Shine as they may, there are no kings
Adorned with jewelry and pearls
That shine as does a man restrained
Adorned with virtue's ornament.

Buddhaghoṣa was a 5th-century Indian Theravada Buddhist commentator and scholar.


The Path of Purification

Visuddhimagga, as translated by Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu
  • Only virtue's water can
    wash out the stain in living things.
  • 1.24, p. 13
  • Shine as they may, there are no kings
    Adorned with jewelry and pearls
    That shine as does a man restrained
    Adorned with virtue's ornament.
    • 1.24, pp. 13-14
  • He whose mind is satisfied
    with virtue that has been achieved,
    Who never thinks to stir himself
    And take a meditation subject up,
    Contented with mere virtuousness,
    Nor striving for a higher state
    His virtue bears the appellation
    Of that partaking of stagnation.
  • 1:39, p. 18
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