Titan Strike!

Titan Strike! is a 1979 board game published by Simulations Publications, Inc. The title of the game derives from its setting: Titan, a moon of the planet Saturn.


Titan Strike! is a two-player game that simulates the struggle for a monopoly on solar fissionables that are mined on Titan. Each player chooses one of the two factions, the European Economic Community or the Hegemony of Eastern Asia.[1]

The game offers several scenarios. Turns are divided into phases: Electronic Warfare, Sky Combat, Skydive, Anti-sky, Ranged Combat, Land Movement, and Close Combat. Whichever player gains the most victory points by the end of the scenario is the winner.[2]


In the March 1980 edition of Dragon, Van Norton admired the simplicity of the rules, and found the board of Titan Strike! to be "impressive. It is easy to use and has five types of terrain... clear, dry, sea, ammonia sea, mesa, and mesa cavern. All terrains have an effect on combat and movement." One of the problems with the game was the provided charts, which Norton found to be confusing. "But don’t let that stop you from buying this interesting 'pocket game.' It is fun, and can be played in an hour."[2]

In the November 1980 issue of The Space Gamer (Issue No. 33), Patrick Reyes found that "Titan Strike makes for a fast-paced and exciting game of tactical warfare in an alien environment. The novice player might have a little trouble with Titan Strike [...] but I think the intermediate gamer will find it an interesting change of pace."[1]


  1. Reyes, Patrick V. (November 1980). "Capsule Reviews". The Space Gamer. Steve Jackson Games (33): 32.
  2. Norton, Van (March 1980). "The Dragon's Augury". Dragon. TSR, Inc. (35): 50.
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