Brian W. Vaszily (born January 30, 1970) is an author, public speaker, and columnist. His books include The 9 Intense Experiences (Wiley, 2011), a non-fiction guide to positively transformative life experiences people can easily engage in, and Beyond Stone and Steel (Mundania, 2002), a short novel memorializing the spirit of the 9/11 victims and prompting Americans to reflect on what is "most important" in their own lives. An experienced internet marketing professional, Vaszily has written columns criticizing rampant irresponsible marketing on people's health, finances and quality of life.


  • The number one rule of today's marketing – the key secret of those who seek to control your beliefs and habits in order to take your money, your votes, your time or whatever else it is they desire from you – is to always keep in mind that nobody really believes they can be manipulated.

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