Durukti (Devanāgari: दुरुक्ति; lit. bad or offensive speech, or calumny) is the sister and the principal wife and queen of Kali, the male demon who is the reigning lord of the Kali Yuga.

Quotes about Durukti

Kalki Purana

B.K. Chaturvedi, tr. in: Kalki Purana. New Delhi: Diamond Books, 2006, 2014 (ISBN 81-288-0588-6)

  • Meanwhile, Krodh and Himsa also produced a horrible daughter who was as horrendous as Kali had been. She established union with Kali to produce deadly son called Bhayanak and a daughter called Mrityu (death).
    • In: p. 11

Bhagavata Purana

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. Anand Aadhar version. Retrieved 7 September 2017

  • From those two Lobha [Greed] and Nikrita [Cunning] were born, oh great soul. And from the both of them there were Krodha [Anger] and Himsâ [Malice]. From these two [irreligiously being bound in incest] Kali and the sister called Durukti [Harsh Speech] were born. Oh best of the truthful, bound to Durukti Kali produced Bhaya [Fearfulness] and Mrityu [Death] and of those two combined Yâtanâ [Excessive Pain] and Niraya [Hell] took birth.

Varaha Purana

iskcon-truth.com. Retrieved 7 September 2017

See also

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