Gilbert Mercier is a French progressive journalist, editor-in-chief of News Junkie Post and one of its founders. Mercier's articles have been republished by Alternet, Truthout, CounterPunch, Z Communications, Signs of the Times, Popular Resistance, and Global Research Canada, and quoted by news outlets including The Atlantic and MSNBC.


  • It is everywhere. In a few years, it has metastasized like a cancer, on all continents... The disease, expressed by the term Deutschland Uber Alles (Germany above all else), was also contagious. It has been repackaged under the thinly concealed Make America — or Italy, Austria, Hungary, Brazil, or Israel — Great Again. The doctrine of one country above all else is, in reality, the best way to justify the tyranny of the State against its own population. Constant threats, external or internal, mostly fabricated and hugely amplified by subservient media, keep societies on edge and make people tolerate or, even worse, embrace an omnipresent security apparatus, either military or police. Fascist regimes always blur the line between military and police.
  • Gott Mit Uns (God with us) in raised letters around an eagle and swastika, was the inscription that adorned the German army’s belt buckles during World War II...“Born-again” Christian fundamentalists in the US are mainly concentrated in the formerly Confederate Southern states of the Civil War. These evangelical fundamentalist communities largely reject evolution, secularism, and the reality that climate change is man-made... These Christian fundamentalists are the most reliable voting block for Trump, just as they were for George W. Bush. Well-funded far-Right fundamentalist think tanks like The Heritage Foundation have been pulling the strings in the background since the early 1970s.
  • In France, there is something special in the air: the smell of fires on barricades, the smoke of tear gas, the anger built upon decades of inequality, injustice and despair for most. Among the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow vests movement), many understand intuitively that the current democratic process is dead, and therefore the only option is the occupation of streets and roads.
    The Gilets Jaunes movement is strictly horizontal, without a hierarchy or recognized leaders. It has, so far, refused to be hijacked by political parties... the Gilets Jaunes do not have an anti-immigration or even an anti-EU agenda that reeks of racism and neofascism... The Gilets Jaunes are in revolt against capitalism or neoliberalism... a worldwide system of concentration of wealth and power into a few hands.
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