The people in the government who were voted into power are lying to us. And us kids seem to be the only ones who notice and our parents to call BS.

Emma González (born 11 November 1999) is an American activist, a former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student, and a Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor.


In a little over six minutes, 17 of our friends were taken from us, 15 more were injured, and everyone, absolutely everyone in the Douglas community was forever altered. Everyone who was there understands. Everyone who has been touched by the cold grip of gun violence understands.
  • Going up against the country’s largest gun lobby organization was obviously something that needed to be done, but it means that the people we’re arguing against are the ones with the guns. I am personally deathly afraid of them, and I know, from traveling the country during the summer for the Road to Change tour, that many of the people who disagree with us mean it when they say that they only want to talk if we’re standing on the other end of their AR-15s.
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