Vision China Times

Vision China Times is an integrated Chinese language newspaper independently owned by the Vision Times Media (Australia) Corporation Pty Ltd. Vision China Times was established as a weekly newspaper in Australia in July 2006, originally based on a widely-read overseas Chinese news website which was launched in 2001 in the United States and widely known as Kanzhongguo.

Vision China Times

Reaching over 100,000 readers,[1] the Vision China Times newspaper is CAB audited as the largest distributing free weekly Chinese newspaper in Australia with distributions in Sydney and Melbourne. The newspaper is also distributed in Perth on a fortnightly basis in a magazine style.

The newspaper covers Australia news, mainland China news, Hong Kong and Taiwan news, international news, current affairs, forum and discussions, feature topic, entertainment, finance, property, car guide, lifestyle, travel, cuisine, health. The focus is on bringing relevant information to the Australia Chinese diaspora. The newspaper aims to "serve the Australian society by truly connecting the Chinese community with the Western mainstream through balanced reporting, promotion of both Australian and Chinese traditional cultures and values, and communicating the policies and views of the Australian government to the Chinese community in an unbiased way".[1]

As trade relations between Australia and China grow, so has the debate on China's soft power and influence on the Australia way of life.[2][3] This includes influence on businesses,[4] politicians,[5] universities[6] and the Chinese language media in Australia.[7] The Vision China Times stood out as one of the last remaining independent Chinese language media that was not bought or influenced by the Chinese government nor affiliated with any religious groups. "The Chinese government’s growing influence on local Chinese language media reinforces viewpoints that become even more entrenched over time, making it more difficult for Chinese readers to accept alternative perspectives. Recent disharmony within the Chinese community and dissatisfaction with the Australian government are manifestations of the extent of China’s influence on local Chinese media...we consider it our duty to provide impartial news helping to bridge the cultural and political divide between the East and West. This duty cannot be shirked, but Beijing’s manipulation and meddling makes it no easy task" says the chief editor of Vision China Times Yan Xia in his article for The Quadrant.[8]


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