Toirdhealbhach Donn Ó Briain

Toirdhealbhach Donn Ó Briain was King of Thomond from 1499 to his death in 1528.


He was the son of Tadhg an Chomhaid Ó Briain and took over after the death of his uncle Toirdhealbhach Óg Ó Briain. In 1504 he supported Ulick Fionn Burke against Gerald FitzGerald at the Battle of Knockdoe and was defeated. In 1510 he defeated the defeated the forces of Gerald FitzGerald, who was invading Thomond with a large army, at Moin na m-brathar, near Limerick. He died in 1528 and was succeeded by his son Conchobhar. [1]


He married firstly Joan, daughter of Thomas Fitzmaurice 8th Lord of Kerry and had no known issue by her.
He married secondly Raghnailt (died 1486)[1], daughter of Seán Mac Conmara and had issue:

  • Conchobhar
  • Donnchadh
  • Murchadh Carrach
  • Tadhg (Killed 1523, by shot of ball at Ath-an-Chamais, upon the River Suir, by Piers Ruadh Butler.)
  • Diarmaid
  • Margaret (married Eoghain Ó Ruairc)
  • Sláine (married Éinri Óg mac Éinri Ó Neill, King of Tír Eoghain)
  • Fionnuala (married Manus O'Donnell, King of Tír Chonaill)


  1. Annals of the Four Masters, CELT,,
  2. John O'Hart,"Irish Pedigrees or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation", Volume 1, 1892, page 160,
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