A Goofy Movie is a 1995 animated film made by The Walt Disney Company; it features the characters from the television series Goof Troop.

Directed by Kevin Lima. Written by Jymn Magon, Brian Pimental and Chris Matheson.


  • Goodbye, house! Goodbye, mailbox! [backs up and destroys his fence] Goodbye, pile o' broken wood!
  • Behold, the legendary Bigfoot!


  • She finally says "hi" to me, and what do I do?! I choke! Argh! "A-hyuck!" Like a big spaz!
  • I think I'm gonna be sick.
  • Dad, it's BIGFOOT!


  • Bobby: [shows Max his "cheesy" model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa] Max, look! It's the Leaning Tower of Cheeza!


Goofy: Garsh, Pete. You sure are good with kids.
Pete: Oh, yeah. Well, they love me. Why, P.J., he's been begging me to take him on vacation this summer.
Goofy: Really? Where ya goin'?
Pete: Campin'! Nothin' like the great outdoors to strengthen the bond between a father and his son.
Goofy: Oh, Max would never go for anything like that.
Pete: I don't know, Goof. Somethin's wrong when a kid won't spend time with his parents. For all you know, he's runnin' around with some gang and stealin' stuff and causin' riots, and...
Goofy: Oh, Max is a good kid. He'd never get mixed up in somethin' like that.

Goofy: [hands Max his discarded possum hat] Hey, you dropped your hat.
Max: [huffs in extreme fury] This is the stupidest vacation! Ya drag me from home! Ya jam me in this dumb car, [rolls his window down] then drive 1,000,000 miles away, and see some stupid rat show! [tosses his hat out the window] Call me when the trip's over.

[Discussing Max's alleged trip to the Powerline concert]
P.J.: You're gonna be famous, buddy. 'Specially with Roxanne.
Max: There's just one person who doesn't know about this, Peej.
P.J.: Who?
Max: My dad.

[the car is going out of control, and Max and Goofy are trying to stop it]
Max: You shoulda put the brake on!
[he pulls Goofy into the car]
Goofy: Why don'tcha just put it on yourself?!
[he pulls the brake, but it suddenly breaks off with a "BOING!"]
Max: See? You ruin everything!
Goofy: Well, you ruined the vacation!
Max: I ruined it?!
[the car goes crashing on rock pillars]
Max: I never... wanted to go... on this stupid... VACATION!!!!!!
[the car splashes into the river]

[the car has landed in the stream with the Goofs inside]
Max: Now look where you got us, Dad!
Goofy: Where I got us?!
Max: You should've let me stay at home!
Goofy: Why? So you'd end up in prison?
Max: Prison?! What're you talkin' about?!
Goofy: Your principal called me.
Max: It's not what you think!
Goofy: You even lied to me!
Max: I had to! You were ruining my life!
Goofy: I was only trying to take my boy fishin', okay?!
Max: I'm not your little boy anymore, Dad! I'm grown up! I've got my own life now!
Goofy: I know that! I just wanted to be part of it! You're my son, Max. No matter how big ya get, you'll always be my son.


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