problem...
Ben: (interview) Nobody has a damn clue of what's going on!
Gordon: My God! Christina what are the five entrées?
Christina: We have a lamb en croute, salmon, john dory, beef fillet and poached and roasted chicken, sir.
Gordon: Thank you. (in a sigh of relief)
Christina: (smirks) (interview) The guys suck and they're going to go down in flames. That makes me happy!
Gordon: Guys, what is the matter? Already you look like a bunch of dicks and we haven't even fucking opened!
Matt: (interview) Knowing the menu is one thing, cooking the menu is another thing.

Gordon: Sharon, enough's enough! Fuck off and go put some more makeup on!

[Petrozza is performing tableside flambés in the dining room.]
Gordon: Petrozza, don't set the room on fire you donkey!

Gordon: Scallops, risotto, how long?
Jason: Right now, right now. [brings his risotto to the pass]
Gordon: Where's the scallops? [Dominic is still holding raw scallops in his hand] What's he done?
Scott Leibfried: They're like little burnt bits of something here.
Gordon: Oh, my God. The rice is overcooked.
Jason: Ow, that's hot!
Gordon: Hey you, come here! I've had enough! You can't even get two fucking dishes together. That's how shit you've been! I don't want any more embarrassments. I JUST WANT TO GO WITH SOME FOOD!!
Narrator: It's over an hour into the first dinner service, and Jason is about to get an invitation.
Gordon: Sit down and eat that! I want you to taste what you are trying to serve Hell's Kitchen. Sit down. Let me know when you're done. I'll get dessert!
Jason: (interview) I am horribly embarrassed at myself. I should've fucking stayed home.
Gordon: Stuff your face, you bastard!

Gordon: [returning Sharon's eggs to the workstation] Who turn the eggs around like that? You served eggs like that?
Christina: (interview) Hello! I know it thinks that hard to fry an egg.
Gordon: [sees a fried egg with in disgust] I want them up! OH, COME ON!!! (to Rosann) Rosann, can you take control?
Rosann: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Vanessa, get the captain's badge on from your fucking arm will you?!
(Gives the badge to Rosann)
Gordon: Rosann, away!
Rosann: Okay ladies, come on let's get one scallop, one caesar to this window, how long?
Vanessa: (interview) I sat out as captain and its pretty bad.

Gordon: (to Dominic and his scallops) Touch that. Rubber. They're rubber! They're like a ball elastic bands. It's like a fucking golf ball. Golf ball!
Dominic: (interview) I couldn't sauté a scallop to save my ass tonight.
Gordon: Everything you cooked, you screwed. Have you ever cooked a scallop before?
Dominic: (interview) Whooooo! What a disaster!
Gordon: He hasn't got the tuna in! Why are you putting more scallops in there? And you're like this on the scallops. [mocks Dominic, holding out his right hand with a shocked face] Oh, fuck ME! SHIT! Bobby.
Bobby: Yes?
Gordon: I'm looking for someone to take control of this disgusting, embarrassing mess. He (Jason) doesn't give a fuck, he's (Dominic) dreaming, he's (Matt) standing there pissing his pants looking for his tartare, caviar and white chocolate crap! And he's (Louross) just running around like a toilet brush. IS ANYONE GOING TO TAKE CONTROL?!!
Dominic: Jump in there, Bobby. Jump in there, baby.
Bobby: I don't want to jump in! You guys, you guys got it over there! It's going to make so much confusion if I get in over there. You've got six sets of hands over there, you don't need eight sets. I don't want to join the chaos.
Craig: (interview) He's the captain. I mean, to just be like, "Yeah, uh, I don't want to get in this chaos," that's like saying "Fuck you, I quit!"

[After yet another failed attempt by the blue team to serve their first appetizers]
Scott: (with some bland sauce) Yeah, that's bland. It looks terrible.
Gordon: (to the blue team) Come here! Taste that, all of you! [the men come over and start tasting the sauce] Run Dominic! You lazy fucker! And you put your fingers in there. Aw, my God! [takes a spoonful out, lets it drip] Look. Snot! [tosses the sauce away] Fuck off. [kicks the bins] USELESS FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT!! YOU ALL KNOW IT'S CRAP, NOT ONE OF YOU HAVE GOT THE BALLS TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!
Jason: I haven't tasted it yet.
Louross: Guys, it's just simple! Go man, come on, just redo it! Season it with a bit of salt and pepper, that's all. (interview) I didn't see anyone taste their food today. You just need to get into your groove, as if you're making love to the kitchen.
Gordon: (to Bobby) Hey, you, take that badge off, give it to that little fucker over there! Thank god someone's got a set of balls!
Bobby: (interview) I'm not the type to be like, "Oh, my God, I'm a bad chef now." No, no, not at all! Louross can have that captain's position. I'm still a general. To me, he's still a private.
Narrator: As Louross tries to whip the blue team into shape, the red team has served appetizers to three more tables.
Rosann: Are we ready now with that beef?
Corey: We're ready.
Narrator: And are starting their first entrées.
Gordon: (with a piece of chicken) Who cooked this chicken?
Corey: I did chef.
Gordon: Come here! Let's get all together now.
Rosann: Come on, ladies!
Gordon: You hold the chicken.
Rosann: Yes sir. Oh shit!
Gordon: Pass it around.
Corey: (interview) I thought either a pan was going to get thrown, glass was going to get shattered. Someone was getting hurt.
Gordon: Throw me the ball. [Sharon throws the chicken to Gordon] Let's fucking play rounders! [throws the chicken hard against the oven]
Corey: (interview) It happened to be the chicken so, sorry to the chicken.
Gordon: It's rubber! Plastic dry shit!

[the customers have begun leaving. Jean-Philippe returns to the pass]

Gordon: What's the matter?
Jean-Philippe: They are leaving, chef.
Gordon: What?
[cuts to the leaving diners]
Jean-Philippe: It's going empty.
Gordon: (to both teams) STOP!! Look out there! Your customers have gone! SHUT IT DOWN! Clear down...

Episode Two [4.02]

Gordon: Good morning!
Contestants: Good morning, chef.
Gordon: Bright and breezy!
Contestants: [groaning] Yes, chef.
Gordon: With everything you all wasted last night, any restaurant would've gone out of business. YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU PUT IN THE TRASH LAST NIGHT hey guys hup! [garbage truck drives up] I've never seen so much fantastic produce wasted. NOW EVERY rubber chicken breast, EVERY overcooked risotto, EVERY rock hard potato you binned last night. Get it out and put it back in the cylinders, move!

[Contestants head towards the garbage truck]

Jason: (interview) We're fucking playing through garbage this is going to suck!

Gordon: You should be ashamed of yourselves. We're not talking about a couple hundred dollars, we're in for thousands of dollars there just carelessly put in the trash as if no-one gives a fuck. You all better start giving a damn. Now go and get showered and meet me in the kitchen. You stink!

Bobby: (interview) I've never been on a yacht before. The only boat I've gotten close to was The Love Boat on TV.

Gordon: Petrozza
Petrozza: Yes?
Gordon: The menu, five appetisers, what are they?
Petrozza: The appetizers... Caesar salad with... with fresh anchovies and seared uh... tuna the um... the um... the um... [chuckles quietly]
Gordon: Stop! Do me a favour: get out.
Petrozza: Okay.
Gordon: Hey, look at me. UPSTAIRS! HEY! AND READ THAT FUCKING MENU! And listen, you're station stands unmanned until you get your fucking shit together!
Petrozza: Okay.
Gordon: Hurry up! [Petrozza leaves the kitchen to memorize the menu] Is it really too much to know the menu inside and out? Eat, drink, sleep, breathe it? I've got 3,000 dishes between my ears. Pathetic.

[Gordon checks on tenderloins brought up by Petrozza]

Gordon: I's not even fucking hot! [calls Petrozza] Come here, Petrozza! Oh, here we fucking go. Touch that. You, touch that. (to Bobby) Please touch that. There you go. Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch.
Petrozza: It's rare. It's rare. It needs more fire.
Gordon: Awwww, [throws spoon] SHIT! SHIT!

[Sharon brings her meat to the pass]

Gordon: (to Sharon) Where's the beef?
Sharon: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: (reads a ticket) Two salmon, one beef, one wellington. Unbelievable. Have you asked Christina?
Sharon: No, I didn't. I thought it was coming. She (Christina) just yelled that it was coming.
Gordon: You're not really a chef, aren't you? You're just a showgirl with a big feather coming out of your arse.

Gordon: You (Christina) and you (Sharon) are putting the kitchen to shit. Can you move and wake up a bit, please, yes?
Christina: Yes, chef!
Gordon: You're both pissing around like a pair of Barbie twins! [Sharon sticks her tongue out] Sharon, you're scaring me. You look like the female version of fucking Hannibal Lecter. Put your fucking tongue in and concentrate.
Sharon: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Hannibal!

[Matt's garnish pan catches fire]
Gordon: Watch, he's going to set this place on fire. What the fuck are you trying to do? You can't fucking win in here so you set the place on fire!
Matt: No, chef.
Gordon: Is that your little motive?
Matt: No, not at all chef.
Gordon: Yeah? I've never seen such fucking flames from gnocchi!
Matt: Sorry chef, won't happen again.

Jean-Philippe: (to a customer) It's raw? Okay, we'll do another one for you. (brings the dish to the pass)
Gordon: Oh, fuck off...
Jean-Philippe: That's Table 31, Chef. This is not cooked.
Gordon: Blue? Come here, you!! Oi, all of you, come here!! (to Sharon) You've stopped! (to Christina) You've given up! (to Matt) You're setting the place on fire! (to Jason) And you're sending me raw fish, that's fucking cold and fucking raw! [angrily throws the fish in the bin]
Jason: It's not mine.
Gordon: "It's not mine." How dare you. It's just come back from the table!!
Jason: Oh, okay.
Gordon: SHUT IT DOWN!! (to Jean-Philippe) GET THE FUCKERS OUT!!!

[Corey has nominated Christina and Jen for elimination and they have stepped forward for elimination]

Gordon: Christina, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Truthfully?
Christina: I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I am intelligent chef. If I am being condescending to someone like Corey, she needs to come tell me, it's not something I'd do to her to be personal. I will get better and I will [starts crying] fight for it... that's why I should stay.
Gordon: Thank you. Jen, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
'Jen Gavin: It's unfortunate for you, that you don't get to see what goes on when we do prep chef. I'm a beast back there. I know what I'm doing, I work hard and I get the food out, [abridges Jen's absurdly long plea and shortened clips of some of her sentences] There's so much creativity and I really ask you to give me the opportunity chef because this is not the end for me, it's really not.
Gordon: Breathe!
Jen Gavin: I'm breathing chef... May I say one last thing?
Gordon: Oh fuck me!
Jen Gavin: Alright.
Gordon: Before I make my decision, there's something I'd like to say. This is one of the most important prizes ever! An executive chef's decision in my own restaurant. I am not just gonna give this job to someone who I do not believe in. And there's someone here that I just don't believe in. [brief pause] So, the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is... Sharon!
Corey: (whispers) Fuck!

Gordon: Sharon clearly showed great attention to detail. Unfortunately, it wasn't for her cooking. It was for her makeup.

Episode Three [4.03]

[In the last episode, Corey nominated Christina and Jen and this made Christina angry and tearful due to how blindsided she felt]
Christina: (interview) I'm feeling really angry. Corey is threatened by me and she should be (to Corey) You threw me under the bus
Corey: So what, you might think I'm a bitch. I don't care.
Christina: [shouts back in tears] What you said was vindictive and it's evil!
Corey: (interview) The whole team hated me. I don't care, it doesn't matter to me whatever they think. If they do alienate me that's fine that's probably going to make me stand out even more as a stronger player.
[Ben, Bobby, Petrozza, Matt and Louross are down at the patio talking about Corey's strategy]
Ben: Corey played that too early in the game.
Petrozza: (interview) I think Corey has evil tendencies I truly do. She's put scars on that team that will not heal.
Bobby: Yeah, she played a dangerous game and she lost that game.

[during the chicken cutting challenge]
Jason: (interview) We're going to win because we're men. This ain't the dusting housekeeping challenge here.
Gordon: Jason
Jason: Yes, chef. (interview after the Red team had cut all but 4 acceptable pieces of chicken) The girls surprised me. They did good but we're going to win because we're fucking men here. Come on. I've been butchering meat. That's what men do. There's no way we're losing.
Gordon: (to Jason) Hands off my desk, please. (showing a poorly cut chicken from Jason) Holy Mackerel, did you fucked the chicken? What did you do to that?
Jason: That one was a little messed up
Gordon: A little messed up. It's fucked. My god.

[Craig has single-handedly lost the challenge for the Blue Team and they're all angry at him and Ben plans to throw peppers at Craig on the corn field]
Ben: (to Bobby and Petrozza) Tell you what we're going to get on that field, I'm going to start throwing motherfucking peppers at Craig.
[Matt angrily slams items on to his bed and throws his jacket in to his wardrobe. Followed by slamming his farm work clothes on his bed and angrily putting his clothes on and angrily kicks an item]
Matt: (interview) For someone that's been in this industry for thirteen years Craig phoning that chicken. I felt like I was watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and he just had shock treatment. (imitates shock treatment) I don't get it! (angrily throws his shoe in the wardrobe)

Narrator: As the men go off for a day of hard labor, Chef Ramsay and the women are off to the Sunset Strip. Little does Chef know...
Gordon: Okay. Off we go.
Narrator: One of Hell's Kitchen's former chefs is a regular at the Saddle Ranch.
[The mechanical bull turns around, and it reveals that it's Aaron on the mechanical bull]
Aaron: Yee-hah! Howdy, Chef Ramsay!
Gordon: Oh, my God.
Aaron: [goes over and hugs Gordon] Good to see you, Chef.
Gordon: I feel like crying. [pretends to cry] [flashback to season 3 where Aaron cried minutes before service]
Aaron: [laughs] Don't cry, Chef!

Gordon: Jason, you're on desserts. Don't eat any.

Ben: Salmon, medium.
Scott: [spots that the salmon is burnt] What's wrong with that salmon?
Ben: It's a little, uh...
Ben: (interview) I sent up, you know, perfect medium salmon, and he sent it back. It had a little, uh, tiny burnt edge on the side. I mean, this is craziness.
Gordon: You can't cook a fucking salmon?
Ben: I can cook a salmon, chef. Yes I can. Just a lot of pressure, different kitchen, different... different cooking techniques than I'm used to.
Gordon: Cook me a salmon, medium. Can you do that?
Ben: Yes, chef.
Gordon: "Different techniques?"

Narrator: While General Bobby feeds his troops in the Blue dining room, customers on the Red side are sending out distress signals.

[Cut to a table, where customers have spelled "S.O.S" with pieces of bread.]

Narrator: ...But the diners aren't the only ones in need of rescue.

[Cut to the Red kitchen, where Rosann's meat pan catches fire.]

Gordon: Oh, no. Oh, no, come on. Stop. Stop. Stop! Stand back! Stand back! Stand BACK!! [removes the meat from the pan] There's cooking, and there's fucking bonfire-- STAND BACK!! Same shit, different day. [throws the pan in the sink, where the fire blows up, then dies.] This is fucking embarrassing!!
Rosann: (interview) My mind is racing, my heart is pounding...
Gordon: That's not a fucking sauté pan, that's a FURNACE!!! LOOK AT THE MEAT!!
Rosann: (interview) I blew four pieces of meat on there. It was just really horrible for me. I'm hoping I'm never going to have that happen again.
Gordon: IT'S SCORCHED!!! Cooking, my arse!!

Narrator: As the Red team, once again, starts over on their entrées, Jason starts preparing his first desserts.
Jason: Is this the right way to do it? I hope it is. (interview) I don't have a clue on this earth what I'm doing. I hate desserts! They're tedious! Women can make desserts, you know? It ain't my thing. (to Louross) ...5 minutes for the crème brûlée, so I have two of those in.
Louross: Your crème brûlée's done already!
Jason: No, it's not. That's not cooked.
Louross: That's cooked!
Jason: Oh, Jesus Christ. (interview) The soufflés looked like muffins in a cup! I don't know what was wrong, because I don't know desserts, but I know they would not come up for nothing!
Gordon: Jason!
Jason: Yes?
Gordon: What's happening with the desserts?
Jason: The soufflés are not coming out at all; they're sticking!
Gordon: Come here a minute.
Jason: Okay. [goes over to Gordon] I cannot get them to come up, they're sticking really bad, they look like shit, they look like muffins.
Gordon: (in a fast tone) So, are we going to take it off the menu, are we going to do something constructive, are we going to do anything about it...
Jason: I'm, I'm trying something new. I'm going to take some sugar and rub it around the rim, and try to get that... and... that's what I'm trying to do right now.
Gordon: You're going to get some sugar and rub it around the rim?
Jason: Sugar-- no, no-- sugar, butter, and the cocoa powder, and see if that keeps them from sticking. :[Gordon goes over to the hotplate and repeatedly bangs his head on the counter]

Scott: Salmon, chef.
Gordon: I've got a fucking headache. [checks the salmon, which is under-cooked] Ben! [pounds the counter] Salmon's raw in the middle!
Ben: Oh, maybe a little under.
Gordon: It's pink! Come here you, hey, stop! [calls the blue team) Come here! [starts distributing pieces of salmon to the members] That's what brought to me, taste. Taste, yeah, yeah? [pounds the workstation and kicks the bin] FUCK! SHIT!! What in the fuck is GOING ON? [kicks the bins] All of you come here! Get in there! [The Blue Team enter the Red Kitchen] Let's put one shit mess with another shit mess! Get in there! There you go, join forces. We've gone backwards! And you're (Vanessa) just all over the place! And you're (Jason) just hopeless! And you (Ben) don't care! Pathetic! And then you look at me, gormless like, the salmon's raw when it was requested medium. And what do you say?
Ben: Different techniques.
Gordon: [throws the ticket at Ben] Fuck off! Not good enough! I'm not going to continue this any longer. Winning team? Forget it! What's so FUCKING COMPLICATED?! Christina, you made an effort to get all the appetisers out. Thank god! Unfortunately, we got screwed when it came to the first entrée. You've got to go upstairs and nominate one individual that's leaving here.
Christina: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Petrozza, you stayed with it. Your mind was clear. The attitude was strong. Get upstairs and think about who you are going to nominate. One from the blue, one from the red. NOW GET OUT!
Red and Blue team: Yes, chef.

[Bobby waves to some ladies that he served tableside]

Gordon: [calls out Bobby] Bob! Bob, come here. Yeah, I wouldn't go around looking for applauders right now. Right now is the wrong FUCKING TIME! GET OUT!!!
Bobby: Yes.
Gordon: Jack-arse waving at them! What do we got to wave about?! I DON'T CARE! GET OUT!!!

[after Jason's been eliminated by Chef Ramsay]

Gordon: You gave up before we started tonight. I call you back in the kitchen and you haven't got the balls to stand there and put yourself back there. [slapping his wrist] GAME OVER!
Jason: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Good night.
Jason: (interview after elimination) You know the last girls (Christina & Vanessa) that got put up on the block they start crying and maybe if I would cry like some old pansy, some chick you know, maybe I would be back upstairs chilling right now but I can't do that. I'm a man and I'm sure as hell I'm ain't going to cry about it. I am however going to go get drunk.

Episode Four [4.04]

[Ben has to clean up all the manure outside the restaurant.]
Scott: This is what happens when you don't win challenges, Ben.

Narrator: 45 minutes into dinner service, blue diners are enjoying their appetizers.
Boy: The onion rings are good. I like them.
Narrator: The onion rings are getting positive reviews.
[Cut to a blue table where a boy is biting into a raw chicken wing cooked by Matt]
Narrator: The chicken however...
Gordon: (As Jean-Philippe returns the chicken.) Oh no. Oh no! Raw chicken?
Jean-Philippe: Yeah, raw chicken chef.
Gordon: Oh fucking hell. GENTLEMEN!! [slams the plates down] RAW CHICKEN! Matt! [kicks the bins] Pink and bloody! [throws the chicken in the bin] Come here you. Fucking prick!
Matt: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What the fuck are you doing?
Matt: Yes, chef. Sorry chef, it won't happen again.
Craig: (interview) Oh, my God. That's pretty major. If a kid is biting into a chicken wing that's raw, that's just fucking nasty.
Gordon: It's the tartare again with you isn't it?
[Flashback to day 1 where Matt's Exotic Tartare made Gordon vomit.']
Gordon: That's what it is, isn't it? That's what you can do?
Matt: No it's not chef. (interview) I was this close to his face and I didn't even blink at him.
Gordon: You can manage to fuck up raw food. WAKE UP!!
Matt: Yes, chef! (interview) I'm not going to break. I'm not here to break. He's not going to break me as a person.
Gordon: [angrily pushes pans on the workstation] DONKEY!!

[Gordon checks on burgers brought up by Matt]

Gordon: Why's the fucking burger's so small? [calls Matt] Hey you, Matt!
Matt: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here with those burgers. Why are we cooking the burgers off so early on? They're like ice hockey pucks! [throws the burgers to Louross, Petrozza and Bobby] Catch. Catch, catch, there you go. Hey look, there you go. Up, up. Are we a fast food joint now?
Blue team: No, chef!
Gordon: And you're standing there with your little balls of fucking, look at them, fucking SHIT! [flings a burger against the refrigerator] (to Bobby) Bobby? Can someone get a grip in here?! CAN WE NOT COOK A BURGER TO ORDER?!
Blue team: Yes, chef!!
Gordon: Then DO IT!! [kicks the bins]

Ben: This is what we've been talking about!
Bobby: Go big Ben!
Ben: What's up? [high fives Bobby] They can't break us! Not tonight! Not tonight!
Gordon: Ben, I can see it from here. Glad you think it's one big old fucking jolly!
Ben: (interview) I was just telling Bobby, "Hey man, good job!" You know.
Gordon: Wasting my fucking time, effort and fucking money. Okay, what's the joke?
Ben: We were just congratulating each other, because we're getting the food out. That's all we were doing.
Gordon: [points at the blue team's remaining tickets] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 tables of entrées to go, they've got two tables to go. So, if I was you, I'd dig deep, touch your balls, and wake up!

Gordon: Hey, Craig! Four macaroni, one burger, one spaghetti of clam, and you've given me meatballs. One's called a fucking meatball, and one's called a clam. Spaghetti is clam, meatball is meatball. Where's the spaghetti of clams?
Craig: Right here, chef.
[Gordon eats a piece of spaghetti, and instantly spits it back out]
Gordon: Fuck! [kicks a bin] Raw!
Ben Caylor: Don't worry about it. Start over, fast.
Craig: I got it, I got it, I got it.
Gordon: So, how long?
[Craig tries to snatch a pair of tongs from Bobby]
Craig: I got it.
Bobby: [pulling the tongs back] These are mine.
Gordon: He doesn't even answer you, look. He doesn't even give you an answer.
Ben Caylor: Craig, answer the chef already!
Narrator: While the men wait two minutes for Craig's spaghetti...

[After completing service, the red team comes in to help the blue team.]
Gordon: Jen, stand next to Chef Ben. Cook with him.
Ben: (interview) The thing is, it's embarrassing that chef called them in to come help.
Gordon: (to Ben) Look at the current situation. Now, go around and slap yourselves in the back now then.
Ben: I thought we were close chef, but I was wrong.
Gordon: You thought you were fucking close. Let's give a big round of applause to the captain who hit an iceberg on the fucking Titanic. Shayna.
Shayna: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Stay next to Chef Craig.
Shayna: What do you need?
Craig: I got it. I got it. I got it.
Shayna: (interview) "I got it. I got it. I got it."
Shayna: What do you need?
Craig: I got it.
Shayna: Don't tell me you got it. What do you need? (interview) Chill! Take the help. Even if it's from a girl.
Louross: Just push out the plates. Let's just do it and just end the day.
Gordon: Away now, one crab cake, one meatballs, one clam, one Caesar.
Louross: (to Craig) How long?
Gordon: How long for the fucking clam?
Shayna: You're burning, you're burning.
Gordon: He's not even giving me an answer.
Matt: Come on, answer him, please!
Gordon: He's making me feel fucking nervous!
Craig: [burns his hand] Fuck!
Gordon: Hello?!
Ben: Let's just go! Craig, Craig, the pasta's ready! Come on!
Gordon: How long for the fucking clam?
Craig: It's coming up right NOWWWW! Fucking listen! [angrily throws a pan to one side]
Gordon: Oh, my fucking god.
Rosann: You got some attitude, son!

Gordon: Ben, what you've done and the ambitions, you do seriously surprise me.
Ben: Thank you, chef, I-I was hoping you'd see that. I mean, I give it all I've got. Gave you a hundred and ten.
Gordon: You surprise me to how shit you are!
Ben: Oh... thank you.
Gordon: I was expecting more. Hey, maybe you shouldn't have quit your fucking day job so early!

[Matt, Craig and Ben are nominated for elimination]
Gordon: All three of you should walk through that door.
Ben: I'm just going to keep giving you 100% chef. Every day.
Matt: I'm going to give you 125%.
Craig: I don't know percentages but just over that.

Gordon: I can teach someone how to cook but Craig was a bad cook with an even worse attitude. There was no hope for him.

Episode Five [4.05]

Gordon: [checking Rosann's runny mashed potatoes] Oh come on! You, fucking piss cream. What is that shit?
Rosann: Oh, I'm sorry.
Gordon: Fuck off, will you yeah? Is that how you're going to fucking respect these tables?
Rosann: Absolutely not chef.
Gordon: "Absolutely not chef."
Rosann: (interview) I started getting really fucking frustrated because I couldn't catch up and I was just falling behind. So it was only just getting more and more hectic for me.
Gordon: I don't know when you're going to think about waking up but hey, soon I would appreciate it madam.
Rosann: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Pathetic. This is what you're doing... [taps the spoon on the veg pan] Would you stop tapping and start concentrating?!
Rosann: Okay, my mistake, chef.
Gordon: Oh, fucking right it was your mistake! I need the mashed and the carrots now!
Rosann: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Mashed, carrots now! I can't go unless I've got the veg! What is going on Rosann? Oh my god, almighty. This is fucking meltdown. Out of the way please. [tastes the mashed potatoes] Oh, fucking hell! No salt. (to the servers) Go, go, go. Send the vegetables separate. She gets confused over a fucking vegetable [Rosann now brings the garnish to the pass] Fuck off will you yeah? FUCK OFF! They're gone! Get away! The lamb, wellington's already gone! Fuck all! [sits in fetal position] Rosann!
Rosann: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Not good enough!

Gordon: Hey guys. Louross, come here!
Louross: Chef!
Gordon: Come on, quickly, let's go! Touch that!
Louross: Still kind of lukewarm, chef.
Gordon: What did I request, temperature?
Louross: Medium well, chef.
Gordon: Get it back in the pan!
Louross: (interview) I got this, I have to do it. I can cook a steak, you know what I'm saying, but like, what the hell happened?
Gordon: The pan's burning, Louross, it's about to go up in flames. Charcoal beef. [Louross's meat pan emits a flame]. Do you honestly not know how to cook a steak medium well?
Louross: I know how to cook a steak, chef!
Gordon: So why aren't you doing it then, Louross?
Louross: (to himself) Come on babe, come on, fuck!
Gordon: Come on, Louross!
Louross: Plating up now chef, we're plating up!

[Louross brings his steak to the pass]

Scott: (checks the steaks) Louross, What's up man? How come I can't see the nice beautiful inside of the beef?
Louross: I cut it in half then I just seared it to cook it off -
Scott: No, see, the correct answer is you fucked it up, you didn't cook it right, and you're trying to get it by me. Do you have another one that I can see a nice pink center in?
Louross: Yes, chef! [to Petrozza] Do you have another one with a nice pink center in it?
Petrozza: Nah I.. No. That one won't work?
Louross: No, that one's not going to work.
Narrator: With no steaks ready to serve, Louross's situation is looking grim.
Louross: Fuckin' send me home, that's what they're gonna do.
Narrator: But Petrozza has a plan.
Petrozza: [notices Gordon isn't in their kitchen] This is our chance.
Louross: It's not going to work, it's not going to work.
Petrozza: This is the only shot that we got. (interview) We had to show the base of the beef, so I had to slice a sliver off it. I want to get the fucking food out!
Louross: It's not... It's fucked up already if it shows up...

[Petrozza slices a thin part of the beef off to show the center]

Louross: (interview) He sliced that paper thin and I looked at him and I'm like are you serious? And he's like yeah! But damn, do you see the color on that steak? It was straight medium-well!
Petrozza: How's that one? Looks like it fucking works to me.
Scott: Hey Louross, where's that beef?
Petrozza: Here's the beef. [brings up his altered beef]
Scott: Much better.

Episode Six [4.06]

[Christina brings up the risotto for the birthday girl for Melissa]

Christina: Two risotto in my hands, chef!
Gordon: [notices that there are no mushrooms in the risotto] Where are the mushrooms?
Christina: Yes, chef.
Gordon: No, where are the mushrooms? [places the pan back on the stove] Just look, they're white!
Christina: Putting them in right now. [takes the pan off the stove]
Gordon: Put the pan on the stove please!? Thank you, more mushrooms!
Christina: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come on, Christina!
Christina: Yes, chef! [places the mushrooms in]
Gordon: There's not any mushrooms in there!

[Gordon notices Bobby is on the fish station which is Matt's station]

Gordon: Why's Bobby on the fish? What's going on there?
Matt: He's helping me out, we're working as a team.
Gordon: Well there's a big difference between helping him out and running the section!
Bobby: (interview) If we left it up to Matt. We would've done very very poorly so I caught it before it got to that point.
Gordon: Bobby, little fine for the team spirit helping them out, but did you listen to what I said? You're cooking it, he's (Matt) running around wiping your arse (to Matt) and the said thing about you, hey, you let him. If I was running this section and I was in Hell's Kitchen running the fish, give me this give me that, I'm staying here, I'm cooking!
Matt: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [whispers in Matt's ear] You can only hide for so long.
Matt: I'm not hiding, chef. I'm not hiding at all. I wasn't trying to hide, chef.
Gordon: You're doing a fucking good job of hiding. [Matt still tries to argue he wasn't] Look at me! I'VE MADE IT FUCKING CLEAR! Do you want to argue now or are you going to run your station?
Matt: Yes, chef.

Gordon: Every 16 year-old girl filled out these comment cards this evening. Gentlemen, out of all the customers you cooked for tonight, 98% of them said they'd come back. Brilliant! Ladies, on the other hand... 99% of your customers would come back. [the women cheer loudly, while the men look dismayed] Actually, tonight, there's no losing team. I can't seriously decide on a winning team on a difference of 1%.
Matt: Thank you, chef, for your generosity...
Gordon: Fuck the generosity, Matt. Both teams think of one individual, up for elimination, to leave Hell's Kitchen tonight. Now, piss off.
Matt: (interview) Chef Ramsay still wants two people chosen, and I'm going to be the one chosen for the blue team, and now I'm packing my bags.

Gordon: Matt, you've peaked, right?
Matt: No, chef, I haven't peaked yet.
Gordon: So why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Matt: Chef, I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I was pushed and bullied off of my section tonight, while others on my team was hiding behind one person.
Gordon: Who pushed you off your section?
Matt: Bobby pushed me off of my section.
Gordon: You hid behind Bobby!
Matt: Ben hides behind Bobby! Not me.
Gordon: He took over your section!
Matt: He pushed me off my section, would not let me back on...
Gordon: Look at the size of you! There's 250 pounds in there. Louross's balls are bigger than yours!
Matt: I don't even have a voice in my kitchen, no one listens to me. I guarantee you, if you put me on the red team, you will see the failure in the blue team.
Gordon: You want to cook with the girls?
Matt: I have no shame in working with women in the kitchen chef.
Gordon: Un-fucking real.

[After eliminating Shayna]
Gordon: Oh, and by the way, "Mattie."
Matt: Yes, chef?
Gordon: First thing tomorrow morning, you're cooking with the girls.
Matt: Thank you, chef. [Corey whispering a profanity]

Episode Seven [4.07]

[Before the final round of the blind taste test]
Gordon: Now, listen up. There's been some great rivalries out there. Yankees versus Red Sox.
Matt: Go Yankees!
Gordon: Tyson versus Holyfield, yes? Now, ladies and gentlemen, Matt versus Ben! Let's go.

Gordon: Ben! Quickly, here. [Ben slowly comes to the pass] Look at him, speedy, quickly, yeah? Just touch that, you can see how pink it is already. Fucking hell. I just want you to know what you're doing! None of you are communicating, no-one's going together, no-one's making eye contact, and no-one's reminding each other as a team!
Ben: Chef, I'm not used to the brigade system. It takes a little time to get adapted to it, and... that's it.
Gordon: Hey, do you know what? You are so fucking sad. Every time I ask you something, you give me the limpest excuse, you know that.
Ben: I'm just being honest with you.
Gordon: Yeah, I know that. I'm being fucking honest with you!
Matt: (to Jen) I love it. He's getting his ass kicked tonight.
Gordon: You're one of the most fucking saddest I've ever met in a fucking kitchen. "It takes a little time. I can't get used to this." Sounds like the fucking weirdo on Dr Phil!

Gordon: (to Petrozza) Hey, you! Just come over here!
Petrozza: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come here a minute, yeah? Just turn around...
Petrozza: Yeah.
Gordon: ...and look at the fucking mess!
Petrozza: It's a mess.
Gordon: No, come here. Come here! Crap on top of crap on top of crap on top of crap!
Petrozza: (interview) My station was messy, there's no question about it.
Gordon: Just look here! Look, look. From there to there! (throws washcloth at Petrozza) GET IT CLEAN!
Petrozza: Yes, chef! (interview) Wasn't as organized as I could have been. Period! Usually I have people cleaning up after me, but certainly not here.

[Gordon checks on langoustine brought up by Rosann]

Gordon: Oh, fucking hell, what is she doing? Put the pan down! Put it down! Put the pan down! Just fucking let go. Look, this-this is where you are. Just-just stop, this is where you are. Touch that. [Jen walks away] Hey, hey, just come here! Fucking come here! All of you. That's you as well, stroppy face. I don't know what it is with you, but you've given up and it fucking shows! Just the way you mope, the way you turn, and the fucking chips on your shoulder. I'VE HAD ENOUGH!
Jen: (interview) Well, what the fuck? You don't want me say nothing so I'm not going to say shit! Now, that I'm not saying nothing, you're pissed off because I'm not saying nothing. I just can't win for losing!
Gordon: Touch that!
Rosann: It's shit.
Gordon: Yeah, it's shit. [throws the langoustine at Matt] Fucking right, it's shit! (to Matt) Did it hurt?
Matt: No, chef.
Gordon: Fucking sue me! Hey, look at me, hey. Because the response is fucking shocking. No one gives a damn! Now I've got raw, stone-cold, fucking langoustine! Raw, stone-cold LANGOUSTINE!
Rosann: Yes, chef.

Gordon: How long for those two wellingtons?
Ben: I have that wellington, chef.
Gordon: Come here, you. What is going on? You've got one. Which one have you got?
Ben: I've got both of the wellingtons.
Gordon: Listen to me. Which one is ready?
[long pause]
Ben: There is nothing ready on that ticket yet.
Gordon: I'm aware you've GOT them! I need to tell the customers how fucking long.
Ben: Give me six minutes, please, chef.
Gordon: For a well-done wellington?
Ben: Yes, chef. (interview) Back at home, I ran kitchens for years and, you know, no problem. It's just that he comes over there and gets so fucking riled up, and then he gets you all fluster-fucked, and you don't know what you're doing! (to Petrozza) Petrozza, where's the mise-en-place for the lamb? Because I'm going to be three short.
Gordon: What?!
Petrozza: I'll wrap you some lamb, just as soon as I-
Gordon: (to Ben) Hey, come here you! SAY THAT AGAIN?! What time did that ticket come on?
Ben: 6:30.
Gordon: And what time is it now?
Ben: [looks at the wall clock] 8 o'clock.
Gordon: You're joking are you? We ran out of lamb? They've fired the fucking entrées, and you're telling me now?
Ben: I got it, chef. I'll take care of it.
Gordon: Ohhh, fucking hell...
Matt: Damn, Jen. And I was the problem over there? (interview) Ben wanted to use me as a scapegoat and put me out there. Said that I'm the weakest, and I hide behind everyone. The scapegoat's there, and you got no-one to blame. You can't cook, buddy!
Gordon: (to Ben) Can you fucking wake up? I'm coming to the end of it, now!

Gordon: [to Rosann] How long for that salmon?
Rosann: I need five minutes, Chef.
Gordon: [to Jen] Have you got the garnish for the salmon?
Jen: [with her back turned to Gordon] No, I didn't hear that either.
Gordon: Hey, you! Don't look at me when you talk to me!
Jen: I just said, "No!" I was putting my food in here, Chef.
Gordon: Hey, Jen, look at me. You're one fucking cocky lady, for someone who knows jack-shit, you know that?
Jen: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: You're so far up your own arse you don't know how fucking cocky you are.
Jen: (interview) He said I was cocky, but it's like, "What the fuck?" I-I combo every time I see him so how the fuck am I cocky?
Gordon: (to Jen and Rosann) That's there beef sliced, sourced, ready garnish there, salmon not ready. It's the story all the night you can't even get two fucking dishes together. That's how shit you've (Rosann and Jen) been. Yeah fuck, fuck off! (slams the table's entrées on to Jen's station) Start THE FUCKING TABLE AGAIN!!! I've had enough for me okay? It's not good enough for me, I've had ENOUGH! ENOUGH!
Jen: (interview) I-I can't please that man and for him to turn and throw a fucking full ass tray of food on my station like I'm some kind of dog. Don't nobody disrespect me like that! I'm getting tired of this shit right know, I really am!
Gordon: [to Jen] I've had enough. I can't tell you anything anymore, I can't even give you any directions, do you know why? You're undirectable, because it's like [mocks Jen] muh. Oh, really? [to Rosann] And you!
Rosann: Yes, Chef?
Gordon: Yeah?
Rosann: (interview) I don't know if I even deserve to stay because after tonight's performance, I know I let the chef down and I let myself down and I let my daughter down and that's what's hurting me the most right know. [tries to hold back tears and puts her hand over her face]
Gordon: [throws his pencil across the Red kitchen] Fuck it... pathetic bunch of fucking women... [leaves the Red kitchen]

[Jean-Philippe has just returned some food to the pass]
Gordon: What table is that?
Jean-Philippe: Uhm, blue side, chef. They're requested well done, and it's blood all over.
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell. Ohhh... (to Ben) There you go, there you go! (dumps the plates on Ben's station) Requested well done! Now look at it, then! SCHMUCK!! JERK!! (kicks the bins)
Ben: (interview) I have a lot of pride in myself and what I do. I'm just going to keep working and try and get the food out. That's all you can do.
Gordon: Anything to say? It's easy for you, that's your fucking problem! You've had it fucking easy, you're not even busting a gut.
Matt: (to the Red Team) Karma really bites you in the ass.
Gordon: All fucking night you've taken it easy. (Matt snickers) And listen, hey, look at me. STOP IT! Switch it off. You're not sending any more shit out of here, you've sent enough. Take it easy, you deserve it. You've had a hard night.
Ben: Are we done? Cause if we're not, I'm going to complete my station tonight, chef.
Gordon: SHUT IT DOWN! TURN IT OFF, YOU DICK! (Matt snickers again) STOP IT!

Episode Eight [4.08]

Gordon: Okay, two beef, one wellington, one salmon.
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (points to Matt) You, come here you! Come here, round here! Look at those pieces of meat there. You've got one fucking large one, one medium one and one small one. What are you doing?
Christina: (interview) Matt's meat, all three were totally different. Are you serious?
Gordon: That's not good enough for me. So there you go. There's the daddy, there's the mummy, there's the fucking baby. Supposing that's the critic's table; one has that (large piece of beef) and another's got that (small piece of beef). [Picks up the small piece] Supposing that's medium-well. What happens?
Matt: It'll definitely shrink. (interview) The tenderloins really do shrink when they cook. I know better than that. I'm an idiot.
Gordon: Look at it! We're fucked! [pounds the counter] What did I say to you? I'm looking for everything.
Matt: Yes, chef. Got it, chef.
Gordon: Don't piss around now, yeah? That's bullshit!
Matt: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Hey, Mr Inconsistent. Wake up.
Matt: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on the salmon by Christina]

Gordon: Christina!
Christina: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Salmon nice that side [flips it over with a spatula] turn it round you got a big dry overcooked piece of shit! Salmon how long?
Christina: I might need seven minutes.
Corey: (interview) Salmon is a very quick process, it only takes a couple of minutes.
Gordon: Christina can you do two things at once?
Christina: Urf, I've got two entrées & some scallops!
Gordon: If you can't control two things at once, you shouldn't be here.
Christina: No I-I!
Gordon: Shut up, will you? I really fucking mean it from the bottom of my heart!
Christina: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Get your salmon on now!
Corey: One minute, Christina!
Christina: (interview) My timing was so wrong, it's like all a sudden I hit a train wreck
Gordon: Christina, I want it now!

[Christina brings up the salmon]

Gordon: Finally, you fucking lazy cow. Tonight's not your night is it!?
Christina: No, chef!

Christina: How are you doing Rosann?
Gordon: Where's the fucking garnish? [Rosann's garnish pan catches fire] That's burned! Hey madam, come here. Why are you burning veg?
Rosann: It was an accident chef.
Corey: (interview) Rosann just doesn't know how to organize herself. She gets herself worked up and burns garnishes...
Gordon: The beef is cooked and I still haven't got the garnish.
Corey: (interview)...and it screws up the rest of the team.
Gordon: You're not trustworthy on service! I'm nervous with you in the kitchen! We haven't got the garnish, Rosann!
Rosann: I'm have to tell you as a profession, this is the last order of gnocchi that I have and I'm going to be short on the last order.
Gordon: Oh...fucking shit.
Rosann: I'm sorry. Sorry, chef.
Gordon: I'm sorry you're here. Oh fucking hell. Carrot purée! How long?
Matt: Chef's calling for carrot purée.
Rosann: Carrot purée?
Gordon: Carrot purée!
Corey: Carrot purée, let's go.
Gordon: Where's the carrot purée? Where is it? Rosann!
Rosann: I'm running out of c...carrot purée.
Gordon: Oh, my God almighty. [goes over to the glass window and repeatedly bangs his head] Fuck me.
Rosann: How about some carrots chef? I'll give you baby carrots chef. Carrots or mash? I've got plenty of mash!

[Matt is cutting his beef]

Gordon: Matt, from here, they look raw. THEY LOOK RAW!!
Merrill Schinder: The Red kitchen is a disaster.
Matt: I got it, chef.
Gordon: Can you get the beef back in the fucking oven?!
Christina Machamer: (to Matt) How long, Matt?
Matt: I don't know anymore.
Christina Machamer: Come on, Matt! Bounce the fuck back!
Matt: I fucking hear it!
Corey: Let's go, Matt. Let's get that up.
Matt: Fuck!
Gordon: Beef, chicken, wellington. How long?
Matt: Coming to the pass. (brings his meat to the pass)
Gordon: [checking Matt's tenderloins] Oh, fuck. Here we go. Chef Matt, there's the beef. THAT LOOKS LIKE A PILE OF SHIT! And you have the nerve to give me that with the critics out there. Hey, hey, fuck, you serve it. See what standards you got. Serve it!
Matt: No chef.
Gordon: Stand there and look at the customers.
Matt: Chef, I won't serve it.
Gordon: Hey come here, you as well, and you, you're just as bad. Hey, would you serve that to a critic?
Corey: Definitely not.
Gordon: Would you serve that to a critic? [Rosann shakes her head] Would you serve that to a critic?
Christina: No, chef.
Gordon: Would you serve that to a critic?
Matt: No chef.
Gordon: So, let's get this right, you wouldn't serve it. But you'd give it to me. [Throws the beef on the stove] GET OUT!! GET OUT! GET OUT!! Upstairs! Fuck off will you?!

[The four members of the red team exit the kitchen and cry about it]

Episode Nine [4.09]

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with filet mignon]
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell! Oh, come on. Louross! Raw steak!!
Louross: Ohhhhhh.
Gordon: And he goes like this, "Ohhhhhh." as if he's performing for the Oscars. If your fucking cooking was as good as your acting, you'd be talented, you dick!
Louross: (interview) It started off good and then all of the sudden, it fucking went downhill.
[Jean-Philippe returns again with filet mignon]
Gordon: What's the matter?
Jean-Philippe: Twenty-three. They're all medium rare.
Gordon: Oh fuck me! Ohhhhh. Louross! Come here, you! Let's go and you touch it well. Come on, touch! (touches the raw steak on his hand)
Jen Gavin: Blue, chef! BLUE!
Gordon: Yeah, it's raw. How could I get down on my knees. Yeah, it's fucking raw! Hey, look at me! Is that better? It's raw, you fucking idiot!
Jen Gavin: (interview) Louross is really just dropped the ball to horrific, horrendous, it's just horrible. He just could not handle meat station at all.
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell! Oh, come on.
Louross: (to himself) This is not good at all.
Gordon: [after Jean-Philippe returned again with filet mignon] Hey, you, you, you, come here! Look at that... look! Three of the have come back! You put your team into shit!
Louross: (interview) I hate the word "filet mignon" out, I do seriously. If I ever see another filet mignon, I will like throw it. Oh like, that someone's face.
Gordon: (to Louross) One more fucking steak returns to the kitchen, I'm closing your kitchen.
Narrator: With the threat of a shut down looming, Louross tries again on the meat station.

Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe) What about the lady on [table] 41 with the filet mignon?
[cuts to table 41]
Jean-Philippe: They just left, chef.
Gordon: They just left? (calls out Louross) Hey, come here you! The customer's gone! Customer's fucking GONE. (tears the ticket then throws it to Louross) SHIT!! (kicks the bins)

[Sous-Chef Scott checks on a dessert brought up by Jen Gavin]

Scott: It's not even cooked.
Gordon: Is it raw?
Scott: Yeah.
Gordon: (to Jen) Watch, watch. There you go. (drains some liquid from the dessert and drops the dessert on the plate, breaking it) HEY--FUCK--OFF! Dumb Jen, turn your stove off!

Gordon: Louross was never short on energy. He was just short on cooking ability.

Episode Ten [4.10]

Gordon: Fire a wellington, chicken, john dory [notices that Christina is cooking beef and chicken in the same pan] uh excuse me [to Christina] why are we cooking chicken and beef in the same pan?
Christina: Sorry chef there just wasn't a lot of room up here on these burners
Gordon: Supposedly someone doesn't like red meat!
Christina: (interview) I thought hot pan, plenty of room let's just cook it, it'll be cool.
Gordon: Get it out!
Christina: Yes, chef. (interview) No, not cool!

[Gordon notices that Bobby is cooking salmon and scallops in the same pan]

Gordon: Bobby, they've (Christina) got beef and chicken in a pan. Now you've got salmon and scallops in the pan.
Bobby: Uh... I needed this time to fly (interview) Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo. I didn't really have an excuse.
Gordon: Hey, aren't you allergic to shellfish?
Bobby: Yeah. (interview) Chef was right! Woo!
Gordon: Oh, my God!

Gordon: [sees Matt eating] Why are you eating?
Matt: I'm not. I'm ta -.
Gordon: COME HERE, YOU! YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I'm standing here struggling to get food out, I just watched you turn and eat!
Matt: I'm tasting my wellingtons, chef.
Gordon: (points to the customers) They're struggling and you're going to be the one fucking eating!
Christina: (interview) Matt, are you kidding me?
Gordon: Can I get some meats out here, please?
Matt: Yes, chef!

Narrator: With food finally leaving the kitchen, all Chef Ramsay wants...
Gordon: Why are we going with this table?
Matt: I'm coming up with it, chef! (brings his meat to the pass)
Narrator: to keep it going.
[Gordon returns to the workstation with meat brought up by Matt]
Gordon: All of you, just fucking come here! You (Corey) as well with your burn! This is why I'm pissed off! Touch that. That's (wellington) fucking raw, and that's (beef) fucking what? Look at the colour of it. [Matt tries to retrieve the meat; Gordon knocks his hand away, gets a filet and wellington and angrily throws them in the bin] I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION! SHIT!! I'm asking you the question, what is it?! It's overcooked!!
Corey: (interview) Matt seems to be like a 5-year old trapped in a 35-year old body. He doesn't know when to stop.
Matt: (gets a ticket at the pass) Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Oh, please. Don't touch me.
Matt: I have a migraine.
Gordon: Oh, can you fuck... I need the ticket here! (Matt leaves the pass, Gordon asks him) What's going next?
Matt: I'm busy getting yelled at.
Gordon: Fucking idiot, come here! What did you say then? You're busy getting what?
Matt: No, chef.
Gordon: You just gave me overcooked meat, overcooked fucking filet, overcooked. Now you're saying "I'm getting yelled at!"
Matt: (interview) It wasn't my fault when everyone else fell behind. I'm the big team player, I just don't team players around me.
Gordon: So don't start acting fucking smarmy with me while we're standing here in the shit, whereas you put me in the shit!
Matt: I can't fucking concentrate anymore.

Gordon: Salmon, John Dory, chicken, wellington, fillet mignon, rib eye!
Christina: Guys, how long now?
Matt: I don't know, I'm trying to work on my migraine.
Corey: (interview) Matt is someone who is excuses for himself. Absolute fucked in a headache you know, come on pull through it. He's a crybaby and he is definitely getting more insane by in a minute. (to Matt) Matt, how long on the fillet?
Matt: (to Corey) I'll tell you in a second. (holds a well cooked fillet mignon) three minutes.
Gordon: You guys are a fucking bunch of losers. (to Matt) What's going, Matt? What's going?
Matt: Two risottos, one fillet, one lamb and fish (salmon).
Christina: No!
Gordon: No, that's right. No. He's got migraine. Look! Hey, look at there, Scott!
Bobby: (laughs) Oh, fuck!
Matt: Not funny. I got a medical pills and I work through it.
Gordon: He's got a migraine. Come here in a minute and let me just tell you something, you have a migraine? (quietly, to Matt) I've had one ever since you walked in here. Why have you just forty-two minutes ago to completely forgot and give you a favour?
Matt: I have no feeling in my hands--.
Gordon: No feeling in your hands? Yeah, come here. [holds Matt out to the kitchen] Go upstairs the dorm and lie down, yes? Lie down.
Matt: But I want to work through it.
Gordon: [turns around] GET OUT! FUCKING GET OUT!! (rekindles Matt) "I got a migraine?" Fuck off! Fucking useless piece of shit!
Jen: (interview) Matt doesn't take any responsibility for his actions, everybody in this place here has a migraine right now my brain feels like it's about to explode but I don't give up in that kitchen
Christina: Yes, chef. [Sees a pan of rice] Oh, shit! [holds the rice and burns her hand] Who the fuck left this rice on here, guys?
Gordon: What is that?
Christina: It's burnt rice, chef.
Gordon: Who put that on there?
Christina: I don't know, chef.
Jen: Sorry. chef. I forgot about it.
Gordon: Fucking useless. [scrapes the burnt rice and throws it on a chopping board]
Christina: (interview) Jen burnt the rice. It was sitting on my station, all she has to do and say, "Hey, I'm putting this rice here."
Gordon: (quietly to Jen) Get out. Get out and get to the dorm. GET OUT! I'm not fucking around now. Get out!
Jen: (interview) I completely forgot that I put the rice on. I feel bad for that and that was my honest mistake.
Gordon: (to Christina) Hey, she put it on, you've been standing next to it for an hour, you take off your apron and fuck off as well!
Christina: Yes, chef.
Petrozza: (interview) Oh, my God has this been a crazy night!
Gordon: Hey, all of you: Fuck yourselves. Get out! GET OUT!! [The remaining chefs leave the kitchen] Fuck off will you, yeah?! [rubbing his face] Oh... Shit!

Gordon: There once was a boy named Matt, whose kitchen performance fell flat. He was far from neat, miserable on meat, so I kicked him out and that's that.

Episode Twelve [4.12]

[Christina brings carrot purée to the pass]
Gordon: Yeah, anything piping hot-- [grabs the handle of the pan and burns his hand] Ah, shit! Fuck! Ah shit! Don't stop and look stupid like some thick cow!
Christina: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Aw, fuck! Fuck's sake! [cools his hand with cold water] Christina, the handle was over the flame. The fucking handle's over the stove, at least say something to somebody.
Christina: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Now, you're just acting like a fucking idiot. Yes?
Christina: No, chef.
Jen: (interview) Chef Ramsay was burning bad by Christina today. I know he was pissed!
Gordon: SHIT!
Jen: (interview) Ooh, Christina messing up over there for real.
Gordon: Fuck me!
Corey: Do not burn the chef!
Gordon: Fuck! Look at me and I'm fucking serious now. If a handle is over the fucking flame, say something, will you please, yes?
Christina: Yes, chef.
Gordon: One more time and you're fucking finished!
Christina: (interview) I just burned Chef Ramsay. That's really not cool. My mistake. Not going to happen again, trust me.
Gordon: Garnish, please!
Christina: Coming right now, chef. Coming, chef.
Gordon: [grabs the handle and burns his hand again] Aw, shit! Fucking hell! I'm getting fucked here again! Christina, I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!
Jen: (interview) When Chef Ramsay burned himself twice, you can smell his skin all across the room burning. I'm like DAMN!!
Gordon: [cools his hand again] SHIT! Hey look, come here you look. [pours cold water over the handle and steam comes off] You're not even fucking telling me.
Christina: (interview) He poured water over the handle of the pot and it sizzled. It was really hot.
Gordon: That's unbearable now.
Christina: I was just like oh, shit!
Gordon: Now I think you're doing it on purpose to fucking wire me up. Hey, you're doing it really well because I'm getting fucked off! If a pan handle is over the fucking flame, say something! Will you please, yes?
Christina: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Wake up!
Christina: Yes, chef. (interview) (sighs)

Episode Fifteen [4.15]

Gordon: Over the last three months, it has really been a roller coaster ride. We've had plenty of highs and lows, but this season ended on a high. Now it's time for me to get the fuck out of Hell's Kitchen.

Season 5

Episode One [5.01]

Gordon: Alright, grilled banana?
Danny: That's mine, chef. (interview) I'm a redneck. I like to hunt a lot, like duck or... gators or whatever. You know, it's fun because then I get to bring that home and cook it.
Gordon: And the name of the dish is what?
Danny: Mahi Gone Bananas, chef.
Gordon: It looks like you've gone slightly bananas. It's hideous. Back in line.
Danny: (interview) Ramsay's definitely just looking for a rise out of me, which he's going to eventually going to get.
Gordon: So the idea came from where?
Danny: I just pulled it out of my ass, sir.
Gordon: Put it back in there because it sucks.

Gordon: Who's cooked the diapers?
Colleen: No diapers, sir. That's chicken enchiladas with poblano cream sauce. My name's Colleen.
Gordon: Corinne.
Colleen: Colleen.
Gordon: Corinne.
Colleen: COL-leen.
Gordon: What do you do for a living?
Colleen: I am a culinary instructor and I own a recreational cooking school.
Gordon: And were you a trained chef before you set up a school?
Colleen: No, I am not a trained chef.
Gordon: So you're not a trained chef, yet you teach chefs to cook.
Colleen: That's correct.
Gordon: How much do you charge?
Colleen: 300 per three to four hours.
Gordon: Right. Look at the size of it.
Colleen: I feed big Nebraska boys. Would you like me to get you a bite?
Gordon: No, I'll bite it myself. [tries dish, spits it out]
Colleen: Great.
Gordon: You seriously charge $300 to teach people how to make that crap?
Colleen: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I feel like I need some plastic wrap on my arse.
Colleen: (interview) It was extremely difficult to just stand there and keep my mouth shut? (to Gordon) I teach manners, too, chef.
Gordon: Say that again?
Narrator: Cooking instructor Colleen not only offered Chef Ramsay a dish he didn't care for, but an etiquette lesson as well.
Gordon: Okay, please Ms Manners, fuck off back in line.

Gordon: It looks like lamb chops on a bed of ratatouille.
Seth: Uh, that's mine, chef. (interview) To be like Chef Ramsay is my dream. I've read his books, I've visited his restaurant in Manhattan. I think we have very similar styles.
Gordon: How long have you been cooking?
Seth: Fifteen years around.
Gordon: And what is it?
Seth: Cinnamon crusted rack of lamb with a(n) aubergine ratatouille.
Gordon: The ratatouille, what's in there?
Seth: Tomatoes, onion, tomato sauce, tomato paste.
Gordon: [spits out food] How come the aubergine's so sweet?
Seth: There's some honey, uh...
Gordon: Honey in a ratatouille? Uh, is that normal?
Crowd: No, chef.
Gordon: That's the worst dish I've ever tasted. [Seth laughs] Fifteen years to cook that shit and you're laughing. You could make history on being the fastest exit in Hell's Kitchen. And I'm fucking serious, you know that. Back in line. [Seth goes back in line] The quicker you understand how serious I am, the quicker you'll cook better.
Seth: I'll try harder next time, sir. (interview) I thought it looked all right. I think my presentation was good. I know it's a good dish. I got to prove to him that I can cook my ass off.

[Lacey and Coi are arguing during prep. Gordon approaches Coi]

Coi: how dare you saying that shit to me?
Gordon: What's the matter?
Coi: This station is fucked... up.
Lacey: Come on, Coi.
Coi: (to Lacey) Don't say a fucking thing. (to Gordon) I come over here, there's nothing fucking done, chef. Nothing!
Lacey: (to Coi) Now why don't you tell him that you're threatening me.
Gordon: (to Coi and Lacey) Oh, wait. Right. I'm just about to open the doors, okay? Don't panic. I'm not asking you to be lovebirds, okay?
Coi: Absolutely.
Gordon: Calm down, get a grip and show me some form of composure, yes?
Coi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh, my God!

Gordon: On order six covers, table 20. Two spaghetti, two scallops, one risotto, one Caesar. Entrées, three wellington, get them in!
Robert: [shouting over Gordon] Ben you guys, get going!
Ben: I'm coming! I'm coming!
Gordon: Hey you. Hey fuck-wit, Come here you. Come here! I'm calling out an order and you just shout over.
Robert: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: You fucking call out the order then. You fuck, FUCKING call out the order!
Robert: I need one Caesar, two scallops, one risotto and two spaghetti now! (interview) Yeah, give me the reins man! Let me drive this bitch!
Gordon: You fucking interrupt me again next time, you're going for an early bath.
Robert: Yes.
Gordon: A big one in the hot tub!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Danny]

Gordon: Danny? Come here, that's you. Overcooked scallops, let's go. It's not exactly rocket science.
Danny: Well obviously, chef. [angrily slams his pan; [Gordon gives him a dirty look]
Gordon: (to Danny) Hey you, come here you.
Danny: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Okay, can you cook like a team member?
Danny: I'll wash their station and my station, chef.
Gordon: How about communicating with them?
Danny: I did, chef.
Gordon: Don't fucking dare start getting fucking pissed with me. Is that clear?
Danny: Chef, yes, chef.
Gordon: Good. Now JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
[power supply shuts down]

[Gordon looks for spaghetti in the Red kitchen]

Gordon: Where's the other spaghetti? [notices Colleen starting a fresh spaghetti in a dirty pan] Madam, come here. [gets Colleen's pan] You're starting a fresh one in dirty pan!
Colleen: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh!
Colleen: (interview) The pan that I've already used and I didn't have the chance to wipe it. I felt like an idiot.
Gordon: You teach people how to cook! [slams the pan down on her station]
Colleen: We have no more pans, chef.
Gordon: [gets some pans from Andrea's station] Look! Pan, pan, pan!
Colleen: Thank you, chef.
Gordon: You're going to start a fresh spaghetti in a dirty pan! HOLY CRAP!!

Narrator: Seth is hoping to score high marks with his first entrée.
Gordon: Why's it all fucking mangled?
Scott: He didn't have it ready, and then he sliced it and seared all the chops.
Gordon: Hey, Forrest! Come here you.
Seth: (interview) Ramsay, he keeps calling me "Forrest" as in Forrest Gump. I think it's a great name!
Gordon: You didn't cook it properly temperature wise, so you decided to buckle it and bastardise it. Now you're really having a laugh, yeah?
Ben: (interview) Man, this poor lamb chop just got charred. No excuse for that first lamb.
Gordon: Would you get excited to come here and eat that shit?
Seth: Absolutely not.
Gordon: Yeah, fuck off, will you?
Seth: (interview) Listen, I screwed up the lamb, but at the end of the service, Gordon and I will be like peas and carrots once again!

Narrator: It's two and a half hours into the dinner service, and while Colleen has finally mastered the spaghetti, she still has a lot to learn about risotto.
Gordon: Look! [returns to workstation and tastes the risotto] Hey!
Colleen: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Taste!
Colleen: Yes, chef.
[Gordon spits out the risotto in disgust]
Gordon: That's the risotto! That, quite frankly, is the worst risotto I've ever tasted in my entire cooking career. Why's it so sweet? Who put sugar in there?
Colleen: [holds up a pot of sugar] I grabbed this. I thought it was salt.
LA: (interview) Are you fucking kidding me?
Gordon: That... [throws the risotto in the trash] is shit! Oh, my God!

Gordon: Mashed potatoes?
Wil: [brings his garnishes to the pass] Fuck!
Gordon: What are you doing, Wil?
Wil: Sorry, chef. I don't know if this is very hot. (to his team mates) You got a cold sizzle?
Gordon: Dear, oh dear! Wil!
Wil: Yes, chef?
Gordon: You're shit!
Wil: Yes, chef. I am.
Gordon: You are so shit, it's unbelievable!

Gordon: Are you on the garnish now, Robert?
Robert: I just want to help him out [Wil], chef.
Gordon: Charlie's on the garnish, Robert's on the garnish, yeah? And Wil is on planet cuckoo.
Charlie: (interview) Wil got thrown to the dogs on the garnish station. By the time I got around to help him, it was ugly.
Gordon: Wil, there's not one cook in the kitchen that hasn't been with you on the garnish tonight!
Wil: (interview) Being on the receiving end of Chef Ramsay's wrath...yeah, that sorta sucked.
Gordon: Dear, oh dear, oh dear.

Gordon: Garnish, please! (to Wil) What in the fuck are you two doing?
Carol: [interview; sees the customers leaving the kitchen] Oh no! When the customers got up and starting to walk out, I'm shocked.
Gordon: Let's go, 22!
Waiter: 22 just left.
Gordon: Twenty-two. 22 just left.
Giovanni: My table got up and left.
Gordon: [to Robert; tosses the plates to him] Hey! Hey, you! Hey, catch! THEY JUST LEFT! THEY JUST FUCKING LEFT!
Giovanni: The rest of tables got walked out.
Lady: Alright. Out of Hell's Kitchen.
Gordon: Switch it off! NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! [goes to the red kitchen] Come here, all of you! [calls the blue team] Come here, all of you! Yeah, take a look at there! Pathetic, absolute embarrassment, utter crap! Clear down! CLEAR DOWN!!!

Gordon: I found it quite strange that Wil didn't even have the will to succeed. He clearly did not belong in Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Two [5.02]

Gordon: The scallops are cooked, aren't they?
Colleen: Yes.
Gordon: Why are they still in the pan if they're cooked? They're going to be overcooked, you stupid cow! Oh, my God! Who cooked the scallops last service? Who was that?
Lacey: I did, chef.
Gordon: Come here, you! Come here! Show her how to cook a fucking scallop. Hey, by the way, she's not charging $300. Hey, this is free now. Free lesson! Stand back!
Carol: (interview) Colleen runs a cooking school, but she has no experience on the line and it clearly shows.
Gordon: (to Lacey) Teach madam [Colleen] here how to cook a fucking scallop!
Lacey: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Shit!! Unbelievable!
Lacey: (interview) I almost felt honored in a weird way. (to Colleen) It's okay. It's alright.
Gordon: Ji!
Ji: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Is your ankle hurting?
Ji: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, so is my fucking head! It's throbbing!

[Lacey brings Colleen's scallops to the pass]
Gordon: Thank you, Lacey.
Lacey: You're welcome, chef!
Gordon: Colleen!! Do you see a difference? Pink in the middle, colored both sides, yes?
Colleen: Yes, I do, chef.
Gordon: Hey, did she charge you?
Colleen: (brief pause) No, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, thank fuck for that. Let's go. God bless Nebraska.

Narrator: Seth and Charlie have delivered their lobster spaghetti to the pass.
[Gordon checks the spaghetti; finds out that there's no lobster in it]
Gordon: There's no fucking lobster in there.
Scott: Doesn't look like it, no.
Narrator: But, it's missing one key ingredient.
Gordon: [returns to the workstation and pushes a pan aside] Hey, fuck-wit! Come here you! Come here!
Charlie: What's this?
Gordon: There's no fucking lobster in it!
Charlie: Shit!!
Gordon: How can you give it to me with no lobster in there?!
Charlie: We're stupid, chef. Apologies.
Gordon: Wake up, Charlie!!
Charlie: Yes, chef! Yes, chef!
Gordon: And you [Seth], docile fucking idiot! What's the dish called?
Seth: Uhm... Uhm...
Gordon: Spaghetti of lobster!!
Seth: (interview) I feel like I just got hit by a train!

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Colleen]
Gordon: Oh, my God! [returns to the workstation] Come here you. Hey, Coi, come here! Carol, Lacey, come here! (to Colleen) Away now, two Wellington, yes, one salmon and one John Dory. Where's the John Dory?
Colleen: (brief pause) I don't have the John Dory.
Gordon: You don't have it. Hey, look, come here. Hey, there you go, look at that. [holds up the salmon] Look, look, hold on, hey, don't run away. IT'S BLACK! On top of that, there's an added bonus. It's fucking raw in the middle.
Colleen: Yes, chef.
[Gordon angrily throws the salmon away and kicks the bin]
Gordon: Fucking useless, fucking shit. You're not a cookery school teacher, are you? You're joking, aren't you?
Colleen: No, I'm not joking, chef. I am a--
Gordon: Tell me, tell me you're pumping yourself up to make yourself look good. You don't really have a cooking school?
Colleen: No, chef, I own a cooking school. I have a business just like you do.
Gordon: Your fucking business is not like my business. Hey, madam, let's get that fucking right.
Colleen: You're right.
Gordon: You're robbing people! You're a thief!! I'm concerned for the poor bastards that you've taken money off of!! [sees another piece of salmon burning] Hey, madam, lift that lid off, it looks black.
Colleen: It IS black!
Gordon: GOD!!!
Colleen: Both of them!
Gordon: SHIT! [Gordon and Coi look physically shocked] SHIT!!!! IT'S BLACK!
Colleen: Yes, chef!
Gordon: OH, MY GOD!!
Carol: These are burning.
Colleen: I know.
Gordon: Hey, madam, madam! GET OUT!! Get on the raw bar. Lacey! LACEY! Get on the fish!
Lacey: Yes, chef!
Colleen: (interview) Chef Ramsay's definitely not going to break me. He can ask me to leave, he can kick me out of the kitchen, he can do all those things, but he's not going to break me.

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Giovanni]
Gordon: Giovanni! [returns to the workstation]
Giovanni: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Hey, all of you come here! [points to Danny] He's cooking his arse off, surrounded by five muppets, yeah? The temperature's perfect, and I get that bit of shit there, look. I got given that! Would you eat that? [throws the salmon to Seth] Go on, eat it, eat it. (to Seth) Would you eat that?
Seth: No, chef.
Gordon: (to Giovanni) Would you eat that?
Giovanni: No, chef.
Gordon: [comes up to Giovanni] Hey, you can be pissed off. You got every fucking right to be pissed off. You know that, yes?
Giovanni: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Fucking RAW!!
Giovanni: (interview) I've never had a chef come that close to me in my life. He can yell at me from across the kitchen, he doesn't have to get 2 inches away from my face.

[After the end of service]

Gordon: Colleen, you know what they say in the industry. With the people that can't cook? Psst. They teach!
Colleen: That's not true, chef.
Gordon: Well it fucking was tonight!
Colleen: Chef, I know how to cook fish. You made me nervous, I started doing things that I don't normally do, and you have every right to be angry at me for wasting the fish.
LA: (interview) It's like she's talking out of her ass sometimes. I'm like, seriously, just shut the fuck up.
Gordon: You... you frazzle my mind. Every time I look at you, I think of "headache."

Gordon: Ji showed great courage. Unfortunately, her injury got in the way of her dream. She had a chance to win this, but sadly we will never, ever know.

Episode Three [5.03]

[during the meat labelling challenge, with both teams both having five correct labels so far]

Seth: (interview) Meat is one of my fortes. I definitely had six, seven out of eight without even looking.
Ben: Ring the bell, ring the bell. Go for it!
[Seth lightly taps the bell]
Gordon: I can't hear that!
Ben: Ring the fucking bell!
[Seth hits the bell harder]
Gordon: Seven wrong for blue, let's go.
Charlie: Holy shit! We're working backwards!
Narrator: Seth's poor performance has set the men back. Now Lacey has a golden opportunity to redeem herself with her team.
Carol: Come on, Lacey!
Lacey: (interview) It's my chance to show my team that I can step up, and that I deserve to be here.
Colleen: Come on! We can do this!
LA: Move it, Lacey!
Andrea: (interview) Lacey was just moving things around for the feeling that she was doing something, and you know what, that's no different to how she is in the kitchen.
[Robert rings the men's bell]
Gordon: Six wrong.
Narrator: Robert has only improved on Seth by one.
Carol: (to Lacey) Come on, let's go! Come on, come on, come on, come on!
[Lacey rings the bell]
Gordon: Okay... (sees that Lacey has placed the "bottom round" label near one of the model cow's front legs) BOTTOM ROUND?! WHAT DOES "BOTTOM" MEAN? One, two, three, four, five, six wrong! Dear oh dear!

Gordon: Why aren't the shrimp on? Get them on! Come on, Charlie.
Charlie: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Unbelievable. A Caesar salad and we're in the shit! [spots that Charlie's cooking cloth has caught fire] Your cloth's on fire! YOUR CLOTH'S ON FIRE!
J: (interview) Charlie, wake the fuck up, man.
Gordon: Get it in the water please, Scott, before he burns the place down.
Charlie: I'm doing my best, chef.
Scott: (throws the cloth in the sink) If that's your best, you might want to rethink your best a little bit.

Narrator: It's thirty minutes into dinner service, and Ben is trying to impress Chef Ramsay with his speed.
Ben: [bringing some chocolate brownie desserts to the pass] Coming down with desserts. Coming down with desserts...
Narrator: Unfortunately, having dessert ready before the appetizers is not exactly what Chef Ramsay had in mind.
Gordon: Dick-head, put them down. [calls entire team] Hey, all of you, come here. Ben's now bringing me a chocolate fucking brownie. [tosses one dessert on the counter] WHAT'S GOING ON?!
Seth: (interview) I didn't know what was going on, but he brought up dessert four minutes in. I mean, I've done some stupid shit, but that's embarrassing.
Gordon: So, let's do it this way, then. There you go. [puts the desserts on the pass] Ben wants to serve a chocolate brownie before we serve the appetisers.
Ben: No, chef.
Gordon: What are you dreaming on?! Are you stupid?!
Ben: No, chef.
Gordon: You've got cheesecake made as well!
Ben: Yes, chef.
Gordon: We've trashed six desserts before we've sent out fucking appetisers!
Ben: It was my fault, chef. (interview) It was my mistake for not exactly knowing Chef Ramsay's terminologies, but fuck me if the words "pick" and "up" don't mean "give you the desserts!"
Gordon: Have you been drinking or sniffing?
Ben: No, chef. No, chef.
Gordon: Look at me: Go upstairs for a lie-down.
Ben: No, no, chef!
Gordon: Go upstairs for a lie-down! [leads Ben out of the kitchen, then walks away] Useless. Absolutely useless. [a couple of seconds pass, then Ben quickly returns into the kitchen]

[Lacey returns a Caesar salad to the pass]
Gordon: What's the matter?
Lacey: She just didn't know if there were anchovies on it.
Gordon: You got what you asked for.
Lacey: I know, chef.
Gordon: So what did you fuck up? I know you find this is, yeah I know you laugh and it's funny.
Lacey: I'm not laughing! I'm trying not to cry.
Gordon: You're fucking worse than Britney Spears, you jumped-up bitch!

[Carol returns to the pass with filet mignon]

Carol: They say they want to brighten it up a little bit, chef.
Gordon: Giovanni, Robert come here! Robert, bounce your way down here. Let's go. [portions the beef] (pounds the counter) Touch it! Touch it!
Giovanni and Robert: It's cold.
Gordon: FUCKING SHIT!! [throws the beef away] It's still walking, that fucking piece of beef!
Danny: (interview) It pisses me off. We have the executive chef of a steakhouse running our grill. Wake up, get it together and put out some decent food.
Gordon: Giovanni!
Giovanni: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Thank fuck I've never been to your steakhouse! It's fucking blue!
Giovanni: Yes, chef!

Narrator: With just 30 minutes left, Jean Phillippe is looking for Lacey.
Jean Phillippe: Table 23. The Table you forgot.
Lacey: I have to go up there and tell them to fire it?
Jean Phillippe: Who el...Who else is going to do it?
Lacey: Jean Phillipe I never waited table before!!!
Jean Phillippe: (Gobbles) Can you just go and ask the chef to fire It (Trying to do Lacey Voice), (Gobbles)
Lacey: I need the main course for 23 fired. Thanks Chef.
Gordon: Hey Madam (Lacey), We just taking the order in now??? Why did it take so long???
Jean Phillippe: She forgot the Table.
Gordon: (Shakes Head and angrily swats Lacey away)
Lacey: Yeah, "Fuck off with me!" I know.
Gordon: (To the Blue Team) Lacey forgot the ORDER!!!

[after Seth's attempt at butchering the filet mignon, Ramsay has discovered a huge amount of wasted meat]
Gordon: Hey, all of you, here! Quickly! There's the filet, yes? Look at the fucking waste! [empties the waste onto the counter; the amount of waste is nearly as big as the remaining filet. Seth looks confused, while the other team members look horrified] That's what he took off, and there's the filet. LOOK AT THE FILET!
Giovanni: (interview) He molested that poor thing! People have gone to jail for worse, but it looked like he went at it with a jackhammer.
Gordon: We've fucking WASTED the most expensive part! [hurls the offcuts to Seth] LOOK AT IT! What are you going to do, get daddy to buy you a new one?
Narrator: With only fifteen minutes of dinner service left, Seth has butchered the filet. And possibly the Blue Team's hope of winning dinner service.
Gordon: How can you do that?
Seth: I never butchered a filet before chef.
Gordon: Congratulations, you just have.
Seth: [smiles] Thanks, yes...
Gordon: Ay-ey, hey smart-arse. Not in the right way, you fucking bozo!
Seth: (interview) I don't think I did that bad, butchering that filet, but now I'll know for next time.

[two minutes remain of the Blue team's half of the service]
Gordon: Where's the New York strip?!
Giovanni: Chef, I'm four minutes away!
Gordon: Oh, my God. SWITCH IT OFF!! We're now over two hours, he (Giovanni) fucks the filet! (to Charlie) The shrimps go down! (to Ben Walanka) This dick sent me dessert before the appetisers! [throws his apron] Fuck off! (to Jean-Philippe) Jean-Philippe, shut it down, yes? Two hours over. Clear down!!!
Robert: (interview; tonight was originally planned to have been his wedding) I've embarrassed myself, my family, my girlfriend. [throws his buff off angrily]
[Customers are leaving Hell's Kitchen]
Ben Walanka: Here we go. Here comes the pain.

[The Red team is now inside the kitchen and is about to start the second half of Steakhouse night service. While the Blue team is now in the dining room taking orders]

Andrea: (shouts to the Blue team) Come on guys, we need orders! (customers overhear) The ladies are ready to kick your-- (pauses out of shame and tones her voice down) butt. [she and LA giggle] I forgot there are customers out there.

Gordon: Where's the four Caesar salad, two shrimp?
Colleen: Coming chef. These were two, one and one.
Gordon: Where's the fucking four I asked for?
Coi: Four Caesar salad, two shrimp!
Gordon: (to Colleen) Hey!
Colleen: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're doing this on purpose.
Colleen: No I'm not, I swear. You said two. One and one.
Gordon: Look at me! Look at me! Four fucking salads.
Colleen: (interview) There's always the person in your life that's being grumpy and you know not being nice. Then there is one that Chef Ramsay whose the arrogant vicious attack dog.
Gordon: (to Colleen) Hey, Madam, you're fucking pathetic!
Colleen: Yes, chef.

Gordon: Four salad, three shrimp, one plain! (Colleen) Oh no, come here! What's going?
Colleen: Four Caesar salad, three shrimp, one plain!
Gordon: One more!
Colleen: Four Caesar salad chef, three shrimp, one plain!
Gordon: One more!
Colleen: Four Caesar salad chef, three shrimp, one plain!
Gordon: And last time!
Colleen: Four Caesar salad chef, three...
Gordon: (visibly shocked) Oh, m - OHH, GOD!
Colleen: ... SHRIMP, ONE PLAIN!
Gordon: Oh you fucking - hoo, shit! She's not normal... she can not be normal...
Lacey: (interview) My God! Colleen, if we lose tonight and I go home, I swear to God, I hope you can't sleep at night because you deserve to go home more than I.

[The Blue team lost the night's service; J has been asked for the nominees]

J: First nominee would be Seth.
Gordon: Why?
J: His kitchen etiquette? He doesn't really have much kitchen etiquette. His experience? Unfortunately, he doesn't really have that much experience. He's got a lot to learn.
Gordon: Second nominee and why?
J: Second nominee would be Charlie. Execution tonight was a little off, he definitely didn't meet the par that we needed to...
Seth: [interrupts J] Chef! If I could just say something? If we could just go down the line and ask, because I don't know that J is allowed to speak for everybody.
J: The chef asked me. So I answered the chef.
Seth: Yes, that's your opinion...
J: So keep your mouth shut.

Episode Four [5.04]

Colleen: How could we lose with cheerleaders on our side? Yeah! V, V-I, V-C-I-T-O-R-Y! (a caption reading "Vcitory???" appears)

[The Blue Team have lost the challenge and Ben believes that Danny was responsible for it even though it fell on Seth]

Ben: Imma tell you one thing. I don't like fucking losing and Danny, I was over there helping you then I jumped over to eggs.
Danny: You should've been on eggs the whole time.
Ben: You were the one drowning on the pancakes buddy, that is correct.
Danny: Look you gave me a hand walking up pancakes and thank you for that.
Ben: Wait a minute Danny, [J laughs] come on man are you serious right now?
Danny: What? You-you helped me plate some pancakes and I appreciate it, thank you, I-I'm not a-
Ben: It's cool.
Danny: I'm not a hero here, I never said I was.
J: You said that earlier, you said you were the best cook.

[Flashbacks to Gordon asking who the Blue Team's best cook is with Danny calling himself the Blue Team's best cook]

Danny: I am obviously the best cook on the team.
Ben: You want to hear something dude, I will put circles around you! I will circle you like a fucking moon!
Danny: Where have you been?
Giovanni: Hey, hey come on! Danny, come on! Hey, Ben!
Ben: [over Giovanni] Are you joking me? You couldn't cook my cock!

[The women walk past as Danny and Ben's argument starts escalating]

Giovanni: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Ben: Are you joking me? I AM SO FUCKING-
Danny: Where have you been!?
Giovanni: [stands between Danny and Ben] Be quiet! Quiet! Quiet!
Ben: We'll see you on garnish.
Danny: Shut the fuck up.
Ben: I mean- you know what, I need two minutes, I need two minutes bro.
Danny: Take your two minutes Bro because I haven't seen you kitchen yet.
Giovanni: HEY!
Danny: Where have you been!?
Ben: [heads down to the patio] (interview) Danny's ego is getting the better of him and he needs to come back down on this planet.

Gordon: On order: Four covers, Table 4. Two risotto, one spaghetti, one Caesar.
Blue Team: Yes, Chef!
Danny: (to Giovanni) Is it [the water] boiling?
Gordon: How long?
Giovanni: I'm waiting for the water to boil, Chef.
Gordon: You expect me to tell Jean-Philippe we're waiting for your water to boil?!
Giovanni: Oh, I'm sorry.
Ben: (interview) Oh, man, Gio. How do you expect to cook pasta in water that's not boiling?
Gordon: Hey, look at me! There's no olive oil in there, the water's not seasoned, it's not even boiling!
Giovanni: (interview) Oh, that was my fault. I didn't check my equipment. It won't happen again, that's for sure.
Gordon: Let's go, Giovanni, let's go! Oh, my God...
Narrator: While Giovanni is in hot water, over in the Red kitchen, Coi is trying to get ahead.
[Gordon notices Coi cooking pasta]
Gordon: (to Coi) Why are you cooking spaghetti? We haven't even fired it! DAMN!!!
Coi: Fuck!
Gordon: Why?!
Coi: I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: I can't believe this!! Why can't you just drop it to order?!
Coi: I will, chef.
Gordon: Tell me why you can't!!
Coi: I'm just trying to get ahead, chef.
Gordon: You can't get ahead! You're not that good!
Coi: (interview) I was trying to take so many steps ahead, so I'm kicking myself in the ass so, if I would have listened better, he wouldn't be screaming at me.
Gordon: Coi? Put some more spaghetti in to make yourself...
Coi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Hey, I'm joking you stupid cow!

[Gordon checks on lobster spaghetti brought up by Coi]
Gordon: Oh, my God. [returns to the workstation and slams the pan down] All of you! OH, COME HERE!! Taste that all of you. Hurry up! (to Colleen) Come on, Colleen! Stick your fucking fingers in there! What is that? Dry, bland, under-seasoned, undercooked!
Coi: I should have tasted it better, chef.
Carol: (interview) I honestly thought that Coi was going to be strong on that station.
Gordon: Now I'm up to FUCKING HERE! [raises his hand; kicks the bin] HERE!!
Coi: (interview) Oh... I got my ass handed to him. I never thought cooking pasta could be so hard.
Gordon: (to Coi) Madam, don't send me shit, yes?!
Coi: Yes, chef!

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with Caesar salad]
Gordon: What's going on on there?
Jean-Philippe: That's from, uhm, table 20 blue.
[Gordon checks the salad, then finds a butt of lettuce in it]
Gordon: Hey, ALL OF YOU! COME HERE! Who dressed the Caesar salad?
J: I did chef. [Gordon shows the butt of lettuce to the members] (whispering) Jesus Christ!
[Gordon returns the butt of lettuce to the plate and angrily throws the plate onto the floor]
Gordon: Oi, bozo! Are you fucking stupid?!
J: No, chef, I'm not. (interview) J feels like a jackass because of that freaking lettuce. I should have seen it, it's a disgrace. It really is.
Gordon: Did you see that?
J: I did not, Chef. If I saw it, I would never put it in there.
Giovanni: (interview) Pretty hard to believe that butt of lettuce went out there. It's pretty hard to miss that big lettuce when you try to toss it in a small salad.
Gordon: Un-fucking-believable.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Ben Walanka]
Gordon: Come here! All of you, come here! Put it down! (to Ben) Put it fucking down! What is that?
Ben Walanka: Lamb chop, sir.
Gordon: Lamb chop, yeah? Eat it. (gives the lamb to Ben and he eats it) Happy now? Now it's getting thinner and thinner and thinner. Look, there's another one that's ripped to fuck there now. Too thin, cowboy!
Robert: (interview) I'm like. "Oh, why are sending that out?" It looked like a piece of carppacio on a bone, man.
Gordon: (to Ben) How can someone so fucking fat slice something so fucking thin?!
Ben Walanka: Sorry, chef. It won't happen again, chef.
Gordon: I wouldn't even serve that to my fucking dog!
Ben Walanka: I'll fix it right now, chef.

Gordon: Garnish please :[Danny doesn't respond] Where's the garnish?
[Danny still doesn't respond]
Ben: (interview) We're going to see how Danny produces on the garnish station, as long as he's talking the talk I'd certainly like to see him walk the walk
Gordon: Where's the fucking MASHED POTATO!? I NEED THE GARNISH DANNY!! [Danny still doesn't reply] He's not even answering me now
Danny: (interview)It's just a difficult station, Chef Ramsay like's always calls you and you're just heating up vegetables but i-it was rough man
Gordon: Where's the fucking garnish? Thirty seconds, I'm going to fucking kick you out personally! Danny?
Danny: It's working chef
Gordon: How long?
Danny: It's going to be a minute chef

[Colleen brings her wellingtons to the pass]
Gordon: Hey, stay here you. Three Wellingtons, you brought me four. One medium, one medium-well, one well done. Where's the medium one?
Colleen: The medium one's here, Chef.
Gordon: Where's the medium-well?
Colleen: The medium-well's here, Chef.
Gordon: Where's the well done one, then?
Colleen: It's right here, Chef.
Gordon: So what the fuck is this one?
Colleen: I don't know.
Gordon: You don't know. That's funny, isn't it? A little "Ha-ha," "Tee-hee," and "God Bless Nebraska?"

Gordon: On order, four covers, table three. One scallops, one spaghetti, one risotto, one caesar...
Seth: (to Giovanni) Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon!
Gordon: Entrées: One Dory, one chicken, one lamb, one wellington.
Giovanni: It's coming.
Seth: Right here.
Gordon: Seth! SETH!
Seth: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Come here! What did I just call out?
Seth: [wiping his face with a cloth] I... I don't know, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, I know you don't know because you weren't even fucking prepared to listen. No wonder you're struggling.
[Seth uses the same cloth he just wiped his face with to clean a pan, then wipes his face with it again]
Gordon: What is he doing? Hey you, hey you, come here... [takes the cloth from Seth, and looks at him in disgust]
Seth: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: I just watched you wipe your face and then wipe the pan. If this one's for your fucking nose, where's your cooking cloth?
Seth: Uh, I'll get one, chef.
Gordon: [throws the cloth back to Seth] Fuck off will you?

[after Jean-Philippe returned to the pass with more food, Gordon has had it]

Gordon: (disappointed) What is going on? Oh no! Oh! [cuts to Coi accidentally dropped her spaghetti on her station] Fuck off - oh, no! Shit! Look at that! You, guy! (Robert) Come here, you fat fuck! Come here! All of you, come here! COME HERE! Hey, hey, look at me. You are pathetic. NO-ONE'S WON! Fuck off! Both teams, start thinking about two of you to fucking go home. (to Coi) You, pathetic! I don't want anymore! (to Ben) I don't want to wait for your shit anymore, (to Danny) I don't want your shit anymore, (to Seth) I don't want you drying your face, and then fucking cooking with a cloth. [throws his cloth towards Seth] YOU SCUMMY FUCKER! GET OUT!!! [all chefs exited the kitchen except Ben; he approaches him] GET OUT!!!

[The chefs have entered the dining room and are ready to give out the nominees for elimination]

Gordon: Something's really bugging me, you know that? And I can't stop thinking about it and here's why. If a customer goes out for dinner and their steak is overcooked or undercooked, it gets redone. And they move on and enjoy the evening. But if a customer goes out for dinner and they get served a butt of lettuce, that's how reputations get destroyed in minutes, butt-head! [to J]

Gordon: Seth showed that he had all the passion in the world, but the bottom line is he's a crap cook.

Episode Five [5.05]

[Gordon asks for wellingtons in the Red kitchen]

Gordon: Where's the wellington, please?
Andrea: Chef, I'm re-firing the wellington. The bottom's burning.
Gordon: [begins searching] Where's the medium-well wellington?
Andrea: I'm putting projector paper.
Gordon: [finds that Andrea has hid her burnt meat underneath her station] Oh, shut up you, yeah? Shut up. What is this? [starts getting the meat]
Andrea: They burned. I'm not quite sure why.
Gordon: Watch. There you go, look. (to the members) Hey, come here! Oy, oy, oy! There you go. There you go. There--Oh, dear! [throws a burnt wellington against the refrigerator] Fucking pile of shit!!
Andrea: (interview) I'm screwed. I'm fucking screwed.
Gordon: Anything else you hid? What else did you hid?!
Andrea: No, chef. That's it, chef.
Gordon: That's it? Is it?! WHY'D YOU DO IT?!
Andrea: Trying to get it together, chef.
Gordon: I just don't-- I just don't understand it!

[Gordon checks on chicken brought up by J]

Gordon: J! The chicken's RA-AW! J.
J: Yes, sir!
Gordon: No entrées have left this kitchen in nearly fourteen minutes! Nothing! FOURTEEN MINUTES, NOTHING'S GONE OUT!!
J: (interview) I fucked up everything. Everything! Every god-damn thing!
Gordon: Do you want go?
J: No, chef.
Gordon: Get a grip! GET A GRIP!!
J: Yes, chef!
Robert: (to J) J, can I go to the pass? Yes or no?
Lacey: J, can you go?
J: What do you need?
Lacey: Lamb.
Gordon: He's asking you now what you need, he doesn't even know.
Lacey: Come on, guys. How long on that lamb?
Gordon: Oh, J. You forgot it, yes?
J: Yes, chef.
Gordon: COMMUNICATE!! [kicks the bins]
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Oh, my God.
Lacey: (interview) I know J was really having a bad night. But he like forgot an order.
Gordon: Hey look at me, hey. You are shit!

Gordon: (misreferred to Robert) Let's go, Bobby. [Robert doesn't answer] I'll say this once. Move Bobby, yeah? You can do lose a few pounds. Let's go.
Robert: Fucking asshole. (interview) First of all, my name is not Bobby, it's Robert. So when he says "Bobby", who the fuck is that?
Gordon: Bobby? [Robert doesn't answer] No answer.
Robert: (interview) My father's name is Bobby and I had a fucked up childhood.
Gordon: Bobby look at me.
Robert: (interview) Every time I hear that, it brings you back. He's touched the nerve with me.
Gordon: Bobby? Dory, tuna! Where is it?! [finds that Robert has thrown his Dory in his bin] Why is he throwing stuff in the bin?
Robert: Because it's fucking... Here it comes.
Gordon: [approaches Robert's station and gets his bin] What's going on?! All this food in here! How much are you throwing away?!
Robert: Too much, chef.
Gordon: You can't just trash it like that!
Robert: I could see that you wouldn't take it, if I put it up there... Put... Whatever.
Gordon: Say that again, please?!
Robert: No, I can't.
Gordon: Why can't you look at me when I talk to you?
Robert: Sorry, chef. Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Robert, come here you. Come here you, fucker! Get out! GET OUT!! Get in there! [leads Robert into the pantry]What are you doing?!
Robert: I'm trying to do the best I can for you.
Gordon: Why didn't you serve it?--Fuck me! It's not about me, it's about you!
Robert: I refuse to put that thing up there that you're going to send back, chef.
Gordon: Look at me, concentrate, stop picking on me as an excuse. That's not good enough! You can't trash all that!
Robert: I fucked up and I'm not going to put it up to you.
Gordon: Wake up, Robert!
Robert: (interview) It took a lot from me to fucking hold back, son. I'm telling you that.
Gordon: (to Robert) Hey, have you given up?
Robert: Fuck no, chef.
Gordon: (mocks Robert) "Hey, I'm not doing that to you, chef! It's going to the trash can again!"
Robert: (interview) I ain't trying to make him proud of me anymore. [stands and pulls his trousers down, showing his bottom] Chef Ramsay, KISS MY ASS! That's what I'm saying to him.
Gordon: (comes up to Robert) Hey, if you've got any comeback, I'll do it now if I was you, yeah? Because you look like one sulky, pissed off cook! Find some form of passion. Cook your heart out. Stop fucking around!
Robert: Yes, chef.

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with dessert]

Jean-Philippe: Red, [Table] 53. Tanya Steel.
Gordon: Not done? (returns to the workstation) There you go. Now I've had enough. [slams the plate on the stove] Come here! There you go. (to Carol; gives her a piece of pear) Take a bite and pass it along. (to LA) LA, wake up, yeah?
Coi: It's hard as a fucking rock.
Gordon: Raw pastry, raw pear. That's her! [kicks a bin]
Andrea: (interview) Chef Ramsay wasn't kidding when he said it was raw. It was raw. That's just, "Sorry. Poor judgement."
Gordon: (to Colleen) You didn't know that's raw pastry with a raw pear?
Colleen: No, chef.
Andrea: (interview) Everybody else was just looking around like, "You've got to be kidding me."
Gordon: Un-fucking-believable! [goes to the blue kitchen and sits in fetal position]
Narrator: Tonight, dinner service has totally collapsed.
Gordon: Oh, Christ almighty! Two and a half hours of bullshit.
Narrator: And Chef Ramsay is at the end of his rope.
Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe; after returning to the pass with raw desserts) Oh fuck off! I'm... I've had enough! [goes to the red kitchen] Hey, when I say, I've had enough! I've had enough! Stoves off! [calls both teams] Come here! That was pathetic! And you were absolutely useless! CLEAR DOWN! I can't take it anymore! It's been the worst performance so far! SWITCH IT FUCKING OFF!!! [throws his spoon away]

Gordon: There was no place in the kitchen I could put Colleen where she wasn't a disaster. It's time for her to go back to where she belongs, teaching. Because she certainly can't cook.

Episode Six [5.06]

Narrator: As the Blue Team heads to the spa for a day of pampering...
J: Off to the spa we go...
Narrator: ...Back in the dining room, Max's mom lets J.P. know that he'll be working with someone to plan the party.
Brenda: This gentleman is very recommended.
Jean-Philippe: Yes.
Brenda: So, um...
Francisco: Bonjour, darling!
Brenda: Oh, here he is now.
Narrator: ...Someone he knows all too well.
Francisco: Oh, it's so good to see you! [hugs J.P.] I'm so happy to be here. Are you thrilled to see me?
Brenda: Alright, well, see you tomorrow.
Francisco: Thank you.
Jean-Philippe: (to Francisco) Listen, you. You are not interfering with my job.
Francisco: I respect your boundaries.
Jean-Philippe: Alright, I'll do my thing, and then you do your little thing.
Francisco: "My little thing." Oh, it will be so happy.
Jean-Philippe: Good.
Francisco: Oh, here they [the Red Team] come.
Jean-Philippe: Ladies, ladies, ladies, we've done a few parties in the past with Francisco.
Francisco: I'm so excited to be here, this is so fabulous! [the ladies laugh] Wait until you see what we're doing. We are going to go up, up, and away with beautiful balloons, all around. It's going to be so festive!
Coi: (interview) Oh, Francisco's just fabulous, all the way around.
Francisco: We have twinkly centerpieces on all of the tables...
Andrea: (laughing) Twinkly!
Coi: (interview) It's the way he talks, it's the way he dresses, everything. He's fabulous.
Francisco: We are going to make this the most beautiful sports arena!
LA: (interview) I'm gay, that dude is parade gay.

Episode Seven [5.07]

J: (to Lacey) You didn't take the a...this part off?
Lacey: No
Robert: You're supposed to take the paper off...
Lacey: Robert, trust me!
Robert: You're not a supposed to do that, Lacey.
Lacey: Then I fucked up, it's not your fucking problem...
Robert: (little bit of high-tone) You need to stop right now and listen what we try to tell you! (interview) I'm so sick of Lacey, I'm about to use a Jedi mind trick and choke the shit out of that bitch mentally...
Lacey: I'm sick of Robert yelling at me!
Robert: You're not...
Danny & J: He's trying help you, Lacey.
Lacey: I know but...hmmm...never mind...
Robert: (under his breath) That bitch got to go, man.
Lacey: (interview) I don't care what that fatass has to say to me, he needs to say in front of my face instead of mumbling under his fucking breath.
Lacey: I'm not fighting, If I fight with anybody right now, I'm leaving i swear to God.
J: You're what?
Ben: Oh My God...
J: You're leaving?!
Danny: That's the last thing we need to know...
J: Lacey, if you got to go, then just go
Lacey: I don't understand why are you sticks with people who yelling at me?
J: No, No, No don't fought back, I'm serious, this is the professional kitchen, If you want to fucking go, go...I'll fucking do everything.
J: (interview) Just shut the fuck up, get out of the kitchen and let me do my job
Lacey: Ben,what else? cause I can't find fennel at the moment?
Ben: Lacey, Oh God. (interview) 1,2,3,4... Use your head, baby. Come on, push this back...
Lacey: i don't know what's in the fucking dish?! aw! i hate you guys!
Ben: (interview)7,8,9...
Lacey: I'm sick of taking shit from you people, it's stopping now...i quit (interview)i get treated like a donkey of the team and I'm supposed to help these people? fuck that, I'm not going to compromise my health and happiness for fucking 250000,no fucking way! it's not worth it!
Danny: where the hell did lacey go man?
J: I,I don't know...
Robert: That bitch needs her ass-kicked man...(interview) Lacey sucks,she needs to get some Psycho ward so she can get some free therapy
Ben: I can't tell her every time to wipe her ass man (interview)i am...literally losing a fraction from Lacey but blue team needs extra-pair of hand,and Lacey is and extra-pair hand

(at the terrace):Ben: Let me ask you a serious question...can you go back to the kitchen and produce? we need you.

Lacey: (interview) we go again.

(at Episode 5...)

Ben: We need you!
Lacey: I know but i don't understand, I don't usually like this.
Ben: You know what i'm saying? we need you.

(back at now)

Ben: We need...we need you, as much as we ride you, we need you.
Lacey: (interview) Only need you, OK you don't want me you want me here,you don't want to men down from the Red team.
Lacey: I,I understand, I'm sorry
Ben: Can you go back to the kitchen and produce?
Lacey: Yeah
Ben: (interview) Kind of push the little bird off the edge so make sure it can fly

Giovanni: How long for the risotto and pasta?
Paula: Plating up the pasta right now.
Andrea: How's your risotto?
Carol: I'm going. I'm going.
Gordon: Where's the risotto?
Carol: Right here chef.
Gordon: Carol!
Carol: Yes, chef!
Gordon: [tastes the risotto then spits it out] Taste that rice, taste the rice. It's like mush! Show me the rice.
Carol: Right here.
Gordon: Oh, my God! It's overcooked! It's like mush! Who cooked the rice?
[flashback to when J cooked the rice for both teams, pouring two boxes into one pan]
Andrea: The blue team.
Gordon: The blue team? What? [goes over to the blue kitchen] Oh, come here you, all of you! Who cooked this rice?
J: I did, chef.
Gordon: Look at it, J! How can you do that, J? [hurls the rice in the trash] J! For both teams?
J: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Aw, fucking hell! Oh, come on! You can't do this!
Lacey: (interview) The risotto was mushy, clumpy and nasty, and it definitely was not a good way to start the evening.
Gordon: It's mush! Did you cook it all in the same pan?
J: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me! Oh, come on, fuck off J!
J: I'll get a pot on, chef. (interview) That pissed off Chef Ramsay, and I really didn't need that, because he's been riding me hard the past couple of days.
Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe) Jean-Philippe, stop the risotto, yeah? (to J) J! I can't believe you just screwed the service in both kitchens!
Robert: (interview) J, you're my friend and I like you a lot, but today, you fucking suck, man.

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with pasta]
Jean-Philippe: Pasta undercooked, chef.
Gordon: Is it?
Jean-Philippe: Yeah, it's really undercooked, chef.
Gordon: (to Carol) Hey, you, madam. The pasta's raw! Who's running the appetisers?
Carol: I am, chef!
Gordon: Well, then run it, then! Does she [Andrea] wipe your arse?
Carol: No, chef. (interview) I get fucking yelled at because this stupid bitch can't fucking cook?! What the hell is up with that?! (to Ramsay) There's must be some mix-in because it's...
Gordon: What?! Why aren't you tasting?
Carol: I was tasting it chef.
Gordon: So you tasted it and you knew it's raw, yet you still sent it!
Carol: (interview) That stupid bitch doesn't fucking say anything when Chef Ramsay's yelling at me, FUCK THIS SHIT!
Gordon: Madam, come here you mouthy little bitch! You [Andrea] come here!
Andrea: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe) Hey, give me that table out there! (to Carol and Andrea) And sit on that table and eat that! Both of you, fuck off out there! It's not undercooked, it's raw! RAW, Carol! [gets ticket from Jean-Philippe]
Andrea: (to Carol) Let's eat it. Yeah, let's get this fucking over with.
Gordon: (to Carol and Andrea) Hey, you're not coming back to this clear until you let me know how it tastes!

Narrator: While Carol and Andrea chew on their mistakes, in the blue kitchen, J is hoping to redeem himself.
Gordon: (with a piece of undercooked salmon) J! Come on, then! Look, it's still stone-cold. Back in the oven! Fucking hell...
Ben: J, I know you're busy buddy, but how long on the salmon, my man?
J: Five minutes.
Robert: Give me the tuna!
Ben: He said four minutes out. Can you make it four?
Gordon: Everything you've touched tonight, so far, has been screwed.
Robert: (interview) J just lost his shit, man. He was just clamming up, didn't take control. He was burning the seafood, he was sending raw seafood.
Gordon: That's called burnt salmon, not seared salmon!
Robert: (interview) It takes a real good chef to recover. (to J) You can really turn this around if you want to.
J: I know.
Robert: Wipe your face, wipe your face. [J wipes his face with his sleeve] With a rag!
Gordon: J, where's the salmon?
J: Coming around. Right here chef.
Gordon: [finds out that the salmon is overdone] Hey, bozo, SAUCE!! Come here you. Put that down, come here you. Come here you! Get in there! GET IN!

[leads J into the pantry and slams the door]

J: Fuck!
J: I'm here chef.
Gordon: It's not good enough J!
J: I know chef. I got no fucking excuse.
J: I don't know. I'll fucking turn it on right now chef.
Gordon: I can't fucking go any further! Please, wake up!
J: Yes, chef!

Gordon: I've got sauce on one, and two Dory on. LA?
[LA is standing still and staring into space]
Paula: (interview) It's almost like LA was half-asleep or something.
Gordon: Come on, LA!
Gloria: Come on! LA, wake up! Are you sleeping?!
LA: No, I'm...
Gordon: She's dreaming. Come on, more sauce, you silly cow!
LA: (interview) He called me a cow. For the first time.
Gordon: Don't cook all the fucking Dory in one pan unless you're boiling them, yes?
LA: Yes, chef. (interview) In the real world, you wouldn't have someone yelling at you like that. You wouldn't have someone calling you a cow, a bitch. You wouldn't. 'Cos if someone in the real world called you a cow or a bitch, you would walk up to them and sock them in the head.
Gordon: How long for the beef, please?
LA: 30 seconds chef.

Narrator: As LA tries to get up to speed, over in the blue kitchen...
Gordon: J! Where's the other scallop?
J: Right here, chef.
[J brings the scallops to the pass; they're badly overcooked]
Gordon: Have you seen this shit?
Scott: Disastrous, isn't it?
Gordon: I have had enough. [calls the blue team] Come here, you! Leave it, PUT THAT DOWN! You, come here! You come here!
Ben: Yes, chef.

[the team members gather around the pass]

Gordon: What is that? What IS that? What is that? That's us at our best, WHAT IS IT?! Wait, it gets better! Look, touch that!
Ben: It's rubber, chef.
Gordon: T-Oh, my GOD! Unbelievable-- [J goes to touch one of the scallops, and Ramsay knocks his hand away] No, no no no no! NO! GET OUT! OUT, OUT, OUT! Get out! OUT, GET OUT! Take your jacket off, and fuck off!!
J: (interview) I guess I don't belong here, so... I'll be going home. I'm here for a reason, and it's my boy and my wife, so of course I'm disappointed. It was a tough day. (in the dorms) Oh...that's fucked up bro. (interview) My dream when I came to Hell's Kitchen was to win. So, uh, now it's time to move on and get my own restaurants going. You know, I don't need Chef Ramsay's opinion anymore, I've got it. [entering the taxicab] Tomorrow's another day! Let's do it. (interview) It's time for J Maxwell to do his own thing.

Gordon: Where are the Wellingtons?
Ben Walanka: Five and a half minutes, chef.
Gordon: I'm watching you like a fucking hawk.
Ben Walanka: I know you are, chef.
Gordon: You know why? Do you know why?
Ben Walanka: I don't-I don't know, chef.
Gordon: I want you out. You're not cutting it. You're dreaming.
Ben Walanka: (interview) It hurts. It hurts when someone goes at you like that.
Gordon: Stop! Stop, stop, stop! Put that down. [finds that Ben has put fresh Wellingtons in a tray filled with burnt bits of pastry] Oh, my god! Look! Look!
Danny: (interview) Ben was struggling, just getting beat up by chef. Ben's just like J, in dinner service he just falls apart.
Gordon: Come here, you! Get in there, get in! [Gordon leads Ben into the pantry] What's your fucking game?
Ben Walanka: No game, chef.
Gordon: Tell me something straight. What are you doing?
Ben Walanka: Chef, I'm doing everything I can...
Gordon: Why are you putting them on a dirty tray?
Ben Walanka: Chef, only because I was doing Wellington on them before, and I could not find any more...
Gordon: And that's good enough for you?
Ben Walanka: No, it's not, chef.
Gordon: Is it fucked?
Ben Walanka: It's not. I don't want to do it in a...
Ben Walanka: Yes, chef.
Ben Walanka: Yes, chef.
Gordon: One more, and you're fucking history. GET IN!
Ben Walanka: (interview) Today, it took everything I had not to go up in my little coccoon. I just had to push forward.
Gordon: DIRTY PIG!

Robert: You know as much as you've done well, I can't forgive that shit happened today.
Lacey: Oh, god
Robert: When you left the Red team, you fucking done it great job, not taking out of away from you, but I was constantly stressed dealing with your FUCKING emotional bullshit!
Lacey: I know how you guys are feeling... but that's fine...
Robert: No, you don't!
Lacey: You just sit out here and fucking "blab" shit to me...
Robert: If all you hear is all the negative,y our a moron.
Lacey: What did you just say was positive?
Robert: That you gave a FUCK since you've been here! When you fucking left your team, up there when they're busting their ass! (interview) Lacey is not a team player, she doesn't find it serious, she blames everybody but herself, that girl is FUCKED! In the head man!
Robert: You care what you want of that's convenient for Lacey, that's not how it team works, if you don't give a fuck, beat it! (Lacey surprises)
Lacey: (interview) Robert is just an asshole. Maybe I'll put Robert up there,chef ramsay did say...go back and nominate the person who don't want on your team
Robert: (to Lacey) I swear to God if you win this I will hang up my coat and become a crack whore!

Gordon: that was painful in there tonight, each of you, know who you voting for?
Blue team: yes,Chef!
Gordon: good, tell me who you don't want on your team any longer and why, Robert?
Robert: I don't want to lacey on my team anymore chef, cause i believe my heart to tell she is a cancer, i don't appreciate holding our team for ransom of threat of quitting and...
Gordon: on service?
Robert: yes! and i refuse to accept quitter,we tried to help her but,she constantly blaming everybody else,i'm serious in a emotion of a long run,she doesn't care what would happen,and if a was running my restaurant...see you later
Gordon: Holy crap!
Robert: sorry
Gordon: is that one off your chest?
Robert: yes, chef
Gordon: huh? but you got a big chest?
Robert: (giggles) yeah...yes chef

Gordon: ok Danny,tell me who you don't want on your team any longer
Danny: Lacey, chef
Gordon: why?
Danny: she has a piss poor attitude,she threaten walk out on this today...i think that's bullshit
Gordon: okay, Ben...who's your nominee and why?
Ben: my nominee is Lacey,chef (Robert laughs it sign of good riddance) she is not a team player and,she is pulling our team back than pushing us forward
Gordon: well,not exactly 'bonding', are we?
Blue team: yes chef!

Episode Eight [5.08]

Ben: Lacey, talk to me.
Lacey: I don't know! I honestly don't know!
Ben: (interview) Boy, oh boy. Lacey had no clue what she was doing.
Danny: [to Lacey] You got your lamb reheating?
Lacey: No! I can't–guys I'm...
Danny: Hey, it's cool, man. Just breathe, girl.
Ben: Come on, keep focused.
Danny: Get your lamb in the oven. Grab a pan. (interview) Lacey on the meat station was like... Oh, man! [to Lacey] That's gonna be up in four minutes, okay? (interview) Just spoon-feeding her, like... Relax, calm down. It's not that bad. [to Lacey] You're fine! Just tell me what you need.
Lacey: I don't know! That's the problem!
Gordon: How long, Ben?
Ben: I believe we're gonna need some more time for the meat station, chef.
Lacey: Ahhh...
Gordon: Talk to me, madam!
Lacey: I don't know how long, chef! Really, I don't!
Gordon: WHAT?!
Lacey: (interview) What do you want me to do, lie to him? Fuck it! I didn't know, I didn't lie to him!
Gordon: [to Danny] Get in there and help her!

Lacey: I'm no good at meat, guys! I told you that!
Danny: That's fine! Which one is your well done?
[Lacey's meat pan catches fire; Gordon approaches her station]
Gordon: Leave it! Fucking hell, what is that?!
Lacey: Wha-I...
Gordon: What is that, I said! Look at it! It's on fire!
Danny: Is this your well-done?
Lacey: (tearfully) I don't know.
Ben: (interview) She was lost. [makes a crying impression of Lacey] "I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE, HUHU!!"
Gordon: What's the matter with you?!
Gordon: What do you mean you can't cook meat?!
Lacey: Obviously I'm weak and confused...
Gordon: Hey madam, madam! Get out! GET OUT!!
Robert: (interview) Can't handle the heat, get out the kit-CHEN!!
Gordon: [follows Lacey to the pantry] "I can't cook meat?!"
Lacey: I–I'm sorry. I just got really confused.
Gordon: If you got confused, why didn't you say something?!
Lacey: I did and then Robert put the chicken and the chicken went on fire and...!
Gordon: Why can't you just make the effort?
Lacey: I'm trying to make an effort.
Gordon: Do you want to come back in there and make an effort?
Lacey: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Well, wake up and get a grip!! Come on! [leads Lacey out of the pantry]

Narrator: It's over an hour into dinner service, and while Ben and Lacey struggle to get out entrees...
Ben: Okay, I need you right now.
Lacey: You need to put me on something easier than fucking wellingtons.
Narrator: Robert has managed to handle the appetizers on his own.
Robert: C'mon, guys! Let's fucking do it!
Ben: Yeah, move!
[Robert bends over and a ripping sound is heard. As Ben and Lacey look on in shock, we see that Robert has split open the seat of his trousers. He carries on, unconcerned.]
Robert: Come on guys, keep pushing! (interview) All I heard was "RRRRRIIIP!"
Scott: (to Gordon) Robert's ass is hanging out all over the place.
Robert: (interview) "Ooh, I feel a little breeze on the back of my ass!" I'll cook in my boxer shorts, I don't give a shit.
Gordon: Damn!

[Gordon checks on meat brought up by Lacey; finds that the lamb was badly carved]
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Lacey: Hmm... Fuck me!
Gordon: Come here, all of you! What is that? Fucking bone's thicker than the meat! WHAT IS THAT?!
Gordon: [throws the lamb in the bin] 'It's not good enough! GET OUT! YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! PISS OFF!! [follows Lacey into the pantry] Madam, look at me. Let's be honest, you're done. You can't waste my time any longer!
Lacey: I agree.
Gordon: Give me your jacket, and leave Hell's Kitchen. And go in there, and say goodbye. Properly, say it properly! Let's go.
Lacey: [to the blue team] Thank you for everything!
[Danny quickly waves to Lacey and then resumes cooking; Ben and Robert ignore her altogether]
Robert: (interview) There's a small violin, just for Lacey. [blows a raspberry] She sucks. Adios, bee-yatch.
Gordon: Piss off! Let's go! Step up a gear.
Lacey: (interview) On one hand, it's a relief. I can get back to my normal life. [packing her suitcase] Now I can get some sleep at night. (interview) But you know, another part of me wishes to stay and learn more and have that chance to win but unfortunately I fucked up tonight and I can only look back on the positive things which there weren't many for me. You know, my mom told me when I came here, "Don't make enemies." and that's the first thing I did and kept doing the whole time I was here. Sorry mom, I should've listened.

[After Lacey was eliminated, the Blue team rallied and completed their service, while the Red team was nowhere completing theirs]

Gordon: Three of them in there cooking, they've [Blue team] sent all of their entrées. Five of you and we're still waiting on two wellingtons [points to Carol] from Ditsy. She [points to Andrea] gives me a rubber John Dory, she's [points to Carol] shouting at me about the oven, and she [points to LA] can't even give me hot mashed potatoes! One, two, three pathetic excuses from three pathetic women! I've had enough. Stoves off!

Gordon: LA was a real workhorse in the kitchen. I kicked her out of Hell's Kitchen because she lacked two crucial skills to be a great chef - leadership and creativity.

Episode Nine [5.09]

[The Blue Team are designing their menu for the upcoming service and Ben had came up with an idea that Danny and Robert have no clue and interest about]

Ben: I'm thinking halibut gentleman and I think that if we go ahead and we take a halibut and we really try and go out there and do a method for instance shallow poached
Robert: (interview) I'm thinking of three old rich fuddy-duddies and there like "I'll have the poached halibut"
Ben: Poached Alaskan halibut
Robert: (interview) "and please make it extra poached".
Ben: and pomme fondant (interview) neither one of them are used to doing refined methods of cooking
Danny: Pomme fondant like... I mean
Ben: Pomme fondant is going to be something that's done very old school French
Danny: (interview) I've worked in a lot of kitchens but uh... some of these terms that Ben says I have no idea what he's talking about
Ben: Pomme fondant
Danny: [tapping ash off a cigarette] Pomme fondant?
Ben: The beautiful potatoes uh... fondant and pomme fondant
Robert: (interview) Pomme fondant
Ben: Pomme fondant
Danny: (interview) I don't ever want to hear that term "pomme fondant" again I don't even know what it is
Ben: Shallow poached Alaskan halibut with confit tomatoes and pomme fondant, comma natural poaching liquid [Danny and Robert are still clueless about the dish]
Danny: [to Robert] What do you think?
Robert: (interview) I wouldn't order that! [to Danny and Ben] Sounds good

[Gordon checks on sauce brought up by Ben]

Gordon: Oh Ben!
Ben: Chef!?
Gordon: [returns the sauce to the workstation] Right, all three of you [Ben, Danny & Robert] come here. Here we go. [with spoons] Taste time! Quick, quick, dig in there, yes? Dig in. Make sure you take a nice big mouthful. Big mouthful. Mmmmmm. [spits out the sauce as does Robert]
Robert: (interview) I spit it right out. It was disgusting.
Gordon: Hey, salty soup! You're just reheating it!
Ben: Yes.
Gordon: So how can you fuck it?!
Ben: It was bland before I over reduced it, it's my fault, I should've tasted it chef.
Gordon: You're clumsy! You salted it!
Ben: Yes chef.
Gordon: You over seasoned it!
Ben: Yes I did, chef.
Gordon: You didn't over reduce it!
Ben: (interview) I'm a soldier, that's why I say yes chef.
Gordon: Hey clumsyfuck-
Ben: Yes, chef. I'm going to put one up right now, chef.
Gordon: Why are you always looking for excuses, you!?
Ben: No no, no excuses, chef. It was my fault! It's coming out right now!
Ben: (interview) I don't-I don't tuck my head in my fucking oven and cry! [sauce in the pan overflows]
Gordon: Oh my God, look at him, look at fucking him!

Gordon: One beef salad. Entrées: one bass, one New York steak.
[a woman comes up to the hotplate to reorder food]
Lady: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Yes, madam?
Lady: Totally flat. No flavor on the carpaccio. This the second time I've had to reorder.
Gordon: Okay, thank you. (to the blue team) Hey, get the veal along please, yes? Let's go.
Lady: Chef! [whistles to Gordon]
Gordon: (to the woman) Right! Don't whistle at me, I'm not your fucking dog, yeah? You look more like a dog than I do. Fuck off, will you?

[Gordon checks on potatoes brought up by Carol]

Gordon: Oh dear. Excuse me! Oh, dear! Let's go, come down! Hurry up! Taste them. There, there you go, there's a nice big slice for you. Aw, fuck it!
Carol: Hard and raw chef.
Gordon: Fucking hell! [throws the potatoes away] Why are the potatoes crunchy? Who cooked them then?
Carol: I did chef. If they go in the oven when the order comes in, they should be fully cooked. (interview) I don't know why they didn't cook. I never cooked potatoes that long before I sliced that thin.
Gordon: (To Jean-Philippe) Hey, come in here you! Have I got news for you, yeah? Tell him then, tell him! HE'S GOING TO GO AND EXPLAIN TO THE CUSTOMER!!
Jean-Philippe: What's happening?
Carol: The potatoes are undercooked. If they go in when the order comes in, they should be fine.
Jean-Philippe: What's undercooked?
Gordon: Say that again?!
Carol: If she [Andrea] fires it when the order comes in, when it's ready to go -
Gordon: Au-gratin dauphinois need to be cooked before service!
Carol: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Now you're blaming her.
Carol: I'm not blaming her chef.
Gordon: Hey, Andrea, she's trying to sabotage. She can't even tur -
Carol: I'm not.
Gordon: What?
Carol: I'm not sabotaging.
Andrea: (interview) I was embarrassed for Carol. She's pointing out other people's mistakes. Point me out! I dare you!
Gordon: Here's the next question, how long then til they cook?
Carol: Maybe ten minutes.
Gordon: Oh, look how cool she is! She said "maybe ten minutes"!
Carol: (interview) They should've been done. Why didn't they cook?
Gordon: (to the customers) MAYBE TEN MINUTES EVERYBODY, FOR YOUR AU-GRATIN DAUPHINOIS!! Look at them! The poor souls! Are you stupid?!
Carol: No, chef. I'm not.
Gordon: Bullshit! [throws his towel away]
Andrea: (interview) Those potatoes! I was embarrassed for Carol.
Gordon: Why didn't they cook to begin with?
Carol: Chef, yes, I cooked them in the cream for an hour.
Gordon: WHAT?!
Carol: Yes.
Gordon: You cooked them in the cream for an hour?
Carol: In boiling cream for an hour.
Gordon: Crunchy gratin dauphinois. Useless.

[Carol pours more cream over her potatoes]

Gordon: What is that on there?
Carol: I just poured more cream on it and I'm going to put it back in.
Gordon: My God! Oh, Jesus Christ! [gets the potatoes dumps them in the bin] Are you mad?
Carol: No, chef.
Andrea: (interview) There were no saving those potatoes. None whatsoever. They just looked like shit. They looked like fucking shit! It was awful.
Gordon: I wouldn't even serve that to a fucking pig farm, madam. Forget it. [throws the tray into the sink] You don't care do you? Because if you did care, you wouldn't serve me that crap! This is supposed to be your exciting menu! Really?
Carol: (interview) I feel completely awful. This is such a great dish and I fucking ruined it!

Gordon: Carol knew she was out of her depth in Hell's Kitchen. I just put her out of her misery.

Episode Ten [5.10]

Gordon: On order, six covers table 20. Entrées: Two wellington, two chicken, one lamb, one Dory. Wellington's medium, yes?
Final 6: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (to Andrea) Right Andrea, what's going? [gets no answer] No answer. I'm not in the best of moods, ah? I don't like being ignored in my own fucking kitchen. What's going?
Andrea: I have no idea, chef.
Gordon: Oh, my God almighty.
Robert: (interview) On garnish, you've got to be thirty seconds before everybody else. If she's not checking the tickets for us, we're screwed.
Gordon: Come here you. Story of your fucking life. Yeah, you have no idea.
Andrea: Absolutely not, chef.
Gordon: Hey, she's running the section, yet she has no idea of what's going. (to Giovanni) Tell her, chef.
Giovanni: Two wellingtons one medium, one medium-rare and lamb medium? I'm sorry, lamb medium-rare. Two lamb medium-rare.
Gordon: Oh, my God.
Robert and Ben Walanka: Two chicken.
Paula: Two chicken and a Dory.
Giovanni: Two wellington, Two chicken and a lamb.
Gordon: Two wellington, two chicken, one lamb, one fucking Dory.
Final 6: Yes, chef!
Gordon: One wellington's medium, the rest is fucking nor-MAL.
Final 6: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Unlike us! (to Andrea) What's going, madam?
Andrea: I have no idea, chef.
Gordon: You have no idea.
Andrea: I have no idea, chef.
Gordon: Hey, come here you. Hey... fuck off! Hey madam, (points to the front entrance) through the door there! Fuck off!

Gordon: Dory, salmon, lamb, wellington!
Robert: Two minutes, chef!
Gordon: [notices Robert putting the bacon into the John Dory] Robert, just come here!
Robert: Oh, shit!
Gordon: Why have you put the bacon inside the Dory?
Robert: To crisp it up, chef, real quickly.
Gordon: What's the bacon with?
Robert: For the scallops.
Gordon: So why have you put it with the Dory? Suppose he's allergic to bacon! You can send somebody to the hospital on the back of that!
Robert: Oh, you're right.
Gordon: Oh, come on! [kicks a bin] "You're right"? Course, I'm fucking right! Get the bacon out!
Robert: (interview) Yeah, I fucked up and you know what? I know in my heart, I got it. I'm a bull.
Gordon: Come on, Mr Bacon Man!
Narrator: While Robert tries again on the John Dory, Chef Ramsay is counting on Giovanni on the meat station to get out the first entrée of the night.
[Gordon checks on chicken special at the pass]
Gordon: (with a chewed up piece of chicken) What is that?
Scott: Giovanni's best.
Gordon: Hey, Ben.
Ben Walanka: Chef?
Gordon: Is that a chewed up bit of chicken from the dog? Here. [gives the chicken to Ben] That's your special. Yeah, have a word with him, yeah? He's given up. Take all the garnish back, do whatever you wish with it. Your special has now become not very special thanks to dick-face there. Hurry up, Giovanni!
Giovanni: Yeah, but I'm not dick-face, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, say that again?!
Giovanni: I said I'm not dick-face, chef!
Gordon: Yeah, you're pissed, are you? Not as fucking- Look at me, LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES!! NOT AS PISSED AS I AM!! YOU FUCKING ARE!! DONKEY!!
Giovanni: No.
Ben: (interview) Whooo! Boy, oh boy!
Gordon: Because right now, I don't give a fuck! Dick-face!
Giovanni: (interview) I'm an emotional person, but he can get in my face all he wants, he will not break me.
Gordon: You're sending shit, and you're trying to get away with it! Now I'm ready for an argument! SENDING ME THAT, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!
Robert: (interview) You know, he just wants you to pop off.
Gordon: And you want to get all sensitive! You want to get all fucking negative! Look at me, look at me, you send me shit like that, take your jacket and FUCK OFF!
Giovanni: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I'm not sending that shit, "chef!"
Giovanni: No, chef. Sorry, chef. (interview) I wasn't angry at him, I was angry at myself. It was just, I was boiling inside and... and he said something to me.
Gordon: That's the well done one. And look at me, I think you're too fucked to get upset with me, you don't give a fuck what I call you. This is not personal, this is professional! That personal was a piece of shit, now pull it back!!
Giovanni: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Dick-face!

Gordon: Ben, why are you cutting the chicken and putting it back in?
Ben: It was not cooked all the way when it was cut chef.
Gordon: Doesn't it go dry when you cut it and put it in?
Ben: It's juicy chef.
Gordon: Oh, my God.
Ben: (interview) Every single service, Chef Ramsay finds something to really just nail my ass to the wall about.
Gordon: All the goodness is running out of it 'cause you cut through it, you thick cunt! Let's just stand back, and watch that chicken and the juice piss out of it. See all that there? Taste. It's delicious. Unfortunately, it should be the customer tasting it, not you. I think you've tasted enough.
Ben: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Fucking idiot.

Gordon: Giovanni, Robert! Hey Andrea, come here you! [gathers them at the corner] All three of you are pathetic! You (Giovanni) don't care...
Giovanni: I care, chef.
Gordon: You're (Robert) way behind, and you (Andrea) haven't got a fucking clue! Can we work together as a team?!
Giovanni, Robert and Andrea: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Two wellington. One well-done! Get it ON!!!

Danny: (interview) One station failed...
Scott: [Andrea's one pan catches fire] Pan's on fire! Pan's on fire!
Danny: ...and another station failed. It's no joke.
Gordon: We're going up in flames. [pick Andrea's pan]
Paula: (interview) First night with the Black team, one big cluster fuck.
Gordon: Same shit, different day! (throws the pan into the sink)
Scott: [Ben's pan also catches fire] What about the rest of the table? We need cover-up.
Gordon: Dynamic six, yeah. My fucking arse. Fuck off the lot of you! [walks out of the kitchen and throws his towel away]

Gordon: [calls the five chefs back in the kitchen after Giovanni's elimination.] I just spent the last hour upstairs in my office thinking. It just doesn't make sense! How can the final six be so shit? I called you all down here because on the back of that performance, I'm now going to do something I have never ever done before. I'm shutting down Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Eleven [5.11]

Narrator: After a couple of days without any word on how Robert is doing, Chef Ramsay calls the chefs down for a meeting.
Gordon: So you're feeling fresh, very relaxed. Did you enjoy the whole atmosphere at the Borgata Resort?
Danny: Very much so.
Ben: Incredible, Chef.
Gordon: Sadly, you came back minus one individual. Clearly, you're all deeply concerned. I'm not going to tell you how he's doing, I'm going to let him tell you himself. Chef Robert.
[Robert appears and everyone applauds and smile]
Gordon: Okay, big boy. Let me just say how pleased I am to see you.
Robert: Thank you.
Gordon: How are you feeling?
Robert: Not good.
Gordon: Ah?
Robert: Not good.

[Ben stops smiling.]

Gordon: What did the medics say?
Robert: I have pericarditis, which is the swelling of the sac around the heart which leads to heart disease.

[Gordon shakes his head in dismay, Andrea and Paula fight back tears.]

Gordon: Oh dear. Are you coming back?
Robert: No.
Gordon: No?

[Danny's face drops]

Robert: I'm not coming back.

[Ben has been struggling on the garnish station]

Gordon: What's going, Ben? (gets no response) Oh, my God almighty! Oh, come on. Three Dory, two salmon, one chicken. (sees what Ben is doing) Why is he putting the lettuce there like that? He's trying to sauté it.
Scott: I don't know, chef.
Gordon: Look at the mess of this guy.
Scott: He throwing everything in a pot.
Ben Walanka: (interview) I was just absolutely... just mind-boggled.
Gordon: [picks up a pan and a piece of lettuce] You've got a pan here like that and you're throwing lettuce on top like that... you're shit. You are so shit, you don't realise what you're doing!
Danny: (interview) Oh, man Ben! Like, come on. You know better than that.
Gordon: Hey, come here a minute. Why are you doing this? You're just adding the lettuce to the tomato and cucumber, you're not sautéing the lettuce?
Ben Walanka: Chef, I was in a side pan s-sautéing the tomatoes and the cucumbers, chef. But I did it wrong, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, you're fucking up, you're cutting corners, and you're slipping big time! Do you know what? Do you know your biggest problem? That'll always be the downfall of your career: you're full of fucking shit! Because every time you got fucking something wrong, you give a bullshit fucking excuse, but right now, I'm fed up with your bullshit excuses!
Ben Walanka: (interview) There's really nothing that I can do to please Chef Ramsay, and I'm slowly but surely being able to accept that.
Gordon: FUCK OFF!!
Ben Walanka: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're too dangerous to have on service. I asked you what you're doing, you said you're sautéing tomatoes, ARE YOU FUCK! YOU DIRTY PIG! GET OUT!! GET OUT!! Un-fucking-believable!

[Ben returns to the kitchen after a quick break]
Gordon: Yeah, right. Hey, you! Come here you! What's going through your mind now? You still going to fucking butcher me and slice me and serve shit to them?
Ben Walanka: No, chef!
Gordon: Where's your fight, man?
Ben Walanka: It's here, chef!
Gordon: Where is it?!
Ben Walanka: I got it, chef!
Gordon: Then wake up, you doughnut!
Ben Walanka: YES, CHEF!

Season 6

Episode One [6.01]

(Louie has brought up his signature dish)

Gordon: What is that?
Louie: Sausage gravy over biscuits.
Gordon: Sausage gravy?
Louie: Yes.
Gordon: Over biscuits?
Louie: Yes. I sell about five gallons of it a week.
Gordon: Gallons? What, you sell this to pigs?
Louie: No, actually, I own a diner.
Gordon: Uh-huh, okay. And how much do you charge for that?
Louie: $4.75.
Gordon: $4.75?
Louie: Yeah. With coffee.
[Gordon tastes some of the dish, and quickly spits it out in disgust]
Gordon: Fuck me.
Louie: What's wrong with it?
Gordon: What's wrong with it? It tastes like gunk.
Louie: [glares at Gordon] (interview) Hundreds of people eat that in my diner each week. I don't think it was worth spitting out!

Joseph: (interview) I feel like a dog that's been taken off his leash. I'm hungry, I'm hungry and I want this, and I'm going to get it. None of them will get in my fucking way.
Gordon: So, this is...?
Joseph: This right here's a roasted veal chop, with roasted root vegetables.
Gordon: Uh-huh. Lovely colour on there.
Joseph: Thank you.
Gordon: What a shame the Brussels sprouts are rock hard. Are they supposed to be that crunchy?
Joseph: No, they're not.
Gordon: (gives a sprout to Joseph) Will you have a little taste for me please?
Joseph: Absolutely. You got a fork? (interview) I ain't no animal. If there's a fork available, I like to fucking use it.
Gordon: You can bite that. You're a big boy.
Joseph: I'm not an animal. (interview) Do I look like a caveman? Do I eat with my fucking hands?
Gordon: Don't get defensive. Relax.
Tony: (interview) I was like "Damn! Throw it down, Chef Ramsay!"
Gordon: Are you mad?
Joseph: (interview) Me and him, we're going to go head to head, without a fucking doubt. I will drag him out to the parking lot by his fucking jacket and stomp the shit out of him. That's bullshit! I nailed that fucking dish. He knew it and I knew it! No fucking way!

Gordon: (to Tony and Amanda) Let's go.
[Tony and Amanda went in front of Gordon to present their dishes]
Amanda: Two seconds chef. I need to grab one thing.
[Amanda returns to the pass to get two shots of tequila]
Gordon: What's that?
Amanda: Tequila.
Gordon: Tequila.
Amanda: (interview) I'm definitely asking Chef Ramsay to do a shot of tequila with me. It goes with the dish.
Gordon: And what's your dish?
Amanda: Margarita French toast with tequila lime butter.
Gordon: Show me? [looking at Amanda's dish] I thought you were joking. You're cooking a slice of fucking toast dipped in egg with...
Amanda: Tequila.
Gordon: get me drunk.
Amanda: (interview) One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four... (cuts to Amanda took a shot of tequila) Give me a lot more! Keep on going!
[Gordon was shocked at Amanda]
Lovely: (interview) Are you kidding me? (laughs) Why would you do that?
Gordon: [raises a piece of toast with a knife] That's it? (brief pause) What the fuck were you doing for 42 minutes? Because that takes literally 3 minutes. SHOCKING!

Melinda: We have a poached lobster and savory portobello mushrooms. (interview) My dish is very rich and succulent and luscious and velvety. You just feel what's happening on your mouth and the satisfaction that comes. [laughs]
[Melinda lifts the lid off her dish, revealing that the mushrooms make up most of the dish, with just a few small chunks of lobster scattered around; Gordon is shocked]
Gordon: Where's the lobster tail? [portions her dish] Where's the fucking tail?
Melinda: During the cooking process, I had some challenges.
[Gordon raises the "tail"]
Gordon: Poached lobster tail, where's the fucking tail? [grabs Melinda's plate and throws it in the trash] ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PATHETIC!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) Dang... That's another zero.

[Before dinner service started]

Narrator: But moments from opening, his optimism...
Gordon: [sees some fondants at the pass] Oh, dear. Who cooked these?
Narrator: ...begins to fade.
Gordon: Who cooked the fondants?
Sabrina Gresset: Lovely.
Gordon: [calls out Lovely] Lovely!
Lovely: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Which they're not... come here! Why these are cooked? We put it in the oven when the order comes on.
Lovely: Yes, chef.
Gordon: We haven't even opened yet and you cooked them.
Tennille: (interview) That's all we have to work with. We're fucking screwed.
Gordon: [raises one fondant] Look at that! [scoops the fondant and drops it] Look. It's like a fucking hockey puck. Oh, my God! We're not even opened yet and you screwed it up! What a fucking disaster!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) That's it. The end.
Gordon: Get fffucked!!
Suzanne: (interview) Obviously I was thrown in a kitchen with a bunch of circus clowns!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Jim]

Gordon: Jim!!!!!
Jim: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Look at me. Three scallops cut in half means what?
Jim: Six pieces.
Gordon: I've got four! Are you doing this on purpose to get me going?
Jim: No.
Dave: (interview) Don't insult Chef Ramsay's intelligence.
Gordon: So look at me. Count to six for me.
Jim: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Gordon: Louder!
Jim: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!
Gordon: THEN WAKE UP!!
Jim: Yes, chef. (interview) I just wasn't paying attention. Ones and twos, and threes and twos, and I thought I had yahtzee at one point.
Gordon: Jim, one minute out, drop six pieces of scallop.
Jim: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks the scallops on Tek's station]

Gordon: Look at this. I swear to God, [gets some scallops] it's the kind of shit you'd expect Tiger Woods to tee off with. Look at it. Rubber, rubber, RUBBER!! [throws the scallops away]
Narrator: But, they have to start over.
Gordon: (on Melinda's cappelini) It's limp and shit!
Narrator: And over.
Gordon: (on Tek's scallops) It's fucking raw!! [throws the scallops away]

[Gordon notices Louie putting an unseasoned lamb in the oven]

Gordon: Louie? Did you just put the lamb in the oven?
Louie: Yes, sir.
Gordon: OH, MY GOD! [calls out the entire team] Hey guys come here quick! At least you know, Louie's on entrées and the fucking lamb goes in the oven like that. No salt, no pepper, no seasoning, not even seared! [slams the lamb on the plate] (to Louie) Louie, why do we sear meat?
Louie: To lock in the juices, sir.
Gordon: To give it colour, to improve the flavour!
Louie: Sorry, sir.
Jim: (interview) You're a man. There's a primary instinct inside you that knows how to cook meat. You need to find it.
Gordon: Fucking hell!

[Gordon returns to the Red kitchen for the Red team's appetizers]

Gordon: For the eighth time, can I have one fucking scallops and a fucking beautifully cooked capellini?!

Gordon: (on Melinda's capellini) Is that cooked? It looks undercooked.
Melinda: Is it cooked?
Gordon: (tastes the capellini) Not cooked.
Melinda: Not cooked?
Gordon: Nah, that's not cooked. Not cooked. (Melinda throws the undercooked capellini away) Oh, my God! Why did you throw that away, Melinda? Just put it back on the stove, put the lid on the top and, 30 seconds cooking it! What do you do, you just... trash it straight away!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) Melinda... she had that deer-in-the-headlights look and that'll kill you.
Gordon: (Discovers a capellini thrown in the bin) Look at all this fucking... who's putting all this in the bin?! How many portions are you putting in there? How much is in the bin?! LOOK! LOOK! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!
Narrator: An hour into dinner service and the red team has cooked ten appetizers. But unfortunately, none of them have made it to the dining room.
Gordon: (to Melinda) Hey, madam, how much capellini are you throwing away? (Melinda doesn't reply) Look at it! What are you doing, Melinda?! What are you doing?!
[Melinda begins attempted interview and doesn't speak]
Gordon: You're making me mad!
Melinda: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: Fucking mad!
Melinda: Yes, chef.

Gordon: Salmon, lamb please, how long?
Tennille: Seven minutes, chef.
Gordon: Hey, what's that piece of shit there?
Suzanne: It's supposed to be the salmon.
Gordon: Holy fuck! Look at that. It's like a... bison's penis - what is that shit? [opens up the salmon wrap, revealing the interior to be totally frozen] Look at that! Stone-cold, frozen salmon. Who put the salmon in the freezer?
Amanda: Me. I fucked it up. (interview) The salmon was my fault because I stuck it in the freezer instead of the fridge, and it was frozen.
Gordon: Yeah, you fucked up, big time!
Tek: All the salmon's the same, I think we should try and fix it.
Gordon: Yeah, 'cos she's wrapped it frozen.
Heather: And we have five on order.
Gordon: We've got five on order?
Heather: Five on order.
Gordon: (to Amanda) Hey, ditzy! Great job!
Amanda: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck off.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Louie]
Gordon: Louie! [raises a chewed up piece of lamb] Wha... what is that?! What is that?! Did you bite that? Look! That's one, that's the other! It's on the same fucking table!!
Joseph: (interview) Louie's lost. He's out of his league.
[Gordon discovers that Louie has wasted a huge amount of lamb]
Gordon: What's all that lamb here? Look at this! Hey, Van! You, hey, Joseph! Stop! Look... at... this! Look! LOOK! LOOK! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! LOUIE!
Louie: Yes, sir?
Gordon: Fuck off back there! GET OUT! Yes! Get FUCKED! Pile of SHIT! Hey, get upstairs, get your bags packed...
Louie: Can I help? Can I help in the kitchen?
Gordon: Yeah, you can help me! GET OUT!!
Louie: (interview) You want me out? You want me to pack my fucking bags? I'm out. My bags are packed. YOU CAN KISS - MY - FUCKING - ASS!!
Narrator: With the kitchen at a complete standstill, Chef Ramsay is left with no choice.
Gordon: (to Joseph) Switch it OFF!
Joseph: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to the red team) Fuck off!

[Gordon sits with Robert at one of the tables]
Gordon: First of all, it's bloody good to see you. Yes.
Robert: Thank you chef, thank you.
Gordon: You lost your opportunity due to health reasons... right now, I'd love you to seriously consider [pause for effect] coming back into Hell's Kitchen.
Robert: (interview) I've a second chance, and you know, you don't get many second chances in life! (to Gordon) I would love to take that offer. [applause from the other tables]

Gordon: Melinda was completely lost in space. So I sent her back to whatever planet she came from.

Episode Two [6.02]

[During the Blue Team's reward where they are having Shrimp Cocktails with Gordon]

Gordon: Enjoy it.
Dave: It's a treat to be sitting here by Chef and not being screamed at.
Gordon: Trust me, each and every service, you're going to get stronger. Have you any idea how much shit I've taken in the kitchen? And the more I took, the better I became.
Joseph: (interview) What am I learning by shooting shit? Nothing. What gets accomplished by running your mouth? Not a thing.
Joseph: I didn't come here for lunches you know. That's not what I'm here for. I'm not going to lose my eye on the prize.
Dave: Well, we're fired up too, man. I'm not relaxing because I get to have a good nice lunch with the chef.
Joseph: It's good to get out but I don't really care.
Dave: (interview) Joseph, he's a complete dick. He's a little hotheaded, and he's being a little too intense in the way he disrespects Chef Ramsay.

Narrator: Lovely is having trouble getting started.
Gordon: [sees some scallops on Tek's station] Stop, stop! What's the scallops doing down here?
Lovely: It wasn't hot enough, Chef. I won't get a nice sear on it.
Gordon: What?! [goes to Lovely's station; finds that the stove is not on] It's off! Turn the fucking gas up! You can't cook with no gas!
Lovely: (interview) Well, duh? I thought they were on. (to Gordon) Tek told me they were on.
Tek: (interview) It's your responsibility to turn on the flame. I mean, come on.
Gordon: Now, it's on!
Lovely: I apologize, Chef.

[Tony brings his scallops to the pass, Gordon checks it]

Gordon: [finds that the scallops are raw] Oh, no. Tony? You've got better vision than anybody with those four eyes of yours. Look at that! It's stone-cold and it's raw! Can you cook?
Tony: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What can you cook?
Tony: Anything, chef.
Gordon: You are dreaming. Move, Tony, yeah?

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass after seeing Van serving tableside to a Red diner]

Jean-Philippe: Chef, he's going to the wrong table.
Gordon: Oh, no. VAN, COME HERE!!
Van: (to a Red diner) I'm going to get yelled at right now. I'll be right back. [returns to the pass] (to Gordon) Yes, chef!
Gordon: That's the Red table. You're running the Blue. Hey Bozo, give me one scampi special on the right table.
Van: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Thank you! (to Jean-Philippe) Hey, what's the matter between you two?
Jean-Philippe: There's a language barrier there.
Gordon: What do you mean a language barrier? He's speaking English, you dick!
Jean-Philippe: I know, but he's from Texas. [Gordon rolls his tongue around]

Jean-Philippe: (to Van) Don't run in the restaurant, please?
Van: (interview) Jean-Philippe better stop trying to tell me what to do. I know that.
Jean-Philippe: I'm going to exploder? I'm going to explode, my friend! Listen to me!!
Tony: (interview) WHOA, WHOA!!! JP!!! He's about to like pound him down. DAMN!!!
Jean-Philippe: (to Van and even turns red) Listen!! Listen!! LISTEN TO ME!!!
Andy: (interview) I cannot believe I'm seeing this.
Jean-Philippe: Listen to me!!
Kevin: (interview) He's going to fucking hit him.
Jean-Philippe: (to Van) We have a problem here!
Jim: (interview) Hit him!
Van: (to Jean-Philippe) Don't touch me, bro! You better get out of my face! (JP pushes Van)
[Gordon saw JP and Van fighting; becomes furious]
Gordon: OY!! Hey, stop! Hey both of you, come here! (referring Van) Bozo, come here! NOW!!!
Van: I'm going to fuck you up, bro. (interview) We're going to get it down and it's going to be a first round knock out.
Gordon: What's is going on?
Jean-Philippe: (referring Van) He's got no respect, Chef.
Van: I'm sorry, Chef.
Jean-Philippe: He's not respecting his dining room, Chef.
Van: (interview) Bitch, shut the fuck up. He thinks he's some kind of boss man around here and he ain't nothing.
Gordon: (to Van) Calm down, listen to him. (to Jean-Philippe) And you, pay a little bit to respect. [points to Van] And if you do your job, [points to Jean-Philippe] And if you do your job, we'll come together. Cause right now, you're turning the whole place upside down, are you going to do it?
Jean-Philippe: (referring Van) If he listens to me.
Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe) ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT?
Jean-Philippe: Yes, I will if he listens to me.
Gordon: (to Van) ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT?
Van: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: Last chance.
Jean-Philippe: [Letting Van out of the pantry first] Ladies first.

Tennille: Chef Ramsay, sir, I'm definitely behind.
Gordon: [calls the Red Team] Okay, hey, come here you. All of you! So, how many tables are you backed up?
Tennille: Team, I have 55, 40, 54 and 32 to go.
Gordon: Yeah, basically, six tables she's backed up.
Ariel: (interview) Tennille is sinking the team. We are so far in the weeds right now, I don't even know how we're going to to get out.
Gordon: Do you know something?
Tennille: Yes, chef?
Gordon: You're a great fucking talker, but you're a shit cook. You've just sunk your team!
Tennille: I did not, chef...
Gordon: Madam, FUCK OFF!!

Gordon: Where's the chicken?
Andy: Just a second. I'll cook it a little bit more.
Gordon: [sees what Andy is doing] Oh, no. Oh, dear. We're cutting up a piece of chicken and frying it off. What do you think it is, a chicken nugget? OI!! Come here you! Now, you're cutting them like bits of chicken nugget and frying them off!
Andy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You fucking donkey!
Joseph: (interview) Andy, if you're sitting there all night long with a meat thermometer on your arm, why are you not checking the chickens? What the fuck is it doing on your arm? It don't look good on you.
Gordon: [grabs Andy's pan] Is that how you cook in Whistler?
Andy: No, chef.
Gordon: So why are you cooking it like it now?!
Andy: I made a mistake chef.
[Gordon throws the pan into the sink]

Gordon: Where's the chicken?
Sabrina Gresset: Chicken to the pass.
Gordon: Yeah. I'd like to get something out, yes?
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, sir.
Suzanne: (to Robert) It's raw.
Gordon: [returning with chicken] Oh, dear. The chicken's pink!
Suzanne: (interview) Hmm, put it back in the oven. For the future, you should listen to me. Period. (to Sabrina) If I tell you I know that it's raw, it's raw. That's the last time it's done.
Gordon: The chicken is pinker than your fucking lipstick!
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef. [Gordon angrily throws the chicken in the bin] Sorry, chef.

[Gordon checks on sea bass brought up by Lovely]

Gordon: Sea bass is raw. Lovely!
Lovely: Yes, chef?
Gordon: It's not! IT'S SHIT! COME HERE! Sea bass is raw! Translucent and pink! [throws the sea bass away]
Lovely: Yes, chef. (interview) The sea bass was not raw. I didn't see any pink, it was all opaque. [brings another sea bass up to the pass] Chef, the re-fired sea bass is coming up. (interview) So, Chef Ramsay, get your eyes checked. I think that he's getting kind of old.
Gordon: Lovely!
Lovely: Yes, chef?
Gordon: (holds up the re-fired sea bass, which this time is burnt) There you go, there you go. Come here you! She sends out black sea bass.
Suzanne (interview) Uhm, Lovely did burn the sea bass. I don't believe that Lovely knows how to cook.
Gordon: I didn't ask for blackened cod! [throws the sea bass away]
Lovely: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Dumbo!

[Gordon asks for chicken in the Red kitchen]

Gordon: One roasted crown chicken!
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef. I'm ready for it.
Gordon: [sees that the chicken is burnt] It's burnt, the chicken!
Sabrina Gresset: Is it?
Gordon: It's crispy and burnt! Oh, my God!
Sabrina Gresset: Damn!
Gordon: [calls the Blue team] Hey, come here you! All of you! Both kitchens are down and they're waiting. So we're standing here and we got fuck all going out! Nothing! That's where I draw the line. I'm about to do something I've never done before in Hell's Kitchen!
Dave: (interview) It's a desperate time. I don't know what's going to happen. For all I know, we're all going home.
Gordon: I have no option now! There's one fucking thing that you can do here, it's a fucking shrimp cocktail. Do you know why? Cause it's not cooked! Give me a fucking shrimp cocktail!
Suzanne: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Give me some shrimp cocktails now. Jean-Philippe! I'm serving shrimp cocktail. At least they're going to get something to eat! Hey you, nothing cooked! Nothing seasoned! Crushed ice in a glass with ketchup!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) When Chef Ramsay says "You know what, stop cooking and just send out cold stuff!" That's embarrassing.
Gordon: Let's go. Shrimp cocktail. Let's go.
Narrator: With no cooking required...
Van: GO! GO!! GO!!!
Narrator: ...both kitchens...
Sabrina Gresset: Five more right here.
Narrator: ...manage to get shrimp cocktail to the dining room.
Jean-Philippe: With the compliments of Chef Ramsay.
Lady: A shrimp kind of night. Isn't it?
Gordon: Hey ladies, come here. Hey, come here! Come here!
Tony: (interview) Everybody's like freaking out! Like Chef Ramsay's going to walk over with a fricking machine gun and like [imitates a machine gun] blow us all away!
Gordon: The entire fucking dining room has shrimp cocktail. That's a first for me! You just turned my restaurant into a shrimp stand! And what's the point of going on? Shut it down!

[After a disastrous dinner service in which both teams lost, the Red team has already nominated Lovely and Tennille for elimination, and the Blue team is about to nominate two of its chefs]
Gordon: Blue team. Joseph: let's be honest, that's a pretty sorry battalion you got there, isn't it.
Joseph: Right now it is.
Gordon: Who's the first nominee for the men?
Joseph: They can speak for themselves but they know who they are.
Gordon: Hey smart-arse, I asked you to tell me. Who's the first nominee, and why?
Joseph: No problem: Tony, and Andy.
Gordon: Listen... I know you may be slightly stupid... first nominee and why?
Joseph: First nominee and why? Tony. He knows why. We sat down as a group and they wouldn't pick each other. You know. No peer pressure! We're men!
Gordon: Just, just just - what do you want, a fucking medal?
Joseph: What do you want me to fuckin' say? What do you want me to say? They know who they fuckin' are. We chose as a group and they stand out and they said they belong there. Stand up, they know who they are.
Gordon: [approaches Joseph] Listen, you chippy idiot. I asked for one nominee and why, plain English. And you're mouthing off and you couldn't answer me. Now can you just tell me in fucking plain English, the first nominee, and why he's nominated. Is that fucking clear?!
Joseph: That's clear.
Gordon: Thank you! [walks back] Unbelievable! One simple request, who and why, and you make a big fucking song and dance about it!
Joseph: I ain't no fuckin' bitch, chef! I don't give a fuck. I ain't no bitch!
Gordon: ...what???
Joseph: I'm not no bitch!
Robert: He's trying to bring the best out of you. You got to look past it.
Joseph: He's not bringing the best out of me.
Ariel: Yeah, show some respect.
Joseph: Shut your fuckin' mouth is what you should do right now.
Suzanne: Come on, man!
Joseph: I'm talkin' here. I don't give a fuck about you. I didn't come here for you.
Suzanne: You want to be an executive chef, Joe?
Joseph: Shut your fuckin' mouth!
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Tek: You signed up to fucking learn and grow, and...
Joseph: Yeah, shut your fuckin' mouth.
Tek: do this, dude!
Gordon: Okay, answer the fucking question!
Joseph: You keep talkin' like this, I'll have you out in the fuckin' parking lot! I don't give a fuck, motherfucker. What do you want me to say?
Gordon: I ask the fucking questions, YOU give the fucking answers!!
Joseph: [takes off his jacket and walks out of the line] Fuck that shit, dog. I ain't here for that! [approaches Gordon and tosses his jacket at him] You want a fuckin' jacket? You want talk some shit? Let's go step outside, motherfucker! [gets in Gordon's face] I ain't here for that, dog!
[To Be Continued... appears on the screen.]

Episode Three [6.03]

[continuing the confrontation from the episode before. A couple of guards step in to separate Joseph from Gordon.]

Joseph: Want to talk about fuckin' fighting?
Gordon: Oh wow.
Joseph: Want to get fuckin' rough?
Gordon: You think I'm scared? Ah? Look at you.
Joseph: Yeah, keep talking for the fuckin' cameras.
Gordon: You've just blown your - Yeah, fuck the cameras.
Joseph: Yeah?
Gordon: Yeah.
Joseph: Let's go step outside!
Gordon: Out in front here? I asked you one simple question, and you couldn't fucking answer me. And then you want to get all tough and up close and personal.
Joseph: Fuck you.
Gordon: There you go.
Joseph: You ain't none but a bitch.
Gordon: You've got no respect.
Joseph: No respect?
Gordon: Now get out.
Joseph: Fuck you. You fuckin' bitch! [Double flips off the chefs] Fuck all y'all! [the guards lead him out, he trips over the step]
Gordon: Watch the step.
Joseph: Yeah, watch the step, bitch.
Gordon: What an idiot. Total, total shame. [kicks Joseph's jacket up to the table]
Joseph: (outside the restaurant) I don't need this and that. I don't need some limey fuckin' prick talking to me like that. Without skippin' a beat, I'll go back home, I'll work. Anybody who fuckin' hires me to work in their kitchen, they'll be proud to have me there! Fuck him... fuck him...

Gordon: Where's the lamb?
Amanda: Right here, chef! (brings her lamb to the pass)
Gordon: [finds that Amanda has brought up eight lamb chops instead of nine] I'm missing... I'm missing... Hey madam! I got eight chops! I'm missing one. Three threes are what!?
Amanda: Three.
Gordon: Three threes are three, fuck me. Three times three is what?!
Amanda: Six, chef.
Gordon: Six?! Oh, my God!
Amanda: Nine, I'm sorry! I'm not listen- !
Gordon: What?! Three times three, Amanda?!
Amanda: Nine!
Gordon: Nine! Then give me nine fucking chops, you stupid thick bitch!
Amanda: Yes chef!
Gordon: Come here! All of you! Is that the best lamb we got?! I'll imagine experience inside Hell's Kitchen (throws the lamb away) and that's the best lamb we got?!
Amanda: Okay, chef.
Gordon: Bullshit!
Amanda: Yea, I have another lamb.
Gordon: Come on now! I want it!
Ariel: Come on, Amanda!

Gordon: (after sparing Lovely and Tennille from elimination) Now listen up: Because Joseph took himself out of the competition, tonight you get a gift--and I'm not sending anybody home. Last chance.
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Understand?
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: And I've got one more thing to say to you - in fact, to you all: (in Joseph's tone) I'm nobody's bitch. (everyone laughs) Now get some sleep.

Gordon: Amanda!
Amanda: Yes, Chef!
Gordon: Twelve threes?
Amanda: Nine! (that was the correct answer when she incorrectly made eight lamb chops [three portions of three, but she incorrectly said the answer to that question four times])
[Everyone laughs]
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Amanda: Thirty-six chef. Thirty-six, I'm sorry, Chef.

Episode Four [6.04]

[The blue team has to clean up the dorms as punishment]
Robert: Right now, I just want to win a challenge. I want to win. All through my life I hear bullshit. People thinking shit I'm too fat, too slow, too this, too that. I ain't about to be a loser, I hate it.
Scott Leibfried: Good, Robert. That's how you should feel. It just kinda sucks that the intensity is coming out during being punished and not neccessarily during...
Robert: You know, chef I...Fuck!
Scott Leibfried: Well Robert, what do you want me to tell you? You could've won, you didn't. But you know, the competitive parts should come out during that time and not afterwards.
Robert: (throws his broom down) I fucking almost died last time for this shit! Don't tell me I ain't giving my fucking 110%! Dancing around like fucking Fred Astaire all fucking day!! LAST SEASON, I ALMOST FUCKING DIED FOR THIS SHIT!! AND I'M HERE AGAIN AND I FUCKING DON'T WANT TO LOSE IT!! (Breaks his broom)

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Andy]
Gordon: Andy! (raises a lamb) You're a first class cunt!
Robert: (to Andy) I told you not to send that shit!
Gordon: Hey, look! There you go! That's Whistler for you, yes?
Andy: No, chef.
Gordon: Yeah? That's the Araxi Restaurant in Whistler, yes?! [throws the lamb away] Fuck off, will you?!

[Jim is poking the chicken with tongs]
Gordon: Hey - Jim! Touch it with your fingers! You've got control of your fingers.
Jim: Yes, chef.
Gordon: There, touch - there we go, they're ready. When you've got the tongs and you're stabbing it, stabbing it, stabbing it - you're not performing appendicitis, you fuck!
Jim: Yes, chef.

[both teams are coming down to the wire during service]
Gordon: Where's the chicken?!
Robert: Come on! Come on!
Andy: (rushing with the chicken) Coming right behind you. Go now!
Scott Leibfried: Hey, fucking nitwit, that is fucking raw.
Robert: Oh man! (interview) Here we go again!
Scott Leibfried: (gets in Andy's face) You get that ready by the time the rest of the fucking table is ready to go! You got it?!
Andy: Yes, chef.
Scott Leibfried: GO!

[After a solid good dinner service for the second time in a row]
Gordon: Right, no close. Ladies, you've beaten by the sides.
Suzanne: (raises her right hand) Chef, can I get play-by-play on that?
Gordon: Yeah first of all, okay? I'm telling you, straight to your face, you lost. And you, one more thing, you do have one more member than the men, they did it with eleven arms. No play-by-play, take it on the fucking chin, with a little bit of respect. End of fucking story.

Gordon: If people were named for their cooking, her name wouldn't be Lovely. It would be Useless.

Episode Five [6.05]

Gordon: Where's the steaks?
Tek: Coming up with steaks. (brings her steaks to the pass)
Gordon: (checks the steaks) Now they're burnt. (returns to Tek's station) I am fucking so upset. That's nicely cooked, that's nicely cooked, but what are they for? They're black. HOW CAN SERVE THAT AND THAT ON THE SAME TABLE, TEK?!!
Tek: Sorry, chef!
Gordon: I'M SO EMBARRASSED!! What's the matter with you, madam?! Half the dining room have got their entrées! YOUR HALF ARE STANDING STARING!
Suzanne: (interview) Tek talks more of a game. But, if she can't back it up, she's going home.
Gordon: This may not be important for you madam, hey madam! This is fucking serious and you're shit!! (to the Red team) Just take the fucking lot back will you? Get out of my sight.

[Gordon checks on lobster brought by Amanda]

Gordon: Oh, come on. This is not possible! (returns to the workstation) Come here! All of you, come here!
Amanda Davenport: (interview) Whatever it is, it's not my fault.
Gordon: This is not fucking possible! This cannot be true! [gets a piece of lobster] What is that there? What is that there?! WHAT IS THAT?!
Suzanne: This is---.
Gordon: Yeah, its fucking raw! RAW!! [kicks the bins]
Tennille: (interview) Come on, Amanda! All you have to do is put the lobster on the grill, make sure it didn't char, baste it and send it up. That's all you had to do!
Gordon: It's a fucking restaurant, not a sushi bar! How can you get confused on a raw fucking grilled lobster?! I don't know where to go! I can't even turn and look at the dining room, I'm so fucking embarrassed! This is still your first table... (points to the Blue kitchen) that's their last! FUCK OFF!! WE HAVEN'T SENT AN ENTRÉE OUT!! STUPID COWS!!! [crosses over to the Blue kitchen, where the men are starting to clear down] Oh, fucking hell... Hey, have you all finished?
Andy: Desserts chef.
Gordon: Desserts? Kevin, stay on desserts. All of you, come in here! Hey guys, get on a section will you, please, yes?
[The Blue team goes over to the Red kitchen and started working]
Tennille: (interview) AWWW! Add insult to injury, rub salt in the wound, what... just... happened?
Gordon: Away now: Two penne, three New York Strip, two chicken, one catfish!
Blue Team: Yes, chef!
Robert: (interview) AAAAAAAAGH! YEEAAAAH BOOOOOYS! (cups his ear) That's right. I can hear it. It's them bitches crying!
Tennille: Do you need anything?
Jim: No, I'm cool. (interview) It was just scraps of meat, everywhere. It was a kitchen-pocalypse. Like a hand grenade went off in a cow's ass.

Gordon: I kept on waiting for Tek to emerge. She couldn't even handle her station. Tek had a total meltdown.

Episode Six [6.06]

[In the final round of the health food challenge]
Gordon: Gentlemen, I can't wait for a fantastic dessert. I hope it's substantial. You've probably saved the best until last.
[Dave carries the platter with the blue team's dessert over to Ramsay]
Amanda Davenport: (interview) Man, that had better be a giant piece of chocolate something, to beat us!
Kevin: (interview) I was worried, the girls had some really nice stuff. This has got to kick some ass.
Andy: (interview) I make an apple fruit compote every day of my life. No problem.
[Dave lifts the lid on his platter, and Ramsay instantly starts laughing]
Gordon: Oh, come on! What is that?
Dave: (interview) When Chef Ramsay laughed, it definitely like, stung. I felt like a loser. (Ramsay samples the dessert) Chef, we have an egg white crepe filled with a fruit compote, and we have a blackberry and vanilla yoghurt cream.
Gordon: It tastes... foul! That's the kind of crap they serve when you have a heart bypass or an ulcer operation, that is a joke! Back in line, Dave.

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with pork]

Jean-Philippe: Chef, it's raw in the centre.
Gordon: Oh, no. Hey ladies, all of you come here a minute. I'm fed up with it! Give me an answer for that. That's raw pork!
Suzanne: (interview) Sabrina sent out raw, raw pork. You can't send out raw pork. It will make you seriously ill.
Gordon: Give me a fucking answer!
Sabrina Gresset: It's me.
Gordon: Yeah, was it?! (angrily throws the plate away) FUCK OFF!! [gets the raw pork in the bin] "It's me"?! (gives the pork to Sabrina) Hey, there you go. Just touch that!
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef. It's raw. (interview; sighs) Sorry, chef. That's my bad. Oopsie-doopsie?
Gordon: How can you do that?
Sabrina Gresset: I have no excuse chef.

[Gordon has found out that Tennille has overportioned a spinach]

Gordon: What's all this spinach for? (to Tennille) I know you're wearing glasses, come here. Why is all the spinach cooked like this? You've got twelve portions in there.
Tennille: Uh chef, I made enough spinach for all that was on order chef.
Gordon: So you can't do one table at a time reheating spinach?
Tennille: Yes, chef. I can, chef.
Gordon: Well, wake up! Wake up!
Tennille: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Cook the spinach to order, you lazy cow!
Tennille: (interview) Chef Ramsay needs to learn how to show some respect, especially when I'm up there working hard.
Gordon: Stewed spinach? Yeah, rabbit food! (slams the garnish pan on her station) Fuck you!
Tennille: (interview) He's a disrespectful old British motherfucker!

[Tennille brings her mashed potatoes to the pass]
Gordon: [finds that the mashed potato was under-portioned] Oh, no. (returns to the workstation) Tennille! That's my two portions of mash, look at that. That's the way I get treated. (shows the mashed potatoes) What the fuck is that! [throws the pan down] Fuck off will you, yeah?
Tennille: (interview) I take something up to the pass, it's too much - take something else, it's not enough - he's just got to find something to bitch about!
Gordon: And what'd you want me to do, scoop round inside?
Tennille: I thought I was over-portioning again, chef.
Gordon: You're so bizarre - whether this is a joke or an act for you, let me just tell you something: you act pathetically. Why did you send me that pan with no mashed potato in there?
Tennille: Chef, the other orders you said I over-portioned chef, so I put up--
Gordon: So now you've gone back the other way with fuck-all in there! Is that clear?!
Tennille: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Good! You're upset now?
Tennille: Yeah, I'm fucking pissed off!
Gordon: I'm fucking glad you are! Because you're crap!
Tennille: You're crap. (interview) I'm sick, I'm sick of his shit, man! You're not going to keep talking to me like that!
Gordon: Hey, madam, madam. Get out.
Tennillle: Yes, no problem, chef.
Gordon: Get fucking out.
Tennille: Oh, I'm out!
Sabrina Gresset: Oh, no!
Gordon: Get the fuck out of here!
Tennille: Fuck you! Fuck you!! (interview) Right now, I'm pissed off and I'm trying to maintain my cool for slapping him in his jaw.
Sabrina Gresset: Thanks a lot, Tennille. (interview) Now we have to work her station. Thanks a lot!
[Gordon follows Tennille to the back area, following her walk-out]
Gordon: Hey!
Tennille: Busting my ass for you!
Gordon: That's right. That's right.
Tennille: Busting my ass for you!
Gordon: You're not, you're lying.
Gordon: You're lying.
Gordon: Get off your back? Who the fuck-- You're lying.
Gordon: Don't you dare turn around and tell me that I'm fucking crap--
Tennille: You know off my ass!
Gordon: --or you FUCK off through those doors! That's right!
Tennille: You can dish it, but you can't take it?! [pushes over a rack of trays]
Gordon: Hey, madam, what are you doing?
Gordon: Listen to me, you're not-
Tennille: It's not good enough for you, man!
Gordon: You're not listening to me! Shut your fat fucking mouth and listen to me! The potatoes are--
Tennille: I'm trying to learn from you!
Gordon: You're not learning, you're only opening your fat mouth!
Tennille: I am! I am! You're the one who's trying to--
Gordon: Shut up, then! Shut up! Are you going to keep it shut? (Tennille doesn't reply) Are you going to keep it shut?
Tennille: Shut.
Gordon: Good! If you can't hack it, fuck off. If you can, get back in there! [Tennille returns to the kitchen] Hey madam!
Tennille: Yes, Chef!
Gordon: Come here! I want an answer!
Tennille: I'm on my way back into the kitchen, CHEF!
Gordon: Good! Let's go.
[Tennille returns to the kitchen, where Amanda and Suzanne have taken over the garnishes]
Tennille: GET OFF MY STATION, PLEASE!! What's working?

Gordon: Oh my god! He can't count to fucking two! Did you go to school?

[After Jean-Philippe returned to the pass with lamb, Gordon has had it]
Gordon: Oh, get away. Not the Blue team.
Jean-Philippe: No, it's the Red kitchen.
Gordon: The Red? (returns the lamb to the workstation) Yeah, damn! There you go! Come here!
Sabrina Gresset: Oh, what?
Gordon: "Medium-well." What do they request?
Sabrina Gresset: They were medium-well.
Gordon: THAT IS NOT MEDIUM-WELL!! You're arguing the customer's wrong!
Sabrina Gresset: No, chef.
Gordon: Raw pork, undercooked lamb, now you're blaming the customers!
Sabrina Gresset: No, chef.
Gordon: Come here!
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Andy!
Andy: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Hey, come here! (to Sabrina) You think the customer's wrong, yes? (to Andy) And you can't fucking cook!
Andy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Sabrina) SWITCH IT OFF! (to Andy) You! Fuck off, will you?!
Andy: Yes, chef.

Gordon: (After eliminating Jim from Hell's Kitchen) Big man, let me tell you something. I can teach a chef how to cook but I can't give you a heart. You're not the Tin Man and I'm not the fucking Wizard of Oz.

Episode Seven [6.07]

Gordon: All of you, come here! Come here! Come here! Come here! (to Kevin) Hey, Kevin, you're starting to piss me off! PUT IT DOWN! When I ask you to stop with you're doing, you better fucking stop it! Come here! Cocky! OUT OF THE WAY! (holds a cooked rabbit) Fucking raw! (throws the cooked rabbit on the floor) (Kevin) Happy now? You're standing there tossing your tagliatelle to make yourself look good, I'm serving raw rabbit, Chef?
Kevin: Understood, chef.
Gordon: (to Robert) You? Fuck off!
Robert: Yeah. Yes, chef.
Dave: Fuck!

Robert: (interview) (after blue team lost the dinner service) Yes, I have bad service. But I do not deserve to go home. Because people here, but Andy has better than me.

Gordon: Robert, tell me why do think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen on the back of that performance?
Robert: My history here in Hell's Kitchen never been on the block once. And I'm disgusted that I even share the same fucking stage this guy (Andy) right here. Been here three times not bad for the team always fucking around.

Episode Eight [6.08]

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with lamb]

Gordon: Oh, fucking hell... What's the matter?
Jean-Philippe: Raw, chef.
Gordon: What?
Jean-Philippe: It's not cooked.
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell. Sabrina!
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Look, raw! Like you're still running around in the fucking field! Is that on purpose?!
Sabrina Greset: No, chef.
Gordon: So WHY?!!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) I should have stuck to my grounds when I said it wasn't ready. I said we can't go and Suzanne forced me to go. Suzy fucked me.
Gordon: Hey madam! Madam, come here! (gives her the lamb) Take that.
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Inconsistent, dry lamb on the outside, raw in the centre! Fuck off and eat it! (leads Sabrina to the dining room) There you go! Taste your own medicine! PISS OFF!!
Sabrina Gresset: Thank you, chef.

Episode Nine [6.09]

Andy: Awwww! (hurts his finger when slicing a potato) Fuck me!
Scott Leibfried: Medic! I need a medic!
Dave: Are you serious?
Andy: Aahhh! It's just a cut, second on the middle thumb, middle finger. It's getting in the fingers too.
Dave: (interview) Andy liked the tipped off his fingers more literally taken off. It was so deep and so horrible.
Medical crew: (Dispatching to the paramedics) I have Andy. He needs to go to the clinic and needs stitches on its all three fingers.

Andy: I'll finish two crepes.
Kevin: (interview) Andy was just fucking up all night long. He's just turn into a disaster. (to Andy) Bring one crepe up, and I'll follow with another.
Gordon: Andy, what aren't you doing anything?
Andy: He's (Kevin) assisting me, chef.
Gordon: You're not assisting him, you're doing it! And he's standing there watching you. (to Andy) Hey, you! Hey, come here! Do me a favour: FUCK OFF! UPSTAIRS! GET OUT! PISS OFF! (to the remaining members of the Blue team) Anyone who acts like a fucking idiot can piss off! (to Van) Hello! Are you listening?
Van: I'm listening chef.
Gordon: Next fucking person out! Concentrate!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Suzanne]

Gordon: Fuck me. (returns to the workstation) Come here, both (Sabrina Gresset and Suzanne) of you! It's requested med-rare! All of you, come here! Touch that! Yeah, touch that! Touch that - YOU (Sabrina) TOUCH IT AS WELL!! What is that?!
Suzanne: Medium-well, chef.
Gordon: Medium-well?
Suzanne: Well-done, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, hey! Overcooked!
Suzanne: (interview) I overcooked liked an entire pan of lamb. Oh, it's terrible!
Gordon: (slams the plates down) Medium-well? And... that's well done? (to Suzanne and Sabrina) Well-done to you! And well-done to you! I can't believe just how inconsistent you are!! Do me a favour: You and you FUCK OFF UPSTAIRS! GET OUT!! Both of you!
Tennille: (interview) Holy shit! He's going to shut us down!
Gordon: Get out! Get out!!

Kevin: (interview; after escaping elimination) We don't want Suzanne (moved to blue team), we don't want her all. But it doesn't matter what jacket Suzanne has all on me. She's going to go home just like anybody else. I will be the last man standing.

Episode Ten [6.10]

[Gordon has found out that Van has brought up 7 scallops instead of 6]
Gordon: Van, come here! Straight away! Two three's are what?
Van: Two three's?
Gordon: Two times three?
Van: Two three's?
Gordon: Two three's are what? Two times three?
Van: (interview) I'm kind of confused on that right now. (to Gordon) What?
Gordon: Van!
Van: I don't understand chef.
Gordon: You don't understand two times three?
Van: (interview) I can count, yes. (to Gordon) Yeah, it's six.
Gordon: So you gave me seven--
Van: I gave you an extra. I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
Gordon: Dumbo!

[Gordon sees the halibut was raw]
Gordon: Come here, all of us! Just come here! Come here, all of you! Look, it's not... it's just... no, it's not about "oh"! (angrily smashes the halibut on the plate after someone says "oh" in disappointment) it's not about that!
Dave: (interview) Oh... damn! Halibut splurged all over my face and like I have little tiny like bits of halibut in my eyes.

Episode Eleven [6.11]

Gordon: Van, so you started to sear on the sea bass. Come here! Quick and you leave it there! You're searing a sea bass!
Van: It's big.
Gordon: LISTEN TO ME!!!
Van: Yes, chef.
Gordon: We haven't sent the appetisers!
Gordon: (to Van) Hey! I'm watching you like a horn fucking eagle! Poissonier! Let's go.
[Van begins to cook scallops]
Van: Coming up, chef.
Gordon: Scallops!
Van: Coming right now, chef. [beads of sweat fell on his scallops]
Gordon: Van! VAN!!! NO, NO, STOP!!! Come here, you're sweating in the food!
Van: It's hot, chef.
Gordon: I know it's fucking hot!! (throws his spoon down) YOU'RE SWEATING IN THE FOOD!!!
Van: (interview) Man, I was sweating my ass off. (flashback of sweat fell on his scallops) I own there to win the food.
Gordon: (to Van) What's wrong with you? Serve them? By the way, you can touch on there that one. Look at me, help me out of here!
Van: (interview) I'm not going to bust my ass, bro. I'm sweating my ass off! (to Gordon) I'm working that I can do for you chef.
Gordon: You're sweating in the food, Van.
Van: (interview) He makes me look like a bitch constantly.

[Gordon finds a lettuce burning on Ariel's station]

Gordon: (gets Ariel's garnish pan) Just stop! Come here, come here. ALL OF YOU, COME HERE!!
Dave: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (points to Ariel) You!
Ariel: I'm sorry, chef. I turned around for a minute.
Gordon: Look!
Ariel: (interview) That lettuce, I didn't even know the fucking burner was on. (to Gordon) Sorry, chef.
Gordon: What the fuck are you doing?! In front of your fucking eyes!! (throws the pan in the bin) This is not possible! NOT GOOD ENOUGH ARIEL!!
Ariel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (holds up a piece of burnt lettuce) WHO THE FUCK'S GOING TO EAT THAT?!! (throws it in the bin)

[after Ariel burned the lettuce, Gordon has reached his breaking point]

Gordon: Scott, clear out, come here. Fuck off. Fuck me. [he and Sous-Chef Scott exits the kitchen and restaurant]
Van: Is that it? Or what?
Gordon: Fuck that. Absolutely fuck that.
Sous-Chef Scott: Not worth it.
Gordon: Fuck them.
Dave: What the hell is going on here?
Gordon: Can't take it any more. I cannot take it any more. Un-fucking real. Oh, fuck me. That's a first.
Jean-Philippe: They're gone. So, are they coming back?
Gordon: I can't take it anymore. Oh, dear.

[Gordon and Sous-Chef Scott return to the kitchen; Gordon calls Van, Ariel and Suzanne to the pass]

Gordon: (to Kevin in the dining room) Kevin, now.
Kevin: (interview) Oh, shit. Here we go.
Gordon: Urgently, Kevin. Let's go. (Kevin enters the kitchen) I've never done that. No one's ever pushed me that far to fucking just disappear in my own fucking restaurant. Nobody! (to Van, Ariel and Suzanne) You, you, you. Fuck off will you, yeah?! Get out of here! Just get out! All of you!

Gordon: Van may have been a poissonier, but his performance on fish was anything but Vantastic.

Episode Twelve [6.12]

Gordon: Suzanne had a red jacket, she had a blue jacket, she had a black jacket. Now she has no jacket.

Season 7

Episode One [7.01]

[Signature dishes]

[The sixteen chefs meet in front of Chef Ramsay. Among them is Tana Ramsay in disguise.]
Gordon: Okay, so there are few out there who are executive chefs, right? [Jay and Siobhan raises their hands] Okay, good. There was one I seem to remember, you (points to Tana) with the glasses.
Tana: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What do you do for a living?
Tana: I'm a mom, but I'm a cookbook author.
Gordon: Never worked in a restaurant?
Tana: No, chef.
Gordon: Okay, let's start from the bottom. Bring your dish.
Fran: (whispering) Oh, geez.
Gordon: Apart from looking like a baby vomit, what is that?
Tana: It's a veal scallopini.
Gordon: (tastes the dish) Oh, God. (to the lady) Listen to me. That dish... was delicious.
Tana: (smiles) Thank you, chef.
Gordon: I mean, I'm shocked. It may looked slightly dull and boring, a little bit like you. But well done! (the chefs laugh) Don't look so nervous.
Tana: You're scary.
Gordon: I'll give you a hug, yeah? Right. Relax, relax, relax.
Maria: (interview) That is not his side. He doesn't just hug people. He's not that type of person. He's not personable at all.
Gordon: What a great start! If this is the sight of things to come, well done! Thank you! (kisses her on her cheeks) God, it was good! [kisses her on her lips; the chefs were shocked and started laughing]
Holli: I wanted to be first! (the others laugh)
Jamie Bisoulis: (interview) Chef Ramsay, you're a little slutty.
Siobhan: (interview) I was just so stunned, Chef Ramsay really did like that dish.
Gordon: That was fucking amazing. [chefs laugh again] (to the chefs) Listen to me, before we go any further: this person is not who you think she is. (the lady removes her glasses) This person is... my wife. (Tana removes her disguise) Tana. (to Tana) Take that off. [chefs gave her an applause]
Jay: (interview) Thank God it's his wife, he just like, licked her teeth.
Gordon: (to Tana) A job well done. [kisses her again]
Jay: (interview) What a filthy bastard!
Gordon: (to the chefs) The point I'm trying to make is that, I don't give two fucks about how much experience you've got. What I do care about, whoever has the magic, who has it? She definitely has it. (to Tana) Good night, my darling. Thank you for making my point.
Tana: Thank you. (to the chefs) Good luck to you all.

Gordon: [looking at Holli's signature dish] Now what the fuck is that thing there?
Holli: Halibut wrapped in a banana leaf.
Gordon: And that's is your signature dish? [Throws away the leaf]
Holli: It's a like a classic Indian dish.
Gordon: I've been to India, I haven't seen food like that.
Holli: It's Northern Indian.
Gordon: Northern Indian?
Holli: Yeah, I believe Northern Indian. I believe it has...
Gordon: [tastes and spits it out]
Holli: I messed it up a bit.
Gordon: You messed it up a bit? You're being polite. [dumps the dish in the trash] Holli, that was a disaster.

Gordon: (Looking at Andrew's dish.) Now, what is that?
Andrew Forster: Steak Tartare. (licks his lips) I guess the inspiration from that came from the fact that I've raised and butchered my own animals and I like to eat them raw. (the other chefs are shocked by this fact) (interview) When I win this competition, I'm going to buy two walk in coolers. That's all I want is two walk in coolers.
Gordon: Do you do some form of Hell's Kitchen Hannibal Lecter?
Andrew Forster: Maybe. (interview) Then I can start butchering animals which is what I like to do.
Gordon: (tastes the tartare) Bland. What a shame. (to Nilka) Okay, Nilka, why did you become a chef?
Nilka: I love cooking. That is my passion. (interview) I'm a single mom with three kids. I want to teach my kids that in order to get something in life, you have to go for it. I know I'm going to win Hell's Kitchen. I will not settle for less.
Gordon: And this is your...
Nilka: My sweet and spicy wings.
Gordon: So, chicken wings?
Nilka: Uh-huh. This is an old family favorite.
Gordon: (bites into a wing) Fucking hell, they're hot. My lips are fucking burning!
Nilka: I apologize, chef.
Gordon: How much Tabasco did you put in there?
Nilka: Uhm, half a bottle.
Gordon: Half a bottle of Tabasco?!
Fran: (whispering) We're screwed.
Nilka: I apologize.
Gordon: (drinks water and spits it out) Jesus shit!
Siobhan: Holy shit!
Gordon: That's going to blow your fucking arsehole out! Burned my mouth. Nobody gets a point. But the men win. Congratulations, well done.

[Gordon checks on potatoes brought up by Fran]

Gordon: Un-fucking-believable. Look at this. I got bits of fucking no cooking, overcooked and that one there, look. I can't even describe that one there! Come on, ladies! Fuck off will you?
Fran: (interview) Now, he can make you dizzy. Oh, my God. Why did I sent that up to him like that.
Gordon: How long for the potatoes? (Fran doesn't answer)
Holli: Time for the potatoes, Fran.
Gordon: She's not even answering me.
Fran: Two minutes chef!
Gordon: Oh, my God.

Fran: [cooking the lobster risotto] It's got lobster right? Lobster. Here we go. I think we're good there. [Gordon looks at the "lobster"] Yes sir? That's lobster, no?
Gordon: That's crab! SHIT!
Fran: Fuck!
Gordon: You're putting the crab in the lobster risotto!
Fran: (interview) I put the crab by accident. We switched the things. Yeah, I made a mistake but give me a break!
Gordon: Can someone explain to Fran what the fuck a lobster looks like?

Narrator: While the red team gets a pep talk from Autumn, over in the blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay looks for Benjamin to maintain Hell's Kitchen's standards.
Gordon: Hey, guys, get a grip. And you start tasting stuff huh?
Benjamin: Yes, chef. (tastes the risotto and puts the spoon back in it.)
Gordon: Oh, fuck me. Hey, Benjamin!
Benjamin: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here! There's customers standing right over there.
Benjamin: Yes, chef.
Gordon:You're tasting the food and putting the spoon back in it!
Benjamin: Yes, chef. (interview) I stirred it. I tasted it. I stirred it again instead of dropping my spoons in the water.
Gordon: You can't stand there and eat the food and dip it with your fucking saliva in there and then serve it! I'm not serving that!
Benjamin: Throw it away, let's start again.
Narrator: Benjamin's performance has left a bad taste in Chef Ramsay's mouth.

[6:48 PM]
Narrator: It's 45 minutes into dinner service and Chef Ramsay's guarantee to serve every customer is in danger.
Nilka: (serving tableside) Just be patient and he'll get the entrées out.
Narrator: He's hopeful that Jamie's first entrée will get things rolling in the right direction.
Gordon: What in the fuck is that?
Jamie Bisoulis: More in the oven chef, right?
Gordon: Oh, leave me alone. Leave me fucking alone! (slams the beef on the stove) Just touch that there. Just all of you put your fingers on there!
Maria: Cold, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, there you go.
Maria: Yes, this is very cold.
Gordon: Come here you, touch it! It's like cold cream on a fucking hot steak! (Maria laughs. Gordon stares at her) Maria, madam. Let me tell you something, there's nothing right now to laugh about. I can't get sautéed potatoes. And there, you (Stacey), she's on her third time cooking scallops, and you think it's funny?
Maria: But...alright. Alright (laughs again)
Gordon: Now she's laughing again. What's funny then? Maria.
Maria: Chef, nothing's funny.
Gordon: You're not laughing no? You're seeing things. Come here a minute! Jamie - hey, Fran, come here. You come here. Hey: you, you, you, fuck off out of here! We'll finish the service. GET OUT! You (Siobhan) on meat!
Fran: Chef, I'm not leaving my team, chef!
Gordon: I'm telling you, if you don't get out, I'll drag you out! Get upstairs to the dorm! Videos, recipes, demos, it's a fucking joke!

[Mikey brings halibut up to the pass after being rushed by Scott Hawley]
Gordon: Fuck off! Mikey, come here! COME HERE!!! (kicks the bins) There you go, raw fucking halibut! (smashes it) Shit!
Mikey: (interview) Chef Ramsay dynamites the thing right in front of us. There was like halibut shrapnel all over us.
Mikey: (interview) Scott was making me look bad.
Mikey: Yes, chef.
Gordon: RAW!!

Gordon: Capellini, risotto, two scallops. How long?
Benjamin: Five minutes chef.
Gordon: Five minutes? Get your rice in there!
Benjamin: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're cooking a risotto with no fucking rice in there! How's that possible?
Benjamin: It's not possible, chef.
Gordon: The fucking rice has to go in before the stock!
Benjamin: Yes, chef.
Salvatore: (interview) Benjamin, is a shit chef. He can't even cook a fucking risotto. He's a chef.
Gordon: What's Salvatore doing? Put it down. It's a cold pan. You got to get the pan hot first. This is basic now!
Salvatore: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You can't put fucking cold food into a cold pan. It absorbs the olive oil. So at the centre of the potato, it's like eating a mouthful of grease!
Salvatore: Yes, chef. Sorry chef.
Gordon: There's two of you on there. How long?....You're not even listening! (calls out Salvatore and Benjamin) Hey, do me a fa - come here you! Hey, you as well. (Calling out to blue haired Jay) Hey, where's fucking... Smurf? SMURF!! Come here, you. You and you, fuck off will you? Get out! Piss off!! I'm not going to stand here and struggle time after time!
Salvatore: (interview) I don't know what happened. I got lost with the freaking appetizers.
Gordon: Fuck off up to the dorm! GET OUT OF HERE!!
Salvatore: (interview) Maybe he don't likes the way I talk. I don't know. He don't likes me, who knows? Maybe he don't likes Italian people!

Gordon: How can I wait nearly two hours for an entrée, now you want five more minutes for the salmon?
Stacey: Three minutes.
Gordon: How long?
Stacey: Three minutes.
Gordon: Three minutes now. Why are you jumping all over the place? Five, three. Tell me!
Stacey: I'm not sure how long it's going to take.
Gordon: You're not sure?
Stacey: No chef.
Gordon: Madam, come here.
Stacey: Yes chef.
Gordon: Right now, I'm not too sure about you! Full fucking stop! Do me one big favour: FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE! Join the rest of them! "I'm not sure!"

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Mikey; after finding out that it's still raw, he has had it]
Gordon: Halibut's raw. Unbelievable. Mikey!
Mikey: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here! Again, raw fucking halibut! Take that, yeah? Do me a favour: FUCK OFF! GET OUT! Up to the FUCKING dorms! And get your fucking hair done! GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN! What is going on?!!

[Gordon calls both teams to the pass]
Gordon: You guys are fucking USELESS! But I am NOT going to shut this fucking place down! (to the red team) You, you, you, over there (the blue kitchen), work together! DOUBLE UP!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Move your arse!
Holli: What do you guys need?
Gordon: Fucking hell. What do we need? Yeah, I need sixteen cooks.

Gordon: It's a good thing Stacey's a private chef, her food wasn't good enough for the public.

Episode Two [7.02]

[During the eggs four way challenge. Siobhan who was to have cooked all four eggs by herself is next.]
Gordon: Siobhan by herself. Soft boiled egg, how long did you boil it for?
Siobhan: Um I....I just cook them every day chef so I have a very good grasp of how long they are cooked for.
Gordon: Just answer me the question. How long did you cook it for?
Siobhan: My teammates helped me chef.
Gordon: Your teammates helped you?
Siobhan: Yes chef.
Gordon: I asked you to work on your own. Because I put you out, singled you out thinking that you could cook fucking eggs four ways.
Siobhan: I could and I wanted to.
Gordon: You were working by yourself. So if you wanted to, why didn't you?
Siobhan: Because there was pressure from my team.
Nilka: Are you serious?
Siobhan: Not from my team, from Autumn.
Gordon: Oh, Christ almighty.
Autumn: I just said "Let me give you a hand." I can help you make one of the eggs.
Gordon: Which one of these four eggs did you do?
Siobhan: I did the poached egg chef.
Gordon: So you only poached one egg in five minutes?
Siobhan: I did two poached eggs.
Gordon: One simple instruction, how can I make it any more fucking clearer than that?!
Siobhan: I should've pushed her out of the way and I'm so mad at myself that I didn't. (starts crying) I'm so mad. (interview) I should have not listened to my teammates that were forcing me to do something that I should've known it was wrong to do. And I'm just so mad at myself.
Gordon: Listen please! You do as I say! Holy Moses!
Narrator: Siobhan failed to follow his instructions and did not work on her own.
Gordon: Is that what you're capable of doing?
Siobhan: No, I'm so mad that I didn't step up and push her out of the way.
Autumn: (interview) Siobhan got flustered and pointed fingers at me. She doesn't have a lot of backbone and under the pressure, she just doesn't know when to shut her mouth.
Gordon: So you're only going to get credited for the ones you did yourself. So you did the poached egg yes? (tastes) That's delicious, one point.
Siobhan: Thank you chef.
Gordon: Fuck off yes?

Gordon: Next pair, Fran and Autumn. Let's go. Soft boiled egg, (slices off the top) Hold on a minute. Who cooked this?
Autumn: I did chef.
Gordon: (tastes) Delicious.
Autumn: Thank you chef.
Gordon: (to Fran) Which one did you cook?
Fran: Scrambled chef.
Gordon: (the scrambled egg is overcooked) Well that's chopped omelet. Ooh. Sunny side up, (tastes) Not an ounce of salt anywhere. Fucking lazy cooking. (Checks the poached egg which is stuck to the plate) Who poached this egg?
Siobhan: I poached that egg chef.
Gordon: Oh Jesus! One point. Fuck off, will you, yeah? Sorry, plain fucking English.

[The entire red time walks to the dorms as they lost the eggs 4 way challenge]

Nilka: Fucking eggs? eggs? Fucking eggs? Are you fucking shitting me? (interview): Iritatting the hell out of me. Like I didn't understand Siobhan's mentality. It doesn't matter what Autumn said, you're supposed to be smart enough to do what you're supposed to do.
Holli: Sibohan....
Maria: Deal with it, move on.
Holli: It doesn't matter
Sibohan: I just need to cry for a minute.
Holli: Just let it out, but it doesn't matter, because.....
Jamie: Siobhan, don't let this ruin your day.
Siobhan: It's not going to ruin my day if I cry, It will make me feel better. (Interview): I'm not going to second guess myself again. ever!
Nilka: She...she threw us under the bus completely!
Autumn: Here's what happened you guys, I was like "Hey, I can fry your egg for you if you need a hand." and she said "well I can poach your egg." (Interview) I know in this competition that I'm going to be the fall guy for a lot of things that go wrong. Strong people can take a lot. And I'm ready to take it.
Autumn: Hey Sibohan, it's alright. It's over. and I'm sorry that you're upset.
Siobhan: I never fall out with anybody I always stand on my two....
'Autumn: No, you weren't following me, that's not what happened.

Gordon: Uh... Blue Jay?
Jay: Yes, Chef?
Gordon: (referring to Salvatore) Run upstairs and get Bozo for me, please.
Jay: Oui Chef.

Gordon: How long?
Autumn: On minute chef.
Gordon: Why are you sea-- oh, Jesus! She's [Siobhan] cooking it, yet she's [Autumn] seasoning it!
Autumn: No, I just added more salt.
Gordon: (to Siobhan) Come here you! Can you cook me a risotto?
Siobhan: Yes, chef, but she wants to do it and I'm trying and she's--.
Gordon: TELL HER TO GET LOST! You've got to do your dish!
Siobhan: I said that to her, but she keeps going in so I'll have to start again.
Gordon: Oh!
Nilka: Somebody season it, (to Autumn) let her finish her dish. We don't have time for this shit. We've lost three fucking times in a row, we've got to do what we've got do!

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Mikey]

Gordon: Yeah, rice undercooked, Mikey.
Mikey: (interview) I didn't want it mush. That's one I hate in risottos, it's mush.
Gordon: The rice is fucking crunchy!
Mikey: Yes, chef. (interview) Chef Ramsay has a different outlook on risotto.
Gordon: (calls Scott in the dining room) Carrot-top, hey come here, you! [knocks his hand on the counter] Serve me four more fucking tartare on Table 12 and four more five, please. Urgently.
Scott Hawley: Right away, chef.
Gordon: And apologise for the incompetence of a bunch of dicks!
Scott Hawley: Yes, chef.

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with risotto]
Jean-Philippe: An undercooked rice.
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell. (returns to the workstation) Yeah, gold-star! Under-fucking-cooked rice.
Jason Ellis: (interview) Dude, snap back! Get your mind back into the game not just for yourself, but for your fucking team!
Gordon: Yeah, [tastes the risotto and spits it out] (to Mikey) young man! The rice is bullet. I'm pissed off! Hurry up, one more! What's going on?! NONE OF YOU ARE TALKING TO ME!! [bangs the overhead] Fucking MAD!! SHIT!!

Gordon: Salvatore!.....That's the wellington cooked perfectly.
Salvatore: Thank you chef.
Gordon: Where is the fucking chicken?!
Salvatore: (to Jason) The chicken?
Jason Ellis: (slicing it and it's raw) Fuck! Should be ready. Damn!
Ed: Hold it, you got to get that chicken to the window!
Jason Ellis: I got it.
Salvatore: (interview) He's always "I got it. I got it. I got it." You ain't got shit out.
Gordon: (Jason is cooking the sliced chicken) Where's the fucking chicken? Jason, can you talk to me please?!
Jason Ellis: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Where's the fucking CHICKEN?!!
Jason Ellis: Two minutes chef.
Gordon: (throws a spoon) Oh fuck off. (sees what Jason is doing.) Is that - oh, fuck off! I'm not cooking like that.
Benjamin: (interview) He was rushing his chicken. The chicken wasn't even ready. Jason's not taking care of business. He totally fucked us.
Gordon: Come here you. So the fucking chicken's raw, yeah, and you're frying it like a fucking first class - look at that. That's your best?!
Jason Ellis: No, chef! (interview) Yes, chef, I fucked the chicken up! He got in my face. I took it like a man. Started over with a brand new chicken.
Gordon: Fine dining?!
Jason Ellis: No, chef!
Gordon: A fine fucking MESS! (kicks the bin)

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Jamie Bisoulis]

Gordon: Oh, God. Why's the salmon coming out like a - ? Hey madam.
Jamie: Yes, ch-chef?
Gordon: Come here! Look, fucking salmon crispy as fuck on the bottom. Because the pan you put them in were like smoking. Like, I'd expect her (Holli) to sear a beef in it. (angrily smashes the salmon) SHIT!!
Jamie: Okay, chef.
Jamie: Refire two salmon, one tagliatelle. (interview) Chef Ramsay lost it and just went like Satan on my ass.
Gordon: That wouldn't even pass as fucking kitty cat fucking cat food!
Jamie: (interview) I think I still have some salmon in my ear.
Gordon: You (Holli) aren't even talking to her (Jamie) and Jamie's not talking to fucking Nilka. Can you please get it together?!
Holli: We're talking.
Gordon: So how long then?!
Jamie: Four minutes chef, please?
Holli: Guys, I need seven minutes on the beef.
Jamie: How many minutes?
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell.

Narrator: There's a clear lack of communication in the red kitchen. But over on the blue side, Andrew is having a pleasant conversation...
Andrew Forster: Shit. Stay right there. Stay hot.
Narrator: ...with the garnishes?
Andrew Forster: Stay cool. Stay there. Don't shit you. (pushes Mikey aside) Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away!
Ed: (interview) Andrew was doing great on garnishes and then all of a sudden, he flipped his lid and started talking like a maniac.
Mikey: What do you need?
Andrew Forster: What do I need? I need to get out of the fucking weeds! That's what I need! What the hell do you think I need?!
Ed: (interview) I don't know what that was.
Andrew Forster: Tell me how the salmon is. Please talk to me.
Benjamin: Two and a half minutes.
Scott Leibfried: I don't care if I get the salmon last. I want to make sure that the garnish is ready.
Andrew Forster: Holy shit!!
Scott Leibfried: Send the fucking plates.
Andrew Forster: Holy shit! Yes chef! Coming over. Coming over. Blue Jay! Come here for a second. Please start bringing these garnishes up or he will fucking kill me.
Gordon: Mash please! Where is it? (Jay brings the mashed potatoes) Why is Jay on the fucking garnish?
Andrew Forster: Holy shit!! Grrrrrrrr!!
[Gordon checks on mash potatoes brought up by Andrew; finds out that it's extremely thin and runny]
Gordon: What's he done?
Scott Leibfried: Potato soup.
Andrew: (to himself) Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, holy crap!
Gordon: Blue team, come here all of you, a minute. That's you as well, Salvatore! There you go, there's our mashed potato! There you fucking go!
[Andrew takes back the mashed potato, then puts some fresh mashed potato into the same batch]
Gordon: Don't add it - oh, no!
Andrew: (snaps) What?!
Gordon: Come here, you idiot! Let me fucking explain why!
Andrew: Yes, please do.
Gordon: You've put the thick stuff in, and you add the runny to it.
Andrew: That was a brilliant idea, chef.
Gordon: "That's a brilliant idea, chef!" You think this is funny, don't you?
Andrew: No, I don't think this is funny.
Gordon: So we're serving liquid fucking mashed potato, so I expect you to put that fucking fresh stuff in a pan, and you add the liquid to it! That's not going to make any ounce of difference there, it's gone!
Andrew: That's not true.
Jason: (interview) Man, this guy, damn! He's just crazy!
Andrew: And now you're going to tell me I can't cook in the sauté pan?
Jason: (interview) Chef Ramsay, he's like the Jay-Z of fucking restaurants! You don't talk back to a man like that!
Gordon: Come here! I'm fucking losing my temper with you. Say that again?
Andrew: So now I've got to take it out of the sauté pan?
Gordon: Yeah, come here you. Get out!
[Chef Ramsay ushers Andrew out of the kitchen, into the dining area]
Gordon: Yeah, get out.
Andrew: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, fuck off.
[Chef Ramsay and Andrew are standing in the dining area]
Gordon: You don't care, you've got no respect, and do you know what? You're a fucking joke to the industry.
Andrew: Am I?
Gordon: Yeah, that's what you are! Fuck off! (walks back into the kitchen) That guy's fucking useless.
[Andrew walks through the dining room towards the front exit; Jean-Phillipe catches up to him]
Jean-Phillipe: What's wrong? What are you doing here?
Andrew: I'm walking out the damn door! What does it look like I'm doing? That man asked me to leave, and you expect me to stay here?
Jean-Phillipe: He's just testing you.
Andrew: Right, and if I go back in there, I don't want to hear him yelling at me again.
Jean-Phillipe: There are, I don't know how many people which would be willing to be in your shoes right now.
Andrew: (kicks his shoes off) You know what, they can take my shoes, JP!
Jean-Phillipe: But...
Andrew: I don't need this! I'm walking out these doors! (voiceover) Chef Ramsay got pissed at me. I'm sure he looks at me as a little prick. Whatever, I don't really care what Chef Ramsay thinks of me, I'm done. Have a nice day!

Jason: (interview) Andrew? I don't know what happened to that cat. Chef Ramsay hit his ass with some fairy dust and made his ass disappear.

Gordon: (eliminating Mikey) You backed your team up but not just one service, two shit services (flashback of Mikey's two miserable dinner services) and I can't work with that. Take your jacket off! (Mikey gives his jacket to Chef Ramsay)
Mikey: (outside the restaurant) Chef Ramsay really didn't like my performance, I know I get crappy but I still got my tattoo of Hell's Kitchen and I work with pride. I don't regret that thing come in here and I accept my faith.

Gordon: Mikey was all about appearances. Unfortunately for him, it didn't appear he could cook.

Episode Three [7.03]

[Salvatore is an assistant Matire'D for tonight's service and brings tickets to the pass.]
Gordon: Salvatore, show me. Oh my God! What is that? What is that?
Scott Leibfried: Ah, I can't read that.
Gordon: Are you writing in Japanese? Fuck off will you yes?

[Salvatore returns a wellington to the pass]
Gordon: What's wrong with that?
Salvatore: It's that she requested medium well.
Gordon: Yeah, and it's not wrote on the ticket!
Salvatore: Yes chef.
Gordon: It's not on the fucking ticket! What do you want me to do now? Do you want to fuck your team? Go in there, take it to them, there you go.
Salvatore: Now he's going to lose his shit. [walks into the blue kitchen] Guys, please, may I please have a wellington medium well? Please on the fly? Thank you very much.
Gordon: Yeah, basically, it's not even written out on the ticket. So we sent it out perfectly, and it's not your fault, okay? [to Salvatore] Don't you dare! Hey, hello! Get rid of that plate! Take the fucking plate and fuck off!
Salvatore: (interview) I take and take it, only so many I can take. How much can I take?
Salvatore: (walking past JP) Fuck this.
Jean-Philippe: Where are you going?
Salvatore: I'm leaving. (interview) Sooner or later, you start breaking apart.
Jean-Philippe: Salvatore... Salvatore...
Salvatore: (interview) That's it.
Jean-Philippe: Salvatore.
Salvatore: I'm done.
Jean-Philippe: Salvatore, hey do me a favour, don't - don't do that! Salvatore, fight back, young man!

Gordon: Where's the halibut?
Siobhan: Right here, chef. (brings her halibut to the pass)
Nilka: Let's push!
[Gordon checks the halibut; finds that it's raw]
Gordon: Dear, oh dear. Siobhan! (returns to the workstation) There you go, come here. Just touch in there, all of you and you as well Jamie.
Siobhan: That's my fault.
Gordon: Yeah, touch FUCKING THAT!! [angrily smashes the halibut] So you're wasting all this time wiping her [Jamie] arse, and making yourself look stupid. Now I've got a raw halibut!
Siobhan: Yes, chef!

Gordon: To be a great chef you need creativity, leadership qualities, and passion. Jamie had passion.

Episode Four [7.04]

Narrator: Siobhan is ready with her second attempt at the crab capellini.
Siobhan: Hot pan. (brings her capellini to the pass; Gordon checks it; finds that it contains lobster again instead of crab)
Gordon: It's the lobster again. (returns to the workstation) I've got lobster in the fucking capellini!
Siobhan: Chef, I pulled the one right here that says crab.
Holli: No, it's not.
Siobhan: It says crab.
Gordon': Look! Look! Come here! (gets some lobster) What are they? Wha-wha-wha-
Siobhan: Oh, yeah. That is lobster.
Gordon: Oh, come on. [shot of Kevin Frazier and his wife at the Chef's Table] Even though it says crab, look at it. What is it?
Siobhan: That looks like lobster, chef.
Gordon: That's the second time.
Siobhan: (interview) Crab was not crab. It was lobster.
Gordon: Where's the crab?
Siobhan: (interview) It was lobster.
Gordon: Oh.
Siobhan: Here it is chef. I got it.
Gordon: How can we not spot it twice, Siobhan?
Siobhan: My fault, chef. (interview; sighs)

[Gordon checks on beef brought up by Scott Hawley]

Gordon: Oh, dear. Scott! (returns to the workstation)
Scott Hawley: Yes, chef?
Gordon: All of you, come here!! Just touch that beef. Just touch it, hurry up. (points to Jason) How's that temperature?
Jason: Rare.
Gordon: Yeah? How's that temperature?
Blue team: Rare.
Gordon: (to Scott Hawley) That's fucking rare. I requested it medium!
Scott Hawley: It was medium-rare for me, chef.
Gordon: You're fucking miles off! And each and every one in your fucking team said it's undercooked! Just get it in the oven!!
Scott Hawley: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Scott Hawley]

Gordon: It's fucking raw.
Scott Leibfried: Yeah, that's no good.
Gordon: Everybody, come here a minute! Just touch that! I requested it rare!
Blue team: Raw.
Gordon: There's a big fucking difference between rare and raw! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, SCOTT?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON?
Scott Hawley: Nothing chef.
Jason: (interview) Scott fucked up twice; he destroyed us tonight. He should be gone.
Jay: (interview) Scott tries to be the leader, the best, bla-bla-bla, but that was still mooing.
Gordon: It's bright white fat! It's fucking raw!
Ed: How long, Scott?
Scott Hawley: I need 3 minutes, okay?
Gordon: Fuck off, okay?!

Gordon: After our best service yet, I've decided to give Autumn and Scott another chance. But they better excel or they'll both be gone.

Episode Five [7.05]

[During the pork challenge]

Gordon: What's your dish?
Nilka: (sighs) We have blood sausage with a prune purée.
Gordon: Already you look negative.
Nilka: I'm not pleased with the plate, that's why I don't look happy. I'm really, really not.
[Gordon tastes the dish, then spits it out in disgust]
Gordon: Ugh, that's shit. Who in the fuck chose prunes with blood sausage? Talk to me, red team!
[flashback to Scott Hawley telling Nilka and Fran to cook the prunes with blood sausage. In the present, Maria and Fran point at Scott]
Fran: (interview) It was his decision to put those items together on the plate, and Scott's trying not to own up to it.
Nilka: It went completely wrong.
Gordon: Understatement of the year!
Nilka: (interview) I knew it. I'd rather have just gone up there with an empty plate, like "voilà, chef!"
Gordon: That's a fucking disaster. (throws the plate away)
Maria: D'oh!
Gordon: Right, Benjamin. What is that?
Benjamin: We have a pan-roasted pork loin, drizzled with thyme, star anise and baby bok choi. (interview) The dish that we did was a beautiful dish. The pork was fucking gorgeous.
Gordon: That was delicious. Just... phenomenal.
Benjamin: (interview) I mean, I would have made love to it right there.

[the final round of the pork challenge, with the teams tied 1-1]

Gordon: Maria, what is that?
Maria: You know, when we had sweet potato, I was like, "sweet potato soup," and then ham-hock, and then we do a honey-infused oil. We put another pan over it and let it pressure cook, and like, one sprig again, of thyme, we just let it marinade. Not, like, a lot. At all.
Gordon: Breathe.
Maria: (interview) I don't know, maybe I talk a little too much. I don't know if it's just flat-out a lack of self-control. It's just outrageous. Look at me now, I can't even stop myself.
Gordon: Nice soup. The winning dish? (looks at Maria) Congratulations... (Maria smiles)'ve just screwed your team! (Maria looks upset) Listen to me. I asked for the ham-hock as the main ingredient. And you're serving me a sweet potato soup garnished with a spoonful of ham-hock? Blue team, congratulations. Back in line!
Maria: (interview) Wonderful. Idiot, I'm an idiot.

[Only few hours before barbecue night service started]

Nilka: (while cooking some chicken) Chicken is frying perfect.
Gordon: (sees what Nilka is doing) Oh, come on. Why are we frying chicken off already? Come here, all of you. Bring me that tray of chicken that's fried off. [Nilka brings the chicken to the pass] This is a barbecue evening, yes? Not a fast food joint. We haven't even got an order yet and you've fried half the fucking chicken! [gets a piece of chicken] Look what you're doing to yourselves. You're fucking yourselves before we even start! (throws the chicken back to the tray)

[Salvatore brings tickets to the pass]
Gordon: Let's go. [reads, finds out that it says DAIGS instead of DATES] Oh Jesus! What is that there? What does that say? Wha - what... You went to school, right?
Salvatore: No chef.
Gordon: You didn't go to school?
Salvatore: No chef.
Gordon: What were you doing?
Salvatore: I came to America because my family needed me, needed money.
Gordon: So what were you doing when you didn't go to school?
Salvatore: Working every day, chef. To help my father and my mom, bills.
Gordon: Thank you for being honest.
Salvatore: I'm always being honest chef.
Gordon: Just take your time.

[Autumn returns to the pass with burgers]

Gordon: Oh, guys. Come on. What's the matter?
Autumn: They're supposed to be medium and medium-well.
Gordon: Medium and medium-well, yes?
Autumn: Yeah.
Gordon: It's raw. (returns to the workstation) Siobhan, Siobhan, Siobhan. Burger requested medium-well, stone-cold in the middle and it's fucking rare! (throws the burgers in the bin) Fuck off!
Siobhan: Okay, re-fire two burgers.

[Gordon checks on fried chicken brought up by Scott Hawley]

Gordon: How long's he been cooking this for? Scott: this chicken is like something from outer space. Just feel it a little bit. It's cooked to fuck! It's like something from a leftover fast food joint, Scott! Pathetic.
Siobhan: (interview) Scott's got the most experience, but he still screwed up the whole chicken section. I mean, just a complete disaster.
Gordon: [Scott opens the oven door] Blackened bullshit chicken. [sees Maria next to the open oven] Oh my God. Close the fucking oven door! [goes over to Scott's station and closes the oven door] I don't want a conversation going on with the oven door open. She's (Maria) going to come pass with a fucking pan, walking back and bang! One fucking arm in the fryer, one in the fucking stove! Now STOP IT!!
Scott Hawley: Yes chef.
Fran: (interview) He was working so dangerous, Scott. He should've known better.
Gordon: We never cook with the door open! Health and fucking safety!
Scott Hawley: This is the worst fucking night of my life right now. (interview) I feel miserable right now. Thank god nobody got hurt.
Gordon: We're now the most dangerous kitchen in the fucking country!

[Only one minute remaining on the Red team's half of service on Barbecue night.]

[Gordon checks on burgers brought up by Siobhan]
Gordon: Oh dear. All of you come here! ALL OF YOU!! [Shows Siobhan that the burger is raw]
Siobhan: That's my fault. Completely my fault. It was the last one I did.
Gordon: [repeatedly smashes the burger] IT'S FUCKING RAW!!
Siobhan: I should've asked - I needed more time.
Gordon: STOP! Time's up! Enough is enough! Fucking shut it down!

[Autumn brings ribs to the pass]

Narrator: Disgusted with the Red team, Chef Ramsay turns his attention to Autumn's next order of ribs.
Gordon: Oh, jesus! All of you, come here! Come fucking here! Just touch inside that! Oh, fuck off! IT'S STONE FUCKING COLD! ICE-COLD IN THE CENTER!!
Autumn: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Don't know why she's so laid ba- just walking around like you're just shopping.
Autumn: I'm not walking around, chef. I'm- I'm rushing.
Gordon: You're rushing?
Autumn: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I'd hate to see you slow.

[Maria returns to the pass with dates]
Gordon: What's the matter?
Maria: Doesn't want the dates.
Gordon: Why?
Maria: Because I sold the - I wrote down dates and they wanted shrimp.
Gordon: So you're lying to me. You fucked up the order.
Maria: Not intentionally.
Gordon: Not intent - Come in here you! Come in! Come in! COME IN!!
Maria: (interview) Surprise! I screwed up, again. [enters the blue kitchen] I wrote down shrimp and they wanted dates. Er, I wrote down dates and they wanted shrimp.
Jay: Okay.
Gordon: Basically, she fucked up the order! Yeah? She fucked up the order! [Throws the dates in the bin] Fucking bullshit!

Narrator: With the clock running out on their two hours,
Gordon: Come on guys, you got 25 minutes to go yes?
Narrator: the blue team is moving quickly but not carefully.
Gordon: [finds fried chicken along with fries in the fryer]All of you, come here! [gets the fryer and slams it on the stove] So who's the fucking smart-arse? Who's the fucking smart-arse?
Jason: I put the chicken in there chef.
Gordon: What, with the fries?
Jason: I just dropped the chicken in the fries chef.
Benjamin: Let's go! Go with the chicken! Come on!
Gordon: Jason! Jason, look at me!
Jason: Yes, chef! I'm looking.
Gordon: It's not fucking good enough!
Jason: Yes, chef!
Gordon: It's a fucking fine dining restaurant, yeah? Not a fucking fast food pick up joint! Get the fries out of there first, then put your fucking chicken in there!
Jason: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Thank you!
Jason: The fries weren't done, chef.
Gordon: The fries are a fucking side! Get your chicken going and get the fucking - Listen to me Jason!
Gordon: THEN DO IT THEN!! DO IT!!!
Jason: I'M DOING IT CHEF!! I don't want to put up with this fucked up ass bullshit. It's fucking crazy.

Episode Six [7.06]

Gordon: [tonight is family night] Now, there's going to be a lot of children. Don't make me fucking swear tonight!

Gordon: Where's the spaghetti? Who's cooking the spaghetti?
Scott Hawley: I don't know. Is the spaghetti coming out?
Gordon: What do you mean, "I don't know"? Why aren't you discussing it together? Fucking hell, first ticket. Who's cooking the spaghetti?
Siobhan: [points at Scott] They are.
Gordon: [to Scott and Siobhan] Ah - come here, you and you, come here, both of you - fuck off will you. [walks into the blue kitchen] Who's cooking the spaghetti?
Benjamin: I am, chef.
Gordon: Thank you, why?
Benjamin: Because the garnish does sides.
Gordon: Tell those fucking muppets!
Benjamin: Garnish is cooking the spaghetti.
Siobhan: Got it. I need to cook the spaghetti. (interview) Pasta? No one told me I was cooking pasta on my side!
Siobhan: I got the spaghetti down right now.
Gordon: Siobhan, step one, pasta doesn't cook unless the fucking water's boiling. Pasta does not cook unless the water is...
Siobhan:...boiling. My fault.
Fran: (interview) Come on! Hello? Is this brain surgery? It's pasta.
Gordon: Hey red team, what are we doing? We're going to hold up the whole fucking dining room because we're waiting on fucking spaghetti! Get a grip. You need to wake up!
Siobhan: Yes.
Gordon: Oh fuck me. Not tonight.

Narrator: But Salvatore has a question.
Salvatore: Chef, did you say one risotto? One risotto, one capellini?
Scott Leibfried: Two risottos, one capellini, one truffle salad.
Salvatore: Yes, chef.
Scott Leibfried: Let's go. How long?
Salvatore: One minute chef.
Scott Leibfried: Let's go!
Salvatore: Yes, chef.
Autumn: Have you got enough in there for two?
Salvatore: I got it. [puts more rice in the pan]
Gordon: Why are you putting more rice in there? Is that because you just found out there's two risotto?
Salvatore: No, no, no.
Gordon: Oh, my God! Hey, blue team, come here, all of you! The risotto's one minute away from being cooked. He realises we're one portion short. Then they start dumping fresh rice in there. Who's smart idea was that?
Salvatore: It was my idea chef.
Gordon: Why didn't you tell me then?
Salvatore: I apologize, chef.
Gordon: Salvatore, working with a cook who tells lies is 10,000 times worse than dealing with a chef who can't cook! You just lost my trust! How dare you!? PATHETIC!! Benjamin, watch him; the guy's a fucking liability.
Benjamin: Yes, chef. (interview) You don't lie to your chefs and you don't lie to your fellow cooks. That's like a fucking no-no.
Gordon: Salvatore, now we should start the whole fucking lot again!
Salvatore: Yes, chef.

Gordon: Nilka, where's the risotto?
Nilka: Right here chef.
Gordon: Nilka, no lobster!
Nilka: Oh shit! I thought I put lobster in there chef.
Gordon: Hey madam, you're cursing in front of the children. Hey look at me, I need you to wake up rapidly. Just cook!
Nilka: Say no more.
Narrator: With Nilka's risotto stalling the red kitchen, Jean-Philippe distracts the customers.
Jean-Philippe: [goes over to where a little girl is coloring a picture of Gordon on her menu and adding the quote "YOU DONKEY!"] Let me have a look at it. What's on there?
Girl: "You donkey."
Jean-Philippe: Yeah but it's not my picture, who's picture is that? Chef Ramsay and you call him donkey.
Girl: No, he says it.
Jean-Philippe: Well, whatever Chef Ramsay says now and then, don't use it.
Girl: I won't.
Jean-Philippe: When he's out of the kitchen, I keep reminding him, "Chef, you can't do that."

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Fran]

Gordon: Fran! Fuck! They're overcooked, Fran! Come here! They're rubber, just touch! That's rubber! That's burned to fuck!
Siobhan: (interview) Can't cook freaking scallops? You know, I don't understand.
Gordon: This is shambolic! It's a disaster! I swear to god, I'll throw every one of you out of here and Andi and I will do the fucking service because this is bullshit!
Nilka: This shit is just fucked up!
Gordon: So much for no fucking swearing.

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Scott Hawley]
Gordon: Ohh, fucking hell. Oh, I just... I don't know where to fucking go! (throws his spoon away) I can't take it much more. I can't take it. It's not even pink, it's not even cooked... (Scott tries to retrieve the wellingtons) Just PUT IT DOWN! AND TOUCH IT! Are you colour-blind?!
Scott Hawley: No, chef.
Gordon: GET THEM IN THE OVEN! Come here you! (leads Scott to the pantry and slams the door) WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!
Scott Hawley: Nothing chef.
Scott Hawley: Okay chef. No problem. It won't happen again. I promise. I promise.

[Gordon goes to Red kitchen for the Red team's entrées]
Narrator: Teams got back on track and now Chef Ramsay gathers the Red team.
Gordon: Come here, all of you! All of you! (Gordon interrupts Holli) That's you ditsy!
Narrator: For one simple question.
Gordon: Is that the best roast chicken and is that the best fucking beef requested mid-rare? (grabs Siobhan's hand) I want you to touch it. I want you to touch it! Touch it! Touch it! Touch fucking IT! (throws spoon away)
Holli: No.
Fran: No, no it's not. The chicken's dry.
Siobhan: Where's the gratin on top?
Scott Hawley: It got pulled off. It was on there before.
Nilka: No, it wasn't.
Gordon: Look at me! Is that the best?
Red Team: No, chef!
Gordon: Is that the best?
Red Team: No, chef!
Gordon: Is that the best?!
Red team: No, chef!
Gordon: Do me a favour: FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU - GET OUT!!!! GET OUT!!! And don't you dare switch it off, I'll finish it! Fuck off!
Nilka: I would love to stay an-
Gordon: GET OUT! OUT! GET OUT! (throws the chicken into one of the units) GET OUT!
Nilka: (to herself) I'm sick of this shit.
Gordon: [follows the red team] GET OUT!
Holli: That's really embarrassing. What happened?
Gordon: [goes into the blue kitchen] Scott, come in here with me and I'll finish this one, please, yeah?
Scott Leibfried: Okay.
Narrator: Now, Chef Ramsay and his trusted sous chefs, Scott and Andi, will complete the red kitchen's dinner service.
Gordon: Three spaghetti, one tagliatelle, yes?
Scott Leibfried: Three spaghetti, one t- (sees the mess that the Red team left) Oh, my god! What the fuck did they do to this place?
Gordon: Yeah, I know.
Scott Leibfried: It went really bad, huh?
Andi: Yep.
[Later after Scott and Andi complete the red team's service]
Narrator: While the blue team gets out all the desserts, Chef Ramsay calls the red team back to the kitchen.
Gordon: All your entrées are served, everything's done. Now come back and do something you're good at, fucking cleaning! At least you'll do something as a team!

[To the teams, after service]
Gordon: Let's get one thing straight, shall we? The Red Team... lost! I have never, ever, witnessed such a disastrous service in all my fucking life. It was, across the board, the most disorganised service, EVER!

Narrator: The Red Team lost, but there seems to be some confusion as who the nominees should be.
Gordon: Who is the best chef on the Red Team?
Scott Hawley: Chef, I feel like I'm the best.
Nilka: Absolutely not! You just take over and say "Oh well, I did this, I did that!" You want to gloat and rub it in our faces. It's bullshit!
Scott Hawley: It's not gloating or rubbing it in your face, it's just letting you know the truth.
Nilka: We don't need to hear it! We've been doing it before you.
Scott Hawley: None of you guys work in fine dining restaurants.
Fran: You could have surprised us, the way you've produced over the last two days.
Scott Hawley: Oh, thank you Fran. You as well, you've had a pretty easy ride the whole way through.
Fran: Yeah?
Scott Hawley: Injure your hand a little bit, and you get treated like a little fucking princess.
Fran: Oh, yeah, okay.
Gordon: (rolls eyes) Wow. Great team-work there!

Gordon: Siobhan, why do you think you should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Siobhan: I take pride in my work, and I put my best effort forward. I use that little bit of knowledge I have, I have passion, and I ask a lot of questions...
Scott Hawley: (interrupting Siobhan) You shouldn't be asking simple fucking questions! It should take care of itself. This isn't culinary school, the common-sense things are driving the red team down, big time.
Gordon: Scott, why are you back here?
Scott Hawley: I was voted up, Chef. I don't agree with it. I've had a tough couple of services, but I'm a hard worker. Obviously, you know that. I just bust ass every day, I have a calmness about me every day, no matter what the stresses bring. By no means, I'm not the worst cook in this team by far, I'm the best cook in this team, the best leader in this team, I can accomplish...
Gordon: (interrupting Scott) I can't take it any more! Fran, Siobhan, fuck off back in line.
Scott Hawley: This team will fucking die if I'm not here.
Gordon: Scott, give me your jacket! I can't take it any more! I cannot take it. (shakes Scott's hand as Scott leaves) I kept waiting and I waited and waited, but it didn't happen. Good night.
Scott Hawley: Good night, Chef.

Gordon: If Scott could cook as well as he talks, he'd be the winner of Hell's Kitchen. Unfortunately for him, he can't.

Episode Seven [7.07]

Gordon: When it's brown, it's cooked, when it's black, it's fucked!

Gordon: (checking Fran's broccolini) It's not all over cooked in there, is it?
Fran: No, I just dropped it Chef.
Gordon: Well, why are you draining it in one bit and not the other bit in the same fucking time?
Fran: I just did another piece.
Gordon: So, if you left that in there, it's going to overcook. Get the fucking hell out! It's a piece of broccolini, show a little bit of respect.
Fran: I will Chef. Ready?
Gordon: Now, Benjamin's on the garnish. Fucking hell. (Fran comes to the pass with piping hot undrained potatoes.) Cut the bullshit! Let go! Let go! Lazy. (drains the potatoes in the sink) Madam,
Fran: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: You fucking drain the potatoes, or next time, fuck off! Okay? Yeah? You're just running over here with a hot pan and say, "There you go! You bunch of fucking idiots!"
Fran: I'm sorry, Chef.
Gordon: Show a little bit of respect not to give me a baking hot pan!
Fran: I won't do it again, Chef.
Gordon: Before all the fat doesn't spread all over the fucking stupid fucking place!
Benjamin: (interview) I think Fran is definitely over her head and you can't just disregard safety just because you're busy.
Gordon: Engage your brain!
Fran: Yes, Chef. What are we working on next?
Gordon: Yeah, I like that. "What are we working on?" One trout, one spaghetti, two steak. We're bound to fuck that one up.

Episode Eight [7.08]

[Gordon asks for scallops in the red kitchen]
Gordon: Where is the scallops?!
Fran: How's the scallops?
Siobhan: I had to re-fire one order of scallops.
Gordon: (goes to Siobhan's station; gets her pan of scallops) Look at this! What are you doing there?
Siobhan: I thought they look golden brown, chef.
Gordon: Stop, fuck off will you?
Siobhan: I thought they look fine, chef.
Gordon: You thought they look golden brown.
Holli: (interview) They were fucking black.
[Gordon pours the scallops on a plate]
Gordon: Take that, yeah?
Siobhan: There are some on here that were fine, chef.
Gordon: So, where's the fine ones then?
Siobhan: They're right over here.
Nilka: (interview) Shut the fuck up and cook. 'Yes Chef' and cook. Don't talk, cause he's only going to shove his foot deeper in your ass!
Gordon: Where are they? Where are they? You've got the nerve to tell me that some of it were fine. (points out some scallops) Wishy-washy, not even seasoned and you know what? More importantly, they're boiled. YOU DONKEY!! Fuck off out! Get out. Get out. Get out, there you go. Get out! Fuck off to the bar and eat it!
Narrator: And Chef Ramsay has sent her to the dining room to eat her mistakes.

Narrator: In the dining room, one customer...
Female diner: Is it cooked?
Male diner: It's rare at best.
Female diner: (talks to waiter) I asked for medium and that's rare completely.
Male diner: Shit!
Narrator: Decides to take manners into his own hands.
Male diner: [at the pass] Oh no! This is rare.
Gordon: (who stands at the Red kitchen) Service, please!
Male diner: Fuck!
Gordon: What's the matter? Oh, talk to me?
Male diner: [[pointing at the beef] Medium?
Gordon: Excuse me? Hey, you don't call me you acting like on it's funny. (to male diner) Yeah, do me a favour: That's his [JP] job, you fuck off, yes?
Male diner: Are you trying to poison me?
Gordon: Poison you? What a fucking dick. It's beef, you fucking idiot, tartare! (to male diner again) You never heard of that?
Male diner: It's low-grade beef, at best.
Gordon: Go get a shave, you fucking knob-end!
Male diner: It's low-grade dog food, at best.
Gordon: (goes to Blue kitchen) Let's go. Standing on ice on a fucking jerk. Stand strong, buddy! Stand nice and strong. Push your arms up and you're like a fucking quail!

[Gordon checks on chicken brought up by Nilka]
Gordon: All of you, come here! Pink chicken. Not just pink but fucking raw! And you what? Not even cooked. Raw, raw, RAW!! (smashes the chicken on the plate)
Holli: (interview) It's sliced! You could obviously see that's fucking raw. You can't send up raw chicken no matter what.
Gordon: (to Nilka) I would expect you 10x more when you tell me the chicken's raw!
Nilka: (interview) Aaarrrggghhh! Why? I tried so hard, I don't want to fuck up tonight!
Gordon: It's not fair! You can't just do that! The chicken's raw!!
Nilka: You're right.

[After failing to serve a single entrée, Gordon has finally had enough with the blue team; returns to the workstation with duck brought up by Ed]
Gordon: I would've.......Just all of you, come here! In a minute. Now, Jay it's not good enough! That has come in sliced, but yes it's FUCKING RAW! IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH GUYS!!! (throws his spoon on the floor)
Ed: Let's go, guys!
Gordon: (returns to the workstation and gives a tray of entrées to Ed) Hey, Ed, come here! Hold your hands up! Yeah, look at me! You, you, you and you fuck off out! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! GET OUT!!! Fuck off!

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Fran; after finding out that it's undercooked, he has also finally had enough with the Red team]
Gordon: It's raw, every fucking bit. (to Fran) Your risotto! Madam, madam! Taste the risotto, taste the rice! Up and down, up and down, up and fucking down!! (kicks the bin) Do me a favour. Look at me! You, you, you, you and you, GET OUT!! Get out! Get out of my sight! Get out!
Holli: (to Fran) Just get out. Just get out.
Gordon: Useless bits of crap!

Episode Nine [7.09]

[the chefs walk into the kitchen where Gordon has prepared for them a frozen dinner.]
Gordon: Morning guys.
Benjamin: Morning chef.
Gordon: Chicken gorganzola yes? One of the dishes that's featured on the brunch menu at Claridge's. Now have a little taste.
[the chefs taste the dish]
Gordon: Nilka, what's it taste like?
Nilka: It melts in your mouth.
Fran: The chicken is delicious.
Benjamin: I can see the tomatoes lighten up the sauce.
Jay: Big bold spices.
Gordon: You like it?
Holli: Yeah, I love it.
Jay: Delicious.
Gordon: Good.....The dish that all of you enjoyed was in fact....frozen fucking food!
Holli: Wow. (interview) Oh, I feel like a complete ass right now. Oh, completely.
Gordon: The chicken was cooked about three and a half months ago. Freshness? Vibrant? Excitement? All I did was put it in a microwave!
Jay: In retrospect, the only thing that I would question was the chicken.
Gordon: Oh.
Jay: I thought the chicken tasted a little watery.
Gordon: OH, COME ON!!! (throws his towel)
Jay: (interview) Ok, fine. I fell for it. Hook, line and sinker.

[Deleted Scene]
Autumn: Yes chef
Ed: Autumn you're not dragging them right?
Autumn: No, I'm not dragging anything. Right let me make sure I'm not dragging any beefs, I had a whole case of beefs that I put in the lockers
Jay: What did you ask him for?
Autumn: I need an all day on my beef to make sure I'm not dragging anything, thank you
Gordon: Let's go, one salmon, one bass, two beef
Blue Team: Yes chef
Ed: Eleven all day
Jay: Protein reach that The Red Team took
Autumn: Oh they took them out of our protein
Ed: Hurry up go to The Red Team, quickly
Autumn: Thank you
[Autumn goes into the red kitchen for more beef.]
Andi: You guys, pick it up!
Autumn: Those steaks that we had in the walk in, do you guys have them over here?
Andi: I didn't fucking touch your shit! Get out of here! Ask your sous-chef.
Gordon: Where's fucking Autumn gone?
Ed: Looking for more beef, chef.
Gordon: What?
Scott Leibfried: What?
Ed: She's dragging six.
Scott Leibfried: How come she doesn't fucking tell me? How come no one says anything?
Ed: One medium, one medium rare.
[Scott meets with Autumn in the pantry]:
Autumn: Chef Scott, I had another pan of beef.
Scott Leibfried: Get your - what do you mean you had another pan of beef that just disappeared? In your fucking mind, you have this thing where everybody's here to wait on you!
Autumn: No chef.
Scott Leibfried: Get more beef, get back in the fucking kitchen and you better shape up!
Autumn: Yes chef.

Episode Ten [7.10]

[Gordon checks the lobster brought up by Nilka]

Gordon: (to Sous-chef Andi) Look at this, Look. It's raw. Nilka?
Nilka: Yes, chef?
Gordon: The lobster is raw. [Nilka groans] Come here, madam, come here! Just touch it will you?
Nilka: I just took it out of the pan.
[Nilka goes to take the lobster back to her station]
Gordon: Look at me! Look at me, put it down! Put it down! Look at me, LOOK AT ME! [Nilka puts the lobster down] Out! GET OUT! Benjamin!
Benjamin: Oui, chef?
Gordon: One lobster. Nilka!
Nilka: Fuck!
Gordon: Get out!
Nilka: I'M GOING!
Autumn: (interview) He was annnngry!
Gordon: Madam? Hey, madam! (cuts to Autumn while she slaps her cheek in an interview) MADAM!
Nilka: Yes, chef?
Jason Ellis: (interview) Nilka just kept getting hit like a ship by torpedo after torpedo after torpedo, and it finally just - she just sunk to the bottom of the ocean. And Chef said just - she needed to go.
Nilka: CHEF! PLEASE! Chef, please don't say that! [picks up a "wet floor" sign and throws it across the corridor] Oh my fucking God!

Gordon: Fucking hell. (to the chefs) Now pick it up!
Jason: Yes, chef.
Narrator: With Nilka gone, the kitchen jumps into action.
Gordon: Two minutes to the window.
Benjamin: Two minutes, chef!
Narrator: But Nilka isn't ready to leave just yet.
[Nilka walks back into the kitchen]
Gordon: Let's go, Scott please?... [sees Nilka] Nilka!
Nilka: Chef...
Gordon: No, no, no. I'm in the middle of service. Take your jacket off and get out of Hell's Kitchen. I've had enough. I-I can't do it, okay?
Nilka: Please!
Gordon: Nilka, don't do this to me. They're under pressure, we're under pressure. Take your jacket off and get out!
Nilka: I want to still cook and prove myself, chef. (interview) And I won't stop, no, 'cos this is my dream, this is my fucking destiny, and this is what I want.
Gordon: [reading off a ticket] Turbot, wellington...
Nilka: I want to cook!
Gordon: Lobster, turbot, wellington, beef. Let's go.
Nilka: I don't want to leave like this, chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me. Fucking hell.
Nilka: Let me go to my station.
Ed: (interview) Nilka wouldn't leave. She was asked to leave one time, then leave. Get the hell out of here.
[Nilka tries to push Benjamin off the fish station and get back on it herself]
Nilka: Please? I can do this shit!
Gordon: Turbot, lobster, wellington, beef. Nilka!
Nilka: I want to cook!
Gordon: GET OUT!
Nilka: I want to cook! I can do this! Please!
Gordon: Hey, guys, I'm telling you now, do something for me. Get her out of here!
Benjamin: Nilka, you got to go.
Gordon: Benjamin!
Benjamin: Oui chef.
Gordon: Get her out!
[Benjamin starts to usher Nilka out of the kitchen]
Benjamin: You got to go! When chef tells you to go, you got to go.
Jay: Go, go, go! (interview) Hurricane Nilka just had an absolute category five meltdown.
Nilka: Oh my fucking God, I don't want to leave.
Benjamin: Nilka, get out!
Nilka: This is so fucked up. I gave my whole life for this shit. (interview) It hurts to get kicked out of here like this, it really really does. I don't want to take my jacket off. (walking out) Fucking bullshit. (interview) It it - oh, it's just... it pisses me off that it went down like this, it really really did. It really really did.

Narrator: Dinner service has been completed with time to spare and the diners are off to the theater. (cuts to Nilka packing her bags) But they aren't the only ones exiting Hell's Kitchen in a hurry.
Nilka: (interview) You know it hurts to get kicked out of here like this, it really really does. I don't want to go home. I don't want to go home. I don't... I came here for a reason. [sheds a tear]

[Nilka walks out the back exit and sees Gordon standing alongside a waiting taxicab]

Nilka: I was hoping I'd get to see you again.
Gordon: Listen, I just want to say that you walk out of here with your head up high. Sadly, you're not ready to take that head chef's job. But what you are ready to continue doing is following your dream. Don't stop that.
Nilka: I'm not, I'm just so mad at myself because I think I was ready. But tonight proved otherwise.
Gordon: Listen, you have done phenomenally well. I've never come out here to say goodbye, but I wanted to make the effort to say goodbye and to say thank you.
Nilka: (tearfully) Thank you.
Gordon: Come here. [they both hug each other] Thank you. Yes. [opens the passenger side door of the taxi] Now, one more thing.
Nilka: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Your jacket.
Nilka: No, you don't have to.
Gordon: [laughing] Your jacket.
Nilka: [laughing] I don't want to. [hands over her chef's jacket] Thank you, chef.
Gordon: Good night, my love.
Nilka: Good night.
Gordon: Well done. (as the taxi starts up) Head up high.
Nilka: I will. Always.

[The final six after receiving black jackets and Chef Ramsay speaks on Nilka's elimination]
Gordon: Tonight was the best service we've had in Hell's Kitchen, and that's why I rewarded the final six. Now, only the best chefs remain. Nilka was clearly out of her depth.

Episode Eleven [7.11]

Narrator: Ben finally has entrées ready for Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Three halibut, one wellington. (finds that the brought up entrées are for the other table) One tagliatelle, one chicken it's for the next table.
Narrator: Unfortunately, they're not the entrées he's looking for.
Gordon: I've really fucking had enough, Benjamin. Because no-one's fucking concentrating. So easy for you to ruin things. Well, let me tell you something, you fucking ruined my night!
Autumn: (interview) It was crazy over there, I think it was just off. And people need to, like, take a step back from everything that's going on and just cook.
Gordon: You all done it before and you can do ten times better, BUT NO-ONE GIVES A FUCK!! (kicks the bins) THAT'S WHAT FUCKS ME OFF! WHAT ARE WE DOING JAY, ED AND BENJAMIN?!!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Ed; they're badly overcooked]

Gordon: Oh, fucking hell.
Jason Ellis: (brings his appetizers to the pass) Oh, fuck!
Gordon: (returns to the workstation) Benjamin!
Benjamin: Oui chef?
Gordon: Come here. Ed!
Ed: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here, Ed! So he (points to Benjamin) brings the next table to me, He's (Jay) fucking say nothing and then that comes up to me! Do me a favour. (to Benjamin and Ed) You and you GET OUT!! ENOUGH!!
Man: (overhears Gordon) Don't think I'm going to get my lamb.
Gordon: Fuck off up to the dorm! Get out! Get out, Benjamin! Get out! (to Jason) Jason, on the fish.
Jason Ellis: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Autumn) Autumn, on the meat.
Autumn: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Holli) Holli, on the appetisers.
Holli: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Fucking unbelievable.

Gordon: Ed was one of the favourites because of his strong start. Unfortunately in cooking it's not how you start, it's how you finish.

Episode Twelve [7.12]

Narrator: As Chef Ramsay leaves the kitchen for a quick moment...
Scott: Tuna!
Jason: Yes, chef.
Narrator: Sous Chef Scott steps in to keep the momentum going.
Jason: Pasta's up, chef.
Scott: Who's got the garnish for the tuna?
Benjamin: Garnish for the tuna, chef.
Narrator: And Benjamin unwisely decides this would be a good time to become a leader.
Benjamin: (reading off the next ticket) Next pick-up, two chicken, one -
Scott: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Narrator: Unfortunately for him, Chef Scott is not impressed.
Scott: You think for one minute you're going to start fucking running this pass? You may be a fucking good cook, but you suck as a leader. If you think you're going to do my fucking job, I'll leave right now. You think you can do it?
Benjamin: No, chef.
Scott: (turning red) You think you can put up with all this BULLSHIT?
Benjamin: No, chef.
Autumn: (interview) Holy crap! I don't think Ben had a good night.
Scott: YOU GOT IT?!!
Benjamin: Yes, chef!
Benjamin: (interview) Chef Scott ripped my fucking asshole. You know, ripped my asshole this big. That totally sucked.

Episode Fifteen [7.15]

Jay: (interview) Hopefully, I can take (Holli's) pants off tonight.

Season 8

Episode One [8.01]

[During the signature dish tasting]
Gordon: What is it?
Antonia: It's a Mardi Gras gumbo. [lifts the lid]
Gordon: Oh, god! Does it normally look like a plate of liquid shit?
Antonia: No. (interview) Every time I make my gumbo it always gets eaten, and everybody loves it. It's going to be good.
[Gordon samples the dish.]
Gordon: [burp] Excuse me. [he coughs it up into the trash can] Fucking hell!
Antonia: [rolls eyes] Oh, God.
Gordon: Are you crazy? Have you tasted that?
Antonia: No, I didn't get a chance to taste it, Chef.
[Gordon retches briefly over the bin before continuing]
Gordon: So you cooked it and you didn't even taste it?
Antonia: I didn't have enough time. I'm so sorry you don't like it.
Gordon: Don't like it?
Antonia: I'm sorry it wasn't up to par.
Gordon: Up to par? It's inedible!
Antonia: [shrugs] Okay, then throw it out.
Gordon: No! I'm not going to throw it out! (to Raj) Big man!
Raj: Yes, sir!
Gordon: You like your food, take a mouthful. Pass it along.
[Raj samples the dish and passes it along to Rob, who also tastes it]
Rob: (interview) It was completely repulsive. I would rather have had a cat shit in my mouth than have eaten that any further!
[Vinny and Nona taste the dish, and also look disgusted]
Gordon: [reacting as if he got heartburn] Oh, shit!
Nona: (interview) Oh, my God. I don't even know how to explain that!
Gordon: Vinny! What does that taste to you of?
Vinny: A big bowl of mud.
[Sabrina brings the bowl back over to Ramsay, who throws it into the trash can]
Gordon: Dear, oh dear!

[Raj and Sabrina Brimhall are about to present their signature dishes]
Gordon: (to Raj) Nice suspenders. (they are both wearing suspenders)
Raj: Oh thank you. Sir, yes sir, Chef.
Gordon: Right. [to Sabrina] What's under there?
Sabrina: Under there... Do you want me to take it off?
Gordon: Ugh, fuck me. It would help.
Sabrina: This is a pancetta fish with grilled endive and blood orange fennel salad with a brown butter vinaigrette.
Gordon: That sounds like a very sophisticated dish.
Sabrina: Okay.
Gordon: Which book did you copy \out of?
Sabrina: I didn't copy out of a book, chef.
Gordon: No?
Sabrina: (interview) Okay, I'm gonna be honest. I don't really even read that often!
Gordon: The balance of the dish... is beautiful. And you've done something slightly unique because the fish is cooked perfectly.
Sabrina: Thanks, chef.

Gordon: Big boy, first name is...
Raj: Raj. (interview) I am an executive chef and I began cooking when I was 14 years old.
Gordon: Show me your dish.
Raj: (interview) I was always the best cook in the kitchen, so I can't see why this would be any different.
Raj: This is a seafood and vegetable pancake.
Gordon: My God! It's a what?
Raj: A seafood and vegetable pancake.
Gordon: Pancake?
Raj: Yeah a pancake.
Gordon: What?! That is a pancake?
Raj: It's uh-- yeah.
Gordon: Does that look like a pancake?!
Raj: Mm-hmm.
Gordon: [tilts the plate allowing the grease from the pancake to drip down] It's going for a piss. A pancake that pisses. [tastes] It's a shame because the seafood actually tastes quite nice inside.
Raj: Oh thank you.
Gordon: However, it looks a mess. Presentation's shocking.

[Gordon returns a salad to the workstation]
Gordon: All of you. ALL OF YOU, GET HERE!! Who dressed that?!
Trev: I did. [Gordon raises an overdressed piece of lettuce] Too much.
Gordon: "Too much"?! Did you honestly think they came here for that?!
Trev: No.
Gordon: We got worse now. We can't even dress a fucking salad! (throws the salad away) SALAD, TREV! LET'S GO!!
Trev: (interview) Who doesn't know how to make a salad? (points to himself) This guy!

Gordon: (with a pizza) Melissa.
Melissa: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Touch that. Touch that. What is that?
Melissa: It's raw, chef.
Gordon: It's what?
Melissa: It's raw, chef.
Gordon: Touch that! It's raw, Melissa!
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Gordon: It's raw! Come on!
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Boris: [mocking Gordon] "It's rawww!!" "It's fucking rawww!!"
Louis: (interview) Boris, what were you thinking buddy? You don't mock Gordon Ramsay.
Gordon: Boris.
Boris: Yes, sir?
Gordon: Come here.
Boris: Yes, sir.
Gordon: So I'm telling her about a raw pizza and you mimic me out in the back.
Boris: I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, so I'm telling her the pizza's raw, come here you. Fuck-face!
Boris: (interview) Oh, no!
Gordon: And there you go, you touch it then. Now look at me! Take the piss out of me now, fuck-face! What's your fucking crack?
Boris: I don't have any crack, chef.
Gordon: Yeah. What's your game?
Boris: I'm just here to cook, sir.
Gordon: Now look at me! You're fucking take the piss out of me one more time in the middle of fucking service, yeah, kiss your fucking arse goodbye. Is that clear?
Boris: Understood chef.
Gordon: WAKE UP!!
Boris: It will not happen again. (interview) I shouldn't have done that. I meant no disrespect. What can I say? I'm losing my mind.
Gordon: (to Boris) Just concentrate. Look at me, look at me. Just fucking concentrate.
Boris: Will do chef. Yes, sir.

[Gordon has found out that Trev has overdressed the salad again; returns the salad to the workstation]
Gordon: Trev!
Trev: Yes, chef?
Narrator: Trev's salad is once again seriously overdressed.
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Trev: Probably too much, chef.
Gordon: That's just on one fucking leaf, come on!
Trev: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Dress me a fucking salad!! [angrily throws the salad on the floor] Hey, fuck you all!

Gordon: BLUE TEAM!
Blue team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: One hour and thirty minutes into service, that's the first table of appetisers gone!
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Ohhh, fucking hell!

[Sabrina brings her meat to the pass]

Sabrina Brimhall: Here's the two beef and a lamb.
Nona: What is she doing?
Gordon: Two beef and a lamb, where's the halibut?
Sabrina Brimhall: No, I just wanted to bring this to you chef.
Gordon: You just what?
Sabrina Brimhall: I wanted to bring this to you chef.
Gordon: What?!
Nona: (interview; in a high pitch voice) Wha-- a-- Is this bitch crazy?!
Gordon: And where's the halibut, then? And where's the garnish? (to Gail) Are you ready?
Gail: No, chef. (interview) I told her not to bring the beef up because everything has come up at the pass together so that we can send the whole entire table together at the same time.
Gordon: Why are you throwing them under the bus?
Sabrina Brimhall: I'm not chef.
Gordon: So what the fuck is this doing here?!
Sabrina Brimhall: I'm sorry, chef. I cooked it for you chef. I don't know--
Gordon: What can I do with it?
Sabrina Brimhall: Nothing chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck off. Hey, Baby Spice. As long as you're okay, right?
Sabrina Brimhall: No, chef.
Gordon: "Here's my food, fuck everybody else!" She doesn't fucking care.

Narrator: While Sabrina needs to get back in sync with her team, in the Blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay needs...
[Raj is standing at the pass writing orders to the kitchen]
Gordon: Raj! Help them, or fuck off!!
Raj: [enters the Blue kitchen] (interview) It was fairly abusive on his part, but I'm a little bit worried about Chef Ramsay's, you know, karma.
Gordon: Russell, get off of there and let these two work as a team.
Russell: (interview) Boris and Raj are working together. It's like watching two idiots do a Rubik's Cube. There's no chance on Earth they're going to get it right.
Boris: Mozzarella cheese, I got the cheese. (To Raj) All I'm asking you is to please help me the roll the fucking dough.
Raj: Where the fuck is it?
Boris: It's here. First, shape it. Here. Put it here, put it down, shape it.
Raj: The dough's there, you can't roll it.
Boris: Roll the fucking pizza dough.
Raj: Here's more mozzarella. [starts slicing the mozzarella]
Boris: (To Raj) ROLL THE FUCKING PIZZA DOUGH! What are you doing? Are you fucking'-... RGGH! (interview) My partner was sent here to sabotage. That guy is fucking nuts.
Gordon: Why aren't you two working as a team?
Boris: We're doing the best we can chef.
Gordon: We're screwed on a fucking pizza.

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Lisa]

Gordon: Jesus. Lisa!
Lisa: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here! [returns the halibut to the workstation] It's sushi!
Lisa: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Hey, madam. What's happening here?!
Lisa: (interview) It was a mess. I fucked up big time and I'm disappointed at myself.

[The customers have begun leaving. James returns to the pass]
James: Chef, I got tables walking out. They've been here two hours chef.
Gordon: Fucking hell. Hey, ladies, come here. Hey, all of you, come here! LADIES! Move your fucking arse! BORIS!
Boris: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Look out there! Are you kidding me? Tables are leaving. No one's even working together. No-one's even caring. You're (Sabrina) bringing me the main courses, bypassing your team. You (Boris) laughed at me earlier, pissing around with your fucking pizzas. And you (Raj) just switched off! Where do we go? Where the fuck do we go? Any bright ideas? No-one's even working together. No one's even caring! Fuck off, is that clear?
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Everything off. Clear down.

[During the elimination process]
Gordon: Sabrina you are quite frankly the most selfish cook in here
Sabrina: Believe it or not, you don't know me and you don't know what I'm capable of, Chef. I made a mistake, I fucked up. Give me an opportunity to prove to you that I can do better, Chef. And honestly if it's between us two... I mean... I'm... she's spent, Chef... you know...I'm young.
Lisa: What was that? I'm spent? Spent? Are you kidding me? I will cook circles around you honey. I may be 48 but believe me you don't have a chance.
Gordon: Sabrina who do you think who should go home?
Sabrina: I think that Nona should go home Chef. Her idea of fine dining is fried chicken Chef. She can't cook asparagus. She snores and it keeps us all awake and I honestly believe she's good for nothing chef.
Gail: (whispering) That was low.
Gordon: She's crap she can't cook asparagus but she's not standing in your shoes there. Quite frankly all four of you (Lisa, Sabrina, Raj and Trev) should go.

Episode Two [8.02]

[The chefs meet in front of Chef Ramsay]

Gordon: Good morning.
Chefs: Good morning, chef.
Gordon: Last night's service was memorable, [Red team members turn to Raj, who was breathing loud] for all the wrong reason. [Gordon hears the breathing as well] Who's breathing? What is that? [Russell points to Raj] Are you okay?
Sabrina Brimhall: (interview) Raj was breathing a little bit creepy like, [imitates Raj's breathing; same as Jillian]
Vinny: (interview; imitates Raj's breathing) And it sounded like a big jerk!
Gordon: Slow down!
Raj: Yes, chef.

Gordon: On order, four covers away, Table 23, yes? Two risotto, two scallops, entrée one chicken, three rib-eye.
Blue Team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: [sees Raj turning back without answering] You, come here. You're standing here next to me, I called it out and you just turned your fat arse around. You didn't even acknowledge me.
Raj: I'm-I'm here. Yes, chef. What do you need? I'm here.
Gordon: What do I need?! What did I just call out? (Raj doesn't answer) WHAT DID I JUST CALL OUT, RAJ?! I'm talking to you!
Louis: (interview) The fact that Raj is 49 and still alive and not in jail or an asylum is a goddamn miracle.
Gordon: What did I just call out?
Raj: I didn't-I didn't catch it.
Gordon: Oh fuck me. Useless.
Narrator: Just over half an hour in the dinner service, Raj hasn't even begun cooking but has already disappointed Chef Ramsay.

Gordon: (to Scott) Yeah, just check that. There's no sides on there, I don't know why.
James: (to Vinny) Come over here! Chef, one of his tables, he's telling them they can't have side orders because it takes too long to get it out of the kitchen.
Vinny: What I said was, I'd be happy to bring them to you...
Gordon: Shut up! Come in here!
Vinny: That is not what I told them.
Gordon: Why?
Vinny: That is NOT what I told them.
Gordon: What did you tell them?
Vinny: Exactly what I told them was this: I said "I'm telling you the truth. The sides are delicious, but it's going to take a lot longer if you want sides, so..."
Gordon: STOP EVERYBODY! Now Captain Vinny here is telling the customers not to order sides! (to Raj) Come here. Did you tell him not to order sides?
Raj: Of course not! Why would I say that?!
Gordon: Don't fucking shout at me, fuck-face! You told him that? "Don't push the sides, so I look good."
Raj: No, I'm ready with the sides! Look, I got all the sides ready, I'm waiting for them.
Gordon: So why's he not taking the orders?
Raj: I have no idea, but look at these sides, it's all ready! He's- he's- I'm- he's- okay...
Vinny: Do you want to know the truth?
Gordon: Yeah, I do want to know the truth!
Vinny: The truth is, I have no faith that he's going to be able to get the sides out.
Gordon: You'd better understand one fucking thing: You do NOT decide what goes out this kitchen!
Vinny: (mumbles) I don't know.
Gordon: GET OUT!
Vinny: Yes, chef.
Gordon: GET OUT, YOU!

[Gordon has found out that Melissa has fired garnishes for the wrong table]
Gordon: (to Melissa) Come here you. [reads a ticket] One salmon, one halibut, one chicken, one beef. Where's the wellington?
Melissa Doney: Wellington's coming up--
Gordon: Where's the wellington?
Melissa Doney: It's not on the window chef.
Gordon: It's for the next table.
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef. (interview) I just put up the wrong thing. I can't explain it. It's fucking embarrassing.
Gordon: You are about to sink your team. Now.
Melissa Doney: Focus chef.
Gordon: No, don't focus. Swap places with Jillian. Now fuck off!
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef. (to the Red team) Guys, I have to go out to the dining room. If you need--.
Gordon: Get out! Get out! Fuck the explanation! GET OUT!!

Gordon': Curtis! (returns a sushi to the workstation)
Curtis: Working on it again chef.
Gordon: Yeah, fuck off. Gentlemen, gentlemen, GENTLEMEN!! Look at this! (points to some sushi) Fat fuck, fat fuck, fat fuck. Look at that there. Look at that. Look. Look at-- (to Curtis) come here you! It's not good enough for me. It's not good enough for me!
Curtis: Yes, chef. Working now chef.
Trev: (interview) Sushi's coming back. Seriously, you're not cooking anything.
Gordon: Do you think that I'm going to fucking send-- you can't even clean the fucking-- fuck off, Curtis! Fuck right off!

[Gordon checks on sushi brought up by Curtis; finds that there's no wasabi in it]

Gordon: (returns to the workstation) I've got the sushi now with no wasabis! (to Curtis) You: fuck off out of here!
Curtis: (interview; sulkily) Don't tell me to fuck off. Man, fuck that!
Gordon: I've had enough! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!

Narrator: As the number of Blue team members in the dorm is multiplying...
Gordon: Look at the fucking garnish. are Raj's pans of garnish.
Gordon: Come here. The big fucking sack of piss and wind. You're stacking up your garnishes, and it's getting longer, and longer, and longer, and longer. In about five minutes time, you'll have all those fucking garnishes right outside the kitchen. (Raj tries to protest) Shut up! Get out!
Raj: (interview) I don't know what to do. I mean, I don't know how to... I don't know. I don't know how to handle the situation, I mean...
Gordon: GET OUT! NOW!!
Raj: (interview) I don't even know what the hell's going on or what happened or why. (returns to the dorm and puts his head inside the freezer)

[Gordon has had it with the Blue team; returns to the workstation with two Caesar salads brought up by Louis]

Gordon: Come here, all of you!
Louis: Fuck!
Gordon: (one salad has more walnuts in it than the other) There's the walnuts on one, there's the walnuts on the other! FUCK!!! (to the blue team) Hey, you, you, you! Hey, you! Come here! Hey, you! Come here! [leads the blue team to the washroom and kicks the door straight out to the dorms] Get out! GET OUT!!!
Louis: (interview) Not only did he throw us all out of the kitchen. He led us out of the kitchen. (screenshot of Louis and the other blue team members in the dorms) This makes me feel like you're (shows his hand) this big.

Rob: Oh... what's the big fucking deal?
Louis: The girls were calling out entrées for the last two hours. I didn't come here to look like an asshole two nights in a row, okay. We're going to do it again tomorrow if we don't -
Raj: Okay, fellas, yeah. Please, please, please, kids...
Louis: HOW DARE YOU CONDESCEND ME! I'm 28 years old, I've been a professional in this industry for 14 years, I work in a camp and I work my fucking ass off! You're fifty, how dare you fucking condescend to me, man! YOU STUPID FUCK!
Boris: (to Raj) Shut the fuck up.
Raj: Listen, listen!
Louis: How dare you condescend to me!
Boris: (throwing a box at Raj) You're a fucking douchebag!
Vinny: (to Boris) No, bro!
Raj: You're attacking me, motherfucker! You're throwing shit at me!
Boris: Shut up. Fuck you, man.
Raj: Fuck you!
Boris: You're a waste of life. You're a fucking waste of life, Raj. Fuck you.
Raj: [flips Boris off] Fuck you, bitch!! (interview) They just blame me because I'm an easy target for them. You know, here I am, I'm in that snake pit, and I'm the mongoose, and the mongoose is trying to fight the cobra.

Gordon: Men, you lost. Vinny decided that it was a bright idea to tell the customers, "Don't order sides, because the kitchen can't deliver." How dare you! That's my decision, and not yours. None of you are here to kiss my arse, but I expect some FUCKING RESPECT!!

[The blue team lost the night's service; they nominated Raj and Boris for elimination, Chef Ramsay also nominated Vinny]
Gordon: Raj, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Raj: I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, chef, Because I am being falsely accused and I'm getting more familiar with everything and it's going to be good and it just need a little more time I'm a slow learner.
Gordon You're forty-fucking-nine! I need a fast learner!
Raj: Yes, chef.

Episode Three [8.03]

Rob: (interview after Raj escaped elimination) I'm more shocked that that lunatic is still here.
Raj: (interview) YAHOOO! WOOAOOAOAAAAOOAH! WHOO! ALL RIGHT!! Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Jesus! Whoo! I'm feeling great! Now I am definitely going to win this competition now. I know it!

[During the breakfast cooking challenge]
Scott Leibfried: We haven't sent one table yet!
Gordon: Raj, where's the scrambled egg?
Raj: Okay. (brings his scrambled eggs to the pass)
Gordon: (tastes) Hey guys, guys. Come here. All of you, come here! Quick! Hurry up! (pushes Raj out of his way) Get out of the way. Get out of the way. Oooh, get out of the way. Taste it. Taste it. Taste it, taste it, taste it, taste it! Not an OUNCE of seasoning!
Raj: What do you--?!
Russell: We're doing it again! Don't argue with chef!
Trev: (interview) Don't talk back to chef. He says something, you say "Yes, chef" and move on. That's it.
Gordon: Say that again? Hey, say that again? Say–say–don't spit fucking scrambled egg in my face! Say that again?! Say that again?!
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: There's not an ounce of fucking seasoning in there. These guys save lives for a living, yeah, and you're about to fuck up their breakfast. Got it?
Raj: Yes, chef! (interview) Chef Ramsay's like "Oh, my God! THERE'S NO SALT! THERE'S NO PEPPER!" and I'm like "What the–?" (to his team mates) Go ahead, go ahead, go! Go! (interview) I thought I seasoned it, chef, correctly. But no. Obviously I didn't.
Gordon: Why's he cooking scrambled egg when he can't even season it?
Raj: (interview) I tried to make some sense out of this intense chaos. (goes into the pantry and puts his head in the refrigerator) I got to cool off somehow. (interview) I tried to clear my head by sticking my head in the refrigerator... but I couldn't.
Gordon: RAJ, MOVE YOUR FAT FUCKING ARSE!! (to Blue Team) Somebody take control, please!!

[After losing the breakfast challenge, the blue team has to clean glasses as part of their punishment]
Trev: Don't be scared, Raj! Jump in!
Raj: I was.
Trev: Everybody's polishing. You're just kinda standing there. You're blowing it with me over here. The one guy who had your back, and you're blowing it!
Raj: (interview) Trevor, he's–he's really not a nice person, and... he's also being very mean!
Louis: [to Raj] What do you want us to do with you?
Raj: Just leave me alone! (interview) I'm a professional chef. I'm working with a bunch of kids! I'm in a situation where it's me versus them.
Trev: [inspects glass Raj just cleaned] Water marks. Water marks! Raj, seriously? I mean, come on! Can you not see that? Are you gonna look?
Russell: Just do his glasses over.
Trev: That's not fair!
Russell: Just do it over!
Raj: [to the guys] This is harassment now.
[Russell and Rob laugh hysterically at Raj]

[During the Blue team's punishment]
Trev: Raj? Raj? Just give up halfway?
Raj: No, I just wanted to cover it.
Trev: Give me a fucking wrap. (interview) I've tried everything I can with this big, dumb animal and it's just–it's frustrating. It's tiring. (to Vinny) It's bullshit that he's even still here.
Raj: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait.
Vinny: You might have been cooking the longest. Obviously, you've cooked in shit restaurants for the last 30 years.
Raj: Unfair.
Trev: What's unfair about it?! You suck!
Vinny: And you tanked us.
Raj: You guys are going to keep going with it?
Trev: Yes! Until it gets through that thick skull of yours!
Raj: (interview) Trevor's harassing me for no reason, and he's being more of a problem than a solution. (to Trev and Vinny) You guys seem to be targeting me in a vicious fashion. You got something about me, because I'm older?
Trev: Go home, Raj! Just go home. Go home and stuff yourself with Twinkies so you have a fucking heart attack on your recliner!
Raj: Oh, so now you're going to make fun of my weight?
Trev: We got to figure out what you're good at. You got to be good at something, right? Aside from sleeping and fucking eating and running your goddamn jaw. You got to be good at something! Mr. "I'm a chef and I'm almost 50. I got more experience than everybody." What the fuck have you done so far?! You're fucking dilly-dallying in the fucking pastry section–
Raj: Shut up! [Snaps and gets in Trev's face] SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Trev: Or what?
Boris: Guys, guys, guys! Come on!
Raj: I said shut up! Just shut up!
Trev: Or what?!
Raj: Fuck all you motherfuckers! YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF SNAKES! [to Trev] YOU FUCKIN' SNAKE! (interview) I'm being targeted, I'm being harassed, and I'm really at the point where I don't know what to do!
Boris: Raj, can I have a word with you?
Raj: I'm tired, dammit!
Boris: Just one minute? Listen to me. Listen to me. Raj, please listen to me! Raj! Raj! [takes Raj into the hallway] We need listen and work together! (interview) I don't want to see anybody getting hurt. I don't want to see anyone going off, because we need every man on our team. Including Raj.
[Russell comes into the hallway as Boris calms Raj down]
Boris: You gotta listen to me. You alright? (interview) But, that guy is fucking nuts!

[The chefs meet in front of Chef Ramsay]

Gordon: Raj, haven't given up on you. However, push it tonight.
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come back.
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And stay out the fucking fridge.
[flashback to where Raj sticks his head in the fridge during the team challenge]
Raj: Yes, chef.

[James returns to the pass with appetizers]

Gordon: What's wrong with that?
James: Red team, salty.
Gordon: Oh, dear. (returns to the workstation) Ladies.
Jillian: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Now it's coming back, salty! (tosses the plate on the workstation) Wow!

Narrator: While the Blue team...
Gordon: Salmon!
Raj: The salmon's ready.
Narrator: Has moved on to entrées.
Raj: And it's perfect! (interview) I have personally cooked thousands and thousands and thousands of pieces of salmon in my life.
[Raj brings his salmon to the pass, Gordon checks it; finds that it's floating in a brown liquid]
Gordon: What's that in there? Wh-what...?
Scott Leibfried: That's not grilled.
Gordon: Oh, dear. Raj! What's that? What is that stock he's putting in that salmon?
Vinny: It's supposed be grilled, dude.
Raj: Yeah, I grilled it, and then I finished it with a little bit of sauce.
[Gordon tastes some of the liquid in the pan, then spits it out in disgust]
Russell: No sauce, bro. [Gordon drains the contents of the pan onto Raj's worktop and drops the pan] C'mon, get another one going, bro!
Raj: (interview) My personal techniques are not working for Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Disgusting!
Raj: (interview) He's the chef, it's his opinion, and I have zero opinion.
Scott Leibfried: Start over.
Narrator: Raj's cooking techniques aren't cutting in with Chef Ramsay. And in the Red kitchen...
Gordon: (with an overcooked Dover Sole) Melissa, it's overcooked!
Narrator: ...neither are Melissa's.
Gordon: Out it comes, look at that. Overcooked on the bottom, crispy as fuck, and it looks like Gandhi's flip-flop! (drops the Dover Sole) What a shame!
Jillian: (interview) I don't know where he comes up with this stuff! Gandhi didn't even wear flip-flops, he lived in the jungle, I don't think the dude even had shoes.
Gordon: Look it underneath! [knocks his hand on the workstation]
Melissa Doney: (interview) Shit!

Narrator: As Melissa starts over with her Dover sole, guests on both sides of the dining room continue to wait, but not for long. In the Blue kitchen...
Gordon: Where's the salmon?!
Raj: T-two seconds.
Narrator: Raj is ready with his second attempt on the salmon.
Gordon: Two seconds! One, two!
Raj: I mean uhm, thirty sec-I mean uhm one minute.
Narrartor: Well... almost ready.
Gordon: Just concentrate. I don't want a blah-blah-blah.
Raj: I'm sorry to say that, but it's true.
Gordon: What a fucking bozo!
Raj: Here it is. Here it is. [brings his salmon to the pass, Gordon checks it; finds that it's raw]
Gordon: Oh, dear. Raj! Come here you. It's raw. [angrily smashes the raw salmon] It's fucking RAW!!!
Boris: (interview) Come on, man!
Gordon: IT'S RAW!!!
Boris: (interview) The guy can't change his underwear the right way.
Gordon: We haven't even served the fucking entrée, but I need to get food out!
Boris: Oh, boy. Here we go.
Gordon: I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!
Raj: Chef, can I--would you mind if I said something, chef, or no?
Gordon: [plugs his ears] Not to me, you're not.
Russell: No, don't say a damn thing. Just finish your tickets.
Raj: You know the salmon I gave you that you smashed, right? (interview) I'm not this timid man who's just going to sit back and just say, "Okay, chef." (to Gordon) You know, I'm going to try to make a case for myself. Really, chef, really.
Gordon: We're in the middle of service right now and I want food. SHUT IT!!
Raj: (interview) But... it's-it's hard. (to his team mates) I got it now. Go ahead! Go, go!
Gordon: Hey, what do you think this is? A talk show?!
Raj: No, no.
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Vinny, get a piece of salmon on there, yes?
Vinny: Yes, chef. (interview) Raj just cannot cook at all, anything, ever. (to Russell) Give me a time. (interview) So I have to go over and do it for him. (brings Raj's salmon to the pass) Hot behind, salmon on the pass.
Gordon: Perfect, let's go.
Narrator: Thanks to Vinny, Raj's salmon is finally on its way out to the dining room.

Narrator: Thanks to Boris, no food is leaving the Blue kitchen.
Scott Leibfried: There you go, send it back.
Narrator: But thanks to Raj, none of them are going to waste.
[Raj starts eating the leftover fish]
Raj: (interview) I see all this food, and it looks delicious, so I just, you know, ate it.
Boris: Raj, please don't do that.
Gordon: Look, he's eating it, look! Haven't you got enough in there?
Raj: But that's so good! It's really a waste.
Gordon: Wow!
Raj: No. I mean-- just a quick little bite. It's really tasty.
Gordon: Ah, fucking hell!
Raj: (interview) How could Chef Ramsay blame me for eating this delicious food? It's fantastic.

Narrator: While Raj has snack time in the Blue kitchen over in the Red kitchen, Gail... [cuts to Gail staring in space]
Gordon: Gail!
Narrator: ...has nap time.
Gordon: Wakey-wakey! (sees Gail's meat pan catching fire) You're on fire.
Nona: (interview) Oh, my God! There's flames shooting up! And Gail was (sticks her tongue out in disgust) nothing. Nothing's happening.
Gordon: Gail, out the way! Oh my God. [removes the pan off the burner and throws it into the sink; gets the burnt rib-eye beef] Gail, I think your pan's a bit too hot. [throws the rib-eye back in the sink] You've lost it.
Gail: I haven't lost it.
Gordon: Yes, you - look, you've given up. Body language, face, attitude, you've given up. Anyone that can stand there, and watch a piece of rib-eye beef SET ON FIRE is out of control! You've given up.

Narrator: Back in the Blue kitchen...
Raj: Up to the pass with the halibut. (brings his halibut to the pass)
Narrator: Raj is eager to finally impress Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Sorry about the delay, let's go.
Raj: (interview) HIIYYYYAAAHHHH! HAH!
Narrator: Maybe, a little too eager.
Gordon: [finds that Raj has cooked three other Dover soles] How many have you cooked? One, two, three. Oh, my God.
Raj: (interview) When I get busy, I just start firing everything. So when they need it, I got it.
Gordon: What are you doing? Playing the odds? Maybe one will be good out of three.
Raj: (interview) But this is Chef Ramsay's kitchen, you can't do that.
Gordon: Why would I try to fire three tables?
Raj: Uhm, yes. Uhm...
Gordon: (disgusted) Donkey!
Vinny: Dude, you can't serve this to anybody. He's not going to take that. (interview) Raj cooks three Dover soles before they were even remotely close to... to needing them.
Gordon: Sole special!
Raj: Chef, we ran out of the sole special.
Gordon: What?... (reaches for a ticket) I've got three on ORDER!!!
Louis: (interview) We ran out of Dover sole? Oh, man. This is going to be real ugly.
Gordon: Oh, no... [goes near the door and sits in fetal position]
Boris: (interview) This sucks. Embarrassing! Fuck!
Raj: (interview) It's a very bad situation. I don't know what we're going to do. I think we have to figure something out quickly.
Gordon: Get out there and tell them you're dragging two! And you go to the customers and tell them you fucked it up!
Raj: I need another jacket, though. I can't go out there with this jacket.
Gordon: Hey come he-- come here you. If I tell you to get out there, I don't give a fuck if you've got a thong on your fat crack. Get out there!
Raj: I can't, with this thing. I can't, I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: Hey, hey, listen. Fuck off out there, will you?
Raj: [removes his apron and goes over to Chef Scott] I can't put this--
Scott Leibfried: PUT IT DOWN, AND GET OUT THERE!!!!
Raj: [leaves the kitchen and goes to the diners to apologize] (interview) Couple of things are going to my head. [talks to hungry diners] Hi, my name is Raj. (interview) My God, look at this, I'm a star. [talks to the diners again] I'm terribly sorry, but we ran out of the sole special. (interview) Then the next thing you know, look at this, I'm an idiot. So it's this elation and then this degration. All at the same time. [to the diners] We have other nice fish, though, if you'd like to try that instead.

[The Red team lost the night's service; they have nominated Emily and Sabrina for elimination]

Gordon: Sabrina, tell me very quickly, why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.
Sabrina Brimhall: I don't think that I should go home. I shouldn't be here, Melissa should be here. Who has been consistently horrible? The executive chef, right there! Emily, yeah, she fucked up and she sucks, but at least she hasn't done as horribly as Melissa.
Gordon: Take a big, deep breath. I want to know why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen, yeah? You.
Sabrina Brimhall: I'm here to learn, and I'm here to grow. I have bigger balls and more determination than any of these fucking girls here! All of them put together chef!
Gordon: Okay, this is a very difficult decision. The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is... [a pause, then points to the Blue team, who won the night's service] Raj. Get your arse over here. [Raj stands up and goes to Gordon, while the assembled Red and Blue team members laugh at him] You, big boy, are out of your league, big time. And I personally can't go an inch further. Jacket. [Raj hands over his jacket, then goes in the direction of Gordon's office; Gordon points him to the actual exit] There's the door there, big boy.
Raj: (outside the restaurant) I can't believe it. It's just a shock. I didn't get along with anybody. I didn't get along with Chef Ramsay. I didn't get along with Scott. I didn't like the menu. But it was a great experience. I had a great time and I'm really glad I did it.
Gordon: (to the Blue team) Relieved?
Vinny: Oh, man. That was like a reward, bro. Thank you.

Gordon: When the going gets tough in the kitchen, a chef puts his head down and cooks. All Raj wanted to do was put his head in the freezer, and that's why his stay in Hell's Kitchen was a short one.

Episode Four [8.04]

Gordon: (to Melissa) So three three's are what?
Melissa Doney: (while cooking ravioli) Six.
Gordon: (shakes his head) Oh...
Melissa Doney: Oh, three three--nine! Yes!
Gordon: And you've got-- hey, come here you. Come here. Three three's are six?
Melissa Doney: No--I was counting the pans, chef. I'm sorry.
Gordon: Yeah, I'm watching you like a hawk. Do you know why? You can't even count to nine. You scare me.
Gail: (interview) What the fuck is she doing over there? Melissa can't handle it.
Gordon: Two three's are six. Three three's are what?
Melissa Doney: Nine.
Gail: (interview) Do you want me to come over there and cook for you?
Gordon: Right now, get it together, and we need to focus!
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef.

[James returns to the pass with pizza]

James: Blue team, Table 3.
Gordon: (find that the pizza is burnt on the bottom; returns and slams the pizza on Rob's station) Come on, chunky monkey! I trusted you. I don't need to turn your pizzas upside down. When it's fucking burnt, don't send it! (gives the pizza to Rob) In fact, you know what? Fuck off to the bar, eat the pizza. Get out, eat it, and come back!
Rob: (interview) Come on, get over yourself. It's the last thing I wanted to do while my team's getting pummeled, and it's so degrading. (goes into the bar and eats the burnt pizza)
Gordon: (to Louis) You can't fucking cook a pork chop, he (Rob) cremates a fucking pizza!

Gordon: One chicken, one pork chop!
Louis: Five minutes chef.
Gordon: (holds the tickets) He's trying to propose to his future fiancée!
Louis: Yeah.
Gordon: Move, Louis!
Louis: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You'll may make them break up before they get married!
Louis: Thirty seconds, cutting pork now. (interview) Once you get behind out something it can't let things get to you. I am just hitting my strive and ready to rock. (on his pork chop) The pork is fucking pink! Chef Scott?
Scott Leibfried: What?
Louis: [carries the pork in his hands] I fucked the pork and it's pink. It's pink chef.
Scott Leibfried: You can't even put it on a pan, you god damn slob?! You're going to walk around with a pork chop in your hands like that?! GET IT IN THE FUCKING OVEN!!!
Louis: Yes, chef.
Scott Leibfried: (to Louis) You walk around like a pig, what kind of slob are you?
Trev: (interview) Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?!
Gordon: All of you! COME HERE!
Louis: Fuck!
Gordon: ALL OF YOU! You fucking go on a reward, you take advantage, you come back and you perform like FUCKING IDIOTS!!
Louis: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Get a grip!!
Louis: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Or fuck off!!
Louis: Yes, chef!

Gordon: (to Boris) Can you stop washing pans?
Trev: Boris!
Rob: (interview) Wow, Boris! What the fuck!
Gordon: This is a fucking kitchen!! I'M TRYING TO FUCKING RUN A RESTAURANT!!!
Boris: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come here you! [leads Boris to the washroom] You want to wash pans?! Get down there! Fuck off will you?! Do it full-time! Get on there! What a muppet.
Boris: (interview) I've never been kicked out of the kitchen in my life and it's all my fucking fault.

[after Russell failed to bring the polenta for the pork, Gordon has had it]
Gordon: All of you, just stop! You make yourself look so stupid. And look, the food died. It's like a funeral in here. Do me one big favour: Get out. GET OUT! we'll (Gordon, Scott and Andi) cook. Get Out. Andi, Scott let's go [The women and the remaining men leave the kitchen]
Trev: (interview) Let's throw a whole bunch of chicks in to the mix and maybe it'll make everything all better. No it made it worse, too many cooks in the kitchen man!

Episode Five [8.05]

[Gordon checks on crab cakes brought up by Emily]

Gordon: Crab cake, aiyayay. (returns to the workstation) Excuse me! All of you, come here! This is what you've just served me! Just look at that, look. They're not even crispy, touch that on top. They're soggy. THEY'RE SOGGY!! It's like I've eaten it and sent it back!
Jillian: (interview) The only thing Emily had to make is crab cakes. My 6-year old could do this.
Emily: Give it back. I'll make new ones.
Gordon: OH, MY GOD!!
Emily: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Jillian) Jillian, three fucking salad, fresh!
Jillian: Okay, chef. (interview) Emily sucks.

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the Blue kitchen...
Gordon: Boris? How many crab cakes have you got in the pan?
Boris: Ten altogether chef.
Narrator: Boris is getting a little ahead of himself.
Gordon: There's only two away and you just cook me ten. Boris?
Boris: Yes, chef?
Gordon: I fired two, I got ten. Is this the sign of things to come?
Russell: (interview) Boris started firing like a gang-bang on crab cakes. It is like, "dude, learn to count."
Gordon: Look at me! We'll do one table at a time, it's not a race! Common sense, gentlemen!
Boris: Yes, chef. Understood.
Gordon: Fresh crab cakes, let's go!

Narrator: While Boris is now cooking his crab cakes to order, in the Red kitchen, Melissa has already moved onto entrées.
Gordon:' [finds that Melissa has put out filets from the oven] What in the fuck.
Narrator: Unfortunately, her team is not even close to completing the appetizers.
Gordon: Melissa!
Melissa: Yes, chef?
Gordon: What is that?! All of you come here!
Nona: (interview) Melissa had put in a huge pile of filets in the oven. Apps weren't even done yet. I don't even know what to do in this situation.
Gordon: We've sent three tables of appetisers, and you're sticking all the beef in the oven!
Sabrina: (interview) Why the hell would you do that? I wouldn't even do that.
Gordon: Do you want to go home? Why don't you make my life easier and just fuck off home? You can't be normal! (starts counting the filets) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
Jillian: (interview) Oh, my God!
Gordon: ...7, 8, 9, 10, 11...
Jillian: (interview) Stupid!
Gordon: ...12, 13, 14, 15, 16...
Nona: (interview) Oh, HELL no!
Gordon: ...17, 18, 19, 20, 21...
Emily: (interview) What the hell are you doing, lady?
Melissa: There's 23 on the board, chef.
Gordon: SO WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU COOKING THEM NOW?! (no response from Melissa) Nona, why?
Nona: I don't know, chef.
Gordon: It doesn't make sense! They're gone, they're overcooked.
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I can't do it anymore with you. You need a system! THERE'S NO SYSTEM! I CAN'T KEEP ON TELLING YOU EVERY FUCKING SERVICE!!
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef. (interview) Sometimes, I just go stupid. But I'm better than this. I just have to show Chef Ramsay that I have what it takes.
Gordon: Madness!

Episode Six [8.06]

[Gordon asks for scallop salad in the Blue kitchen]
Gordon: Melissa, scallop salad how long?
Melissa Doney: I'm all out of scallops chef.
Gordon: What?!
Melissa Doney: I cooked the shit out of all the scallops. I fucked the team chef.
Gordon: What the fuck are we doing? (gets the rejected scallops on Melissa's station) Oh, my God...
Russell: That's all the scallops!
[Gordon pours all the scallops on one plate]
Rob: Oh, my God.
Gordon: Just come here, all of you. Stop. All of you, Vinny! (gives the plate of scallops to Russell) Take the plate, take the fucking plate! Pass it around!
Russell: Seven pounds of scallops.
Vinny: (interview) She just can't cook.
Rob: (interview) Melissa must have cooked about ten pounds of scallops, all cooked off to the garbage.
Melissa Doney: (interview) It is just fucking embarrassing.

Episode Seven [8.07]

James: [Gives Gordon a ticket] It's your family.
Gordon: Here we go. On order: six covers, table one.
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Three wings, one mozzarella, one risotto, one truffle salad.
Boris: Yes, chef!
Gordon: My family!
Boris: (interview) We better get this fucking order right.
Boris: Let's go, guys yes?
Russell: Three wings, one mozz is coming chef. Vinny, are you ready on the risotto?
Vinny: No, no.
Gordon: Vinny, I need the fucking risotto! What are you doing?
Vinny: (interview) I can't sit there and [waves his hands] go like this and have my risottos' magically finish.
Gordon: Hurry up Vinny! We've got to go up now!
Vinny: Yes, chef. (interview) I grabbed the risotto I had just sent up for the previous table. There's nothing wrong with it.
Vinny: Yo, I'm going up with the risotto, guys!
Gordon: No, that's not fair. That's old! Trying to get away. Hey bozo, come here you.
Vinny: Yes, chef. What happened?
Gordon: Shut your fat East-Coast mouth!
Vinny: Yes, chef.
Gordon: This table that you just sent me that shit for happens to be my family!
Boris: (interview) Oh, no. What are you doing?
Gordon: And even if it's not my family, they deserve a fresh risotto. Look at me--
Vinny: Yes, chef.
Gordon: --you dirty little fucker! If you can't be bothered to do it, fuck off out of here! Do you want to go home? Whether it's my family or not, if your family were here, or your family were here, or your family, I'd make your family or your wife or your children A FRESH FUCKING RISOTTO! He sneaks that in there. Yeah. That's the shit I served five minutes ago!
Rob: Okay, refire guys!
James: Everybody's really happy, apart from your family.
Gordon: Apart from my family? Come on, Vinny!
Vinny: (interview) Yes, chef. Sorry, chef, won't happen again. That's all he wants to hear and I'll fix it.

[Nona and Rob are up for elimination]
Gordon: Rob, give me your jacket, big boy... (Rob takes off his jacket) ...because it's filthy and dirty. This is a clean one, get it on and get back in line!

Episode Eight [8.08]

[Gordon checks on gnocchi brought up by Trev]

Gordon: All of you, come here! What night is this? What fucking night?!
Red team: Important night of the year!
Gordon: Yeah, the most important night. Is this the most important gnocchi you've ever cooked?!
Trev: No, it's not.
Gordon: Fuck off will you?! (slams the pan on the workstation)
Jillian: Come on, Trev.
Gordon: What is that?
Sabrina: (interview) That looks like a big-ass booger.
Holli: Oh, my God.
Gordon: Wake up, Trevor! Nothing's coming out! ON A NIGHT LIKE TONIGHT!! WAKE UP!!!
Jillian: (to Trev) My lobster's up and you have no garnish.
Trev: (interview) Get off my pass and let me cook!
Danny: (to Holli) Trev is gone tonight. What do you think?
Holli: Yeah.
Nona: What do you need Trev?
Jillian: (interview) This is not what he needs. Trev sucks. Dude, are you stoned? Like, did you smoke a joint before you came in here?
Gail: Trevor, you can't serve with those carrots in a burned pan.
Trev: Oh, no. I am going to fucking fix it.
Sabrina Brimhall: I'll help you!
Trev: Do not help me! Get the fuck out of my ass! Don't fucking help me!
Sabrina Brimhall: (interview) He is so stupid.
Nona: Does anybody need help right now? I'm good on apps.
Trev: Could use a hand over here, definitely.
Nona: Here's your shallots.
Gordon: How many are on the garnish? One... two... three of you. Sabrina garnish, Nona garnish! Trev, what are you doing?!
Trev: Working it chef.
Gordon: (to Gail) Gail, go over to the garnish as well, and might as well.
Gail: (interview) I've never seen Chef Ramsay called over the entire kitchen to help one person. Ridiculous.

[Trev has just been thrown out of the service]
Trev: (interview) I'm pissed at myself, 'cos I'm supposed to be the guy that can do anything. I feel like shit because I've let them down. They expected me to be Superman, and Clark Kent showed up.

[Vinny brings his lobster to the pass; Gordon checks it]

Gordon: [to Scott] Is it cooked?
Scott Leibfried: Uh, it's cooked alright. Half of it is mush on the outside and the center's well done.
Christina Machamer: Uh oh.
Gordon: [returns the lobster to the workstation] On a night like tonight! You (Rob) keep me dragging for the chicken! You (Boris) keep me dragging for the appetisers, then Vinny sends me this.
Vinny: I'll fix it.
Gordon: (sarcastically) "I'll fix it."
Russell: (interview) We're going down in a heap like a California mud-slide.
Gordon: Chicken?
Rob: (brings his chicken to the pass) Going up with the chicken!
Gordon: It's pink. [returns the chicken to the workstation] All of you, come here!
Boris: (interview) Uh-oh. It's fucking chicken, Rob.
Gordon: Pink, pink, don't dare touch it! Pink, pink. All of you, what are we doing here? [Shows the faces of Boris, Russell, Christina & Rock, the people in the dining room, Danny & Holli, Vinny & Rob] GET OUT! Get out of here! [angrily throws his spoon at the Blue team as they exit the kitchen] GET OUT!!

Episode Nine [8.09]

[Gordon and Nona at the beef station]

Gordon: Hey look at me! You are not evening listening! I'm trying to help you!
Nona: I know chef and I am taking on what your are saying!
Gordon: It (Three Beef) should be fucking seared by NOW!
Nona: Yes Chef!
Gordon: It will help if the pan was on!
Nona: It's on Chef!
Gordon: Fuck off will you! (Starts walking down to Nona's Station) Get out of my WAY! Look (Red Team) at that! Does that look hot enough to sear three beef? Let me show you (Nona) something! LOOK! There you go! (Takes the three beef out of the pan showing that the pan is not hot enough) It's hot Chef! (Sarcastically)
Nona: I just put them IN!!!
Gordon: Get out my way. (Nona walks back slowly) Get out my fucking way. Get out my fucking way. (Nona is at the back of the kitchen) GET OUT MY WAY!!
Nona: I'm not in your way!!
Nona: Alright, fine. (Leaves the Kitchen)
Gordon: FUCK OFF!

(Once Nona leaves)

Gordon: Jillian!
Jillian: Yes Chef!
Gordon: Start working that station (Meat)!
Jillian: Yes Chef!

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Rob]

Gordon: (returns to the workstation) Fuck off! Yeah, come on. (to Rob) Come here you. Look at that. It's like split vomit. Look at that. Hold on, hey. It gets worse. (splits one halibut in half) Raw. [angrily throws the halibut away on the workstation] Fuck off!
Russell: Damn it! Let's go! Focus!
Rob: Sorry, bro. I'm sorry.
Russell: Don't say you're sorry. Just go. (to his team mates) Guys we need to go!
Gordon: Here we go, yet again. Nothing's coming out!

[Gordon returns to the workstation with gnocchi]

Gordon: Who cooked the gnocchi?
Vinny: I did chef.
Gordon: Yeah, crispy one side and raw. They're raw underneath. [throws the gnocchi away] Hey!
Vinny: I'll fix it.
Gordon: Hey,GET OUT!! Fix your fucking hair! Fuck off out upstairs, get out! Fuck off!!
Vinny: (interview) Of all the things, fucking gnocchi. Gnocchi of all things.
Trev: Garnish is in the window! [brings his garnish to the pass]
Russell: Coming to the window with chicken! [brings his chicken to the pass]
Gordon: [checking Russell's chicken] My fucking head's throbbing! [returns to the workstation] (to Russell) That is raw!
Russell: Can I send this one?
Gordon: Get out, Russell! Get out!! Because the chicken's raw!

[Rob brings his halibut to the pass; Gordon finds that it's raw]

Gordon: [quietly in Rob's ear] Get out.
Rob: Why chef? (interview) Ah? Did I hear that right?
Narrator: It's more than two hours into the dinner service. (shot of Russell, Vinny and Nona) Three chefs have already been kicked out of the kitchen, and much to Rob's confusion, he is about to join them.
Narrator: Which leaves only one chef left to complete service in the blue kitchen, and ironically...
Trev: (interview) Uh... hi?
Narrator:'s Trev.
Trev: (interview) The whole service just fell on my shoulders. I'm just going to have to push the fear down and fight through it.
Gordon: Salmon!
Trev: Good to go.
Gordon: Ooh, la la. Well done, Trev. Service!
Trev: (interview) It was like a big light just kind of opened in the dark sky, and I'm getting it.

Episode Ten [8.10]

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Vinny]

Scott: Lamb's still not ready.
Gordon: Un-fucking-believable. Vinny! Are you fucking kidding me?! With a man like that and his reputation, (knocks his hand on the workstation) ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!! OH, COME ON!!
Russell: (interview) Don't serve it if ain't right. You should know better Vinny.
Josiah Citrin: If my lamb was here, these guys wouldn't be getting yelled at.
Gordon: It's still fucking walking! Look at it!! THIS IS CAR CRASH!! Trev, Russell, Vinny! DO SOMETHING!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!!

[Josiah Citrin has finally been served his entrée but disapproved of it for being overcooked]

Gordon: [to James] How's Josiah?
James: Really, really unhappy.
Gordon: [to the Blue Team] All of you, so you fucking go there. You grace his table, he looks after you he comes in here and look at the treatment. Hey [to Trev] have you ever won a Michelin star?
Trev: No I haven't. I haven't even won one!
Gordon: Yeah there's a guy out there with TWO MICHELIN STARS AND LOOK AT US LIKE A BUNCH OF FUCKING PRICKS! Well done! Unbelievable!

[Vinny has brought Gordon an undercooked bass]

Gordon: [to the Blue Team] That's what I get served! Look, come here, all of you! [tilting the tray] He brings that pissing over, and the big surprise is the fucking bass is FUCKING RAW! [Gordon slams the bass down on the countertop] WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

Episode Eleven [8.11]

Jillian: (interview) I thought Michelin was a tire.

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Sabrina]

Gordon: Oh, no! What is that? Sabrina! That is cooked to fuck, and that there, fried risotto?
Russell: Burnt!
Jillian: (interview) Come on, Sabrina! Don't start us off like this!
Gordon: I want risotto, not fried risotto!
Sabrina Brimhall: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Right now!

Sabrina Brimhall: How long Trev, two spaghetti?
Trev: Four!
Sabrina Brimhall: Four! Four minutes that is pasta getting to cook in four minutes, Trev?
Jillian: Stop yelling!
Scott Leibfried: (approaches to Trev and yells at him) Hey! You watch your mouth right now! You don't stand over there and scream, I'm the one that's waiting for food from you, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND COOK THE PASTA!
Gordon: Shit!
Trev: (interview) Now I'm trying, all you want to do is berate me, belittle me, get on my ass?! Piss off!
Gordon: Talk about out of fucking control.

Gordon: Oh, no. Gail?
Gail: Yes, chef?
Gordon: It's not possible! That's what I got at the pass. (Gordon holds up a piece of halibut stuck to the pan) When it's burnt, it's cooked. When it's black, it's fucked.
Gail: (interview) Stuck to the pan. Yeah.
Gordon: That's what I got given at the FUCKING PASS!!! SHIT!!! (Gordon slams down the pan, and a pair of tongs almost hit him in the face)

[Gordon checks on rib-eye beef brought up by Russell; after finding out that it's raw, he has had it]

Gordon: It's raw in the centre... Russell! (goes worried) Stop! (throws spoon on the floor) I can't take anymore. I can't. I can't do this. (throws tantrum) I CANNOT DO THIS ANY-FUCKING-MORE! I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! IT'S NOT FAIR ON FUCKING ME! (overviews to tell the customers) IT'S NOT FAIR ON THEM!! (to the final six) GET OUT!! FUCK OFF!! GET OUT!!! Yeah, that's right! Get out! GET OUT!!! (to Trev; tosses a blue steak to him) Hey, catch your blue steak! Fucking blue.
Trev: (interview) This sucks. The horrible feeling and it feels like going down to the world.
[Customers are leaving Hell's Kitchen]

Gordon: Sabrina was quite dramatic in her final plea, but I'm not looking for a drama queen. I'm looking for a head chef.

Episode Twelve [8.12]

[Gordon returns an undercooked appetizer to the workstation]

Gordon: (to Trev) Hey bozo! [does a stop signal; angrily knocks the workstation with both hands] Just all of you, look at me now! It's like you're doing it on purpose!
James: Oh, chef's losing it.
Gordon: Hard, undercooked, and stone-cold. Three beef are on the way just a lick a finger on that. Look at us! WE DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!! WHERE'S YOUR PASSION?!! (angrily throws his spoon) I'm done standing here in a bunch of idiots! (throws his apron on the workstation) Fuck you all! Good luck, superstars! [he and Sous-Chef Scott exited the kitchen and left] Fucking useless. Aiyayayay.
Nona: (interview) We are fucked. Come on.
Paris Hilton: Oh, man.
Steven Cojocaru: Aw, there he is.
James: What is that?
Gail: (interview) This is over. Over.
Gordon: (to himself) Oh, fuck! I can do some real damage by staying there.

Gordon: This is like a joke. It's like you've been Punk'd, like you've been set up to look stupid.

Episode Thirteen [8.13]

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Nona]
Gordon: (tastes) It fucks me off. [returns the risotto to the workstation] STOP! (to Nona and Trev) Come here you! (to Russell) Come here! (to Jillian) And you as well! Have a fucking good taste! [Gordon tastes, as well as the final four]
Nona: (interview) Awesome. It's freaking great. I love what's happening right now.
Gordon: What's the first thing that comes to your mouth?
Russell: Pepper! (interview) Yeah, can we have some risotto with the pepper, please? Refire.
Gordon: [spits out the risotto in disgust] Three stunning risottos away.
Nona: Yes, chef. (interview) Sucks, sucks, sucks.

[After dinner service, the remaining four debate over who should go home]
Jillian: I killed it on garnish tonight! There's no reason I should go up for elimination.
Trev: I thought I had a great night, too. [to Nona and Russell] I'm nominating you two. You guys were the ones who had fuck-ups tonight.
Nona: I had a good night. My votes are Trev, and... my second one is Russell because of the scallops and the halibut. (interview) Russ was not perfect tonight, and Trev did not do too bad, but it's hard to go wrong when you have Chef Ramsay wiping your ass for you.
Jillian: My votes are for Trev and Russell, too.
Trev: (interview) What the hell?! [to Jillian] What happened to the plan?
[Flashback to before dinner service]
Jillian: [in the flashback] Let them get put up for elimination tonight. Even if they do good.
Trev: [in the flashback giving Jillian a high-five] Boo-yah, shocka!
[Back to present]
Trev: (interview) Jillian's selling me out.
Russell: I'm definitely voting for you, Trev because of your attitude and communication lapses. It's fucking ridiculous. [Trev just shrugs] If you talked to me like you talked to me before about that salmon, I would have slapped the shit out of you! [Jillian and Nona stare at Russell in shock] If you ever think you can cop an attitude like that with me, best believe you're gonna catch one to the side of your fucking head!
Nona: W–Whoa!
Trev: [shrugs again] Okay.
Russell: I will fuck you up, bro!

Episode Fifteen [8.15]

Russell: (interview) I'm pissed. I'm not happy at all. I chose the team that I wanted, and I thought they would help me win. In fact, they helped me lose, so... you know, thanks a lot, guys. [to his dad] I felt like I was being sabotaged. (interview) You will never get a job in any city I work. I'm gonna definitely blackball you guys, because you guys fucked me so royally tonight.

Season 9

Episode One [9.01]

[The eighteen chefs arrived at Orpheum Theatre to dream to become a "star"]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Orpheum Theatre. Please put your hands together for the Hell's Kitchen chefs. (Unveils the curtain; gives the chefs to raise their arms up. The chefs then see that there is no audience and Chef Ramsay at the top, clapping his hand loudly and slowly)
Gordon: Seriously, what on earth did you expect? A packed house? Standing ovation? Screaming fans? Really? Right now, none of you are stars. Résumés mean nothing, got it?
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: GOT IT?!
Chefs: (louder voice) YES, CHEF!
Gordon: Un-fucking real. Want to be stars? MY ARSE!

Gordon: Right? First name and what in the hell is that on there?
Krupa: My name is Krupa. This is a traditional Gujarati dish called Stuffed Naan.
[Chef Ramsay sees the stuffed naan into a mess]
Gordon: First off, doesn't this exactly look appetized?
Krupa: No.
Gordon: It's like a bit four bits shitty on a plate that is bland.
Krupa: Correct.
Gordon: (eats a naan into a bad taste) Spices are raw, bland. My dear Krupa, THAT IS CRAP-A!

Gordon: What is it?
Carrie: It is a chicken-fried ribeye with Yukon gold mash and white truffle cream gravy. I actually have a little sugar in there.
Gordon: Stop! Say that again?
Carrie: I have sugar in there. That's what my mother always did!
Gina: (interview) I do not know who in their right mind would put sugar in mashed potatoes.
Carrie: Just try it! (interview) Chef Ramsay is going to love it because it's freakin' delicious! It's like an orgasm in your mouth, come on! [as Gordon spits out the mashed potato] Oh, God!
Will: [stifling a laugh] I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh!
Gordon: That... is disgusting.

Gordon: [as Jonathon's signature dish is revealed] What the fuck is that on the plate?
Jonathon: I call this the Punch Drunk Chicken. (interview) I got the Southern flavor, you know? I put a lot of flavor in the food, raw but real. So, if Chef Ramsay complains about it, well he's full of shit, man.
Gordon: Hold on, it gets worse. [holds up sliced piece of pineapple] The pineapple looks like... canned?
Jonathon: Yes.
Gordon: You open a can of pineapple, and you stick it on top of a chicken?
Jonathon: Limited time today.
Gordon: Limited time? Forty-five minutes?! Limited time?!
Jonathon: Yes.
Gordon: You're so full of shit, even your eyes are brown! While you come in here and serve me a canned fucking pineapple, you can fuck off now. Seriously! I'll pay for the ticket! You tell me.
Jonathon: No, sir.
Gordon: It's an absolute freaking mess. But the surprising fact was you opened it out of a can. That's what pissed me off more than anything. I'm not even going to taste it! Ladies, congratulations.

[Gordon checks on cod brought on Chino]
Gordon: What's he done to this? [returns the cod to the workstation] BLUE TEAM!
Paul: Yes, chef?
Gordon: No garnish anywhere, still fragmented and look! It's burnt! [holds up the cod, shows it to the Blue team and angrily slams it on the workstation; calls Chino]
Chino: (interview) I burnt a piece of cod. You know, I should know this shit too because I'm Asian.
Gordon: Chino, come here you! Get out of my sight.
Scott Leibfried: Sit down.
Gordon: Scott, get him peeling onions and garlic, but away from the stove!
Scott Leibfried: There you go. At least you won't be burning any of that.
Chino: (interview) Ugh. Horrible.
Gordon: Absolutely fucking useless!

Elise: [goes to Carrie's fish station and takes over] I'll cook the fish, I'll cook it.
Narrator: But Elise has other plans.
Carrie: I got it babe. No, I got it.
Elise: Don't push me!
Carrie: Thank you.
Elise: (interview) Clearly, Carrie is the weaker cook than I am. So I felt like I want to take charge to impress Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Why is she (referring Elise) cooking fish?
Carrie: I don't know what she's doing. She just came here and grabbed it chef. (interview) I mean, are you fucking kidding me? That bitch is crazy.
Gordon: (to Carrie) What in the fuck is she doing?
Carrie: I didn't let her cook and she just came here and grabbed it chef.
Elise: So I was going to cooking for you because we're on the team, right?
Gordon: Ugh.
Carrie: She trying to prove a point.
Gordon: Elise!
Elise: Yes, chef?
Gordon: [holds a ticket] I got a six top dying for the appetisers! And you're cooking fish!
Elise: I'll put the spaghetti up.
Gordon: (to Elise) You, fuck off! Sit on the Chef's Table!
Krupa: (interview; laughs loudly) HA!!!

Gordon: Oh, fuck me. So the lobster's ready for the second table thanks to Steven. I just want the first!
Steven: I'm working on the first, chef!
Steven: I'll–I'll go one at a time.
Gordon: The thought of you doing two things at once, forget it!

[Jonathon has perfectly cooked the wellingtons twice but Brendan has burned the potatoes]

Gordon: That's twice in a row. Cooked to perfection, but we can't even send the table together! Because nobody's together! SMOOTH SERVICE? MY ARSE!!
Jonathon: I've never in my whole career ever been stopped by fucking side items. Never.

[The customers have begun leaving. James returns to the pass]

James: Chef...
Gordon: James?
James: Tables are walking out.
Gordon: Blue team, they're walking out! You Muppet, get off your fat arse! Let me show you something: Not one entrée has left this fucking kitchen! NOT ONE!
Steven: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And look at the pans back there! Any bright ideas?
Steven: Want me to jump in? I'll clean them.
Gordon: I'm talking about the customers! Not the fricking pans!
Steven: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Any ideas?
Steven: No.
Gordon: Hey, what are you going to do now? They are walking out! FUCK OFF!
Brendan: (interview) At that point, it was a train wreck on ice. There was nothing we could do about it.
Gordon: Stop! You're out of your misery! [throws his spoon away; goes over to the Red kitchen]
Carrie: (to Red team) Let's do this ladies, come on. Let's not disappoint the customers.
Gordon: Carrie! They've gone! (brief pause) SHUT IT DOWN!
Carrie: Fuck!

Gordon: I realised early on that Steven had as much of a chance of being the head chef of BLT Steak as I do of winning a gold medal in figure skating.

Episode Two [9.02]

Chino: Risotto, chef.
[Sous-chef Scott checks the risotto; finds out that it's burned on the bottom again]
Scott Leibfried: I can't believe it, he did it again.
Gordon: [returns to the workstation and scrapes the risotto] I've got another burned risotto, it's burnt. (Throws the risotto in the bin) It's FUCKING BURNT!!! Chino, what the fuck is going on? How long for the risotto?
Chino: Eight minutes chef.
Gordon: Eight minutes? (to James) Excuse me, I apologise for the risotto, it's falling behind, yes? (to Chino) Come on, Chino!
Chino: (interview) I can't have another bad service tonight. Right now, I have to take this one seriously like nobody else. I have to prove to Chef Ramsay that I belong here.
Gordon: (warningly) If you burned me that risotto one more time. Look at me...
Chino: No, chef.
Gordon: Hey, look at me... I'll drag you out of here.
Chino: No, chef. No, chef.

Narrator: Brendan on the fish station is now ready to move onto entrées.
Brendan: Sea Bass is ready. Are we ready to go?
Paul: Coming out now.
Gordon: Brendan, I haven't called it. Who called the entrées?
Narrator: Even if Chef Ramsay hasn't.
Gordon: Who fired? I didn't fire.
Brendan: Yes, chef. Sea bass is fired and it is ready.
Gordon: What is going on? You cooked the bass. Is your meat ready?
Tommy: No, chef.
Gordon: And the garnish all ready?
Paul: No, chef.
Gordon: You've got to work as a team! Please!
Jonathon: (interview) Brendan, man he jumped the gun. You know, he's too busy trying not to fuck up and he forgets. It's about communication.
Gordon: Okay, let's go for the first entrée together!
Brendan: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Timing!
Brendan: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Away now: One seabass, one wellington, one New York strip, one prime rib.
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Get it on the pass!

Gordon: Brendan?
Brendan: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Is that the same bass?
Brendan: No, chef.
Gordon: You didn't start a fresh one?
Brendan: Yes, I did, chef.
Gordon: So where's the old one then?
Brendan: I threw it away.
Gordon: Show me.
Brendan: Yeah. [looks through the garbage] Chef, I can't find it.
Gordon: Are you lying to me? Because I'm going to stop this whole fucking kitchen. I'm going to ask you one more time to tell me the truth. Is that the bass from ten minutes ago or is that a fresh one you cooked? Because I'm going to turn this fucking kitchen upside down.
Brendan: (interview; wiping his face) Oh, my God. (to Gordon) Chef, yes.
Gordon: [tosses the bass down] Why?
Paul: Start a new bass. Start a new bass. Everyone stop your garnishes.
Chino: (interview) Brendan is an idiot for lying to Chef Ramsay. It's like seriously, you're making a fool of yourself.
Gordon: And how dare you go to the garbage can, search it and turn me out like that. Period!
Brendan: Yes, chef. Firing again. Firing again.
Gordon: You do that to me one more time, trust me, fuck the elimination, I'll send you out there and then. Let me tell you that.
Brendan: Yes, chef. Won't happen again. (interview) Chef Ramsay's not a stupid person. I was blowing smoke up his ass and he called me out on it.
Gordon: Start again!
Brendan: Firing a new bass now, chef.

[Gordon checks on duck brought up by Tommy]

Gordon: Oh, come on. Hey, Tommy! The duck is overcooked!
Will: Fuck! It's ridiculous, man!
Paul: Tommy, start a new chicken. It's overcooked! You have one ready.
Gordon: That's a duck! [throws his spoon away]
Paul: Duck. Sorry, chef.
Gordon: (calls the entire team) All of you, come here! Not one entrée has left this fucking kitchen! GET IT TOGETHER!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

[Krupa accidentally dropped her prime rib while serving tableside; returns to the pass with James]

Krupa: Chef Ramsay, I just fell with the whole rib in my hands so--.
Gordon: Oh, fuck's sake. The whole fucking thing?
Krupa: The whole fucking thing. I'm sorry.
Gordon: Oh, you're kidding me. Oh, come on. One simple task. (calls Monterray) Monterray!
Monterray: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Once you've finished the rib, serve the ribs to Krupa. (to Krupa) Hey, Butterfingers. When you finish serving the ribs from the Blue team, take the trolley. Do not drop it!
Krupa: Yes, chef.

[After failing to serve a single entrée, Gordon has finally had enough with the blue team]

Gordon: [checks Brendan's seabass] Oh, come on. Brendan, it's raw.
Will: (to Brendan) COME ON, BRO! REALLY?! (interview) Brendan, you suck! You suck!
Gordon: Blue team, blue team!
Paul: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Stop! It's just got worse. Not one entrée has left together yet. NOT ONE! (Chino) You fucked me on the risotto! (Tommy) You screwed me on the duck and now I got a raw bass! What are you going to do now?! Any suggestions? [the blue team doesn't answer] I've got one big suggestion! [points to every member of the Blue team] You, you, you, you, you, fuck off out of here! Get upstairs!!
Jonathon: (interview) What the fuck man?! It is so frustrated, dude. It made us look like a bunch of little sissy ass bitches, man.
Gordon: (calls to the red team) Ladies?
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Any four of you in here to finish the blue team. Any of you.
Carrie: Yes, chef.

[The blue team lost the night's service second time in a row]
Gordon: Men, I'm disappointed. Will?
Will: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Who should leave Hell's Kitchen tonight?
Will: A hundred per cent, Brendan and Chino.
Gordon: Paul, who should go?
Paul: Brendan and Chino.
Gordon: Jonathon?
Jonathon: I have vote for Brendan and Chino.
Gordon: If you have to pick one?
Jonathon: I choose Chino.

Gordon: The only thing bigger than Brendan's ego are the lies that he tells and I can't have that in Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Three [9.03]

[During the Mommy and Me team challenge]

[Gordon checks on quesadilla brought up by Jamie]
Gordon: It's burnt. It's children. Ladies. LADIES! COME HERE, ALL OF YOU! Would you serve that to your baby?
Red team: No, chef.
Gordon: Unbelievable! (to Jamie) Jamie, stop sulking like a fucking baby! The babies are out there! Not in here! [slams the tray on the workstation] Start again!
Jamie Gregorich: Fucking shit!

[Gordon checks on panini brought up by Jonathon]

Gordon: All of you, just stop! Look at me! LOOK AT ME!! There's no chicken in here, and you think I'm going to push that out. You've got a small lead, but it's shrinking away! Start the table again!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on chicken fingers brought up by Tommy]
Gordon: They're overcooked and they're fucking dry. Tell me. [returns to the workstation] Come here, come here. Another children, right? I've got four of my own. [gets a piece of chicken] Would you serve them that shit?
Blue team: No, chef.
Gordon: What is that? It's-it's like a fucking baby's flip flop! [throws the chicken away] Oh, piss off will you?
Natalie: Come on, quality product Tommy!
Gordon: Piss off.

[Carrie and Jennifer bring their meat entrées to the pass]
Sous-Chef Andi: Why do we have a kid's burger?
Gordon: It's not even on the ticket.
Sous-Chef Andi: Neither is the wellington.
Gordon: [returns the entrées to the workstation] All of you, come here! It's the first fucking ticket of the night. Two bass, two New York strip, one lamb, one cod.
Jennifer: Fuck!
Gordon: No burger, no wellington.
Jennifer: (interview) Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Gordon: Your first ticket. Jennifer, THIS IS EMBARRASSING! Half the dining room is filled with children! PATHETIC!!
Jennifer: (interview) I'm mortified that I was even a part of this. I will not go down for Carrie. I should have just pushed her away and had her do something else.
Red team: Yes, chef!

Gordon: (to Amanda) What's going, Amanda?
Amanda Colello: I'm sorry, chef?
Amanda Colello: I have two bass on this ticket with the lamb.
Gina: And a cod.
Gordon: And a cod?
Amanda Colello: And a cod.
Gordon: The cod is not on?
Amanda Colello: The cod is not on chef.
Jennifer: What?
Amanda Colello: I forgot about it.
Gordon: OH, MY GOD!!
Elise: (interview) Amanda, is there anyone home?!
Gordon: You haven't got the cod on?!
Amanda Colello: I forgot about it. (interview; laughs nervously) Ugh.
Gordon: Family night?! DISASTER NIGHT!!
Amanda Colello: I'm sorry, chef.
[Gordon throws his spoon away on the workstation out of disappointment]

Jennifer: How much start now? I'm waiting on the lamb?
Elise: Are you saying there it's on the hips where you on this ticket out?
Carrie: No, I'm not.
Elise: I'll better see you cooking something.
Carrie: (interview) Elise is always yelling at me. I'm not letting her to me, I know I can do good. I'm know I'm good.
Elise: How long through on the window?
Carrie: One more minute.
Elise: Please let's get it up.
Gordon: Garnish, let's go! Here we go! Thirty seconds to the window!
Andi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Where's the bass?
Amanda Colello: It's coming up right now.
Gordon: Service! Where's the lamb?
Carrie: Right here, chef.
Gordon: Let's go! Garnish please. [sees that the lamb was raw] Look at this. Ah, fuck me. It's raw! (returns to the workstation)
Carrie: Is it still raw?
Amanda Colello: Come on, it's walking. No, it's right there.
Jamie Gregorich: You've got to be kidding me, guys!
Carrie: [touches the raw lamb] Know that- that- okay.
Gordon: STOP! [letting Carrie out of his way] Leave me alone! [sounding as if he might cry] All of you come here! Look at the fucking state of this!
Carrie: I thought it looked good.
Elise: (interview) I always think that Carrie has all of her marbles.
Gordon: (to Carrie) Why are you doing this to me?
Carrie: I saw this and I thought it was okay, chef -
Gordon: "I saw this." It's not even hot, it's raw! RAW! [slams the lamb on the counter] SHIT! [throws the lamb away; calls Gina] Gina - please!
Gina: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Take this... useless brigade... around every fricking table... and I want a sincere apology on the back of your crap performance! Piss off! Every one of them!
[Red team exits the kitchen to apologize with the hungry customers]
James: Why have you spend on this table? Did you look all of these children? They're all famished.
Elise: We sincerely apologize about your entrées. (interview) It was humiliating when I apologized to tables when I felt like it wasn't my fault.
Carrie: We're very sorry.
Elise: We apologize.
Carrie: We're sorry, we don't have your entrées right now.
Elise: (interview) Yes, we're a team, but you can only do so much when you have a broken leg.
Carrie: [while returning to the red kitchen] Ladies, our promise it will not happen again, okay.
Gordon: Ladies.
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: That was the first useful thing you have done tonight. It's also the last. Get out of here! All of you! And hang your heads in shame! Because you absolutely suck! Piss off! Embarrassing! And on family night! You certainly don't care about the children!
Carrie: Oh, my God.
Young male diner: "Shut it down!"

[Red team returned to dorms after their disappointing performance]
Amanda Colello: Chef is going to call me out, I'm telling you.
Elise: (to Amanda Colello) He's going to call you out, but there's two of you going up. (interview) This could be a great opportunity for the Red team we can rid of Carrie to turn a something negative into a positive.
[Carrie goes to Elise to fight her]
Carrie: First time all the food was mess.
Elise: [interrupting Carrie] Don't talk to me right now!
Carrie: No, Elise.
Elise: I don't want to hear to talk about the say. Get out of my face!
Carrie: Just wait, you can talk to me later.
Elise: She can talk up on the chopping block, that's where she can fucking talk. Don't say a word.
Carrie: No, I'm not going to have you--
Elise: Nobody said here-- Let me ask you to a serious question right now - Do you take medication?, because I think that you are living in another world. You are nothing but a distraction on me. You didn't call anything. You fucked up in the whole kitchen but I knew this was gonna happen!
Carrie: I did not, Elise. Stop it!
Elise: Yes, you did!
Carrie: (gets angry) THE FUCK I DID! ELISE, STOP IT! I DID NOT. STOP IT!

Carrie: (interview) I do deserve to be here. I'm not ready to leave Hell's Kitchen! And I'm ready to fight.

[The Red team lost the night's service; Gordon became the only nominator for the episode]
Gordon: Jennifer, step forward please!
Jennifer: Shit!
Gordon: My next choice is... Carrie, step forward! (thinks on a third nominee) You know what, Amanda, join them.
Gordon: Carrie, tell me why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Carrie: I love cooking, but is in my passion and it is in my heart. I'm not ready to go yet, Chef. I am going to prove you I am good enough.
Gordon: Why is your team is so desperate to see you out of here?
Carrie: I don't know have Elise against me. She's had something against me since day one; I'm not quite sure what it is.
Amanda Colello: It's not just Elise, Carrie.
Gordon: Amanda, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Amanda Colello: Well, Chef, unlike Carrie, I'm not in denial that I had a fucking crap performance tonight. Not in denial at all. I want this, Chef. I'm not going to piss around and lie to you and say like, "OH SAVE ME AND FEEL BAD FOR ME, I'M GOOD." I can work my ass off for you, Chef; you've seen me do better.
Gordon: You didn't fight back!
Amanda Colello: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: You threw the towel in!
Amanda Colello: I know, Chef.

Amanda Colello: (after being eliminated) I'm so completely and utterly embarrassed and disappointed with myself. My dream coming in to Hell's Kitchen was to win, and to have one of my idols tell me "you're not worth it," that fucking sucks.

Gordon: Amanda lost the will to cook on the line tonight. I lost the will to keep her here.

Episode Four [9.04]

Gordon: Cod, bass!
Monterray: Oh, Jesus Christ! Sea bass is fucking falling apart.
Gordon: Sea bass is what?
Monterray: Sea bass fell apart.
Gordon: Oh, boy. Scott.
Scott Leibfried: (Gives Monterray on a lesson) When you take the fish out of the pan, you leave it on the spatula.
Monterray: It fell apart. There's nothing I can do. It fell apart.
Scott Leibfried: You leave it on the fucking spatula! Is that what you did? No, you didn't. So it's the fish's fault again?
Monterray: No, it's not. It fell apart. There's nothing I can do. It fell apart.
[Screenshot of Janet Evans and Mark Spitz (two Olympic gold medalists on swimming) on Chef's Table]
Monterray: (interview) I understand what he's telling me and I'm listening to him, but you ain't going to keep fucking cussing at me. I don't give a fuck who you are: Chef Ramsay, Chef Scott, Chef Andi. You ain't going to keep talking to me like that!
Monterray: I'm not bullshitting you. I put it on- I have it. I'm putting it on there-
Narrator: And Monterray has decided to go toe-to-toe with Sous Chef Scott.
Monterray: I understand. I understand.
Scott Leibfried: DO YOU?! THEN FUCKING DO IT!
Monterray: I'm positive.
Scott Leibfried: THEN DO IT!
Monterray: Then it's done then.
Scott Leibfried: FUCK YOU!
Monterray: Well fuck you too then!

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Chino]

Gordon: What is that?
Scott Leibfried: Cold too. Ice-cold.
Gordon: CHINO!!
Natalie: (interview; sighs)
Gordon: All of you, come here! Just touch that. Touch the meat. It's raw! RAW!!

[Gordon checks on sea bass brought up by Elise]

Gordon: What's she done to that? Elise!
Elise: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here. Come here! That's right! Come here! I've got one bass dry, and one bass raw. Raw! RAW!! Get the bass back in the pan!
Elise: Fuck!

[Gordon checks on meat brought up by Chino]

Gordon: (on the wellington) Look at that. Chewed up to fuck. (on the lamb) And that? That's raw.
Scott: Yep.
Gordon: It's pink. (returns to the workstation and throws his spoon away) Blue team, STOP!! Come here you, look at that. (on the lamb) That is raw. That is white fat, (on the wellington) and what have you done to this? Wha-wha-what is that? So now, you've just fucked! (knocks his hand on the workstation)
Chino: Yes, chef. Yes, chef. (interview) I feel like a dumbass, moron, idiot because I can cook better than that. It's just... It's embarrassing.
Gordon: There you go. (tosses the tray on the floor) All of you! Fuck off out of here! Get upstairs!!
Will: I'm so fucking pissed, it's not even funny. We suck.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Gina]

Gordon: Oh, come on. Stop. All of you, come here. What is that?
Gina: It's raw chef. I just sliced into it.
Gordon: Oh, really? I never guessed. So in front of these ladies here, this is how we want to perform. Raw bass, overcooked bass. Raw lamb, what an embarrassment.
Gina: Sorry, Chef.
Gordon: Why are you doing this to me? It's like being in a volleyball match and I'm the ball getting pounded.
Gina: (interview) I was just like, Oh, my God. It was bad.
Gordon: Let me tell you something really important: SHUT IT DOWN! GET OUT!!

[After a disastrous service, both teams lost; the blue team nominated Chino and Monterray while the red team nominated Carrie and Elise]

Gordon: Elizabeth, if you have to drop Elise or Carrie, who would you drop?
Elizabeth: Carrie, chef.
Gordon: Jamie?
Jamie Gregorich: Elise, chef.
Gordon: Krupa, who would you drop?
Krupa: Elise as well.
Gordon: Jennifer, who would you drop?
Jennifer: Elise.
Gordon: Gina?
Gina: Elise, chef.
Gordon: Natalie (transferred to blue team since previous episode), you were in the red team. Who would you send home? Elise or Carrie?
Natalie: Elise, chef.
Gordon: No hesitation there. Elise I didn't ask you and I take a vote.

Gordon: Here's the sad news for you, your team wants you out of there so badly you may be better off.
Elise: (begins her testimony) I can guarantee one thing I never make same mistake twice. This is my first time on the carpet, (Carrie) this is her second, (Monterray) his second and (Chino) his third. It is not my time to go yet chef. I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus I'm keeping 100% with you chef. I can work on my attitude, but you can give somebody common sense and talent. I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus, I'm keeping 100% with you chef.

Gordon: Chino took his time in Hell's Kitchen very seriously. The problem is he seriously couldn't cook.

Episode Five [9.05]

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Krupa]

Gordon: Who made this? Who made that risotto? The risotto's like soup! [returns to the workstation and pours the risotto into another pan] Krupa, risotto is like soup. Soup, soup, soup, fucking soup!
Krupa: (interview) Soupy risotto, what the fuck was wrong with me?
Gordon: Come on, Krupa! I know you don't know the difference between veal and beef, but you must know the difference between soup and risotto!

[Gordon checks on lobster spaghetti brought up by Krupa]

Gordon: Undercooked. Fuck me. [returns to the workstation and throws his tongs away] Krupa, taste that. Hurry up! RAW!
Krupa: I'll give you another one chef.

[Gordon checks on lobster spaghetti brought up by Krupa]
Gordon: Oh, my God! So pissed off! I can't take it anymore! (returns to the workstation and throws tongs away) ALL OF YOU, COME HERE! AT MY FUCKING SIDE! [knocks his hand on the workstation] (to Elise) What's wrong with that?
Elise: It looks like shit.
Gordon: There's no pasta! It looks like baby food out of a fucking tin! (to Krupa) IT'S DISGUSTING!! [slams the pan down]
Krupa: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: From a soupy risotto to fucking spaghetti drowned in sauce!
Elise: (interview) Right now, appetizers is sinking the whole ship.
Gordon: (to Krupa) Hey, you! You! Fuck off upstairs! Get out! I can't bear to look at you anymore! GET OUT!

[Gordon checks on sea bass brought up by Gina]
Gordon: Aaaahhhh. [returns to the workstation] All of you! Come here! Raw bass! Raw fucking bass!
Gina: (interview) Oh, my God. Like here it comes.
Gordon: Anything to say now?!
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: Nothing at all? Anything to say?! Anybody, FUCK OFF!! [smashes the bass] (to Gina and Elise) Both of you, fuck off upstairs!

Episode Six [9.06]

[Before the start of the dinner service, Gordon presents a cake for the high school reunion]

Gordon: Where's the cake? Please? (to Scott) Scott, we are all order the special cake, right?
Scott Leibfried: Yes.
Gordon: Very good. Excellent. What on earth? [finds that the cake that the Red team prepared during their punishment was poorly made] Holy crap. Someone vomit on it? What's on this bits of brown? What a mess.
Carrie: We thought it looked like sand.
Jennifer: (laughs) Yeah chef.
Gordon: Look at it! It looked like a big mess of a sombrero gone wrong someone shit on it. (to Blue team) Blue team, have you sick to this disaster?
Paul: (interview; raises his right arm) Olé!
Gordon: Yeah. We have tell you something, we are definitely not serving that thing. Would you mind, Scott? Would you mind putting it over there? Thank you.

[Gordon notices Carrie adding an old rice into a fresh risotto that she is cooking]

Gordon: Carrie, look at me. LOOK AT ME!!
Carrie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're adding the old rice into the fresh rice, just reheating it. I'm watching whatever you're doing.
Carrie: I'll start over right now.
Elise: (to Carrie) Drop that pan and start over!
Gordon: She wants to cut corners! (to Elise) And you wonder why I'm pissed off?
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: (to Carrie) I know the name of your restaurant: "Chez Leftovers".
Carrie: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on snapper brought up by Paul]

Gordon: Paul? It's cold in the centre and it's fucking raw.
Paul: Yes, chef. I'll re-fire chef.
Gordon: I'm struggling, Paul! I don't expect that from you! It's our first table! [smashes the snapper] I'm struggling, Paul! I don't expect that from you! NOT TONIGHT!!
Paul: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on snapper brought up by Paul]

Gordon: It's fucking raw. (returns to the workstation) All of you! [angrily throws his spoon away] I'm struggling! The fish is fucking RAW!! [knocks the workstation] IT'S THE SECOND TIME!! That is the committee's table! You can't do that to me!
Paul: Yes, chef.
Jonathon: (interview) Paul's crashing and burning on the fish station like a Titanic, you know? It's fucking going down.
Gordon: (to Paul) YOU, OFF FISH!!
Paul: [angrily slams his towel] Fuck!!
Gordon: Jonathon, Monterray! On the fish!
Monterray: (interview) I'm like, "okay." (to Jonathon) Come on. Let's go, let's go.
Gordon: Get a grip, guys!
Monterray: Four to five minutes.
Gordon: Jesus Christ.

Gordon: Jonathon! Monterray! Committee table, we've got to put it together!
Monterray: Two minutes.
Jonathon: Two minutes chef.
Monterray: Not bad.
Jonathon: Don't yell. You did do what you got.
Monterray: No, no, no, no.
Jonathon: Just what you got to do.
Monterray: (interview) Chef Ramsay told us on the fish station to sudden what I can. If Jonathon send back. Watching dude what the hell are you doing? Start fucking cooking for your team please. What is wrong with you?
Gordon: What the fuck is Jonathon doing?
Jonathon: I'm trying to help chef. Trying to help.
Monterray: (interview) Jonathon is sick on the corner like a street dog hell between this lady.
Jonathon: Anybody need anything just call to me, okay?
Monterray: (interview) So I get up done by myself, I have to step up and more capable than his job.
Gordon: Where is the snapper?
Monterray: Right here, chef.
[Gordon checks the snapper; after finding out that it's raw, he has had it with the Blue team]
Gordon: It's raw. All of you, come here! All of YOU!! (throws his spoon away)
Monterray: What the fuck happened?
Narrator: The blue team's third attempt to feed the reunion committee has failed. And this time, it's Monterray who is responsible.
Gordon: Just touch that! [grabs snapper] Put your hand on top of there. Touch it! Touch it! [Tommy touches the snapper while Monterray walks away] Don't you dare walk, I've had-I'VE HAD ENOUGH! I'M SO PISSED OFF! (Paul) He screws me! (Monterray) You walk away! Where's your respect? [knocks his hand on the workstation] GET OUT! Fuck off!
Natalie: Ugh.
Jonathon: Can a couple of us stay, chef, and try to do something?
Gordon: Piss off!
Jonathon: Fuck!

Gordon: It was high school reunion night in Hell's Kitchen. Unfortunately, for Monterray, he flunked the test.

Episode Seven [9.07]

Jonathon: How long on the bass?
Natalie: Three and a half minutes. (interview) I've never cooked sea bass here before, but it just like in a piece of fish and you know you've messed up once and I don't know to pay to do it again.
Natalie: (to Jonathon) How long do you need?
Jonathon: Go ahead. I'm fixing two wellingtons.
Natalie: (brings the sea bass to the pass) Behind.
Jonathon: This wellington's over done. Shit! Here it is, baby. (interview) I'm over on the point path. Tommy prepped my wellington and slice dig bowls of shit. What am I suppose to do?
Jonathon: This is going to be fucking right there. Trying to get my ass now and two piece on done. (brings the wellington to pass) This.
Gordon: Oh fuck me. (returns the sea bass and wellington to the workstation) All of you, come here!
Jonathon: (interview) Chef Ramsay's about to fucking kill my ass.
Gordon: One, I don't know what the fuck that is. [grabs a wellington]
Jonathon: That's a little one and that's my fault, Chef. It won't happen again. It's a fucking little bit overcooked because of the size. I realize that. It won't happen again, I promise.
Gordon: Just like that?... [throws a spoon on a workstation] (brief pause) (Natalie) And you? It's raw in the centre! RAW! And you're a talented cook! (Natalie goes silent to give her response)
Jonathon: Chef, I've got some more wellingtons.
Gordon: (calling Jonathon and Natalie out of the kitchen) You and you... fuck off! Get out!
Jonathon: For crying out, man, I'm so sick of this bullshit, man.
Gordon: Hey, hold on! Take that shit with you.
Jonathon: I'm done. I'm quit.
Jonathon: You can kiss my ass.
Gordon: JONATHON! I'd respect you more if you told me BEFORE you brought it to me! (brief pause) You have anything to say!?
Natalie: It won't happen again.
Natalie: Yes, chef. Won't happen again.
Gordon: Fuck off!

Episode Eight [9.08]

Episode Nine [9.09]

[Gordon notices Tommy firing a seabass]
Gordon: Hey! Hey, hey, look at me! Hey, hello? [calls the attention of the blue team by knocking the workstation twice] He's (Tommy) cooking the seabass, what the fuck is he doing?!
Paul: Come on, Tommy! Tommy, are you serious?
Gordon: Come here you! Hey, come here! He's cooking the fucking entrée [knocks his hand on the workstation] before we get to the fucking appetisers!
Tommy: (interview) I got a little ahead of myself, I was on Speed Racer Mode. Started to get a little racy in the brain. I'm doing everything a hair early.
Gordon: So he's cooking the sea bass now! For the third table, we haven't even sent the appetiser!
Tommy: Okay, I'm rushing it.
Gordon: Rushing it? Do me a favour. Fuck off outside, get a big, deep breath of fresh air. Piss off! Go on. Outside. Outside! Hey, look at me, fuck off! What a fucking Muppet!

[Gordon checks on sea bass brought up by Carrie]
Gordon: Now, look at this. [returns to the workstation] All of you, come here. Yeah, that's you (Carrie).
Carrie: What? [sees her sea bass] Oh, God. I didn't even see that. Oh, shit.
Gordon: (to Carrie) Hey, come here. You didn't see that?
Jamie Gregorich: (interview) Burning stuff to crisp and trying to pass it off like you didn't see it? That's some kind of joke.
Gordon: Get out!
Carrie: I didn't even see that. I have another one in the oven. Don't kick me out, chef. Please. I'm not ready to quit, chef--
Gordon: Yeah, look at- get out!
Carrie: No!
Gordon: Get out.
Carrie: No, I have another one in the oven!
Gordon: Get out of here.
Carrie: [tries to return] Goddammi-- I have another one--
Gordon: Get out!
Carrie: Fuck! [tries to return again] Chef, please, no! I have another one in the oven! I can do this!
Gordon: [knocks his hand on the workstation] Fucking move! You thick fucking idiot! [calls Carrie and gives her the burnt sea bass] Hey madam! Madam! Take your shit with you. Yeah. Enjoy your romantic dinner on your fucking own!

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen...
Gordon: How long two bass, one chicken, one cod?
Paul: Walking now, chef.
Narrator: Paul is ready with the blue team's first entrées.
Gordon: What's he done? It's raw! (brief pause) Paul!
Paul: Is it raw chef?
Gordon: Stop! All of you, come here! Paul just asked me, 'Is it raw?'
Paul: It's under!
Gordon: (To Paul) Will you tell me? Just touch that! TOUCH THAT! [Natalie touches the chicken] ROMANTIC DINNER?! [throws his spoon away on the workstation]
Will: (interview) It pisses me off because Paul knows better that. I mean... you just can't serve raw chicken.
Gordon: (to Paul) Hey, chef! Let me ask you, is that raw?
Paul: Chef, its under. I got another one. I'll give it to you right now--
Gordon: Hey, come here you! Answer my fucking question.
Paul: Yes, chef. It's raw.
Gordon: GET OUT!
Paul: [loses his temper and throws his towel on the floor] Fuck!
Gordon: Pink carnations, maybe. Pink chicken, no chance!
Paul: [knocks on the wall having throw tantrums] (interview) I fucked up on a chicken! I mean, I'm fucking furious at myself! [kicks his door to the dorms] Chef Ramsay, let me back in! Let me finish what I started.
Gordon: Tommy, give that to Paul for his fucking romantic dinner. Upstairs, hurry up!
Gordon: Shut up!

Elise: Vegetarian cap(ellini)?
Narrator: Elise is ready with the vegetarian capellini.
Gordon: Oh, Jesus Christ! That's not vegetarian. Elise! It's the-- Shut your fucking mouth! One capellini, no lobster.
Elise: I'm sorry.
Gordon: Start again. Yeah, fuck off! I'm sorry you're here. You [points to Jamie] are like her. You just can't be bothered anymore!
Elise: No, chef!
Jennifer: (interview) Elise is one of those people that thinks that she's one of the strongest, but not tonight.
Gordon: Entrées! [knocks his arm to the workstation; reads the ticket] One fucking vegetarian capellini, no lobster, just plain tomato sauce! Call out, chef.
Elise: [begins to read the ticket] Entrées! One vegetarian lobster capellini.
Gordon: One more time!
Elise: Entrées is vegetarian lobster capellini!
Elise: One lobster capellini vegetarian!
Gordon: IS IT IN?!
Elise: Yes, chef!
Gordon: WAKE UP!!
Elise: Yes, chef! (interview) I know Chef Ramsay is pissed off at me because I know respect so much more to me. I expect toward myself and I'm pissed off at myself.
Gordon: (quietly, to Elise) A black jacket? You need a straitjacket!

Narrator: While Tommy finishes what Chef Ramsay stared, over in the red kitchen...
Elise: Vegetarian cap(ellini). [brings to the pass]
Narrator: Elise is ready to impress with her next oyster dish.
Gordon: Let's go! [Elise pesents the dish] Aw, come on! (Brief pause) In fact, you tell me chef, are they overcooked?
Elise: [after touching oyster dish] Yes they are, chef.
Gordon: Come here you, GET OUT! Hey! Do you know what? You don't care.
Elise: I do care!
Gordon: Look! Come here! Look, look! They're like bullets! Look at the water... Look at... You're going to say... You're going to say they're fresh and delicious?
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, take that, take that and fuck off out of here! Eat them! Enjoy your dinner! Nice romantic plate of oysters for a little superstar.
Elise: (interview) Uaagghh...!!!
Gordon: (to Elise) Bon appetit, princess!
Elise: (interview) I'm pissed, I'm embarrassed. The only way to get worse is if I don't have a chance to redeem myself because I know I can fucking do it.

Episode Ten [9.10]

[Gordon checks on mashed potatoes brought up by Carrie]

Gordon: What the fuck? [returns to the workstation] All of you, just stop! Come here.
Elise: Uh-oh.
Gordon: [sees Carrie still doing her garnishes] Oh, my God. Look, she's so fucking rude.
Carrie: I'm not rude chef.
Gordon: Put your fucking pan down. [gets a spoonful] That's burnt! [angrily slams the pan upside down]
Carrie: I got more potatoes coming right now chef.
Jennifer: Come on, Carrie!
Elise: (interview) Garnish was slow as hell today. That was not coming off.
Gordon: [throws the spoonful on the workstation] SHIT!!
Carrie: I got more potatoes coming right now.
Gordon: It's like a fucking bullet!

Gordon: Elise, you have a bright career in this industry... as a customer! Your biggest problem is you can't work with a team
Elise: That's not true, I have been trying to work with my team since I got here

[Carrie shakes her head]

Gordon: How many people on The Red Team think Elise is a unique dynamic team player then?
Jennifer: I think she's an individual, I'll say
Gordon: More concerned about her in her little world?
Elise: [over Gordon speaking] Was I an individual when I went up and read the tickets for everybody? [Carrie sighs in disbelief] Was I an individual then? [bangs the work surface] When no one else would step up and I did? Was I an individual then?
Carrie: One time Elise?
Elise: Oh I take constructive criticism!
Jennifer: Shut up, one fucking time. [Will shakes his head] That's your problem, no one fucking listens! [Paul gives off a shocked look]

Tommy: Grape Jokes! So many grape jokes!

[Natalie laughs]

Will: (to Tommy) Are you serious right now bro? Natalie is going to fucking snap if you tell one grape joke.
Paul: (interview; with a deep funny voice) Hey Guys This Is Grape! Hello! [laughs then groans in frustration]
Tommy: If you hold on a second, uh.. you know I think my brain will work if I have "grape" expectations.
Natalie: I'm so tired.

[Paul, Will, and Tommy laugh]

Natalie: (interview) Please say one more damn grape joke. Please do it. because, I'm going to fucking choke you!
Tommy: Natalie, I feel like after my jokes, I've lost all ap-peel to you.

[Everyone except Natalie laughs]

Natalie: (interview; softly) Oh my god! [Natalie has enough] I am tired of these stupid fucking grapes. [throws the grapes away]
Paul: Calm down, Natalie.
Natalie: You know why? because I'm not peeling anymore grapes, this is as stupid as shit, and I'm not doing it....... [throws the grapes, and smashley steps on them like throwing a tantrum] I'M NOT PEELING THEM ANYMORE! NO MORE! NO MORE FUCKING GRAPES! I'M NOT PEELING ANYMORE GRAPES EVER AGAIN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! THIS IS STUPID!

[Tommy, Will, and Paul all laugh]

Natalie: (interview) [says nothing]

[Natalie calms down]

Paul and Will: Do you feel better?
Natalie: (calmed) I feel better.
Tommy: Oh, that was grape.
Natalie: [throwing grapes at Tommy] Tommy I'm.... I'm going to kill you.

[Tommy starts laughing]

Episode Eleven [9.11]

[Elise brings her meat to the pass]

Gordon: Unbelievable. [returns to the workstation] Hey, stop! This is ridiculous!
Jennifer: Oh, my god. We're so going to get thrown out again.
Gordon: (to Elise) Is this the one you sliced?
Elise: Yes, chef. [touches the meat]
Gordon: It's dry. What are you doing? You've been to New York, you've had your hands on the prize. This like night one in here.
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: And you, Elizabeth. You can't time and you can't talk to anybody. You've given up over there.
Elizabeth: No, chef. No, chef.
Gordon: (calling Elise and Elizabeth out of the kitchen) You and you, fuck off out of here. Get out! Take that with you, just leave me alone. Get out of here, both of you! Fuck off up to the dorm... [Elise kicks the bin out of anger] (to Elise) Hey, you! Pick that fucking thing up! You want to serve shit, overcooked meat, now start kicking the bin! Wow! Un-fucking-believable! GET OUT! FUCK OFF! Pathetic! Embarrassing!

Episode Twelve [9.12]

[Gordon checks on the Red team's capellini]
Jennifer: (to Elise) Elise, give your opinion.
Elise: It looks good.
Gordon: [finds that two of the plates have different amount of lobster] "It looks good"? "It's looks good"! [gets two plates from the pass] Look at this one with four little bits of lobster on. Twelve on there, five on that! LOOK AT THAT TO THAT!!! DAMN!! [pounds the counter; throws his spoon away] I'M SO EMBARRASSED!! COME ON!!
Elise: Jennifer, what do you want me to do?
Jennifer: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?! Are you trying to sabotage me?!

[Gordon checks on the Red team's apples]
Gordon: [slicing the apples] The apples are raw. Just touch that inside. [Elise touches the apples] Fuck off will you? CAN WE GET THE APPLES BACK IN THE PAN?!!
Jennifer: (interview) I had Elise cook one fucking pan of apples, and it's raw. This fucking bitch will do anything to get rid of fucking me. Anything!
Gordon: You put them on, you put them on, not one of you can tell her they're undercooked. You don't care for each other!
Jennifer: (tearfully) I worked fucking hard with them for them, I make sure you guys are fucking great!
Elise: I did exactly what you told me to do.
Jennifer: Elise!
Elise: Are you serious?
Jennifer: Yeah, this is for the whole mashed potato thing. You know what, Elise? You're petty as you can be. You know what, I kept my mouth shut for a long time, I'm not keeping it shut anymore. War's on!
Elise: WHAT?!
Jennifer: (brings her apples to the pass; to Elise) I don't need your help. Thank you.
Elise: I'm going to help anyway.
Jennifer: I really don't want it.
Elise: (interview) Is that how it's going to be? Jen's blaming me trying to make me look bad. She's going to regret not making a friend in me.
Gordon: (to the servers) Go, please! [throws his apron on the counter out of disappointment] Anything to say?
Jennifer: We suck, yes.

[After the service in which the Blue team had clearly won and were rewarded with black jackets]
Gordon: (to the Red team after they lost the night's service) The only thing I can say to all three of you is get ready to plea for your lives! Because tonight, all three of you can be leaving this competition. Now, FUCK OFF!!

Gordon: Tonight was all about charity in Hell's Kitchen and after watching Elizabeth's performance, I'm now ready to donate her jacket to a worthy cause.

Episode Thirteen [9.13]

Elise: Hope you all brought sunglasses, because we're going to shine.
Tenille: No, I just brought body bags.

Episode Fourteen [9.14]

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Elise; after finding out that it's raw, he has finally had it with the final five]

Gordon: [returns to the workstation] All of you, stop. [throws his spoon away] Just fucking stop, all of you! (to Elise) Come here you. Put your finger in there. [Elise puts her finger inside the salmon] Not pink, raw! I'm done! (to the other chefs) Leave me alone. All of you, fuck off out of here! All of you! Get out, please! Just fuck off! Enough is enough!

[After the end of service, in which Elise, Jennifer and Tommy were sent out of the kitchen]
Tommy: Chef? I got to ask you something. Why did you send me out of the kitchen? I wanted to be back in there with my team. I should not have had to fucking leave tonight, and I could have fucking held it down and fixed it! I'm so fucking mad!
Gordon: Fuck off, Tommy! Or I'll stick your fucking head in that oven and talk to you through the fucking gas burner.
Tommy: Do it!

Episode Fifteen/Sixteen [9.15/16] (Two Hour Finale)

Gordon: (To Elise during the celebration) Get out there and continue, all right? Take this and continue with it and really go with it. And seriously, just stop being such a bitch!

Season 10

Episode One [10.01]

[Signature dish challenge]
Gordon: Right, first name is?
Tavon: Tavon.
Gordon: Your position now is what?
Tavon: Executive Chef at (Washington) D.C.
Gordon: Wow. And how old are you?
Tavon: I'm only 22.
Gordon: You're only 22?
Tavon: Yes.
Gordon: And you're an executive chef running brigade of chefs?
Tavon: Yes.
Gordon: Well done. Amazing.
Tavon: Thanks.
Gordon: What is it? Jesus!
Tavon: Shrimp scallops and crab with top of fettuccine noodles and alfredo sauce with whiskey infused.
[Gordon tastes Tavon's signature dish]
Gordon: How much vinegar you put in there?
Tavon: A dime in a drizzle. A more in a drizzle.
Gordon: It is really hideous. This red coming is really bad. I mean really bad.

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Roshni; finds that they're raw]
Gordon: Hey, all of you, come here!
Dana: Oh, man!
Barbie: (interview) This is so bullshit! Wow!
Gordon: I've had enough! Just touch these! (to Roshni) I mean honestly?
Roshni: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Here we standing here forty-five minutes into service, we haven't got the fucking appetisers out. [Roshni throws the raw scallops in the bin] (to Roshni) Get out! Get out of there!
Roshni: (holds the pan) No, chef! No!
Gordon: Hey, look at me! look!
Roshni: Please?
Gordon: I'm not telling you one more time, get the fuck out of here! Fuck off upstairs! Get out! (to Barbie) Barbie! Get on the scallops! Cook me fucking scallops!
Barbie: Yes, chef.
Roshni: [exits the kitchen and throws her apron out] (interview) I've never ever walked off to the light and I'm always completed dinner service (cries).

[Gordon returns to the workstation with scallops brought up by Justin]
Gordon: Okay stop! You (points to Justin) don't touch another fucking scallop! Come here! Just touch these! Touch them! (Clemenza touches the scallops) Jesus Christ!! [goes to Justin's station; finds that the scallops are poorly sliced] Why they're all broken? What the fuck have you done?
Justin: (interview) I'm working with scallops. They were complete shit. I was completely sabotaged.
Gordon: Who sliced all these?
Justin: Someone else did my part, chef.
Chris Carrero: Who sliced the scallops? Chef has asked a question!
Tavon: I did.
Gordon: Come here you, executive chef. Come here. Look at these.[holds up some scallops] Expensive hand dived scallops. Look, you sabotaged them.
Patrick: (interview) This is ugly. The scallops were just mutilated.
Gordon: Hold on, it gets better. [shows a scallop ripped in half] Look at this one!
Clemenza: (interview) It looked like they got cut with a paper clip!
Gordon: I mean FUCKING HELL!! Look!
Justin: That's it. That's everything.
Brian: (interview) We're in trouble.
Gordon: (to Tavon) You sliced all them?! We haven't even served one fucking table! [knocks the workstation twice] They're all fucked! Look! Look! I've got a bunch of idiots here!!

Gordon: (to Tavon) Hey you, executive chef. Do you actually cook in your restaurant?
Tavon: Yes I do.
Gordon: And do they do the same there?
Tavon: Do we do what?
Gordon: The same shit?
Tavon: No.
Gordon: So why are you doing it here?
Tavon: I guess I froze, I mean.
Gordon: You FROZE?
Tavon: What else-what else do you want me to say?
Gordon: You haven't even fucking defrosted! [Tavon laughs to himself] You think it's funny? All those fucking customers? Do me a favour.
Tavon: Yeah?
Gordo: Fuck off upstairs! Get out!
Tavon: (interview) This is the first time I've ever been kicked out of the kitchen in my career. Chef Ramsay, you're a fucking douchebag.
Gordon: One onion tart, one spaghetti, how long?
Brian: What are we waiting on? What do we got?
Gordon: What are waiting on? I'm waiting on some fucking TALENT!!
Brian: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Christina Wilson]
Gordon: Oh, my God. I mean, seriously? [returns to the workstation] What in the fuck is that?
Robyn: I guess not--
Gordon: Who cooked that? Come here. The dough is still raw. Are you fucking for real? Do you want me to serve that out there?
Christina Wilson: No, sir.
Gordon: It's just a joke!
Dana: (interview) Damn it! We can't even push out the entrées! Christina's killing us right now.
Gordon: Have you got another wellington?
Christina Wilson: Yes. (interview) That's the thing with baking wellingtons. You don't know until the end and there's nothing you can do. So I'm crying like, "one of these beef, they have to be okay."
Gordon: [slices the pastry of a wellington] Look, that's raw. It's fucking raw.

Clemenza: We've got about a minute and a half on the pasta.
Royce: My spaghetti's coming up. I'm fucking ready, we're ready. Let's fucking go!
Clemenza: You sure that's done?
Royce: Yeah, yeah, we got it. It's good to go.
Clemenza: (interview) I worked for a pasta company that produces a million pounds of pasta a day. Royce, let me clue you in on a little something. That spaghetti ain't done!
[Gordon checks and eats a piece of spaghetti; finds that it's crunchy]
Gordon: [returns to the workstation; to Royce] Hey you, come here. Crunchy fucking spaghetti. Crunchy. You can just see it. Pick that up, look. Crunchy.
Royce: Sorry, chef. I'll have another one in thirty seconds.
Gordon: Hey, hey. Get out!
Royce: I'll have another one in thirty seconds!
Gordon: Hey, hey! Look at me! GET OUT!! Join the fucking exec upstairs! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!

Gordon: I've become fucking out of this, like a bunch of idiots here!
Don: Come on guys, we need a down rally here.
Guy: (interview) Don is a living in his own world, he was wondering around not knowing what fuck not to do himself.
Gordon: [holds the ticket] Two caesar salad, one onion tart, how long?
Chris Carrero: Onion tart working! Get on onion tart! Three right now! Three right now! [brings to the pass] Check this it, man!
Gordon: Put the tray down! Put the fucking tray down! [knocks the workstation] Fucking RAW!! [calling all remaining members of the blue team] All of you, ALL OF YOU!
Brian: Oh, shit!
Gordon: RAW!!!
Patrick: Fuck!
Gordon: You (Chris Carrero) can't cook pastry! END OF THE DAY FOR ME! GET OUT!!! All of you, GET OUT!!!
Justin: (interview) Never in my life having so embarrassed and whoever is the line that wasn't embarrassed doesn't belong anyone in the kitchen.

[Gordon returns to the workstation with wellingtons brought up by Christina Wilson]
Gordon: It's still the same fucking table, all of you come here!
Kimmie: Fuck me!
Gordon: Look! (grabs a wellington) It's like fucking snot! There's just no thought! Shut it down and fucking clean up!
Red team: Yes, chef.
Robyn: Fuck! [Gordon throws his towel on the workstation]

[The Blue Team has lost and has to nominate two people for elimination.]
Gordon: Patrick.
Patrick: Yes?
Gordon: First nominee and why?
Patrick: Our first nominee is Tavon. He was in charge of the hot appetizers, and the squab really set us off the wrong way, and he couldn't recover from those.
Gordon: Yeah, he got screwed by a pigeon. [Christina Wilson smirks] Second nominee and why?
Patrick: The second nominee, uh, is Don. [Don rolls his eyes]
Gordon: Don?? Why??? He didn't even cook. Not only did you put in a shit performance, but you came to a crap consensus! The two worst tonight: Tavon... and Royce.

Gordon: Tavon may be an executive chef at 22, but he did little to impress me in his short stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Two [10.02]

[Gordon returns to the workstation with risotto brought up by Brianna]
Gordon: All of you, come here. Three risottos of the same table. A light one, a dark one and a medium one. The same fucking table.
Brianna: (interview) Ohh! Dagger in the heart, shit!
Gordon: Who's in charge of the appetisers?
Brianna: I am.
Gordon: So you don't them into one pan and finish them together?
Brianna: I should have.
Gordon: You put them on together one minute to go into one big pan, fuck me!
Danielle Rimmer: (interview) I'm like, "Brianna, do something." You're supposed to do everything.
Gordon: COME ON!! Hurry up! Get them into one pan! I'm not going to serve them in three different colours!
Brianna: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh, my God!

[The blue team is trying to cook on their first entrées]
Gordon: Two wellington, two opah! How long?
Justin: Coming out now, chef! Coming out! Out! [brings the wellington to the pass]
Gordon: Where's the opah?
Chris Carrero: Right behind.
Gordon: [checking Chris' opah] Fucking hell, that's raw! Stone-fucking-cold! All of you, come here! [calls Chris] You, especially! Just touch that! Cold, touch that! Here look! [Blue team touches the cold opah]'s stone-cold you... [smashes the opah twice on the tray] ARGH! AAH! DAMN THAT! Who cooked the wellington?
Justin: I did, chef.
Gordon: Because they're cooked perfectly. Take it back now.

(8:06 pm)
Narrator: Two hours into dinner service and not a single entrée is left either kitchen, patience is wearing thin in the dining room.
Female diner: I'm hungry.
James: We do apologize.
Narrator: And the red kitchen is crumbling quickly.
Robyn: How long is the bass?
Barbie: Two minutes, guys.
Robyn: A real fucking two minutes or a playful two minutes?
Christina Wilson: Coming through. Pardon me, Chef.
Gordon: [sees the fish cooking] I've got six bass going. What?
Tiffany Johnson: Chef, I told them to start the bass. Because--
Gordon: Six???
Tiffany Johnson: Yes.
Gordon: They should be cooked to order! It's fish!
Barbie: Coming down with scallops.
Tiffany Johnson: (interview) I don't understand why I'm getting yelled at. I'm trying to fucking put out food for the customers. I mean, I'm pissed off that he's mad at me.
Gordon: Ladies, STOP! ALL OF YOU, COME HERE! (Tiffany) You're telling her (Danielle) to cook six bass for three tables in front of what we're doing. [points to Barbie's scallops] And then this arrives!
Roshni: (interview) Agh! We're screwed.
Gordon: For the seventh time, touch them! Touch them! (he touches the scallops, then the red team touches it) All of you, GET OUT! (Barbie) And you, take that with you, get out of my fucking sight, GET OUT! OUT!
Christina Wilson: (interview) God! Oh, my God!
Gordon: Absolutely useless! [sees the mess that the Red team left] HOLY FUCK!!

Robyn: I got fish! I got fish you cocky bitch!
Barbie: Don't you ever fucking call me a bitch again, you understand?

[Gordon returns an overcooked steak to the workstation]
Gordon: All of you, come here! What is that?
Clemenza: A piece of overcooked steak.
Gordon: I'm opening a steakhouse in Vegas! [gives the steak to Clemenza] Take that.
Clemenza: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And fuck off! All of you, get out! Get out! Get out!

Gordon: I'm sure that Chris prays that he never sees another scallop. And after tonight, I pray I don't see any more of him.

Episode Three [10.03]

[Barbie wakes up the entire dorm by stomping her feet on the floor]
Robyn: (interview) What the fuck is that?
Barbie: (interview) Wake up.
Robyn: I don't even make that much noise when I walk.
Robyn: Do you want to rumble this morning?
Barbie: I just want everybody to remember where they are and what we're here to do!
Tiffany Johnson: What are you doing?!
Barbie: I just washed the dishes!
Tiffany Johnson: I came out here with you going like this, you dumb bitch! (interview) Somebody needs to tell that fucking bitch what's up! (to Barbie) You're about to get choked out! Knock it off! Grow up! You're 33!
Barbie: I'm not about to get choked out!
Justin: (off screen) Yo! People are trying to sleep!
Tiffany Johnson: You want to get fucking choked out? You want to get fucking choked out?! You dumb cunt! Yeah, cunt!
Barbie: (interview) Shaking in my boots, I'm shaking.
Robyn: I'm this close to snapping your neck.

[Dana brings her lobster spaghetti to the pass]
Gordon: Put it down! [checks her spaghetti; finds that it has too much sauce] Fuck, it's like soup. Dana? [returns to the workstation] All of you, come here. It's like canned soup! How much sauce you in there, Dana?
Dana: Too much, chef.
Gordon: [pours the spaghetti on a plate and drops the pan on the plate] Just fuck off will you? I mean, it's just like piss!
Dana: I have another one coming right now chef.

[Clemenza has found out that he has ran out of wellingtons for the US Marines table]
Gordon: US Marines, how long?
Clemenza: (interview) I'm in trouble. This is not good. (to Gordon) Chef, I don't have anymore.
Gordon: Say that again?
Clemenza: Chef, I don't have anymore.
Gordon: Hey, fucking baby rhino screws the Marines! IT'S PATHETIC!! IT'S THE US MARINES! (to Clemenza) Hey, let's go you. Your fucking mess, you get yourself out of it. (to James) I know it's going to look embarrassing, fucking take him to the Marines.
James: Yes, chef.

[Gordon asks for dumplings for the cod dish in the Red kitchen]
Gordon: Where's the dumplings?
Roshni: Coming chef.
Gordon: Coming?
Roshni: I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: They're not ready yet?
Roshni: No, chef.
Gordon: Because you forgot?
Roshni: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Pathetic!
Robyn: (interview) Rosh, where are the dumplings? "I forgot." Really? Really?!
Gordon: Can I get two full portions of cod?! With the garnish!
Barbie, Roshni & Brianna: Yes, chef!

[Gordon returns a cod dish to the workstation]
Gordon: Hey, come here all of you. [throws his spoon away; splits a dumpling in half] Here's the big insult. Just touch them. Stone-cold. Pass it on, touch it. They're cold. Stone-cold.
Dana: (interview) Touch these. TOUCH THESE! Oh, Roshni! Dumplings? Come on, that's the easiest part of the dish!
Gordon: (to Roshni) You can't even poach a dumpling!
Roshni: I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: Brutal!

[Gordon checks on cod brought up by Brianna]
Gordon: I got a half portion of fucking cod. Where's the other half gone?
Sous-Chef Andi: Yeah.
Gordon: Stop, all of you! [raises a piece of cod] That's barely a portion and where's that going?
Christina Wilson: Fuck!
Brianna: Ugh! I didn't realize they shrink down that much, chef.
Gordon: It's a bit like your brain. Not only it has shrunk, but it has disappeared! Can I have two New York strip and two full portions of cod?!
Red team: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on cod and wellingtons brought up by Brianna and Kimmie]
Gordon: Oh, Jesus. (on the cod) Burned underneath. (on the wellingtons) I got a raw meat here. [returns to the workstation] Who cooked the wellington?
Kimmie: I did, chef.
Gordon: Kimmie? I got one sort of rare and one sort of looking weird. [slams the wellingtons on the workstation] Look at that.
Kimmie: Fuck me, dude!
Gordon: And here's the big insult: [holds a piece of burnt cod] Boiled one side and black the next. It's over two hours. It's been a nightmare. Pathetic!
Robyn: (interview) Chef's definitely about to explode. [imitates a bomb falling down]
Gordon: You'll never get entrées out like this, ever! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of you. Fuck off out of here! Get out! Out! And one more thing, GET OUT!

Gordon: Tonight, Brianna had a battle with the cod, and the cod won. And that's why her time in Hell's Kitchen was a short one.

Episode Four [10.04]

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Danielle]
Gordon: Hey, [returns to the workstation] all of you, come here. Taste that, yeah? Just fucking taste that. How does that taste?
Tiffany Johnson: Undercooked and not seasoned.
Gordon: (to Christina) How does that, you? Tell me.
Christina Wilson: I just spit it out chef.
Gordon: Oh, really?
Danielle Rimmer: It was undercooked chef. Sorry.
Gordon: So you're rushing and cooking bland food! [knocks his hand on the workstation] Come on, Danielle!
Danielle Rimmer: It's coming chef.

[Gordon checks on cod brought up by Brian]
Gordon: Cod's raw. BRIAN! Hey you, Bozo come here! Cod is raw. Fucking cat food. [gets a piece of cod, then throws it on the workstation] Fuck off will you?!
Brian: [knocks his hand on the workstation] Fuck me!
Gordon: (to Brian) Hey, hello chef! Wha-what is that? [tosses a small piece of cod to him]
Justin: Get another one in the pan guys.
Gordon: Three cod, two lamb. How long?
Brian: One minute chef.
Guy: You need help?
Brian: I got it. (interview) I just can't seem to cook fish. I just can't seem to do it tonight!
Gordon: Three cod, two lamb. What are we waiting on?
Brian: The cod chef.
Gordon: Oh, come on. Check if that's cooked Justin.
Justin: Oui chef.
Blue team: What's going on?
Justin: That's burnt.
Brian: Fuck. I burned my goddamn fish.
Gordon: Oh, my God.

Gordon: Three cod, two lamb. How long?
Brian: I have one cod left chef.
Gordon: You ran out of cod?
Brian: Yes, chef.
Gordon: What? Hey you, what in the fuck are you doing?!
Narrator: It's an hour and fifteen minutes into dinner service and neither kitchen has sent out an entrée.
Gordon: James?
James: [enters the blue kitchen] Yes, chef?
Gordon: We ran out of cod. Can we serve the sea bass?
James: Yes, chef. [exits the kitchen]
Gordon: Let's go. Three bass, two lamb.
Brian: Yes, chef. Coming right now, baby.
Gordon: Hey! "It's coming, baby"??
Brian: Sorry, chef.
Brian: Won't happen again, chef.
Gordon: GET OUT!!
Brian: Yes, chef. [knocks his hand on side of the oven as he exits] FUCK!!!
Gordon: What's the matter with that jerk?!
Brian: [throws his apron in the dorms] Come on, man!

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Roshni]
Gordon: Oh, fuck me. It's still stone-cold. [returns to the workstation] All of you, come here.
Roshni: (whispering) No, no, no, no.
Gordon: This far into service, look. It's fucking raw! (to Roshni) You, get out!
Roshni: Chef, please no! Can I get one more--
Gordon: Get out! GET OUT!! PISS OFF!! Can someone put that one back in the oven?
Roshni: But, I have a fresh one!
Gordon: GET OUT!

Gordon: Come on, Donald! Let's go!
Don: One minute, chef.
Gordon: One minute.
Guy: (interview) One minute, I'm going up.
Scott: You've got to be kidding me.
Royce: (interview) One minute!!
Don: One minute on that steak, chef.
Gordon: Donald!!
Don: One minute, chef.
Gordon: Three minutes ago, you said one minute, yeah?
Don: Yeah, I'm right there. One minute!
Gordon: What's going on? You're shouting "one minute" just like a fucking idiot!
Don: Uhm... Like a minute and a half.
Gordon: Oh, my God. Fucking hell! Come on, Donald!
Don: Yes, chef! Coming up. [delivers his meat to the pass] Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Jesus Christ!! [checks the steak] What the fuck? Oh, my God! [returns to the workstation] Yeah, stop, STOP!! [Don groans] You keep me waiting and they arrive in the window, medium-well. And you're telling me one minute, I came back four minutes later it's still one minute.
Don: Fuck.
Gordon: Get out! Fuck off!

[Gordon checks on garnishes brought up by Robyn]
Gordon: What is that? It's not even hot. [returns to the workstation] All of you, come here. Just taste that for me. All of you, taste that. Taste the fucking garlic on there. Who seasoned that?
Robyn: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Hey madam, madam. Your mouth just explodes from the garlic.
Robyn: I understand that, chef.
Gordon: After that: stone-cold sauce! Who sent me that sauce?
Danielle: Uhm, I did.
Gordon: Stop! Both you, fuck off. Get out of my sight. Get out of my sight! Get out!

Narrator: For some reason, both Royce and Justin are cooking fish.
Gordon: Two bass! Let's go!
Justin: Oui, Chef! One minute!
Royce: One minute!
Gordon: Hey, who's cooking the bass?
Royce: Right here, chef.
Justin: I am, chef.
Royce: I got your bass.
Justin: I have my hands for this order.
Royce: I got two more.
Gordon: OH MY GOD!! Hey Royce, are you stupid?!
Royce: No.
Gordon: You've (Royce) got bass there, he's (Justin) got bass there! It's the same table, you idiots! And not one of you are fucking communicating! Both of you! Fuck off out of here!
Justin: Fucking hell...
Gordon: Fuck off!!

[After service, Gordon addresses both teams]
Gordon: Tonight, it was painful just watching you disintegrate. It was like having a root canal and passing a kidney stone at the same fucking time! The losing team has to be... both teams. All of you, go back to the dorms, and come up with two individuals from each team that you want to send home. Now fuck off out of here, will you?

Gordon: Everyone in Hell's Kitchen starts at the bottom. Unfortunately, Don stayed there.

Episode Five [10.05]

[Gordon prepares to open Hell's Kitchen for Mexican Night.]
Gordon: Let's go. Uh, James...
[James is wearing an enormous Sombrero.]
Gordon: What the fuck are you wearing???

[Dana and Kimmie are about to bring their entrées to the pass]
Dana: Are you putting these all in one thing?
Kimmie: Yeah. [puts her meat into Dana's tray of fish; Dana brings them to the pass]
Gordon: Look, hey look. Fish and meat on the same tray. Meat dripping into the fish, fish dripping into the meat.
Dana: (interview) I said to her, "where do you want me to put these. To all in this one tray?" She's like, "yeah, sure. Put it on that tray."
Gordon: Who put that on there? That's disgusting. Who done that?
Kimmie: (interview) I'm waiting on Dana to say she did it because that bitch did it!
Gordon: How can you put that onto one fucking tray?! [throws his spoon away]
Dana: (interview) I think Kimmie need to grow some balls. It's your station, man up!
Gordon: Who put that on there? Was it a ghost? Somebody tell me what is happening! Fucking idiots!
Kimmie: I did, chef!
Gordon: Fucking tray! [throws his spoon away]

[Gordon checks on pork brought up by Danielle]
Gordon: All of you!
Robyn: Yes, chef!
Gordon: STOP!!
Robyn: Oh, fuck!
Gordon: Yeah, come here! The ultimate insult. Raw pork! Not pink, not slightly undercooked, fucking RAW!! [smashes the pork] SHIT!! [throws his spoon across the workstation]
Robyn: (interview) He was pissed! I felt really bad for the pig. The pig didn't do it, it was Danielle.
Danielle: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Oh, Danielle.

Narrator: And in the Red Kitchen...
Gordon: Where's the pork?!
Danielle: Right here!
Narrator: Danielle is looking to redeem herself with her second attempt at the pork.
[Danielle brings up the pork]
Danielle: I think it's good. If it's not, I'm going to freak out.
[Gordon starts to cut into the pork.]
Dana: Oh shit! Danielle, he's cutting it. So just get another one going...
[Danielle gapes in horror]
Robyn: He's coming back!
Christina Wilson: Danny, get the pan hot. Right now!
Robyn: He's coming back! It's raw!
Christina Wilson: Danny, get another pork working right now. Now!
[Gordon turns around with the tray of pork]
Gordon: Hey! Just STOP!! Raw pork again! Pink and bloody in the middle! I give up! (to Danielle) And one more thing - GET OUT!!!

[Gordon checks on pork brought up by Justin; finds that it's raw]
Gordon: (to Clemenza and Justin) Hey, both of you come here! (knocks the workstation) Come on!
Clemenza: (to Justin) I said it wasn't done.
Gordon: (shows the raw pork) That is it. GET OUT!
Clemenza: Yes, chef. (to Justin) I said it wasn't done.
Justin: Can I please--?
Gordon: GET OUT!!

Narrator: The total number of chefs in the dorms is now up to five and in the red kitchen, Barbie is taking special precautions to make sure she isn't joining them.
[Barbie uses her meat thermometer in her chicken breast]
Gordon: Hey you, come here you. Give me that. The day we need, look at me, a thermometer. The day we need that to cook a breast of chicken! You, GET OUT!!
Tiffany: (interview) I don't know why she can't cook chicken, I really don't. Cooking a breast of chicken is about as easy as taking a shit. Anybody can do that. Are you that dumb?
[Tiffany brings her mashed potatoes to the pass, Gordon checks it; finds that it's burnt]
Gordon: Tiffany, put that down.
Tiffany: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: Look at me. Seriously, I've had enough. [slams the pan on the workstation] Shit burned mash. Get out. Get out! I swear to God, I don't give a fuck if the whole team goes home tonight. I. Don't. Care!
Dana: (interview) Chef Ramsay's been on like a kicking out spree right now. I'm scared shitless right now, I'm not going to lie!

[Royce has gotten kicked out, leaving just Brian and Roshni in the Blue kitchen]
Brian: (interview) All of a sudden, it's just me and Roshe. Holy shhhiiittt!
Gordon: I don't give a fuck if I finish this table on my own with Scott. I don't care anymore.
Roshni: (interview) We are screwed, big time.

Episode Six [10.06]

Episode Seven [10.07]

[The swimsuit competition of the fashion show begins]
James: (presents the second presentation) The swimwear designs of Amanda Che.
[Shows the faces of models in swimsuits]
Brian: Fuck man. (interview) Holy shit! That is sexy!
[Shows more models walking the runway; Patrick smirks his eyes]
Justin: Fucking rice is cooked, there is gone around.
Guy: Ladies and gentlemen. [he begins to stare with models] Fucking risotto. Don't go, guys. (interview) If you hold these ladies, there is go around. If I see these models that are not going to distract me out. Let's go.
Scott Leibfried: Beef on a pan and up in a sear?
Guy: If I had on those steaks, that's gonna shit!
[Guy begins dreaming with those models]
Gordon: Guy, focus! Guy! Guy! Your pan is on fire! Fuck! You're fucking charring now! Look at what are you fuck doing here? Is it filet steak. I am nearly flat so it needs to be doing beautifully cook with control.
Patrick: (interview) All Guy I had to do was to stir off the beef and then it had finish to let everything for a rest that it seems pretty simple and basic that needs a hard time ever get and turned it out.
Gordon: Show's almost over, can we get a grip? WAKE UP!
Patrick and Guy: Yes, chef.

[Robyn has run out of beef and is trying to get someone to get some more from the Blue kitchen.]
Robyn: Someone go get me another fucking beef, please.
Dana: (interview) Fuck no! I'm not going over to the Blue kitchen and getting my ass reamed!
Robyn: (interview) So all these fucking girls on my team talk up the talk but they don't back it up! Get your fucking finger out of your ass and stop being fucking scared!
Robyn: Christina! I need more beef!
Christina: Alright. Two?
Christina: (interview) You are so going to notice a Red jacket in the Blue kitchen, it's not even funny...
[Christina enters the Blue kitchen, unnoticed]
Christina: (interview) I was looking, and I'm looking and I started to go in...
Gordon: (to the blue team) Let's go!
Christina: (interview) And then, here comes Chef Ramsay. And I was all like "Fuck this!"
[Christina quickly leaves the Blue kitchen]

[After the successful dinner service, Gordon has discovered the swordfish was left on a tray]
Gordon: What is all that, oh fuck me! (Calls the Blue Team; as they lost the service) Stop, stop, ALL OF YOU!
Roshni: (interview) Shit man, now what!
Gordon: Who cooked this? (to Clemenza) Clemenza, come here you! What the fuck have you done?
Brian: (interview) Oh, no, no, no. (moans)
Gordon: (to Royce) Royce, come here you!
Royce: Yes, chef?
Gordon: [puts out all of the leftover of swordfish into the workstation] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Why did you cook so much?
Royce: No idea, chef.
Gordon: Clemenza?
Clemenza: I called them into 18 that can make four more.
Gordon: That's not four more, its 11 more!
Gordon: (to Royce) You told him (Clemenza), 18?
Royce: No. That I told him sixteen plus one.
Clemenza: Okay, seventeen. (interview) I say what the fuck is sixteen plus one? You called fucking seventeen, you jerk off!

[The Blue Team unanimously voted to send Clemenza home]
Clemenza: Chef, I chased animals, I dug trees, I gave it my all every single time that I've been in that kitchen. I played 100% and I have not once, not once ever have I stopped and let my guard down. Once I have tried to help everybody and do everything I can possible, and I always played 100% and everybody's trying to fucking get rid of me, but you know what? I still put out better food than everybody standing there.

Gordon: Guy's performance in Hell's Kitchen was extremely inconsistent. That is why I know he is not THE guy to run Gordon Ramsay Steak.

Episode Eight [10.08]

[Gordon checks on the lobster by Patrick]
Gordon: Oh my God, fuck me [returns the lobster to the work station] Hey come here you, ALL OF YOU! Not one of you know what the fuck is going on and you're embarrassing in front of him (Tito Oritz) come here. Cold lobster for the second time tonight I swear to God, look at me I've got one big message to you hey you! [quietly] Get Out! Fuck off I'll do it on my own, Get Out! Get Out!
Justin: I don't want to get out chef
Gordon: [to Justin] Want to argue in front of me? I'm fucking ready, get out, you (Roshni) get out, fuck off, totally fucking useless. GET OUT! [The Blue Team leave the kitchen] GET OUT!

[Thanks to Patrick and Roshni the Blue Team were kicked out of service and the Red Team finished for them]
Narrator: With dinner service complete.
Justin: He's really mad.
Brian: [to Justin] Yeah, as he should be
Justin: [to Brian] No, really mad.
[Chef Scott enters the dorms]
Narrator: Chef Scott makes a rare visit to the dorm
Scott: Let's go everybody downstairs
Blue Team: Yes, Chef [The Blue Team head upstairs]
Scott: Chef wants to talk to all of you.
Brian: Yes, chef.
Scott: Right now.
[The Blue Team head downstairs and enter the corridor, only to be stopped by Ramsay at the doorway to the dorms]
Gordon: Stay there, all of you just stay there. There's no way on Earth you're going back in there, I'm done. Red Team finished for you, brilliantly, BRILLIANTLY! How can they be so much better than you?
Brian: They're not, Chef.
Gordon: They're not?
Brian: No.
Gordon: [to Brian] You serve me soupy fucking risotto, (Roshni) wellingtons undercooked, (Patrick) cold lobster twice. [throws his towel] It's an absolute fucking joke.
Brian: (interview) He had every right to be mad it was embarrassing. It's our seventh dinner service it's embarrassing .
Gordon: All of you, get upstairs and decide on two individuals leaving, don't take long. Fuck off! [The Blue Team return to the dorms]

Gordon: Roshni is a small lady with a big heart. Unfortunately, her performance tonight matched her stature.

Episode Nine [10.09]

Episode Ten [10.10]

[Kimmie and Gordon are outside the kitchen with medic attending to Kimmie's burned hand]
Medic: So this just now happened right now.
Kimmie: Yeah. Yeah.
Medic: I know it hurts. I know it hurts. Let's go.
Kimmie: It hurts so bad.
Gordon: How did you manage to burn yourself all the way there. What were you doing?
Kimmie: I was just grabbing the pans.
Medic: Okay, brave just brave while I do this. [spraying the top of Kimmie's hand]
Gordon: The good news is, it's just a burn.
Kimmie: (interview) My hand hurts like hell. But this is not the end for me. I'm here to win this competition. So I am not giving up.
Medic: This just real quick [putting a plaster around Kimmie's finger], I know you want to going to get back there. Good luck. Keep that one dry. [Kimmie running back to the kitchen]
Tiffany: Hey you're okay Kimmie.
Kimmie: Yeah I'm good.
Barbie: Yay Kimmie! (interview) Proud of Kimmie. She came back with a 2-inch burn on her hand but she's fighting back.
Dana: (interview) That's some dedication. You go girl.
Robyn: (interview) Everyone is like: Go Kimmie!. Are you kidding me? She is a baby. She is a cry-baby.

[The blue team has served several pizza, Gordon is awaiting for pizza from the red team]
Gordon: There's a lovely young lady waiting for her pizza. COME ON TIFFANY!!!
Tiffany: Yes, chef!
Gordon: You're so slow.
Tiffany: Yes, chef! (interview) I really hate cooking for children. Kids don't know what fine dining is... so their opinions really don't matter to me (laughs).
Robyn: (looking underneath the pizza dough It's burnt. Look. Just cut that part.
Tiffany: I don't give a shit. (interview) I really don't like kids at all.
Gordon: Pizza, how long?
Tiffany: Coming right out chef. [bring the pizza to the pass]
Gordon: Come on, please!
Tiffany: Yes, chef.
Gordon: The idea of a pizza is to serve first.
Andi: This side is alright, [looks underneath the pizza] but I don't want to eat that.
Gordon: It's for kids! Fuck me. (to Tiffany) Stop!
Tiffany: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Now we're sending burnt pizza. Not crispy and delicious. Fucking burnt. Burnt with bits of shit in there. What is going on?? All of you get a grip.
Red team: Yes, chef.
[Tiffany gets accidentally hit in the head by Robyn with the pizza oven peel while cleaning it]

[The red team has begun the entrées]
Kimmie: (interview) Robyn is acting as crazy as fuck right now. I honestly think she's still holding a grudge for the challenge about that fucking ribeye.
Robyn: Kimmie, lets me when you're walking, okay.
Kimmie: Sure will.
Robyn: I'm coming, okay?
Kimmie: Yeah. I'm slicing, dude.
Robyn: Can I walk?
Kimmie: Euh, give me just one second.
Robyn: Can I walk?
Kimmie: Dammit!
Andi: You guys, how long?
Kimmie: Two minutes, chef, two minutes. These steaks are fucking huge. Not my fault. Not my fault, dude.
Robyn: (interview and double flips at the camera) Really? Kimmie doesn't know what she's fucking doing. Fucking bitch!
Kimmie: Running!
Robyn: Alright, running.
Kimmie: I got it. I got it. [both Kimmie and Robyn bringing the food to the pass] Bitch!
Andi: (to Chef Ramsay) You're alright with that?
Gordon: No. Nowhere near. Oh Jesus!
Robyn (interview): Here we go, it's going down. Kimmie is going to get yelled at. This is going to be fun folks. Get the popcorn, because it's about to get good.
Gordon: All of you!
Red team: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come here. Hey look. We can't even get a steak cooked. It's badly sliced. Who did what here? Kimmie, Robyn, look at me, who done it then?
Kimmie: I did the filets.
Robyn: I cut the steak, chef.
Gordon: Looked at the way it's [the steak] sliced. It's like it's be cut with a spoon. It's not even sliced there. And then next to it, where's the filet? That's cooked beautifully, it's sliced beautifully.
Kimmie: (interview) HELL YEAH! I knew my shit was right. Robyn is fucking up and I just outshined her.

Gordon: Blue team, away now Table 22, Concentrate. Three filet, one hanger steak.
Patrick: Yes chef, four minutes. [Royce just stares at Gordon]
Gordon: Royce doesn't even answer. Three filet, one hanger! Tell him, chef, three filet, one hanger.
Royce: Yes, chef, three filet, one hanger!
Gordon: One more time!
Royce: Three filet, one hanger!
Gordon: One more time!
Royce: Three filet, one hanger!
Gordon: One more time!
Royce: Three filet, one hanger! I got two minutes on mine. [Ramsay claps slowly]
Patrick: Give me three minutes-- three minutes, chef, on...
Gordon: On what?
Patrick: Two filet, one hanger.
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Patrick: Three filet! Sorry chef. Three filet, one hanger!
Gordon: Hey, you! Hey, fuckwit. Come here you.
Patrick: Fuck!
Gordon: Hey, you! (Justin) On meat. Let's go. Patrick. Fuck off!
Patrick: Oh, fuck me! Fuck!
Gordon: Hey, outside and get some fresh air. Fuck off!
[Patrick goes into the dining room where a kid starts laughing at him]

[The red team bringing the next table of entrées to the pass]
Gordon: Honestly, it's gets fucking worse. All of you come here. Just touch that fish there. Just touch how dry. It's got more fucking wrinkles on it than I have and I'm forty-four years of age. That should be put fucking fresh! [pounds the counter]
Kid dinner: We not going to to yell unless he yells at one of the chefs.
Gordon: How long ago did you cook that?
Robyn: Three minutes ago.
Gordon: Three minutes ago?
Robyn: Yes, chef.
Gordon: That's fresh three minutes ago? Just touch.
Dana: (interview) That shit is nasty.
Robyn: I took it off three minutes ago and I covered it.
Gordon: So? Again when did you cook it?
Robyn: Seven minutes ago, then.
Gordon: Oh. Seven minutes ago?
Robyn: Well, I took out three minutes ago. So four minutes for to cook, so seven minutes ago.
Gordon: Yeah, maybe seventeen minutes ago. [throws the plate with the fish onto the counter]
Kimmie: (interview) You've got to be out of your fucking mind to lie to Chef Ramsay, because he knows, he's not stupid.
Robyn: What's going on with the fish, Kimmie, I got to re-fire it.
Kimmie: Three minutes.
Gordon: Get rid of that shit. [gives the plate to Christina who bins the fish] I wouldn't even serve that to my fucking cat. Fuck off, Robyn.

[Gordon checks on hanger steak brought up by Patrick]
Gordon: Fucking raw. [returns to the workstation] Hey.
Patrick: Yes, chef?
Gordon: (to Justin) Come here you. [gets a filet; Justin comes up to the workstation] Is that what you served me today?
Justin: No, chef.
Patrick: Fuck! [comes up to the workstation] Uhm, chef I'm sorry it's raw.
Clemenza: (interview) Not good. Not fucking good.
Gordon: It's raw?! GET OUT!
Patrick: Fuck!
Gordon: Really?!
Patrick: Fuck!!

[Gordon checks on hanger steak brought up by Royce]
Gordon: Fucking raw. [returns to the workstation] All of you, come here. All of you!
Clemenza: Yes, chef!
Gordon: A hanger steak, [gets a piece of steak] raw and perfect. I knew it was too good to be true! (to Royce) Hey you, Rolls-Royce, fuck off!

[Gordon has had it with the Red team; returns to the workstation with hanger steak brought up by Robyn]
Gordon: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, all of you! Just STOP!! Come here, all of you! Just touch them. Put your hand on top. Put your hand on-- (to Robyn and Tiffany) PUT YOUR HAND ON TOP!!!
Robyn: I'm putting it on top. I need to get over there.
Gordon: Put it on top. Put it on top. Stone-cold! Red team! You, you, you, you, you. Fuck off! [Kimmy slams her towel on her station upon exit] (to Christina, who's still in the kitchen) GET OUT!!

Gordon: Kimmie, who is the first nominee for the Red team?
Kimmie: The first nominee chef is Robyn. Because she was pretty much lied to you and told you to cook fish in three minutes and she cooked it for seven, so--
Robyn: (interrupts Kimmie; looks depressed) What?! I didn't lie to you chef when I said that fish was out in three minutes, the fish was cooked seven minutes prior so I was miscommunication on what I said that's not lied to you.
Kimmie: What?!
Robyn: I know that I turned myself I got not lying because the way my mother raised me.
Kimmie: (moans) What? Oh my God!
Robyn: Oh my God, Kimmie! Please! [groans] I'd been-- You what, Kimmie, if you want to really get dirty right now, you'll get dirty. You think I am scared of you! YOU CALL ME A FUCKING BITCH TODAY AND YOU WANT TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT! Guess what? There is no friends there in this competition so I want to work for him.
Gordon: (moans) Wow!

Gordon: Patrick talked a good game, but he couldn't back it up with his cooking so it was time for him to leave Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Eleven [10.11]

[Tiffany accidentally serves cod instead of sea bass]
Gordon: Hey, Tiffany!
Tiffany: Yes, Chef?
Tiffany: Yes, Chef!
[Christina tries to help]
Tiffany: I've got it. I've got it. Don't worry about it.
[Tiffany starts cooking the cod again]

Gordon: Royce came in promising a Rolls-Royce service. But instead, his service was like a broken-down car. Time to send Royce to the junkyard.

Episode Twelve [10.12]

[Kimmie and Barbie fight over the Punishment during Delivery Day & Barbie Insults Kimmie's Weight.]

Barbie: You ain't never jogged a day your life, and your ass shows it!
Kimmie: [Walking away from Barbie] Oooh-hooh-hooh, I want to hit you so bad, you nasty bitch...!

Episode Thirteen [10.13]

Narrator: The red team is stuck on their last two tickets.
Kimmie: How long Tiff?
Tiffany: I don't know exactly.
Narrator: Still waiting for Tiffany's undercooked potato garnish.
Christina: (interview) You should know that they were your potatoes. That was your component right? That was your idea for the menu right?
Tiffany: I'm sorry. What do you want me to say? Don't give me that look!
Kimmie: Don't get an attitude with me! You're killing my steaks!
Tiffany: I don't know, Kimmie. I don't know.
Andi: Tiffany,
Tiffany: Sorry.
Andi: No, you're not!
Tiffany: Yes I am!
Andi: No, you're fucking not!
Tiffany: Yes I am.
Andi: You're the sloppiest cook I've ever seen in my whole entire life!
Tiffany: Sorry.
Andi: No, you're not!
Tiffany: Okay, I'm not.
Andi: You have such a fucking attitude! Why don't you take a walk? And Dana take over her section.
Dana: Yes, chef.
Tiffany: (leaves) Have fun. (interview) Okay, look at Tiffany. Let's make fun of her. I don't care about anything apparently. So, what the fuck? You all just made me look like a fucking idiot. Bye! (cries)

Gordon: A little bit of fish here, a little bit there. You're (Clemenza) stuffing your face with fucking desserts! Hey all of you, come here! And put that one down. [Checks Brian's fish] Raw. A fucking blind man can see that's raw, raw, raw.
Brian: (interview) It's my fault. It's my fault.
Gordon: Honestly, Your menu, your menu, your menu, your menu! You give me that, followed by that. You, you, you, you, GET OUT! Fucking idiots! Get the fuck out of here!

[Gordon calls up both teams after dinner service]
Gordon: All of you, listen carefully. I have in my hand the comment cards. I was hoping that they would decide the winning team. (rips up the comment cards into pieces and throws them everywhere) Tonight, it was the most shocking dinner service yet! Here's the sad news: YOUR MENU, YOUR CREATIVITY, YOUR EXECUTION, AND SUPPOSEDLY, YOUR TEAMWORK! Blue Team, embarrassing! I mean, really embarrassing! It's just like you didn't care. And ladies, raw potatoes. And then Dana, raw fucking lobster. I expected tonight to be your absolute best. Unfortunately, it's gone down in history as one of your worst! There will be no winning team.
[The red team, who had managed to finish service, are visibly upset]
Dana: (interview) I'm so confused right now! Somebody tell me what the hell's going on!
Kimmie: (interview) I don't even know what to say. Like... I really thought we had this.
Gordon: Both teams, decide which two people you want to nominate to lose from your team. Fuck off.

Gordon: The most passionate I ever saw Tiffany was moments ago when she was already on her way out. That was just too late.

Episode Fourteen [10.14]

[Gordon checks on catfish brought up by Brian]
Gordon: Fuck me. Burnt one side. (returns to the workstation) All of you, come here! Yeah, come here. Look. No colour and look. Burnt.
Clemenza: (interview) Really dude? It's a fucking piece of fish. I mean, like come on! Step it up a little bit.
Gordon: [to Brian; gives him a piece of fish] Come here, just take a bite of that. Just take a bite. Eat it, you fuck-wit. How does it taste?
Brian: Tastes like fish, chef.
Gordon: Excuse me? (brief pause) Smart-arse, you want to be funny now, do you? (throws his spoon) You're such a dick!
Robyn: (interview) Brian, really? Right now is not the time to FUCKING crack jokes, bro!
Gordon: Get out, get out. Fucking idiot.
Brian: Fuck. [walks out of the kitchen] Seriously? (interview) That was a mistake of epic proportions. I did not mean to be a smartass.
Gordon: [rekindles Brian] "Tastes like fish." What a fucking dick.
Brian: (interview) It was just the first thing that came to my head.

[Brian returns to the kitchen after talking to James]
Gordon: [sees Brian] Hey, come here you fuckface. What are you doing here?
Brian: I'm not done!
Gordon: Don't fucking shout at me. I'm going to ask you one more fucking time. You give me a bullshit answer, that jacket's coming off and you're going through that door home. How did that fish taste?
Brian: Shit.
Gordon: So why did you give it to me?
Brian: I didn't see the bottom. I didn't see the bottom chef. It's not going to happen again.

[Gordon checks on chicken brought up by Robyn]
Gordon: Oh, fuck me. The chicken is raw! All of you! ALL OF YOU!! (to Brian) THAT'S YOU, FUCKER!! [knocks his hand on the workstation] The chicken it comes up...
Robyn: Raw.
Gordon: RAW!
Clemenza: Fuck! (interview) Robyn, really? It's pink, it's still fucking bleeding. Come on, get it right.
Gordon: Robyn, really? Really?! [throws his spoon away] RAW! (to Brian) Hey comedian! Crack a fucking joke now! I fucking dare you! [knocks his hand on the workstation]
Brian: I have nothing funny to say, chef.
Gordon: Start again!

[Gordon checks on chicken brought up by Robyn; after finding out that it's raw, he has had it with the blue team]
Gordon: I mean, fuck me. [returns to the workstation] Hey.
Robyn: Really?
Gordon: You, you, you, you. Come here. [Robyn whips her towel] Hey, look. Raw. Do I really have to serve that? [throws the chicken away] MADNESS!! Get out.
Robyn: Don't kick them out, chef, Just kick me out--
Gordon: Hey listen. Don't you fucking dare tell me what to do. You, you, you, you: fuck off!
Robyn: FUCK! I fucking hate this damn chicken! [Clemenza throws his towel away]
Gordon: GET OUT!!! (as they exit) We are fucked here.

[Gordon checks on catfish brought up by Kimmie]
Gordon: Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! Oh, Jesus. [returns to the workstation] Aaaahhh. I could cry. I could just... I could just cry. [throws his spoon]
Christina Wilson: Agh - fuck-!
Gordon: [knocks the workstation with both hands] STOP!! Come here, you! Let me show you something: I've got raw, raw fucking catfish there!
Christina Wilson: Ah...
Gordon: Then there's burnt shit there.
Dana: (interview) What are you thinking, Kimmie? This is not happening! NO!!
Gordon: (points to each member of the Red team) You, you, you, you, GET OUT! YOU'RE A FUCKING DISGRACE!!
Christina Wilson: Fuck!
Gordon: Hey (Christina), hey! Yeah, touch! [tosses a piece of catfish to Christina] That's the raw bits!
Christina Wilson: Yeah, I see it, chef. I see it.
Gordon: Fucking disgrace! GET OUT!!
Christina Wilson: (interview) We didn't finish service because of that fucking fish station. It was supposed to Kimmie's time to shine. I don't fucking get it.

[Sous-chef Scott goes up to the dorms and gathers the teams, but Gordon stops them once they get to the kitchen]
Gordon: Stay there! Stay there! Trust me; Scott, Andi, and I will finish the service. Let me tell you that. That was shocking! I can't take any more. Do me a big favour: Each of you have a good chat, based on tonight's service, and come up with one individual from each team that should be leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight. And I hope to hell that all of you are feeling like shit!
Dana: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Pathetic. All of you, upstairs. Get out of here.
Justin: (interview) Dinner service was disgusting once again. It's just dumb mistakes. It's really frustrating.

Gordon: As a woman from Memphis, tonight's Southern cuisine menu should've been an easy walk in the park for Kimmie. But it turned out to be a difficult uphill battle, and that is why it was her time to go.

Episode Fifteen [10.15]

[In the team communication challenge, both teams fail to score a single point.]
Clemenza: (interview) The lamb is nicely cooked, the sauce is on, we got this, we got this, got this.
[Gordon tastes blue team's lamb]
Gordon: Unreal! (chokes the undercooked lamb)
Clemenza: Fuck!
Gordon: Wow! Ugh!
Brian: (interview) Yeah, we're fucked.
Gordon: The sauce is disgusting. It looks like in a gas station. Nasty!
Dana: (interview) Okay, this could be good for us, I mean our lamb is cooked perfectly!
Gordon: Red team! (holds the lamb)
Barbie: I sliced the lamb, Chef. I apologize.
Gordon: (to Barbie) Did you sliced the lamb or chewed the lamb?
Dana: (interview) Barbie, what have you done to this lamb? Did you cut it with a fucking spoon?
[Gordon tastes red team's lamb and then choked]
Gordon: I am seriously disappointed. I expected at this stage in the game something so much better! For the first time ever his Hell's Kitchen history, I, Gordon Ramsay, cannot pick a winner! Red team, blue team, you both lost. One team would've had an amazing day with a beach in Santa Monica, visiting Malibu in a helicopter. You had a beach club this afternoon for yourselves.
Dana: (interview) Hell's Kitchen season 10 making history! Only we're making history because we suck!
Gordon: You have a long day cleaning. The front of Hell's Kitchen needs sprucing up. After that, Hell's Kitchen SUV's need detailing. But more importantly, I'm opening Hell's Kitchen tonight.
Chefs: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And do you know why? Redemption! You need it. I swear to god, there's going to be a great service. Because if it's not, I am not waiting until the end of service to get rid of dead wood.
Clemenza: Fuck!
Gordon: Get cleaning.
Justin: Let's go guys.
Robyn: (interview) Chef's pissed and do you know what? He's got every right to be pissed. We should all be embarrassed to be wearing these jackets right now.

[Gordon comes back with the fish that Justin just brought up.]
Gordon: Justin! Hey you! Come here, you! So he (Brian) cooks fresh New York strip, because he screwed the previous table. And you reheat the same bass???
[Robyn smirks]
Gordon: (to Robyn) And you think it's funny?
Robyn: No, I don't think it's funny. I'm pissed right now. I don't think it's funny at all. (interview) Hehehehehe! Justin's a dumbass! Are you kidding me? I think it's hilarious right now.
Gordon: Justin, is that your best?! (no response) Hey! IS THAT YOUR BEST??!!
Justin: No, chef! No!
Gordon: So all that time, you were cooking-
[Robyn's stove suddenly bursts into flames, momentarily distracting Gordon]
Gordon: ...So all that time you were cooking, you couldn't think to put two fresh bass in?
Justin: Chef, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. I've got to re-fire these right now. (interview) What was I thinking??? That was just a dumb, dumb mistake.
Gordon: All of you, look at me! [points at each member of the Blue Team] WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

Gordon: Brian had a lot of energy and was a funny guy. But after tonight's performance, I wasn't laughing. And that's why he has to leave Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Sixteen [10.16]

[Gordon introduces the runner ups from past Hell's Kitchen seasons who will be competing against the current season's Black Jackets]
Gordon: From Hell's Kitchen Eight: Russell!
[Flashback to several scenes from Season 8, including an interview where Russell takes his loss in the finale badly.]
Russell: (interview from Season 8) I chose the team that I wanted and I thought they would help me win, and I'm definitely going to black ball you guys, because you guys fucked me so royally.
[In the present, Gordon greets Russell]
Gordon: Russell, good to see you.
Russell: Good to see you, Chef.
Gordon: Welcome back.
Russell: Thank you very much.
Christina Wilson: (interview) I remember Russell for sure. What a fucking ass. I don't care what station he's on tonight. I hope it burns down. I hope he goes down harder than anyone on that team.

Episode Seventeen [10.17]

[Gordon inspects a capellini that was prepared by Barbie]
Gordon: (shows Barbie the capellini) What is that? What is that?
Barbie: (mumbling) I don't know, Chef...
Gordon: (turning away in disgust) She's not even answering me.
Barbie: It's the crab.
Gordon: Hey, you. Come here, you.
[Barbie goes over to Gordon]
Gordon: This is how bad it is: One capellini and one risotto away. And I've got a ball of capellini. And it's over two portions there. You don't know what you're doing anymore. I've got too much capellini and not enough crab.
Barbie: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: You stupid idiot!
Barbie: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: You've given up! Look at me: I beg you to go home! I just don't get it! I-I just honestly do not understand what the FUCK IS GOING ON!!
[Gordon kicks a trash can over in anger]

Episode Eighteen [10.18]

Episode Nineteen [10.19]

Episode Twenty [10.20]

[Finalists Christina and Justin have just finished their final service and standing in front of Ramsay, along with their teams.]
Gordon: That was an amazing service, you know that. That was amazing. Really good job.
[Everyone applauds.]
Christina Wilson: Thanks so much, guys. Seriously.
Gordon: Really good job indeed. And on the back of that, I'm changing things: For the first time ever, I've decided to do away with the whole two-door thing, because I'm ready to decide a winner. The winner of Hell's Kitchen is... Tavon.
[Everyone laughs.]
[Flashback to Tavon, who was the first contestant to be eliminated this season.]

Gordon: Christina's passion and talent are undeniable. She's a strong leader who is totally at home in the kitchen. I know I'm not rolling the dice with her in Vegas because she is the real deal.

Season 11

Episode One [11.01]

[Signature dishes before a live audience at Caesar's Palace]

Gordon: [Looking at Dan's dish] Seriously, did you throw up on that plate? Let's go back 45 minutes.
Dan: Okay.
Gordon: What is it supposed to be?
Dan: Eggs Benedict with a champagne hollandaise sauce and sourdough bread, heirloom tomatoes and sautéed spinach.
Gordon: And how did you make the hollandaise?
Dan: I used whole butter. If it's good enough for Julia Child, it's good enough for me.
Gordon: Julia Child would be turning in her grave right now if she saw that. (tastes) It's fitting that you made this in Vegas because whoever eats that is sure to get the craps. Let me tell you. That is a joke.

Episode Two [11.02]

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Gina]

Gordon: Oh, Jesus. All of you, come here. Let me show you a little waterfall. [tilts the plate]
Mary: Oh, my gosh.
Gordon: Just touch them. Cold, overcooked.
Susan: Switch up scallops, guys.
Ja'Nel: Mary, do you want to do scallops?
Gina Aloise: No, I want to do scallops, somebody else got to do risotto. [Nedra gives a shocked face]
Gordon: What do you mean?
Nedra: (interview) Oh, wait. Hell, no! Gina, don't throw me under the bus because your shit ain't right. (to Gina) How long on scallops?
Gina Aloise: (interview) Nedra, just fuck off.
Ja'Nel: You've got some good color on there. You'll burn it.
Nedra: (interview) This bitch couldn't cook a scallop to save her life. I know that Chef is about to find out.
Gina Aloise: I've got the scallops ready.
Susan: Go Gina, you got to go.
Gina Aloise: Walking scallops chef.
Nedra: (interview) Mmm-hmm. Good luck to you, Gina! (brings her risotto to the pass) Risotto, right behind you chef, hot.
Gordon: [checks Gina's scallops] Aah? Hard! All of you, come here! [gets a scallop and flips it like a coin; throws it on the workstation] I guarantee a complete service tonight. You can't even hold it together for the second ticket. Get out, Gina!

[Gordon checks on capellini brought up by Sebastian]

Gordon: Taste that. How hot is that?
Sous-Chef James: Spicy, spicy.
Gordon: (returns to the workstation and spits pasta out) All of you, taste that! It's too spicy and it's disgusting! [throws his spoon away on the workstation] And again, scallops cooked beautifully.
Zach: (interview) What the fuck is going on? It's like deja vu on this motherfucker.
Gordon: (to Zach) How many times have you cooked scallops and not serve them?
Zach: Twice chef.
Sebastian: Sorry, bro.
Gordon: Sebastian, get it together!
Sebastian: Yes, chef!
Michael Langdon: Come on guys, let's go.
Sebastian: Okay Mikey-Wikey. (interview) I messed up a few times but I'm getting into the groove. I'm playing around. I'm trying to make the environment a little looser.
Sebastian: Zachy, talk to me.
Zach: (to Michael) We've got three halibut, one branzino.
Sebastian: Zacky-Wacky!
Gordon: Hey, you! Hey! Come here, you. Zacky-Wacky?
Sebastian: Chef Zach!
Gordon: Hey, look at me. Hey, look-- Is this a fucking joke?
Sebastian: No, chef!
Gordon: Zacky-Wacky?!
Sebastian: Sorry, I apologize about that, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, do me a favour: GET OUT!
Sebastian: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Fuck off, will you? Get out!
Sebastian: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Upstairs, GET OUT!
Anthony: (interview) So Sebastian gets kicked out. Didn't see that coming.
Gordon: Zacky-Wacky?
[Sebastian runs back into the kitchen]
Dan: What are you doing?
Anthony: (interview) Where the hell are you going Sebastian? Okay, yeah, you can come back.
Gordon: Second time! Get out!
Anthony: (interview) God, are you kidding me?
Gordon: Fuck off! Wacky!

[Gordon asks for lamb in the Blue kitchen]
Gordon: Lamb! Come on, Michael! Bit of energy!
Michael Langdon: [brings his lamb to the pass] Yes, chef.
Gordon: [checks the lamb; returns to the workstation] Terrible. Embarrassment.
Barret: Oh, God. (interview) Fuck, it's coming back.
Gordon: Time out! Stop!
Michael Langdon: Fuck!
Gordon: The bone thicker than the fucking meat.
Dan: (interview) There needs to be meat on there. This is not a fucking dog's chew-toy, this is lamb!
Gordon: And if that is not bad enough. [Shows the wellington which is cremated]
Barret: Fuck!
Gordon: They are way overcooked.
Barret: Horrible. Fuck!
Zach: (interview) Michael and Barret, dumb and dumber!
Gordon: You don't slice the wellington until the lamb's ready.
Barret: Yes, chef.
[Sebastian returns to the kitchen once again]
Gordon: And when it's together like-- (sees Sebastian) Oh, you!
Sebastian: Chef? Can I please come back, chef?
Jon: (interview) Dude really, what are you doing? Perfect fucking timing.
Gordon: You, come here you. You're making me look stupid.
Sebastian: No, chef.
Gordon: The blue team, one hour into service and not one entrée out. You, (Sebastian) for the last time, take him (Barret) and him (Michael) and get out! And let me tell you something, you come back downstairs again, you'll be leaving through the front door. Now GET OUT! Three of you! You (Ray) on meat. You (Anthony) on meat. [Barret stands in the doorway] Oi! GET OUT!!!
Barret: (interview) Now, I'm pissed off. I didn't do anything to get kicked out of this dinner service. (angrily throws his apron)

[Gordon returns a garnish with undercooked potatoes brought up by Susan]

Gordon: Ladies! Touch them.
Nedra: Hard, chef.
Susan: (interview) Oh, my God. That's my garnish.
Gordon: Who cooked them?
Susan: I did, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, you, get out! Get out!
Susan: [under her breath] You're kidding me.
Gordon: Hey, madam, you think it's funny?
Susan: No, no, no!
Gordon: Yeah, take your shit with you.
Susan: (interview) I know that this is not funny. I don't deserve to be kicked out of the kitchen. Danielle does. She was the one bringing the station down.
Gordon: Danielle, don't stop the redo, hurry up! After that, two chicken, two wellington.
Danielle Boorn: Two chicken, two wellington. Yes, chef. Sorry, chef, I'm confused. Do you need the one for the redo and the two chicken and two wellington or do you just want the two chicken and two wellington?
[brief pause]
Gordon: GET OUT!
Danielle Boorn: Fuck!
Gordon: GET OUT!

Gordon: Three halibut, one bass, one chicken. Come on, guys!
Ray, Jeremy and Zach: Yes, chef.
[Jeremy's kale catches fire]
Zach: (interview) I'm looking at Jeremy sautéing that kale. I can see the kale nearly catching fire getting burnt!
Zach: Chef, turn that down.
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah.
Zach: Don't even serve that.
Jeremy: I'm not. Worry about your side, let me do my side! Yeah?
Zach: (interview) Fucking what?!
Dan: Hey, no territory bullshit!
Jeremy: (interview) It's my station and I don't need his help. So shut up and do what you're supposed to be doing.
Zach: Unfucking believable.
Gordon: Can we go with three halibut, one bass, one chicken?
Anthony: Seven minutes to the window.
Gordon: (to Jeremy) What are we going with?
Jeremy: Two halibut, one chicken chef.
Dan: Three halibut!
Jeremy: Three halibut, one chicken chef.
Gordon: Three halibut, one bass, one chicken! What are we going with?
Jeremy: (starts stuttering) The three, three, the three halibut, the two, uhh...
[Gordon pounds the workstation]
Anthony: (interview) Jeremy, he's telling it to you. Just say it right back man! I'm pretty sure birds can do that!
Gordon: Three halibut, one bass, one chicken. What's going?
Jeremy: The three halibut, two f..., two uh...
Gordon: GET OUT!!
Zach: (interview) Bye, bye Jeremy. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Gordon: [sees Jacqueline drinking water] What are you doing?
Jacqueline: I had to get my water, chef.
Gordon: Get out!
Jacqueline: (under her breath) Alright, whatever.
Gordon: GET OUT!
Jacqueline: (interview) Chef Ramsay told me to get out. I'm like, alright, I'm going to go upstairs and rehydrate myself!

[Gordon checks on the risotto by Jon]

Gordon: Oh, man! [returns the risotto to the work station] [to Jon] Look at there! Stuck to the bottom of the pan!
Jon: Fuck, man!
Gordon: [to Jon] Jon, take Dan and yourself, and get the fuck out of here! [Jon and Dan leave the kitchen]
Zach: (interview) When somebody gets kicked out the kitchen, they put more pressure on the next man.
Gordon: [to Ray] Raymond, taste that! [Ray tastes the risotto with his bare fingers] Fingers, spoons are everywhere.
Raymond: Bland, chef.
Anthony: (interview) Ray, you just stick your finger in to a risotto in front of Chef Ramsay in Hell's Kitchen. That's just stupid!
Gordon: [to Ray] You may be the oldest, but out of respect, FUCK OFF!
Raymond: Yes, chef.

[Ray leaves the kitchen]

Zach: You got to be shitting me! (interview) Blue Kitchen tonight is like being in the middle of a natural disaster. [to Anthony] My fucking heart is beating (interview) I'm not feeling good right now, it's getting hot, I start feeling pressure.
Anthony: [to Zach] You good?
Zach: I got it, I got it, I'm just breathing.
Gordon: Risotto?
Anthony: [brings up the risotto] Risotto, chef.

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Anthony]

Gordon: (to Anthony) Just taste that.
Anthony: Fuck!
Gordon: Yeah, fuck.
Zach: (interview) Fuck!
Gordon: Get out! Get out!

Gordon: Sebastian tried to be funny, but it was his cooking that was the joke.

Episode Three [11.3]

Nedra: (Knocks on a counter in the dorm) Let's press the bell, bitch, because we can argue!
Susan: Ding!
Gina: Don't call me "bitch"!
Nedra: Don't mess with a heavyweight and you're a lightweight.
Gina: You're dealing with the wrong person!
Nedra: Yes, I'm dealing with a crazy, deranged person!
Gina: What a fucking baby.
Nedra: You need to watch your stuff.
Gina: (mockingly as she goes into the bedroom) Eah, she pointed her finger at me about the risotto, fuck off! (slams the door shut which causes a roof tile to come loose and hang over the door)
Amanda Giblin: Oh, my God! She just broke the ceiling!
[the Red team laughs]

[The chefs have just gathered outside for the next challenge, when suddenly, Gina speaks up]

Gina: Excuse me, chef? I have something to say.
Gordon: Please, Gina.
Gina: Unfortunately, I am not going to be staying here for this challenge. I'm going to be leaving.
Gordon: You happy to throw the towel in so quickly?
Gina: I have some personal issues; unfortunately, I have to.
Gordon: I'm not going to stop you. Please go back up to the dorms, pack your stuff, and leave Hell's Kitchen.
Gina: Thank you, chef.
Red Team: Bye, Gina.
Nedra: Man, right on the team challenge, this stupid bitch backs out. Bitch, you going to back out doing of a competition? If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. That bitch folded like a piece of wet paper towel.

[Gina departs through the delivery service door with luggage in tow]

[Gordon returns a risotto to the workstation]

Gordon: What is that? Fucking muppets! All of you. All of you. All of you!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Taste that! Hurry up, Jessica! Haven't you got time to piss around! I mean--.
Jessica: Yes, chef. Coming through.
Gordon: What's the first thing you taste?
Cyndi: White wine chef. (interview) Come on, Mary. Get it together. That's basic shit.
Gordon: (to Mary) How much wine did you put in?
Mary: I put in just a few squirts chef.
Gordon: So you'll have to reduce it down!
Mary: Yes, chef. Yes, chef. (interview) Ugh.
Gordon: Get a pan on, start the risotto. Come on!
Ja'Nel: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks and tastes a risotto; finds that it has too much white wine again]

Gordon: Too much white wine in there again. All of you.
Mary: Oh, my God.
Gordon: Taste that. Hurry up. Taste.
Mary: I think this is good.
Susan: It needs salt.
Gordon: How won't I taste the white wine in there again? (to Danielle) Have you got a drinking problem?
Danielle: No, chef.
Gordon: The first thing that you can taste in there is fucking white wine! (knocks his hand on the workstation)
Danielle: Yes, chef. So you want about a tablespoon?
Gordon: You have to burn off the alcohol!
Danielle: Yes, chef. (interview) I'm great on what I do. But this is fucking hard. I mean harder than hard.
Gordon: Can someone teach these two fucking idiots how to make a fucking risotto?!
Red team: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Christian]

Gordon: Christian!
Christian: Yes, chef?
Gordon: He brings up scallops, fucking rubber! (knocks his hand on the workstation) I mean, seriously?
Anthony: (interview) What the hell are you doing? Come on! Pick it up, please!
Gordon: Hey, you! Come here, you.
Christian: Ugh.
Gordon: Touch them. (calls out Jeremy) Hey, you, big boy. Come here, you.
Jeremy: Yes, chef?
Gordon: You're the one that's supposed to be supporting them.
Jeremy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: How about supporting your fucking gut? (leads Christian and Jeremy to the Chef's Table) Both of you, sit down! Hey, enjoy your shit!
Jeremy: (interview) I don't know how I'm in this situation right now.
Gordon: (to a server) A glass of wine, please. For the two chefs.
Jeremy: (interview) It was his scallops. I had nothing to do with it.
Gordon: (to Christian and Jeremy) Enjoy! Fuck you! [returns to the workstation; to the Blue team] Hey, get a grip! (knocks his hand on the workstation) Scallops, urgently!
Jon: Heard!

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Jon]

Gordon: This is a joke. Dry as fuck.
Sous-Chef James: It's awful.
Gordon: (returns to the workstation) STOP!
Jon: What?
Gordon: All of you! (raises one lamb) Who cooked that?
Jon: Fuck!
Gordon: Come here you! All of you, come here! How much more shit does one need to take?! The dining room full of guests waiting for that.
Jon: (interview) I'm so pissed at myself right now. I just want to punch myself in the dick.
Gordon: You're making me look like a fucking idiot. (throws his spoon away) GET OUT! Leave me alone! Leave, get out, get out, get out. (gives the lamb to Christian) There you go. There's your second course. Fuck off! GET OUT!!
Woman: (overhears Gordon) Wow.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Susan]

Sous-Chef Andi: Oh, that's raw.
Gordon: That's raw? Oh, fuck me. (calls Nedra in the dining room) Nedra, come here! Hurry up.
Nedra: (returns to the kitchen) Yes, chef!
Gordon: (returns to the workstation) All of you! ALL OF YOU!!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (raises one lamb) What the fuck is that?
Amanda Giblin: It's raw, chef.
Gordon: Who sent me raw lamb on the signature dishes? Who as that?
Susan: Me, chef.
Gordon: It's a joke for you, isn't it?
Susan: Not a joke at all, chef.
Godrdon: So what's that, then?
Susan: It's raw lamb.
Gordon: (throws the lamb away) All of you, get out!
Jacqueline: Fuck!
Gordon: Get out! I'M DONE! Get out!
Mary: (interview) This sucks!
Gordon: Leave it!
Mary: (interview) Like we're all talented . We're all good at what we do...
Gordon: Leave it!
Mary: (interview) It shouldn't be that hard.
Gordon: GET OUT!!

Episode Four [11.4]

Gordon: Blue Team first ticket away, here we go. Four covers, table 22. [slowly] Appetiser: one salad tableside, two risotto, one Caesar salad.
Blue Team: Yes, Chef!
Gordon: [to Michael] Michael, how was that for you?
Michael: Fine, Chef.
Gordon: [to Ray] Raymond, how was that for you?
Raymond: Perfect, Chef.
Gordon: Slow enough?
Raymond: Yes, Chef.

[Shows a flashback of Michael suggesting to have Gordon read the tickets slower to help them]

Gordon: I mean, fucking hell!

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with risotto]

Jean-Philippe: VIP table, NBA player. The risotto is too hard.
Gordon: [returns and slams the risotto on the workstation] Risotto, a VIP table. Rice is fucking undercooked. [Ray places a pan underneath the workstation] Hey, he's a bit-- (to Ray) Hey, come here you. Give me that pan. [shows an overcooked risotto to the Blue team]
Ray: That one--
Gordon: What are you doing? Wha-wha-wha-- Just what in the fuck are you doing?
Anthony: (interview) Things are rolling, risotto goes out, awesome. Perfect good, good start.
Gordon: [slams the pan on the workstation] That's burned and that's hard! [gets and slams the plate on the pan]
Ray: I'll put another one in chef.
Anthony: (interview) Risotto comes back, awesome. Perfect, [deflated tone] this is what we do.
Gordon: (knocks his hand on the workstation; to Ray) You, grand-dad! Come on! this is a pick up now!
Ray: Ten seconds, chef. Right here, chef.
Zach: (interview) Chef Ray, watch your motherfucking self and you'd better not make any more mistakes under the fucking sun. You hear me?
Ray: Yes, chef. I understand, chef.
Gordon: MOVE, RAY!
Ray: Sorry.
Dan: (interview) Ray, get your head out of your ass and get this risotto out. We're waiting on you. Waiting on Ray!
[Ray brings his risotto to the pass, Gordon checks it]
Gordon: Stop! Risotto tastes delicious! (to Ray) Now you've raised the bar.
Ray: Thank you, chef.
Gordon: Hey, don't piss your pants! Just stay focused!
Ray: I won't, chef. Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Jessica]

Gordon: One risotto, why is she cooking all that? (returns to the workstation) Oy, all of you! How many portions are in there?
Susan: Three. There's three chef.
Gordon: Four? Five? (to Jessica) How many is going?
Jessica Lewis: Two chef.
Gordon: One! Is this a joke for you?
Jessica Lewis: No, chef.
Gordon: All that time we're waiting!
Jessica Lewis: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Five portions of fucking risotto, I need one!
Jessica Lewis: Let's go, bounce back.
Gordon: (disgusted) Yeah.
Susan: (to her team mates) Come on, guys. Let's pick it up. Let's get going.
Gordon: Throw five, serve one!

[Gordon asks for lamb in the Blue kitchen]

Gordon: Lamb?
Dan: (slices his lamb; finds that it's rare) Dude, this is under. I can't send this.
Gordon: Lamb?
Jon: Walk with the lamb, please.
Dan: Lamb is not done yet chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck off! Christ almighty!
Dan: It's still rare in the middle. The middle is rare, the outside are good.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me.
Michael Langdon: We have to fire an all new garnish.
Dan: (interview, mocking Michael) Waaaaah! The lamb's not cooked! Waaaaah!
Michael Langdon: Brand new garnish.
Dan: (interview) Michael, just sit there and wait! I got it!
Gordon: Where is this fucking lamb?!
Dan: Right here chef.
Gordon: There's the fucking plates! Two minutes been sat there dressed!
Jon: Lamb is being cut. It's on its way.
Dan: Walking lamb. Behind. (brings his lamb to the pass)
Gordon: It's there! Hey Bozo That's how open the fucking gap for you!
Dan: Yes, chef. Two lamb chef.
[Gordon checks Dan's lamb; returns to the workstation]
Anthony: (interview) Yelling over, problem solved. Right?
Gordon: [points to Dan] YOU! HEY, STRING-BEAN! COME HERE!
Dan: Yes, chef!
Anthony: (interview) Wrong.
Gordon: (raises a chewed up piece of lamb) What the fuck is that?!
Michael Langdon: Get lamb going now.
Gordon: What is that?! [Dan doesn't answer] Wha... WHAT IS THAT?!
Dan: Shit, chef.
Gordon: This needs one more minute in the oven, and that bit there should be a fucking dog's chew!
Dan: Yes, chef.

[Jacqueline brings her chicken to the pass]

Jacqueline: Where would you like it, chef?
Gordon: Put it there.
Jacqueline: Thank you, chef.
Gordon: [checks her chicken; finds that it's raw] Pink fucking chicken. (returns to the workstation) Ladies!
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Pink chicken!
Jacqueline: Fuck!
Mary: (Interview) Raw chicken, like seriously?
Gordon: Pink chicken. Undercooked, and pink.
Jacqueline: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: [throws his spoon on the workstation as everyone stands around unresponsive] WAKE UP! Come on, Jacqueline!
Jacqueline: Yes, chef!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Amanda Giblin: Bounce back guys, leave it in the water longer.
Gordon: Jacqueline!
Jacqueline: Get me a pan.
Jacqueline: Yes, chef!
Gordon: There are some things you can't do in a kitchen...
Jacqueline: Yes, chef!
Gordon: ...and that's serving raw chicken!
Jacqueline: Yes, chef!

[Gordon asks for lamb again in the Blue kitchen]

Gordon: Lamb? Where is the lamb?!
Dan: I'll just bring it up, chef. A minute left, chef.
Michael Langdon: Come on, I'm going to lose those garnish.
Gordon: A minute away. Garnish is done.
Michael Langdon: (interview) I'm doing fucking 50,000 things right now, and Dan is failing at the one fucking task that he has. I need a lamb.
Dan: (slices his lamb) Zach?
Zach: How the fuck?
Dan: (interview) Okay, the lamb wasn't cooking fast enough. What the fuck do you want me to do about it other than to put it in the damn oven. [puts his lamb in the oven]
Michael Langdon: (to Dan) Dan, real time. How long?
Dan: (to Zach) How long?
Michael Langdon: YOU JUST LOOK AT THE FUCKING LAMB! HOW LONG?! [goes to the oven] OH, JESUS! FUCK! (interview) Then he asks Zach how long? Are you kidding me? How does that go? (to Dan) Get the fuck out of here! Get out! (interview) Really, if he lays one fucking finger on me, I'm going to beat him all over the fucking room! I don't care if I walk off and go to jail tonight!
Ray: (to Dan) Hey, don't stand there!
Anthony: (to Dan and Michael) Hey, come on! Split it up! [Michael bumps Dan out of his way]
Dan: (to Michael) Don't fucking bump me again!
Gordon: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Dan: (interview) Don't bump me! You ain't shit! You want to fucking fight?! Come get it!
Gordon: (to Michael) Hey, hey, hey you! (to Dan) Hey you, HEY FUCK-WIT! Come here you! Come here! [leads Dan and Michael to the pantry]
Anthony: (interview) Wooo-hoo! Someone's getting it down.
Gordon: [angrily slams the door] WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH YOU TWO?!
Michael Langdon: (to Dan) You got to talk to me, bro. That's it.
Dan: Alright.
Michael Langdon: You got to fucking talk to me!
Dan: Stop yelling at me.
Michael Langdon: No, fuck you! Talk to me or get the fuck out and go home!
Gordon: (to Dan) You're throwing him under the bus all the fucking time!
Michael Langdon: Don't be sorry, dude!
Dan: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Michael Langdon: Don't be sorry!
Gordon: Look at him and talk at each other!
Dan: I'll fix it! I'm sorry!
Michael Langdon: Let's do it! Come on!

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Danielle]

Gordon: Now it's overcooked.
Sous-Chef Andi: They're overcooked.
Gordon: (returns to the workstation) All of you, HEY!
Mary: (under her breath) Oh, my God.
Gordon: The Red team that loves taking the piss because they've flown off a private jet, they've been on a fucking mega super yacht, and they think they're King Dick because they've kissed Céline Dion's arse in fucking Vegas! Come here, you! Touch that.
Amanda Giblin: It's overcooked, chef.
Susan: Yes, chef. Overcooked.
Gordon: Just so--- [sees Danielle walking away] Oh, she disappears, look. Hey.
Danielle Boorn: I'm giving you another one chef. I understand that's overcooked. [brings another wellington to the workstation]
Gordon: Look at that there. Touch that there.
Danielle Boorn: Yes, chef. Sorry, chef. Here's another one.
Gordon: And even before touching that one, what do you think that one's going to come out at?
Amanda Giblin: Medium, chef.
Gordon: Touch that one.
Amanda Giblin: Overcooked, chef.
Gordon: Overcooked. Overcooked. [slams the tray on the workstation]
Danielle Boorn: (under her breath) Fuck!
Amanda Giblin: (interview) Danielle, girl. Get your shit together, man!
Gordon: Third time lucky, bingo?!
Danielle Boorn: Perfect, chef. Perfect, chef.
Gordon: Oh! "Perfect, chef!" (sarcastically)
Danielle Boorn: Sorry, chef. [brings another wellington to the workstation]
Gordon: So the first two were what?!
Danielle Boorn: My fuck-up ,chef. Sorry, chef.
[Gordon checks her wellingtons; then finally brings them to the pass]

[The Red Team lost the night's service; they have nominated Jessica and Danielle for elimination]

Gordon: Okay, Danielle, Jessica step forward please. You know what? There's one more chef I'd like to hear from.
Narrator: With their dinner service loss, the Red team was forced to nominate two chefs for elimination. They put up Danielle and Jessica, but Chef Ramsay has his eye on a third.
Gordon: Because she could've killed someone tonight: (points to Jacqueline) Jacqueline! Get your arse up here. I mean honestly? Ms Pink Chicken? Unacceptable!

Gordon: Ladies, you are not the same outfit that opened this competition, let me tell you. (members of the Blue team that won the night's service exchange smiles and grins amongst each other) If you think what you've been through is challenging so far... I... I'm going to turn up the heat. Because I need to start separating the chefs, from the cooks. Got it?
Red team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Piss off!

Gordon: Every dinner service, Danielle looked like a deer in the headlights, and that's why she ended up as dead meat.

Episode Five [11.5]

[Gordon notices Nedra using soggy muffins for the eggs benedict]

Gordon: Hey, hello!
Nedra: I've cut them right now, chef.
Gordon: (gets Nedra's plate of eggs benedict) Stop Nedra, stop. [brings the eggs benedict to the workstation] Stop! LADIES! (gets a piece of muffin) Look, soggy. (to Nedra) Why are using the soggy ones when you've got toasted behind you?
Nedra: Yes, chef.
Gordon: No, not "Yes, chef!" Why are you using the soggy ones?!
Nedra: I didn't know the were soggy, chef.
Gordon: Visually you don't know that's not toasted?
Nedra: I didn't see it when they went down chef. But I have another one coming. [Gordon throws the muffin away on the plate]
Amanda Giblin: Let's go, guys. Let's bounce back.

[Gordon checks on salmon with scrambled eggs on the workstation]

Gordon: (calls the Blue team) All of you, come here! Taste that. I want you to taste that scrambled egg! Taste it!
Zach: Some seasoning, guys! Little salt and pepper!
Gordon: Who made that?
Ray: I did, chef. I put salt and pepper in chef.
Gordon: You-- [throws his spoon away on the workstation] I mean, SERIOUSLY?! THEY'RE PARAMEDICS!
Ray: I got them, chef.
Gordon: I think you need a doctor right now! [knocks his hand on the workstation]
Ray: Two more salmon coming right up.

[Gordon returns some salmon with scrambled eggs to the workstation]

Gordon: All of you, come here! ALL OF YOU!
Blue team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Some disgusting pig brought me the sample scrambled eggs. The sample scrambled eggs that I cooked an hour ago. [flashback to where Sous-chef Andi telling both teams to study the sample plates] These guests, they save lives on a daily basis and you want to serve that? JEREMY, DAN! YOU'LL FUCKING KILL SOMEONE WITH THAT!! (tosses the plate on the workstation)
Narrator: It's early morning and Hell's Kitchen has opened its doors to serve breakfast to a group of much-deserving doctors, nurses and ENTs.
Jon: (to Jeremy) You pick that motherfucker up.
Gordon: Take that garnish back.
Anthony: Work it again! Let's go!
Gordon: Fuck off, guys.

Episode Six [11.6]

[Barret brings tickets to the pass]
Gordon: Hey, Blue team!
Zach: (to the Blue team) Chef, pay attention!
Gordon: On order, four covers Table 23! (finds that the ticket was badly written) I mean, fuck me. (shows the ticket to the Blue team) Hey, look at the way he wrote that ticket. Look at how badly that's written out! Barret!
Barret: What happened?
Gordon: Rewrite the ti-- Where's Jean-Philippe? Jean-Philippe, what is that?
Jean-Philippe: Come on.
Gordon: Oh, fuck off! (tears up the ticket) Hey JP, take him (Barret) and yourself back to fucking Belgium! Fuck right off! Fuck off!

[Jessica brings tickets to the pass]

Gordon: Jessica, why are these tickets taking so long?
Jessica Lewis: Sorry, chef. (gives Gordon a ticket)
Gordon: (reads) Hey, come here you, stop. Come here, look. (shows the ticket to Jessica) What is that? Look, is that two or three? What is that?
Jessica Lewis: Sorry, chef. That's--
Gordon: (tears up the ticket) No, no. Fuck off! Just how long were you schooled for?
Jessica Lewis: Six months, chef.
Gordon: So you went to school for six months? Jesus Christ! Hurry up.
Jessica Lewis: (interview) Really? Come on! My handwriting is not that bad.

[Barret brings another ticket to the pass]

Gordon: Two seconds, don't disappear.
Barret: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (reads the ticket) Scallops, risotto, what is that there?
Michael Langdon: (interview) Oh, my God! Come on, Barret! You stupid asshole!
Gordon: (shows the ticket to Barret; starts stuttering) I can't-- You-- I--.
Anthony: (interview) Barret got the whole team riding on your shoulder right now. Come on, buddy.
Gordon: Halibut, now fuck off back. (tears up the ticket) Write it properly. Hey, Barret, look at me. I've got nothing going out! Let me tell you something: Next mistake, you're fucking history! Useless! Write it out neatly, let's go! Hey, Barret, fucking here, it looks beautiful. Tickets look dreadful, let's go! [throws the teared-up ticket at the pass]

[Jessica brings another ticket to the pass]

Gordon: (reads the ticket) Thank you, that's better.
Jessica Lewis: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Welcome to the real world, let's go.
Jessica Lewis: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks a risotto at the pass]

Gordon: It's undercooked, the rice. Wow, fuck me. (returns to the workstation) Hey, the rice is undercooked! The rice is undercooked!
Amanda Giblin: That's not ready yet, guys.
Gordon: Start again!
Susan: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come on! (to Jessica at the pass) What are you waiting on?
Jessica: [Table] 34, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, fuck-- come in here. Come in here! [Jessica enters the Red kitchen] How long have you been waiting?
Jessica: 20-30 minutes chef.
Gordon: Yeah, you've been actually waiting 32 minutes. Tell your fucking team!
Jessica: (to the Red team) Let's go, guys! Table 34!
Gordon: Why are you laughing?
Jessica: I'm not. I'm sorry, chef. [Gordon throws his spoon away on the workstation]
Gordon: (to the Red team) Hey, all of you stop! Come here, fucking all of you! (to Jessica) You think this is a joke.
Jessica: No, chef. I don't.
Gordon: (to the Red team) We're dying for Table 34's fucking appetisers (to Jessica) and you're coming in to laugh at (points to Susan) her. What's funny?
Jessica: Nothing, chef.
Gordon: Do you want to go?
Jessica: No, chef. I don't.
Gordon: Can you tell your team to hurry up?
Jessica: (to the Red team) Let's go, team!
Susan: I'm ready!
Gordon: (to Jessica) Hey, it's sounds so funny, isn't it?
Jessica: No, chef.

[Gordon checks on pork brought up by Nedra]

Gordon: Raw pork? Fuck me. Stop! STOP!
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Raw pork! Raw fucking pork! This is where it gets serious: Raw fucking pork!
Nedra: Got another one coming, chef.
Amanda Giblin: Let's go!
Mary: (to Nedra) You can't put it back together and put it in the oven?
Andi: How long?
Nedra: Give me six minutes chef!
Gordon: Six minutes? What are you doing to me?!
Amanda Giblin: Guys, you're going to kill the rest of the table!
Gordon: (returns a tray of entrées to the workstation and gives it to Nedra) There you go, Nedra. There's your six minutes. TAKE THE FUCKING TRAY! There you go. Mary, there you go. She told me she got another one. Where is it?
Mary: It's right here, chef.
Nedra: It's here, chef.
Gordon: So that's supposed to be funny?
Mary: No, I'm not laughing, chef!
Gordon: When you say "I've got one more," you haven't got one more! "I'll put one more on, chef!" I want to hear the fucking truth from you a little bit earlier! So I can relate to the fucking customers!
Nedra: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Get me Jessica. (calls Jessica in the dining room) Jessica!
Jessica Lewis: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (to Nedra) Hey, you! Come here, you.
Nedra: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (to Jessica) Can you take this girl (to Nedra) and you explain. How about an apology to the fucking customers with a bit of respect?
Nedra: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Hurry up! (to Jessica) Take her there!

[Gordon asks for halibut in the Blue kitchen]

Gordon: Where is the fucking halibut?!
Ray: Coming up chef.
Zach: Come on, guys! Let's push this!
Anthony: (to Ray) Let's go, come on. Get those up.
Narrator: Ray hurries to deliver his third attempt at the same order of fish.
Gordon: WHERE IS IT?!
Ray: (to Dan) Bring that up.
Dan: I got it right here chef. [brings Ray's halibut to the pass]
Zach: Come on, come on. Going down, good job.
Anthony: Please be cooked. For the love of God, be cooked.
Gordon: [checks Ray's halibut] Wellington beautifully cooked, sauce beautifully cooked.
Anthony: Thank you, chef.
Gordon: But I have a problem. [returns to the workstation] I have a big fucking problem. YES, I DO!! [angrily knocks his hand on the workstation] DAMN!!!
Ray: Fuck me!
Gordon: THIS IS RAW!!
Zach: Oh, my God!
Anthony: Oh, fuck me!
Gordon: THIS IS RAW!!!
Zach: (interview) Not again! Damn it! This can't be happening! (to Ray) Come on, Ray!
Gordon: IT'S JUST RAW!!! [angrily knocks his hand on the workstation]
Michael: (to Ray) Get three more going. Get three more going. Put them in the oven.
Gordon: IT'S FUCKED!!
Zach: (interview) We're going down in flames! Titanic ain't got shit on us!
Gordon: I'M DONE!! (points to every member of the Blue team) You, you, you, you, you, you! GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!

James: (Storms into the blue team's dorm with raw halibut) Hey, where are you guys?!
Jon: Right here, Chef!
James: I spent 18 hours with you guys today, I give you everything I got, and that's the bullshit you're going to give me in front of Chef Ramsay?! Make me look like an dickhead in a dining room full of people! I'm beside myself with that! I can't look at you guys anymore!

Gordon: Red team!
Cyndi: Yes, chef?
Gordon: One more mistake, and I'll kick you all out! [points to every member of the Red team] WAKE UP!
Red team: YES, CHEF!

[Gordon checks and slices a pork brought up by Mary]

Gordon: That's raw. (returns to the workstation and throws his spoon away; shows the raw pork to the Red team)
Amanda Giblin: Oh, my fucking God!
Mary: Gosh.
Gordon: Yeah, you kept me waiting 28 minutes for raw pork. (points to every member of the Red team) You, you, you, you, you, you, you! (slams the tray on the workstation) GET OUT!! DISASTER!! GET OUT!!

[Gordon has called both teams downstairs after kicking them out of service]
Gordon: Stay there! We're not done yet! The sous chefs and I are still cooking in there. There is no winning team, you both lost! Think of two individuals from each team that you want rid off! Now fuck off upstairs! (returns to the kitchen) Unbelievable!

Episode Seven [11.7]

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Barret]

Gordon: All of you, come here.
Barret: (interview) Fuck!
Gordon: (points to a table of senior women) See those six glamourous ladies, slightly older? Yeah. And look.
Barret: Oh.
Dan: Oh, my God!
Gordon: (gets a parchment paper from a halibut) The paper.
Jon: (to Barret) You left the parchment on there, man?
Zach: (interview) What, you trying to kill people? By the time you swallow it, it's too late. You're on the floor with Jean-Philippe doing CPR on you. [scoffs] Who the fuck want that?
Gordon: (quietly to Barret) Hey, come here you. It's not a fucking joke. You should be ashamed.
Barret: I am. I am ashamed. (interview) Tonight of all nights, I'm just praying that we didn't lose the dinner service.
Gordon: Paper to a senior! [crosses to the Red kitchen out of disgust]

Narrator: While Barret starts over on the fish, in the Red kitchen, the women are very excited.
Susan: Our last ticket!
Narrator: To be closing in on the finish line.
Susan: We got this!
Gordon: Hey!
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Shut the fuck up! High-fiving each other, last ticket, it's the same fucking ticket!

Episode Eight [11.8]

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Jacqueline]

Gordon: Oh, Jesus. They're rubber. Scallops are overcooked! Rubber, look at that one. Just touch that one there. Just touch it there! Come on, get me some more in there!
Jacqueline: Yes, chef!
Gordon: You've got the easiest appetiser!
Jacqueline: Yes, chef. (interview) Fuck me!
Gordon: Hey, fuck you!
Jacqueline: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Okay? (returns a tray of appetizers to the workstation) Hey, fuck you all! Cold pizza, cold fish and chips, refire urgently!

[Gordon checks on pizza brought up by Dan]

Gordon: That's burned. (returns to the workstation) Fuck you all! [knocks the workstation] Damn! Come here, all of you! Come on! Hey look, there's no garnish around there and that's the biggest bit. Look at that there.
Dan: Fuck me!
Gordon: (raises the pizza and drops it) For kids, and kids, fucking kids!
Jon: (interview) Dan is like a monkey wrench in a machine. You're killing me, man!
Gordon: Start again and get it together!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on cheeseburger brought up by Ray]

Gordon: Stone-cold. Hey, all of you. (points to Ray) You first, fuck-wit! Come here!
Ray: Oh, fuck! (interview) No, this can't be happening.
Gordon: Just touch that. Just touch the burger.
Ray: Oh, it's fucked, chef.
Gordon: [angrily throws the burger on the workstation] Whose table is that?
Anthony: (interview) A cold cheeseburger. How the hell does something like that happen?!
Gordon: That's my family.
Dan: (interview) He just brought a perfect storm our way. Thanks, dude.
Gordon: At this stage of the game, I don't expect the "I'm sorry!" IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! [knocks his hand on the workstation] IT'S FUCKED!!
Ray: I have another one chef.
Jon: (interview) Get it together, man. A cold burger?
Gordon: (to Ray) Hey, you have the audacity to send that to my son! I wouldn't do that to your family!
Ray: Totally my fault, chef.

[Gordon checks on chicken brought up by Barret]

Gordon: I've got raw chicken here.
James Avery: And it's for my wife.
Gordon: [returns the chicken to the workstation] HEY! For Chef James's wife, pink chicken.
Jon: (interview) Raw fish, people can survive it. Under-cooked meat, cook it more it's like not going to kill you, but fucking raw chicken will fucking kill you.
Gordon: Chef James's wife is pregnant.
Mary: Oh, my gosh.
Barret: (interview) I can't even look at Chef James in the eyes. He's like a freaking triple black belt in Taekwondo. This dude will probably fuck me up right now.
Gordon: My family and James's family. Red Team, take over! Let's go! Move!
Red team: Yes, chef!

Gordon: Dan was just too much of a wild card. There's no way I'm betting a restaurant in Vegas on him.

Episode Nine [11.9]

[Gordon notices the Red team not cooking any entrées]

Gordon: Hey, pedicure, manicure! How long?
Jacqueline: I am waiting for Susan!
Gordon: No, you fucked you! She's (Susan) slicing the prime rib! And you just stopped the whole fucking kitchen. (calls the Red team to the pass) All of you! (calls Susan in the dining room) SUSAN!
Susan: Yes, chef?
Susan: (interview) I know everyone keeps saying, "Jacqueline is an amazing chef, she's so strong." (to Gordon) Yes, chef?
Gordon: You just stopped sending entrées, (to Susan) did you tell her (Jacqueline) to stop?
Susan: No.
Gordon: Oh, really?!
Susan: (interview) But if you can't perform with the lights turned on, then it's worthless.
Gordon: We are now stopped being serving meat that we're dying for. (to Jacqueline) Have you heard of anything so fucking stupid?!
Jacqueline: No.
Gordon: The less you give me your best, go home! OVER!
Jacqueline: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Get it together. Have a little meeting.
Susan: I know what table is next. If I need to rush, I could rush.
Jacqueline: Okay.
Gordon: HURRY UP!!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Susan: Let's go, guys.

[Gordon checks and slices a New York strip brought up by Ray]

Gordon: They're fucking raw. Fuck off. (to the Blue team) Hey, raw New York!
Ray: Oh, fuck me. (interview) Oh, my God. He just can't catch a break.
Gordon: (to Ray) Come here, you. Just fucking come here! Who cooked it?
Ray: I---.
Gordon: ANSWER!!!
Ray: I did, chef. I cooked it. I'll take it. I did, chef.
Gordon: This is where it goes so fucking badly! It's not even red in there!
Ray: I understand, chef.
Gordon: Two of you on the section! [knocks his hand on the workstation] Do you have any fight left?!
Anthony: Michael, make another one!
Michael Langdon: I'm going to cook. I'm going to cook.
Jon: (interview) Ray, Michael. Pull your heads out of your asses and cook the fucking meat!
Ray: Here, I got the fucking New York strip, okay?
Michael Langdon: I got it on.
Ray: Don't rush the steaks.
Michael Langdon: (interview) Ray, please stop talking. Let me fucking cook the meat. I got it.
Gordon: How long for that New York strip?
Michael Langdon: Three and a half, chef.
Gordon: Oh, fuck! Take the table back. Oh, fuck me. (gives the tray of entrées to Ray) Ray, hey. Fuck off. Take that. Take it. A fucking joke!

[Gordon checks on filet mignon brought up by Amanda]

Gordon: Raw, raw, fucking raw. [returns to the workstation] Oh, fucking hell!
Amanda Giblin: Fuck my life!
Gordon: Raw filet! The easiest to cook, the most glamourous, the most in demand, cold and raw!
Amanda Giblin: (interview) Jacqueline says it's good, I trusted her, and they're raw.
Gordon: Raw in the middle! Hey, Amanda! It's not sushi night, it's steak night!
Amanda Giblin: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on filet mignon brought up by Jacqueline]

Gordon: It's raw now. Now they're taking the piss. (returns to the workstation and repeatedly knocks it) What is it for the second fucking time?!
Amanda Giblin: It's fucking raw, chef.
Gordon: That's right! It's fucking raw!! (throws a filet on the workstation)
Amanda Giblin: I have two more in the oven.
Gordon: (points to Amanda, Jacqueline, Nedra and Cyndi) You, you, you, you! FUCK OFF, ALL FOUR OF YOU! GET OUT! GET OUT!!

Episode Ten [11.10]

Zach: Chef hates me, don't he?
Jon: Ah, he hates everybody.

[Gordon checks the tuna is about to be served for the Quinceañera celebrant; found out it was cold]
Gordon: You are kidding me, ice cold! HEY! ALL OF YOU COME HERE, HURRY UP! [returns the tuna at the workstation; then knocks twice on the counter] JUST TOUCH THAT! TOUCH THAT YOUR FINGERS.
Ja'Nel: Stone-cold.
Amanda Giblin: Fuck!
Gordon: Something is so easy! WHO SEARED IT?
Amanda Giblin: Nedra seared it. (cuts off to Nedra when she blinks her eyes)
Nedra: I-- (interview) Fuck you, Amanda! You skate on thin ice! It's not the one I seared.
Gordon: [drops the tuna onto the workstation] Fucking hell! (throws a spoon away) I STOOD AWAY TO GO! A PIECE OF FISH THAT BIG THAT CAN'T BE SEARED! SHIT! (knocks over the workstation twice)
Nedra: Chef, I need take four--
Amanda Giblin: Nedra seared it, chef. I got it.
Gordon: (rekindles Amanda) "Nedra seared it, I got it." (throws a spoon with a disappointment)
Amanda Giblin: (interview) Back off the station, I have it!
Amanda Giblin: Chef, it was a poor mistake I'm trying to fix right now.
Nedra: Fucking bitch!

Episode Eleven [11.11]

Episode Twelve [11.12]

Gordon: We're firing apps brilliantly, and now we're gonna start firing entrées.
Anthony: Heard that, Chef.
Gordon: Okay? First table away. Don't fall behind!
Anthony: Absolutely.
Blue team: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: Red team, away now: one New York strip, one branzino. They go with the Blue team at the exact same time, yes?
Red team: Yes, Chef!
Gordon: Zach, one pork, one filet.
Zach: I'm ready now, one minute!
Gordon: Hey, come here, you fuck-face. This is where he doesn't understand jack shit. "I'm ready now, one minute." And yet the Red team need a bit of fucking time. [points to the Red Team] I wouldn't let them do that to you, so why are you doing that to them?
Zach: Um, Chef, three minutes?
Gordon: What'd you think? We started off with what? [holds his hand up]
Zach: Five.
Gordon: Thank you.
Zach: (interview) Unbelievable. Let me just keep my mouth shut. Yes, Chef!
Gordon: Is that clear now?
Zach: Yes, that's very clear!
Gordon: I appreciate that!
Zach: Thank you, Chef.
Gordon: That's why I called you "fuck-face!"
Zach: Not a problem, Chef!
Gordon: Because you're fucking them (the Red team) and you're fucking me!
Zach: I don't wanna fuck anybody!
Gordon: Thank you!
Zach: Thank you! (interview) Did I just have a conversation with Chef Ramsay about fucking? [cuts to Zach in the kitchen, grinning] Yes, I did.

Episode Thirteen [11.13]

[Continuing from the last episode, the red team drew a name out of a hat for which member to move to the blue team instead of deliberating.]

Gordon: All of you, head back to the red fucking kitchen and spend two minutes and decide amongst you! Hurry up! I didn't ask you to stick it in a fucking hat like some fucking game show! What is this?!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Ja'Nel]

Gordon: They're overcooked. No, no, no, no, no.
Andi: Oh, shit.
Susan: Yeah, we're moving. We got this.
Gordon: We're not fucking moving and yet you haven't got anything. What is that shit?
Ja'Nel: I'll do it again, chef. I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: Look at them. Just touch them. That is disgusting!
Ja'Nel: (interview) This is my worst nightmare. Fuck!
Gordon: I cannot believe you done that! What is happening in here?! (points to Susan) She's cooking four risottos, we need two (points to Ja'Nel) and you're bastardising scallops! I'll reduce the menu, I'll pull down the appetisers, pull down the entrées for you to shine!
Susan: (interview) Ja'Nel is dronwning at this point. You are dragging the team down.
Mary: (interview) I just want to slap her. Ja'Nel, wake up! Come on! You're so much better than this!
Gordon: Get a grip!
Ja'Nel: Yes, chef.
Susan: (to Ja'Nel) Go get it, chef. You'll get better, chef.
Ja'Nel: Give me two minutes on those scallops.
Susan: We got this. We're good.
Gordon: "We got this"? Fucking hell. She (Ja'Nel) can't even cook a scallop.

Gordon: Nedra!
Nedra: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Why can't you do the cold? (to Zach) Why did she drop [the pasta] that?
Zach: She said she don't need any help.
Gordon: My worry is the slowness.
Nedra: (interview) Chef, just watch how to let me fucking do this, I don't need no help!
Gordon: If I was in the Blue team, I'd have her off the fucking appetisers, I'll put her on the garnish, and someone with a pair of balls could step up and take over that fucking mess! (to the Blue team; goes to Nedra's station) All of you, come here! Just look! Just look at the fucking mess in here! The shit, the disarray, the disorganisation and look, [gets a basket of pasta on Nedra's station] look, look. LOOK AT THE MESS!!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Jon]

Gordon: This is a joke. They're not seared! (returns to the workstation) All of you, come here! Quick!
Jon: Are you serious?
Gordon: Like mush. Mush, mush, MUSH! (knocks his hand on the workstation) It's just a fucking joke!
Anthony: Fuck! (interview) God, are you kidding me? We can't even get past hot apps this late of the competition? God, it's humiliating!
Gordon: Yet again, we're fucking struggling! I'm putting the gas, I'm turning the engine, I'm driving every fucking table! I'M DONE!!
Anthony: (interview) Please, don't let this be happening again.
Gordon: (points to every member of the Blue team) Listen, listen, listen, listen! FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF! GET OUT!! GET OUT!! IDIOTS!!

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Ja'Nel; finds that it's raw]

Mary: There's going to be--.
Gordon: (interrupting Mary) No, it's not four minutes, come here! It's sushi time! Just touch that. I don't know what you're doing now. Do you know who this is for?
Cyndi: The VIP, chef.
Ja'Nel: (Interview) The one VIP in the house and I'm fucking ruining it. (to Gordon) Sorry, chef. (Interview) I hope this is a bad dream. I mean someone pinch me, slap me, shake me out of this hell hole that I'm in right now.
Gordon: I'm done! (points to every member of the Red team) YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU! FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE!!
Cyndi: Fuck me!
Gordon: GET OUT! (to Cyndi) Hey! Excuse me, madam!
Cyndi: Yes, chef!
Gordon: "Fuck me"?! How about "FUCK YOU"?!
Cyndi: (interview) How are we making these stupid mistakes?
Gordon: I'm done! FUCK OFF! OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!!

Gordon: Nedra wore a red jacket and a blue jacket, but after tonight's performance, I knew that she wouldn't be wearing a black jacket.

Episode Fourteen [11.14]

Episode Fifteen [11.15]

Narrator: It's two and a half hours into dinner service and all of the red diners have been fed. But thanks to Zach's careless performance...
Gordon: Is that lamb-- (sees that it's overcooked) Oh, please! Does that not look like it's overcooked? Hey, you! Hey, fuck-face!
Narrator: ...the men are struggling with the two remaining tickets and all eyes are on Zach's lamb.
Gordon: Looks like elephant shit from here!
Zach: I understand, chef. I'm just waiting for the fish.
Gordon: You fucking give me one more excuse, I swear to God, take your jacket and fuck off out of here!
Zach: I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: Stop making excuses!
Zach: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Two lamb, one wellington, one bass. How long? (Zach doesn't answer; goes over to Zach's station) Put it down, I can do the rest. You can fuck off, Zach.
Anthony: (interview) Chef Ramsay has just had it. He comes in and says "You know what, Zach? I'm going to work your station now."
Zach: Chef, you're going to put it fat side down first?
Gordon: Now he's asking me stupid questions. "Hey, chef, can I brush my teeth? Hey, chef, uh...can I change my pants?" One mistake and he's so frazzled.

Episode Sixteen [11.16]

[Gordon checks on lobster brought up by Cyndi]

Gordon: Cyndi? Hey all of you, come here. Come here! Just touch that. Touch that lobster. When it's something so curly like that, what does it mean?
Susan: Overcooked, chef.
Gordon: So it fucking (throws the lobster hard against the wall) bounces off the fucking wall!
Susan: (interview) Did that just happened?! It is black jackets time, we could not be making these stupid mistakes.
Gordon: Can I have a poached lobster?!
Cyndi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Pick that [the lobster] up.
Mary: Yes, chef.
Susan: Come on, ladies. Pick it up!
Mary: (to Cyndi) Do you need some help, Cynd?
Gordon: What's the matter with you?!
Cyndi: I got it. I'm bouncing back chef. I'm bouncing back right now.
Gordon: Jesus Christ.

[Mary brings Cyndi's lobster to the pass, Gordon checks it]

Gordon: Now, it's raw. Just stone-fucking-cold. Hey all of you, come here!
Mary: Oh, crap!
Gordon: Now, the lobster is raw!
Mary: Ugh!
Gordon: (to Cyndi) Come here you! Just touch that. You know it's wrong, it's stone-cold! First one was rubber, now this is ice-cold!
Cyndi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [leads the Red team to the pantry] Come here you. All three of you, come here! (to Sous-chef Andi) Andi, take over! SUSAN!
Susan: Yes-- I'm coming! I'm coming chef!
Gordon: Get in here!
Red team: Yes, chef!
Mary: Come on!
Gordon: [angrily slams the door] What's happening?! What's the matter with you?!
Mary: (interview) I have never been in the pantry with Chef and it's never a good thing when he takes you back there.
Gordon: You've got to get a standard inside you! You're screwing the Red team!
Cyndi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I'd rather slow down and increase the standard than sending me shit!
Red team: Yes, chef.
Gordon: WAKE UP! All of you!
Red team: Yes, chef!

Gordon: There once was a chef named Zach,
For words he didn't lack.
But in the kitchen, he was no magician,
And he won't be coming back.

Episode Seventeen [11.17]

Episode Eighteen [11.18]

Episode Nineteen [11.19]

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Ja'Nel]

Gordon: All of you. ALL OF YOU! [points to Ja'Nel] Hey, I mean you.
Ja'Nel: No, chef. I'm sorry, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, come here you. Taste that.
Mary: (interview) Ugh! It's disgusting!
Gordon: Come here. All of you, come here. [leads the Final five to the back counter; points to Antonio Sabàto, Jr. at the Chef's Table] We have a VIP guest in the fucking kitchen. What is that? IT'S MUSH! ABSOLUTE MUSH!! What is happening?!
Ja'Nel: (interview) I can't believe it. It's just really embarrassing.
Gordon: Get a grip now!
Final Five: Yes, chef!
Ja'Nel: Sorry, chef.

Gordon: Here we go. Two covers, Table 21: two mussels, entrée: one halibut, one New York Strip.
Final Five: Yes, chef!
Susan: Two minutes on this order: one halibut, one New York!
Jon: Three minutes, heard.
Gordon: Who called? What's she yelling about? Susan called out halibut, New York steak and we haven't sent out the appetisers. What's going, Susan?
Susan: Right now, we have one halibut, and one New York!
Gordon: Hey, all of you, come here! Stop what you're doing, all of you. She's firing entrées, one halibut, one New York strip. FYI, dumbo, we haven't even sent the appetisers!
Mary: (interview) What is Susan thinking right now? Like, what are you thinking Susan?
Gordon: Is the ticket crossed out?
Final Five: No, chef.
Gordon: What are you doing to them?
Susan: We fired that ticket, chef.
Gordon: Who's "we"?! I didn't!
Antonio Sabato Jr.: She's screwed.
Gordon: All of a sudden, you're the chef, right?
Susan: No, chef! No!
Gordon: Step up. Here you go. (takes off his apron and gives it to Susan) Here you go. You fucking run it then. Here you go. Andi, leave her alone.
Jon: (interview) Susan can't even give correct times on her own station. She's running the kitchen? (sighs) We're fucked.
Susan: Sorry.
Gordon: You run it! Fuck it, there you go, run it! (tosses his tongs on the hotplate) Fucking good luck. Off you go. This is a fucking joke. Andi, fuck them! Leave them! (Gordon and Andi walk out of the kitchen) Pathetic!

Gordon: Susan had little experience, but she came a long way. She's not ready to lead my kitchen in Vegas, but I'm happy to say that she'll be leaving Hell's Kitchen as a real chef.

Season 12

Episode One [12.01]

[Signature Dishes]

[Mike presents his signature dish to Gordon]
Gordon: Tortellini, what's inside the filling?
Mike: It's just a cheese. It's a packaged tortellini. Fresh tortellini.
Gordon: Packaged fresh tortellini?
Mike: That's how it's sold chef.
Gordon: Please tell me you used fresh tomatoes.
Mike: Uh, they were canned tomatoes. [Audience groans, Gordon throws the dish in the trash without tasting]'
Gordon: Come on! That was a joke!
Gabriel: (interview) His whole meal came out of a box. Who does that? You know, you're cooking for Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: (to Kashia) Congratulations that was delicious, well done ladies. Next two dishes. Let's go.
[Melanie and Richard come up with their dishes]
Mike: (interview) I'm a little bit insulted. It's not like it's packaged dog food. (under his breath) Fuck it, that's bullshit, bro.
Gordon: (to Mike) Come here you. What did you just say?
Narrator: It's the signature dish challenge and Mike from New Jersey has cost the men their first point and now his mouth may have cost him something else.
Gordon: (Mike stands in silence) Yeah, okay. You got anything to say to me, say it to my face, not my back.
Mike: Got it chef.
Gordon: Now, fuck off!

Gordon: Hey. All of you, come here.
[pours risotto onto a tray]
Gordon: Soup. Like liquid. Runny liquid. It's so fucking runny, you can't even spot the fucking rice in there. Then here, hey. [points to DeMarco] You as well. What do think of that lobster tail?
Anton: (interview) DeMarco, it just looks nasty.
Gordon: Shriveled, rock hard. It's like a fucking golf ball! Then here, hey. Scallops come up, beautifully seared.
Gabriel: (interview) I was like, "yes!"
Gordon: On ONE FUCKING SIDE!! Look. [flips the scallops over] How opposite can one scallop be?
[Gabriel facepalms]
Gordon: Get a fucking grip. Let's go!
Gabriel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Wake up!

Narrator: As the bad news continues to pour into the Red kitchen...
Joy: I'm pulling the scallops now.
Narrator: ...Chef Ramsay shifts his attention back to the Blue kitchen.
Gordon: How long for the risotto?
Gaurav: Risotto's two more minutes chef.
Narrator: Desperate to witness something...
Gordon: There's nothing coming out!
Narrator: ...anything positive.
Gordon: There's nine of you fucking standing there playing with yourselves. [Gaurav sticks his finger into the risotto and tastes it] Oh, no! Hey you. Hey, come here you. We do not stick our fingers in the fucking food, lick it and go back inside! What is this?!
Gaurav: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Does anyone have any respect for the customers standing behind me?
Gaurav: I'll get a grip chef.
Gordon: Don't worry about getting a grip. Next time, YOU'RE OUT!
Gaurav: (interview) Are you kidding me? You're gonna not take my risotto just because I checked the rice and then finally cleaned my finger with my tongue?
Gaurav: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on lobster brought up by DeMarco]
Gordon: Hey DeMarco, it's overcooked! It's like a fucking bullet! Come here you!
Anton: (interview) Oh, fuck. This can't be happening. Not again, man.
Gordon: Just touch it.
DeMarco: Yes, chef. I'm getting another one right now.
Gordon: (points to Gaurav) So he gets the risotto ready, and give a big ball of elastic band. Supposedly a lobster! Fuck off, DeMarco!
DeMarco: (interview) Gabriel, like come on dude. If you just let me do it, they'd be fucking perfect!
Gordon: Hey, wake up you! Wake up!
DeMarco: Yes, chef!

[Sandra brings her risotto to the pass]
Sandra: Walking with the risotto.
Gordon: Where's the lobster?
Nicole: Coming right now chef. Drop the lobster, Joy.
Gordon: (points to Nicole) Stop right there! Did you just say drop the lobster?
Nicole: Yes, I did chef.
Gordon: (to Nicole and Joy) Come here you two. (points to Sandra) You, come here. (to Nicole) The lobster is not even in. How long is it going to take for you to cook that lobster tail?
Joy: 45 seconds chef.
Gordon: Really?
Joy: Yes.
Gordon: Do you know, what? Get me a lobster cooked in 45 seconds. Your time starts now.
Sandra: (interview) Good luck, best wishes.
[Joy is now cooking the lobster tail]
Gordon: Fifteen seconds gone.
Jessica Vogel: (interview) The pressure's on. On!
Gordon: 30 seconds gone.
Rochelle: (interview) I was like, "Oh, my gosh! Cook faster!"
Gordon: Forty seconds gone. Time! [Joy brings her lobster tail to the workstation]
Sandra: (interview) Here we go!
Gordon: (slicing the lobster) Cold! Touch it in the middle. Cold and raw.
Sandra: (interview) Oops.
Joy: Chef, I did not hear from risotto.
Gordon: You didn't hear?
Nicole: The communication is fucked up.
Gordon: Yeah, the communication is really fucked up! Now, let me communicate something really clear to you. (points to Joy, Nicole and Sandra) You, you, you fuck off upstairs! I'M DONE! GET OUT!! Hope you heard that one!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Gabriel]

Jason Zepaltas: Ugh!
Gordon: (to Gabriel) Big boy, come here you! All of you, just touch the scallops! They're bullets, they're rubber bullets! Look at the colour of them. It's overcooked, rubber shit! (to DeMarco and Gabriel) What are you two doing?! [angrily smashes the scallops; to the Blue team] Fuck off out of here! GET OUT!! All of you, GET OUT! I'm done!
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) Dude, we got kicked out of the kitchen. It's really fucking frustrating!
Scott Commings: Chef, can I stay?
Gordon: GET OUT!!

[Kashia brings her scallops to the pass, Gordon checks it]

Gordon: They're rubber. Way, way overcooked.
Kashia: My scallops are up there.
Gordon: Who cooked them?
Kashia: I finished it. Bev started it, I finished it.
Gordon:Just touch them! They're rubber! They're bouncy! [throws the scallops like a ball on the workstation] They bounce! This is the worst opening night in the history of Hell's Kitchen! GET OUT!
Kashia: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (to JP) Jean-Philippe!
Jean-Philippe: Oui chef?
Gordon: I cannot stand the embarrassment any longer. Shut it down.
Jean-Philippe: Yes.

Gordon: There's so many things about India that I love. It's a shame Gaurav isn't one of them.

Episode Two [12.02]

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Simone]

Gordon: All of you, come here! Grab a spoon, come on! [knocks his hand on the workstation] Hurry up and taste that! What does that need?
Kashia: Mascarpone.
Bev: Where's the butter?
Gordon: There's no butter, there's no richness and it's just bland. (to Nicole and Simone) Can you make risotto now?
Nicole: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Simone) You, yeah? Fuck off!
Simone: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come on, Nicole. Two more risotto, let's go.
Nicole: Walking with the risotto, behind. (brings her risotto to the pass)
Melanie: (interview) I'm a little concerned about Nicole stepping up because of her attitude and her unwillingness to be a team player.
Nicole: I hope that shit is okay.
Gordon: [checks Nicole's risotto; finds that there's no lobster in it] Where's the lobster? Nicole!
Nicole: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come over! Two lobster risotto, where's the lobster?
Nicole: It's my fault chef. I didn't put enough for two, I put enough for one.
Gordon: Get some energy, or both of you, get out of here. Okay?
Nicole & Simone: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Get involved or fuck off home!

[Gordon notices DeMarco cooking tuna in a cold pan]

Gordon: DEMARCO!! What are you doing?! The pan's fucking cold!
DeMarco: Yes, chef.
Gordon: The pan's cold! (goes to DeMarco's station) What's a sear mean? [makes a hissing sound]
DeMarco: Hot. Real hot pan.
Anton: (interview) DeMarco is pathetic. Literally searing tuna, a three-year old could do it.
Gordon: Okay?! It's not hot the pan!
DeMarco: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [knocks his hand on the workstation] If you can't sear this tuna, (points to DeMarco's chef's jacket and apron) take that off, get that off and fuck off home, okay?
DeMarco: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on lobster brought up by Beth]

Gordon: They're raw.
Andi: They're fucking cold.
Gordon: And they're fucking cold. All of you, COME HERE!
Nicole: Oh, God.
Gordon: Look, a raw lobster tail. No, no, no, NO! [throws the lobster tail away on the workstation] I don't know where to go! (to Nicole and Simone) Both of you have given up (to Bev and Beth) and you two are shit! Where do I go?! WHERE DO I GO?!! Can I have two risotto and two lobster?!
Red team: Yes, chef!

Narrator: Back in the Blue kitchen, DeMarco is trying to prove he can complete the simple task of searing a tuna.
Gordon: Let's go.
DeMarco: Chef, tuna. (interview) I do know how to sear tuna. There's an incredible amount of pressure in this fucking place.
Gordon: (checks DeMarco's tuna) DeMarco! Did the pan make a hissing noise?
DeMarco: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Congratulations, that's seared tuna!
DeMarco: Yes, chef. (interview; claps) Yes! [smiles]

[Kashia and Beth bring their entrées to the pass, Gordon checks them]

Gordon: (on Kashia's wellingtons) Wellington's cooked beautifully.
Kashia: Thank you chef!
Gordon: Hey, don't dare start celebrating. Let's get that right.
Kashia: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Half the table's missing, Beth and Bev!
Beth & Bev: Yes, chef?
Gordon: The two B's! (gets a piece of halibut) Just touch how firm that is. Just a dry, just flaky mess. Dry fucking mess. [throws the halibut on the tray]
Kashia: (interview) Beth's got to pull it together, she want to be here.
Gordon: (disgusted) Oh, fuck off.
Beth: (interview) I'm not stupid, I know how to cook fish.
Gordon: (to Beth) Re-fire two halibut!
Melanie: Heard that.
Beth: Shit!

[Gordon checks on halibut and chicken brought up by Scott and Gabriel]

Gordon: (on Gabriel's chicken; finds that it's raw) Oh, my God. ALL OF YOU!!
Blue team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: [angrily knocks his hand on the workstation] COME HERE!! Pink chicken! PINK FUCKING CHICKEN! [angrily throws the chicken away; on Scott's halibut] Raw halibut! And it's cold in the middle!
Scott Commings: Fucking halibut! FUCK! [throws his spoon away; Gordon angrily smashes the halibut]
Richard: (interview) Scott rushed Gabriel to the pass with raw chicken, but the fish wasn't done. Come on, dude.
Gordon: (to Gabriel) Do you want to eat that?!
Gabriel: No, chef.
Gordon: Why?
Gabriel: It's raw chef.
Gordon: Oh, (points to the customers) so they deserve to eat that?
Gabriel: No, chef.
Chris Eversole: We're going to come back right now chef.
Gordon: GET A GRIP!!!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

Narrator: In the Red kitchen...
Nicole: Yes, chef!
Narrator: Chef Ramsay is still waiting for Nicole and Simone to deliver an acceptable lobster risotto.
Gordon: (to Joy) How does that make you feel?
Joy: Disappointed chef.
Nicole: Oh, fuck.
Joy: (interview) It's one thing to be frustrated, but I think Nicole is feeling a little bit defeated.
Nicole: Walking with the risotto. [brings her risotto to the pass]
Joy: (interview) You know, Nicole? If you feel like you have no more to give, then maybe you should go home.
Gordon: [returns and slams the risotto on the workstation] All of you, stop! That is so fucking peppery, it's actually started discolouring! (to Simone and Nicole) You two, get out! (to Rochelle) Rochelle, get on the appetisers. (to Joy) Joy, get on the fucking appetisers.
Rochelle & Joy: Yes, chef.

[Richard brings Gabriel's chicken to the pass, Gordon checks it]

Gordon: Oh, my good God. [returns and angrily throws a piece of chicken on the workstation] Again, chicken that is fucking PINK!! [angrily slams the chicken on the workstation] FUCK!!!
Gabriel: (interview) Fuck, man.
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) I can't believe this happened. Some people are just idiots. If you cannot work under the pressure on the demands of Chef Ramsay, then go home.

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Beth]

Gordon: Hey ladies, come here! Beth, that's you!
Beth: (interview) Oh, no...
Gordon: The halibut is still raw. Just touch the skin, Beth! Move, it doesn't mind. It's dead! Soggy and cooked to fuck!
Melanie: (interview) I don't understand why Beth and Bev couldn't pull it together for the lifeof them.
Gordon: [angrily throws his towel in the workstation] SHIT!! BYE-BYE! GET OUT!!
Rochelle: (interview; sighs, then pretends to faint)

[Gordon throws away the halibut against the wall which the fish smashes into pieces]

[Beth, Simone, DeMarco and Gabriel have been nominated for elimination]

Gordon: Okay. When I think of the choices that I have tonight, standing in front of me, I think there's one person who has shown me no passion, no fightback, and no leadership. The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is... [points behind the nominated chefs] Nicole! You've got to get out, immediately. [Nicole hands her jacket over to Chef Ramsay] Good night. [Nicole walks toward the exit without saying anything] Good night!
Nicole: (under her breath) Yeah, good night, you fucking asshole. (voiceover, as she flips the camera off on the way out) I'm not going to cry like a little bitch. I don't give two flying fucks what he thinks, or what he says. He can kiss my big, fat ass. (blows a kiss) Goodbye Chef Ramsay.

Gordon: I'm not looking for a line cook. But if I were, I still wouldn't have hired Nicole. She was useless.

Episode Three [12.03]

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Simone]

Gordon: Oh, man. Raw salmon.
Jessica Vogel: Oh, God.
Gordon: Look, raw. Not pink, but raw. Congratulations for being the worst two cooks ever to graze the fish station. [Simone laughs; Gordon throws his spoon away] (to Simone) It's funny now, right?
Simone: No.
Gordon: All of you, come here. We're just destroying ourselves! (to Simone and Jessica) You two, fuck off! Get out!

[Scott brings his lamb to the pass]

Gordon: I've got the lamb. Where's the halibut?
Blue team: The halibut! Where's the halibut?
Chris Eversole: The halibut is two and a half minutes away chef.
Gordon: Hey, stop. [drops his spoon] Stop. So the halibut's two and a half, (to Chris) come here you. (to Scott) Hey you, come here you and why you can't talk to him?
Scott Commings: Fuck!
Gordon: (to Chris) I WANT TO KNOW, CHRIS!!
Chris Eversole: He (Scott) never told me he was slicing the lamb.
Scott Commings: No--!
Gordon: (to Scott) COME HERE YOU!! WHAT IS THIS?!!
Scott Commings: No, chef.
Gordon: Hey, all of you! Fuck off out of here!
Scott Commings: Fuck!
Gordon: GET OUT!! GET OUT!!

[Bev and Sandra bring their entrées to the pass]

Rochelle: Please be right.
Gordon: (on Sandra's wellingtons) Wellington cooked perfectly!
Sandra: Thank you chef.
Gordon: (on Bev's halibut) It's just gets worse. All of you, come here. Yeah, just touch that one first.
Bev: It's overcooked.
Gordon: That's overcooked, now touch that one.
Beth: Undercooked.
Gordon: What are we fucking doing to each other? To the Red team? What are we doing? All of you, GET OUT!!
Beth: Yes, chef!
Sandra: Fucking nuts I get thrown out. (interview) Tonight, all my dishes come out perfect! This sucks! It's just flat-out sucks!

[Gordon has called both teams downstairs after kicking them out of service]
Gordon: Stay there! That was the most embarrassing service I've ever seen! I have to cut the dead weight, and cut it fast. I want THREE nominees from each team up for elimination! HURRY UP!

[DeMarco, Mike and Simone have stated their pleas; Gordon makes his decision]

Gordon: My decision is.....
Simone: (interrupts Gordon) It's okay chef. I can go. [Rochelle and Gordon give a shocked face]
Gordon: Simone, good night. [calls Mike and tosses his chef's jacket to him] Mike, here's your jacket. Back in line. (to DeMarco and also tosses his chef's jacket to him) DeMarco, back in line. [brief pause] Get out guys.

Gordon: Hell's Kitchen is about making someone's wish come true. Simone wished to leave Hell's Kitchen. That was an easy one. Wish granted.

Episode Four [12.04]

Gordon: Two ravioli, two salad. How long?
Ralph: I'm waiting on crab cakes! I NEED THOSE CRAB CAKES!!
Gordon: There's not even a crab cake on there.
Ralph: Fuck me!
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) Really? Good job, Ralph. Can't remember?
Gordon: Blue team! (to Jason) He's asking for crab cakes. It's not on!
Jason Zepaltas: I don't know why, Chef. I don't know why, Chef.
Gordon: The first table. (to Ralph) Come on, Ralph! Please!
Ralph: (interview) I'll just be honest with you. I fucked up. What else do you want me to say?
Anton: Is he still waiting on that crab cake?
Jason Zepaltas: No! There's no crab cakes on order. There never was.
Anton: Oh. All right. I thought I heard crab cake. My bad.
Gordon: Oh, my God.

Gordon: Hey. Crab cake, stone fucking cold in the middle!
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) The crab cakes are very simple. You just drop it in the fryer. Any monkey can do that. It's not hard.
Gordon: Fridge cold! Man!
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) I don't even know how the fuck he does that. Like, he doesn't check the food before it goes out.
Gordon: God help the next person that gives me a stone-cold fucking dish! God help anyone!

[Gordon checks on the crab cakes Richard brought out]

Gordon: Oh, my God.
[Gordon walks back from the pass]
Anton: Ohh.
Ralph: Fuck me!
Gordon: STOP! [pounds the table] Stone-cold again! (to Ralph) You. Ravioli. Watery, bland, no seasoning, no fine herbes. Come on!
Mike: Come on guys!
Gordon: FUCK OFF! Hey, John. John, come here. (to Richard and Ralph) Hey, you. Come here, you, both of you. (to John) Table eleven. They've both got an appetizer and maybe a little chardonnay.
Jean-Philippe: Yes. Chardonnay, please.
Gordon: I want to know what it's like for you to eat stone-cold crab cakes. Now fuck off!
Jean-Philippe: Sit down.
Richard: (interview) I don't like getting belittled or berated. I'm too old for that shit.
Gordon: Sit down, Richard!
Jean-Philippe: I know you both want to go back there. As long as this is not finished, you won't go back into the kitchen.
Ralph: Yes, J.P.
Richard: Yes, J.P.
Gordon: Anton. Can you get those appetizers fired up? 'Cause I'm gonna flip my lid in a minute.

[After Mike was eliminated]

Gordon: There was a chef name Mike. He can't even cook a fish or any of other dishes. So I told him to take a hike.

Episode Five [12.05]

Narrator: And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.
Gordon: Blue team, get out of here
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) It's just a weird relief to have Mike gone. Chef ramsay, you have made the wisest decision ever, thank you so much for eliminating this scourge on the Blue team.

Gordon: DeMarco: Demented, demoted, denied.

Episode Six [12.06]

[Gordon checks on lobster brought up by Beth]

Gordon: All of you, come here. All of you. COME HERE! [leads the Red team to the back counter]
Kashia: (interview) Oh, no. Oh, no.
Gordon: (raises the lobster) Look at it. Rubbery, chewy, overcooked for the Chef's Table. [angrily throws the lobster away]

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Melanie]

Gordon: Oh, my God. All of you, come here!
Kashia: Oh, no!
Gordon: This is brought by your captain! It's just raw, solid, pink halibut. You can't even rip it apart.
Sandra: (interview) How stupid you look when the captain of our team brings us raw fish. She's just way over her head.
Gordon: Melanie, are you done? Have you given up?! ANSWER ME!
Melanie: I'm trying chef.
Gordon: I'm not going to tell you one more time, cut the bullshit! Or go home! Good night!

Gordon: Beth thinks the reason she hasn't advanced in the culinary industry is the fact that she's a woman in the south. I think it's because she can't cook.

Episode Seven [12.07]

Episode Eight [12.08]

(After Jason ruin another chicken)

Jason: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: No, NO! (Slam the table)
Woman: Oh, my God.
Gordon: I'm done.
Gordon: NO... NO!

Episode Nine [12.09]

Episode Ten [12.10]

[A couple is about to walk out due to a loss of patience for their entrées]
Jean-Philippe: Hello.
Woman: Hi uh... I've got other places to be. We've been waiting for an hour.
Jean-Philippe: What, yeah [to Gordon] Chef.
Gordon: Yes.
Jean-Philippe: A table is about to walk out.
Gordon: Can you bring them over please?
Jean-Philippe: Yeah, please with me.
Gordon: [to the couple] Please come through.
[the couple enters The Blue Kitchen]
Gordon: Hey, Blue Team, all of you come here. That's you as well, Anton! This couple are now walking out because they're not prepared to wait any longer for their food and you just say [mocks Gabriel] five minutes, chef! Two minutes, chef! I'm going to apologise on their behalf, my apologies, please take the details, I'd like to invite them back in a couple of weeks time.
Jean-Philippe: Definitely
Gordon: [to the Blue Team] WAKE UP!
Richard: We apologize, folks!
Gordon: And now when you look at me, Gabriel, and say hey it's five minutes they're leaving now!
Gabriel: I can't send out anything raw, Chef!
Gordon: Hey! Come here, you! [slams his fist on the work surface] I told you at the beginning of service to get the fucking chicken cooked!
Gabriel: Yes, chef!
Gordon: But you're right because you can't send it out fucking raw. But how long do you need? FORTY-FIVE FUCKING MINUTES!?
Gabriel: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on the fish by Ralph]
Gordon: Hey, Blue Team, all of you! Come here!
Anton: Yes, chef.
Gordon: ALL OF YOU!!! Just touch that. Yeah, just touch how wet it is. It's not overcooked, it's like mush. It's like SOAKING WET DIAPER SHIT FISH AND CHIPS! All of you come here. This is way too painful. You, you, you, you, you, and you, fuck off upstairs and have a rapid meeting. And come up with two individuals for elimination to get the fuck out of here. Now GET OUT!
[The Blue Team leave the kitchen]
Gordon: [to Melanie] Two fresh fish and chips urgently!
Melanie: Dropping right now, chef!

Episode Eleven [12.11]

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Anton]

Gordon: It's overcooked. (calls Anton) Anton, come here! I just want you at your fucking best!
Anton: Honestly, chef, Scott is causing a lot of confusion in the corner for me. [Scott gives a shocked face] And that threw me right off from the beginning.
Jason Zepaltas: You can't just always blame it on us, man.
Richard: (interview) Scott got you all fucked up? How did Scott get you all fucked up?
Anton: I'm not blaming it to anybody.
Gordon: Hey, all of you! ALL OF YOU, FUCKING COME HERE!! SHIT!! [kicks a bin; leads the Blue team to the pantry] GET IN HERE!! I suggest you fuckers have a meeting and sort your shit out! [slams the door; returns to the pass]

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Anton]

Gordon: It's overcooked. All of you, come here! ALL OF YOU!! What is the one thing I asked Anton?
Anton: Don't let it overcook, chef.
Gordon: So look at that! Touch it! It's overcooked and fucking dry, Anton!
Anton: Sorry, chef.

[Both teams lost the night's service; the Blue team have nominated Scott and Anton while the Red team have nominated Rochelle and Sandra for elimination; Gordon makes his decision]

Gordon: My decision is...... Anton. Take off your jacket and stay there. (points to Sandra) Sandra, take your jacket off. (to Scott and Rochelle) Scott, Rochelle. Take your jackets off. All four of you, listen carefully. Since your teams felt that you were the reasons that they could not coordinate I'm changing it up. Anton and Scott, both of you are going to the Red team.
Melanie: Fuck!
Gordon: Rochelle and Sandra, both of you are going to the Blue team. [Jason gives a shocked look] Give me your jackets. Join your new teams. Everyone of you, right now has a chance of winning this competition. Stand out, shine. Get out of here.

Episode Twelve [12.12]

Episode Thirteen [12.13]

Episode Fourteen [12.14]

[Only few minutes before dinner service started]
Narrator: In the Blue kitchen, Gabriel is unusually quiet.
Gordon: Let's go, guys.
Melanie: Gabriel, I miss your happy humor.
Narrator: Maybe, a little too quiet.
Melanie: I don't like this whole quiet thing.
Gabriel: I'm focused.
Melanie: (interview) Gabriel is just like moping around like, I don't know. I don't know what he's dealing with, but he better snap out of it before dinner service starts.
Jason Zepaltas: You seem depressed. You don't seem focused. I don't like it.
Rochelle: What's on your mind, Gabriel?
Jason Zepaltas: Do you want me to kiss you?
Gabriel: I don't know.
Gordon: (standing near the pantry) Gabriel, two seconds please.
Gabriel: (interview) Man, the service hasn't started yet, I'm about to get my ass chewed.
Gordon: One big concern I have with you is that there's no fightback.
Gabriel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: When you get in the weeds tonight, honestly you bounce back. You're still in the game. I have not given up on you.
Gabriel: I haven't given up chef.
Gordon: Nothing would make me happier to see you rise and absolutely nail the service tonight, okay?
Gabriel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Let's go.

[Kashia brings her scallops to the pass]
Andi: [finds that there's only 14 scallops] I'm short one.
Gordon: You're short of one. Yeah, fuck me. Kashia!
Kashia: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Three times five?
Kashia: (interview) Uhm, I'm having a brain freeze.
Gordon: Three five's?
Kashia: Three times five 15, chef.
Gordon: I've got 14 scallops!
Kashia: I'm sorry about that chef.
Gordon: (to Scott) Scott, get me a scallop on!
Scott Commings: Yes, chef! Right now! Give me a minute and a half, chef!
Gordon: Hurry up!

Narrator: In the Blue kitchen, Rochelle is ready with her first entrées.
[Rochelle brings her chicken to the pass, Gordon checks it]
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell. That is pink.
Narrator: Well, almost ready.
Gordon: Rochelle?
Rochelle: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Pink chicken. Come on, get it back in the oven or a pan! Braise it, let's go! Pink!
Gabriel: (interview) You just do not fucking serve raw chicken. That's just 101.
Jason Zepaltas: (to Rochelle) How long on your chicken refire?
Rochelle: I need thirty seconds. Sorry guys, that will not happen again.

[Scott brings Anton's chicken to the pass]
Scott Commings: Chicken chef.
Gordon: (checks Anton's chicken) That is pink, right?
Andi: Yeah.
Gordon: Hey Scott! You sliced the chicken, yes?
Scott Commings: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Look, pink there. I'm showing you there.
Scott Commings: Yes, chef.
Gordon: That's two minutes under!
Scott Commings: (interview) I wasn't really responsible for that. I was just trying to help and do whatever I could for the team. I sliced the chicken, that's it.
Gordon: You sliced it, right?
Scott Commings: Yes, I did chef. Yes and I didn't see that part right there. Give me twenty seconds chef!
Gordon: Oh, fuck off. Chicken, Scott?
Scott Commings: Yes, chef! Twenty seconds!

[Kashia brings her salmon to the pass]

Kashia: One salmon, you have to walk with that welli.
Narrator: And while Kashia hustles her salmon to the pass,
Gordon: Wellingtons, where are they?
Anton: Ten minutes left on those two wellingtons.
Gordon: Ten minutes?
Anton: Yes, chef.
Narrator: Anton appears to be in no particular hurry.
Gordon: Is there any way you guys can talk to each other? She's [Kashia] running over the salmon, (to Kashia; points to Anton) he's fucking ten minutes away!
Joy: (interview) What do you do when there's no protein? You're standing there and waiting to get cursed out some more because that's all you can do. These two men, they suck!
Gordon: (goes to Kashia's station and returns her salmon) Hey, here's your salmon. You cooked them properly this time, unfortunately, you're miles away.
Narrator: Thanks to Anton, Kashia must sacrifice her perfectly cooked salmon and cook another one. Meanwhile, back in the Blue kitchen...
Rochelle: [while cutting her wellingtons] Oh, I think I need a bread knife.
Gordon: (goes to Rochelle's station) Wait, Rochelle.
Narrator: Rochelle's wellingtons have caught Chef Ramsay's eye.
Rochelle: (interview) Oh, crap! Please, please be perfectly cooked. Please be cooked at all. Do not be blue or purple inside.
Gordon: (slicing the wellingtons) Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Rochelle: Okay.
Gordon: Sauce, please.
Rochelle: Okay.
Gordon: You've never worked in a professional kitchen on the line before you come here?
Rochelle: Never ever.
Gordon: You cook like you've been working in a kitchen for five years.
Rochelle: Oh, thank you chef. (interview) To be complimented by Chef Ramsay, I mean for him to take me seriously as a potential candidate for a head chef, [brings her sauce to the pass] Walking with my wellington sauce. (interview) that blows my mind. It really does.
Gordon: Rochelle, that's beautifully cooked.
Jason Zepaltas: Yes!
Rochelle: Thank you chef.

Narrator: Back in the Red kitchen, Kashia is ready once again with her salmon.
Kashia: [brings her salmon to the pass] Two salmon.
Gordon: Two salmon, two fucking wellington!
Narrator: But is Anton ready with his beef wellingtons?
Anton: I need two wellingtons cut.
Scott Commings: Wellingtons, are they ready to go?
Anton: They're sitting right there, cut them off for me, please.
Scott Commings: (slicing the wellingtons) Shit.
Anton: These are overcooked.
Scott Commings: Yeah, fuck.
Gordon: Wellington, let's go!
Scott Commings: (slicing another wellington) That's overcooked too, man. Those are all over.
Anton: Oh, god-damn it!
Gordon: Hello?!
Anton': Those are my two newest. I've got a replacement.
Gordon: Hey, hey, hey anything?!
Scott Commings: I'm checking! There are some of them that are over chef! I'm working on it right now!
Joy: (interview) It was like a little wellington cemetery tonight for sure. Like, you know how expensive those things are?
Gordon: (goes to Anton's station) Stop! All of you, stop! Anton, these are not a little over.
Anton: That's way over, yes. Obviously, I screwed it up with the oven. Next door's oven, I got it down bad, this one I screwed it up.
Gordon: Oh, fuck me.
Scott Commings: (interview) I just don't understand making an excuse for an oven, or whatever. I mean, it doesn't matter.
Andi: What is your process?
Anton: Normally next door, it's 18 minutes, five minutes on the side. I let it rest for another five minutes--.
Andi: Stop yelling at me! I've told them it's 14 minutes. Done, that's it.
Anton: I understand that chef. (interview) Don't think I'm going to let some little girl get into my face, start ripping into a shit because you got issues on being a woman in the kitchen. (to Sous-chef Andi) I was just saying that this is way overcooked.
Andi: Stop talking back!
Anton: (interview) You will not break me and I'm going to just going to piss you off more on purpose.
Andi: Anton, fucking pull it together!
Anton: I have it together, chef!
Andi: [angrily gets into Anton's face] DON'T YOU FUCKING TALK BACK TO ME!! DON'T YOU EVER TALK BACK TO ME!
Anton: I'm not talking back to you!
Andi: YES, YOU ARE! Pull it together! You're fucking doing this on purpose!
Joy: Anton, cut it yo!
Kashia: (interview) He crossed the line. She's in charge. Unh-unh, you don't do that. You don't even rock like that.
Andi: Shut up and say "Yes, chef!"
Anton: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Anton, come here! [throws his spoon away; leads Anton to the pantry]
Scott Commings: (interview) Anton's out of control, he's going down in flames.
Gordon: Get in here!
Scott Commings: (interview) I don't see it getting any better for him here.
Gordon: [angrily slams the door] What the fuck are you doing?! You've got to keep it together!
Anton: I do have it together, I have a clear head on it.
Gordon: But the wellingtons are way out of control! You're not communicating, your head's in the fucking sand, and at this moment now I need you to rise and get it back together!
Anton: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Let's go!
Anton: Yes, chef!

[The Blue team is about to send their last table of entrées]
Narrator: Back in the Blue kitchen, communication and teamwork are at an all-time high.
Gabriel: Walking wellington garnish in twenty seconds.
Gordon: Last table, guys. Salmon, wellington yes?
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Rochelle: Wellington. (brings her wellingtons to the pass)
Jason Zepaltas: Salmon walking behind. (brings his salmon to the pass)
Gabriel: (brings his garnishes to the pass) Walking with garnish.
Gordon: Two wellington?
Rochelle: Two wellington.
Gordon: Blue team!
Gabriel: Yes, chef?
Gordon: All of you, come here!
Gabriel: Hey you guys, come up here.
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) Oh, fuck! What went wrong?
[The Blue team gathers around the pass]
Gordon: Just look at the standard. Seriously, I had some good services in my time in Hell's Kitchen, but nothing quite as good as tonight. That is immaculate. Great job. Well done.
Blue team: Thank you chef.
Melanie: Great job, team. (interview) WHOOOO! Best service so far. Holy shit, I called it, too! I mean, I can jump into the Red team tomorrow and have a great service. I can jump back into the Blue team mid-service and have a great service. (to Rochelle) Told you I'd make a difference on your team!
Rochelle: You did!

[After the service in which the Blue team had clearly won]
Gordon: (to the Blue team) You guys, great job!
Blue team: Thank you chef.
Gordon: And Gabriel, welcome back!
Gabriel: Thank you chef. Thank you. (interview) Ohh, I'm so excited, man! I've killed it tonight!
Gordon: (to the Red team) Red team, I'm disappointed! Kashia, I never taught you to braise salmon ever! Scott, I'm done with raw chicken! Anton, you sunk your team!
Anton: This oven here chef is 14 minutes, the other side is 18 minutes chef. [Rochelle shakes her head]
Gordon: That oven there is the exact same as that oven.
Anton: I'm just saying that I should have went there and checked it out myself.
Melanie: Okay, we can't blame the ovens right now.
Anton: I'm blaming the ovens, chef. [Gordon gives a shocked face]
Gordon: Okay! I don't want to hear any more bullshit about the oven! I want each and every one of you to come to a consensus of two nominees up for elimination. I'm done! Hurry up!
Kashia: Yes, chef.

Gordon: Anton let the little success he had in Hell's Kitchen inflate his ego. It was time to let the air out of that balloon.

Episode Fifteen [12.15]

Episode Sixteen [12.16]

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Gabriel]

Gordon: Oh, fucking hell, man. All of you, STOP!! Hey, HEY!!! Come here! QUICK!! The one table I begged for absolute perfection, touch that! Look at these here! How can I serve that?! Secondly, it's overcooked! Touch them! COME ON!! [knocks his hand on the workstation] Gabriel! Of all the tables!
Rochelle: (under her breath) Ohh, gosh.
Gabriel: Fuck me, man!
Rochelle: You got it, Gabriel. Don't worry. (interview) Gabriel, this is like Minnie Driver's table. Get it together! (to Gabriel) Let us know Gabriel if you need help.
Gordon: (to the servers) Go with that please, guys.

[Gordon asks for scallops in the Blue kitchen]

Gordon: Scallops, please!
Gabriel: 45 seconds!
Gordon: Yeah, hurry up you! Eight guests from the Oxfam table have been served, I'm begging you for the scallops!
Gabriel: Yes, chef! Ten seconds! [brings his scallops to the pass] (interview) Please, God. Let me get them alright!
Gordon: Service, please!

[Gordon has found out that Scott has put three halibut instead of two in the oven]

Gordon: Scott! Why did you put three in when there's two away?
Scott Commings: (starts stuttering) Becau-- I-- I wa-- I was-- I apologize, chef.
Gordon: Oh, he didn't even answer me! [throws his spoon away]
Scott Commings: No, chef! There was two away! There's one following right behind it.
Scott Commings: I apologize.
Scott Commings: I got it chef.

[Gordon notices Gabriel cooking halibut and salmon in one pan]

Gordon: Oh, my God. Gabriel!
Gabriel: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Why have you got a salmon and a halibut in the same pan? TALK TO ME, PLEASE!
Gabriel: I'm just searing it so I don't--
Gordon: Come here you! One's braised, one's--
Gabriel: I'm just doing the sear first right now.
Gordon: I don't want them! One's an oily fish, one's a white fish!
Gabriel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: They need to be separate!
Melanie: (interview) Oh, my God. That is like a fucking NO-NO!
Gordon: Twelve services, we've never done it like that. You are not going to start.
Gabriel: I'm not chef.
Gordon: One day, if you're lucky enough to open up your own business, then you teach that bad practice!
Gabriel: Fuck, man!

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Scott]

Gordon: Oh, man! That's burned.
Andi: Yeah, that's for Minnie, too.
Gordon: Scott! Come here you. That's burned. For Minnie Driver. Burned! The charity table!
Scott Commings: Chef, I apologize.
Gordon: Young man, you're making mistake after mistake, what you're doing is pissing me off!
Scott Commings: I'm sorry, chef.

[Gordon checks on salmon borught up by Gabriel]

Gordon: What is he doing? It's just a soft shit. [returns to the workstation] Hey, just touch that. Just touch the skin! You can't give me crispy salmon!
Jason Zepaltas: (interview) Oh, my God! What a freaking idiot! Crispy skin, it's simple! It's simple as a physics!
Gordon: (to Scott in the Red kitchen) Hey, Scott!
Scott Commings: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here you! (to Gabriel) And you as well. This is painful! Seriously painful!
Gabriel: (interview) Oh, fuck man! Chef Ramsay's pissed. This is not good!
Gordon: [leads Scott and Gabriel to the pantry and slams the door] What the fuck are you two doing?! You're out of fucking control!
Scott Commings: No, chef!
Gordon: (to Scott) You knew you went over, and you still bring it to me!
Scott Commings: No, chef! I didn't think I held it that far!
Gordon: [throws the tray away] You still brought it to me!
Scott Commings: I apologize, chef. I didn't mean to do that.
Gordon: (to Gabriel) And your skin is soft!
Gabriel: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You two, ready to go?
Scott Commings & Gabriel: No, chef!
Gordon: WAKE UP!
Scott Commings: Yes, chef!

[Jean-Philippe asks Scott for salmon in the Red kitchen]
Jean-Philippe: (enters the Red kitchen) Scott, [repeatedly knocks the workstation] I do need the salmon!
Scott Commings: Salmon's a minute and a half out.

[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Gabriel]

Gordon: All of you, COME HERE! [throws his spoon away] Yeah! Oh, really?! What next?! What possibly could be wrong?! The salmon is fucking raw! It's raw and it's stone-fucking-cold! [throws the salmon on the tray; to Gabriel] STOP! YOU ARE DONE! The competition for you is over! GET OUT!
Gabriel: Yes, chef. [tries to return to the dorms]
Gordon: Hey, young man! [points to the front entrance] FRONT DOOR! GET OUT!
Rochelle: (interview) Crap, that's a bad way to leave.
Gabriel: (to the Blue team) Sorry, team.
Gordon: GET OUT!
Minnie Driver: (sees Gabriel going through the dining room) Ohh!
Gabriel: That fucked me, man.
Jason: (interview) You can just be thrown out of that kitchen. It's that late in the game and it's that serious.
Jean-Philippe: (follows Gabriel outside the restaurant) Uh, Gabriel.
Gabriel: Yep?
Jean-Philippe: Sorry, man.
Gabriel: It was a pleasure. (shakes JP's hand)
Jean-Philippe: Listen, pleasure was ours. However, I need your jacket. [Gabriel removes his chef's jacket]
Gabriel: It just didn't go my way tonight. It's just one bad service too many. Instead of getting a black jacket, they took my blue jacket. My fucking heart hurts right now because it was this fucking close.

Gordon: With Gabriel causing such a disaster in the kitchen tonight, it was hard to tell who else I should send home. So, I gave everybody the thrill of getting a black jacket. But somebody will definitely be going home after the next dinner service.

Episode Seventeen [12.17]

Episode Eighteen [12.18]

Gordon: Garnish for the halibut, please? I'll take, I'll take!
Jason Zepaltas: Garnish needs about 90 seconds to finish the shrimp off.
Joy: Walking with the halibut. [brings her halibut to the pass]
Gordon: [throws his spoon away] I need the garnish for the halibut before the halibut! Fuck!
Jason Zepaltas: I know that, chef.
Gordon: Well if you know, why doesn't Joy know?
Joy: What?! What am I...? I don't understand what you're saying!
Gordon: Come here! Come here. I would like the garnish... look at me. Look at me!
Joy: Chef, I--
Gordon: Let me finish my sentence! Plain English: I would like the garnish for the halibut, before the halibut.
Joy: Chef, I just... I... I...
Gordon: Want to pick an argument? I'm ready!
Joy: (walking away) Can I finish cooking chef?
Gordon: Hey, young lady! If you're in a mood, don't take it out on my food.
Joy: (throws her cooking cloth away) I'm done.
Gordon: "You're done?!"
Joy: Leave me alone, leave me alone.
Melanie: Joy, stop!
Joy: Fuck you. I'm done with this shit. [removes her apron, throws it aside and leaves the kitchen]
Melanie: Joy, no! Come back!
Rochelle: Oh my God.
[In the corridor behind the kitchen, Joy removes her jacket and throws it on the ground]
Woman: She left. She left, she walked off.
Stan Lee: And he went chasing after her. I've never seen anything like this.
[Gordon follows Joy into the corridor]
Gordon: What a selfish attitude! One thing wrong, and you run away. Absolutely phenomenal.
Joy: I'm trying to tell you--
Gordon: No, you're not telling me!
Joy: You're not even listening to me! I'm--
Gordon: You're arguing, you're shouting...
Joy: I'm done!
Gordon: Yeah, I know you're done. It shows in your cooking.
Joy: Okay, fine. Fuck you. (returns to the dorms)
Gordon: Get out! Unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable.
[In the kitchen, the remaining four are still working]
Jason: Soooo... did that really happen?
Melanie: I guess.
Stan Lee: (laughs) I think we wrecked this place by ordering halibut!
Jason: (interview) I can't believe what was just happening. She just blew it. Over a fish. (shrugs) Chicks, man.
Melanie: She'd better not quit.
Rochelle: Yeah, she'd better not. (interview) I'm just like "Please, walk back in with Chef!" [Gordon returns to the kitchen alone; Melanie and Rochelle look dismayed] (interview) But... no! No!
Gordon: Melanie! On the fish station, please.
Melanie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And, excuse me! Everybody!
Scott Commings: Yes, chef?
Gordon: That is not the attitude I expect at this stage of the game, let me tell you!

Gordon: Joy's quitting was one of the most shocking things I've ever experienced in Hell's Kitchen. But her lack of maturity tonight proved that she is not ready to be a head chef because leaders never quit.

Episode Nineteen [12.19]

Episode Twenty [12.20]

Season 13

Episode One [13.01]

[During the signature dish challenge]
La Tasha: What I have here is a grilled hickory-rubbed watermelon.
Gordon: Seriously? You had forty-five minutes to make me anything, and you grill me a slice of fucking melon?!
La Tasha: Yes, chef.
Gordon: The rub doesn't work. I'm disappointed, it's underwhelming! One!

[Gordon has found out that Janai has brought up 8 scallops instead of 10]
Gordon: Hey Janai!
Janai: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Two times five?
Sade: (interview) Uhh... (laughs)
Janai: Ten.
Gordon: Are you okay?! I'm missing two scallops! (Janai laughs) Not funny!
Sade: (interview; laughs)

[Gordon checks on lobster and scallops brought up by JP and JR]
Gordon: Hey, HEY! All of you, come here! Look at that! Touch that! Look at what you're giving me!
Bryant: They're raw.
Gordon: It's still fucking moving! [smashes the scallops]
JR: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Raw lobster!
JP: That was my fault chef.
JP: I'm dropping three more.
Gordon: JP!
JP: Yes, chef?
JR: Yes, chef?
Santos: You’re sabotaging us! Thank you for the fucking snowball! ASSHOLES!!! [Double flips]

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Fernando]
Gordon: Holy fuck! ALL OF YOU, COME HERE!
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Fucking halibut's raw and cold!
Fernando: That was my fault chef.
Gordon: Yeah, FUCK off!! [angrily throws the halibut away; points to every member of the Blue team] You, you, you, you, you, you and you FUCK OFF! GET OUT! GET OUT!!

Gordon: Everyone in Hell's Kitchen starts at the bottom. Unfortunately, JP stayed there.

Episode Two [13.02]

Gordon: STOP! [throws spoon] STOP! Time-out! Time-out! Marino!
Marino: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Get in here. You're Italian, taste that fucking shit risotto. [Marino takes a bite of the risotto]
Marino: Mushy.
Gordon: Overcooked lobster tail, overcooked scallops, and mush risotto.
Denine: (Interview) My hands are shaking right now.
Ashley Sherman: (Interview) Holy shit!
Gordon: All of you, come here, yeah all of you. All of you, all of you. Get the fuck out. [sends the red team to the storage room]. Get in there! Get in there! [slams the storage room door]. Have a fucking meeting, and sort it out. When you walk back in that kitchen, if anyone hasn’t gotten their shit together, GAME OVER!
Red Team: Yes, chef!

Gordon: All of you, come here! Two salmon, two wellington, one pork, one lamb. [points to the lamb] Shit lamb, and the pork's where?
Steve: It's rare, chef.
Gordon: [Points at every single member of the blue team] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight fucking idiots! Fuck off! Get out! Pathetic! Out! OUT!

Gordon: [After eliminating Janai from Hell's Kitchen] Right now, I have something to communicate to all of you. FUCK OFF!

Gordon: Cooking risotto is elementary. But tonight, I found out Janai is still in kindergarten.

Episode Three [13.03]

[Kalen constantly opens the oven door]

Jennifer Salhoff: (Interview) Kalen, just keep the oven shut. You keep letting out the heat.
Andi: Stop opening the oven! Stop!
Gordon: WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING ON? The salmon is raw, and the chicken is as dry as a fucking camel’s arsehole in the fucking desert storm! Look how stringy that is. (throws chicken)
La Tasha: Heard, chef.
Gordon: Hey no, no, no, not heard (throws spoon). No, stop! That’s food leaving the kitchen expected to be served. No! No! No! No! (Slamming the raw wellingtons and overcooked chicken).
La Tasha: (interview) It feels like, I just took 1, 2, like 3 uppercuts straight to the gut.
Gordon: Let me communicate something to you all: GET OUT! GET OUT!
Wendy Williams: (shocked) He’s kicking them out.
Gordon: And so much for Wendy Williams being a source of inspiration. V.I.P.’s? You certainly didn’t treat them like V.I.P.’s. Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic.

Episode Four [13.04]

Sterling: Coming up next! Listen to me, please! Coming up next: four florentines, one French toast from this side, one crepe! That's the next order, okay?
Gordon: Finally, someone fucking organizing them [the blue team]!
Sterling: (interview) Felt like I was doing orchestra. (singing) French toast, crepes, florentine. How long? French toast, crepes, florentine. How long? French toast, crepes, florentine. How long? (talking) It felt good, man.

Gordon: I waited for JR to wake up and find his voice, but he never did. And so I let him sleepwalk out of here.

Episode Five [13.05]

Gordon: In Kalen's mind, her performance was flawless and every dish she cooked was perfect. Unfortunately for her, I live in reality. Dream on, Kalen.

Episode Six [13.06]

Episode Seven [13.07]

[Marino returns to the pass with calamari from the Italian Consulate table]

Marino: The Italian Consule, they told me the calamari are raw and got no flavor.
Gordon: Raw calamari, fucking hell. Unbelievable, ALL OF YOU, STOP! ALL OF YOU! Have I got news for you, raw fucking calamari. Touch them, raw. Yeah, raw calamari.
La Tasha: (interview) Ashley, what is happening? Undercooked? Seriously?
Gordon: That's from the Italian Consulate table. WHAT IS GOING ON? WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! (to Sterling) Any ideas now? All of you, get out! Just leave me alone! Get out! GET FUCKING OUT!
Sade: (interview) Again? Fuck me!
Sterling: (interview) From what I've seen so far, the Red team is kind of a let down for me, it's just ridiculous.
Jennifer Salhoff: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Gordon: Last ticket! Come on guys, MOVE!
Fernando: Alright, garnish is walking!
Frank Bilotti: Okay.
Fernando: Going up with steaks?
Frank Bilotti: Behind you. [brings his steaks to the pass]
Gordon: Here we go, story of the night. Tagliatelle? (to Aaron) Give me a fucking time, you.
Aaron Lhamon: Thirty seconds chef.
Gordon: Thirty seconds.
Santos: (interview) I don't here any more yelling over there in the Red team which means the girls just got kicked out so we have to close this service down.
Aaron Lhamon: Behind, two tag. [brings his tagliatelle to the pass]
Gordon: Oh, my God man. That is extraordinary. Happy now?
Steve: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (to Steve) Yeah, fuck it. You start slow, he (Frank) sends raw food, clear down.
Fernando: Yes, chef.

Episode Eight [13.08]

Gordon: On order, and obviously not away, two risotto, two scallops.
Blue team: Heard chef!
Fernando: Scallops are not going to be a problem today.
Narrator: Fernando on the fish station...
Gordon: Why are you seasoning the scallops?
Fernando: I'm sorry, chef?
Narrator: ...has jumped the gun.
Gordon: You fucking heard me! Why are you seasoning scallops? [Fernando doesn't answer] What a fucking idiot!
Narrator: And Chef Ramsay has something to say about that.
Gordon: All of you, come here.
Fernando: (interview) Oh, fuck! Here we go.
Gordon: I'm going to call out the orders and after the first show, we're going to start cooking. You're seasoning the scallops. Why?
Fernando: I forgot about that.
Gordon: You forgot? We haven't even started and you just forgot, just like that. Hey Blue team, fucking wake up will you?
Fernando: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Listen!
Fernando: I will chef. Fuck!
Gordon: I just, I don't fucking get it!
Narrator: While Fernando...
Gordon: Fucking muppet!
Narrator: Begins dinner service already in the doghouse...

Gordon: Tonight, I finally got a respectable service. So I gave them a little respect and didn't send anyone home.

Episode Nine [13.09]

Andi: [to Frank] You owe me a salmon because you fucking suck at fish station tonight!
Frank Bilotti: I know, sorry chef.

Gordon: Frank wrote me a letter with gratitude and then, with his performance tonight, he wrote his ticket out of here. Ciao, Frank.

Episode Ten [13.10]

Gordon: I found it quite strange that Aaron didn't even have the will to succeed. He clearly didn't belong in Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Eleven [13.11]

Gordon: Fernando's cooking was adequate, but his leadership was lacking. Being my next head chef requires both.

Episode Twelve [13.12]

Gordon: Sterling went further in this competition than I thought he would. And even though he was always at 100, it wasn't enough to earn him a black jacket.

Episode Thirteen [13.13]

Gordon: Santos dodged a bullet in the last two nominations, but tonight, there was nowhere to hide.

Episode Fourteen [13.14]

Gordon: Roe thought she would row, row, row herself into the final four, but her performance tonight in the kitchen put her up a creek with no paddles.

Episode Fifteen [13.15]

Episode Sixteen [13.16]

Gordon: La Tasha has all the right ingredients to be a great chef. She's creative, a strong leader, has great attention to detail and has an outstanding palate. But the thing I love most about La Tasha, is her determination. I know that she's ready for the challenge of being my head chef in Atlantic City and I couldn't be happier.

Season 14

Episode One [14.01]

Gordon: [to Monique] Tell me about the marinara sauce. I want to know how you made it.
Monique: It's just from a jar.
[Gordon spits out the pasta onto his fork]
Gordon: So you didn't even make the marinara sauce?
Monique: No! (interview) I don't think there's anything wrong with canned sauce. Unless you're from fucking Italy, and you're like born as an Italian, you're not gonna be making your sauce from scratch all the time. [to Gordon] No, if you wanted it, you should've just told me! I would've did it!
Gordon: Oh, I've got to tell you what I want?
Monique: Yes!
T: (interview) Who the fuck uses jarred tomato sauce for Chef Ramsay? Who does that?!
Gordon: Mo's pasta, one out of five.
Monique: Okay, got it.

Gordon: [as Chrissa describes her signature dish] What in the fuck is that?
Chrissa: That is ginger-crusted chicken. I was in the cookie aisle, and I was trying to get ideas, and the ginger cookies...
Gordon: Ginger cookie-crusted chicken breast?
Chrissa: Yep, that's what's in there.
Gordon: [laughs along with the audience] I'm glad you were inspired in the cookie aisle and not the fucking pet food aisle! [takes a bite of the chicken] Aw...
Chrissa: Oh, really? [as Gordon spits out the chicken] Oh, no! Oh my God, really?!
Gordon: That is hideous.
Chrissa: Sorry!
Gordon: One out of five.
Chrissa: (interview) I'm not really used to people spitting out my food, so it was very embarrassing.
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