The National Water Research Center (Egypt)

NWRC serves the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (Egypt) (MWRI) to advance and expedite the implementation of the national water policy. As a MWRI research and development arm, NWRC coordinates and conducts basic and applied research to identify, characterize, and quantify water-related problems in Egypt. For these problems NWRC is mandated to provide innovative solutions and communicate them to the end users; therefore, enhance research uptake. Its role as a national organization goes beyond the MWRI; it assists the other ministries as well as the private sector facing water related problems through facilitated access to interdisciplinary expertise.

A concrete canal developed by the research center as a demonstration project northwest of Cairo in the 1970s.


organization consists of 12 research institutes; basically tackling the following water resources related fields: Irrigation and Drainage, Hydraulics, Hydraulic structures and Machinery, Surface and Groundwater Hydrology, Sediment Transport, Water Quality and Pollution Control, Coastal Protection and Lake/Shore Environment, Climate Change and Geo-Measurements Analysis, Water Socio-Economics.

Water Management Research Institute (WMRI)

Research areas

  • Irrigation Scheduling
  • Optimal agriculture water allocation and distribution
  • Socio economic impact of irrigation systems
  • Assessment of performance indicators of irrigation schemes

Drainage Research Institute (DRI)

Research areas

  • Functional design criteria of tile drainage network
  • Testing and evaluating new technologies and materials utilized in field drainage networks
  • Socio-economic impacts of field drainage networks
  • Development of guidelines for the reuse of marginal water in agriculture
  • Improvement of open drains self-purification capacity

Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI)

The Institute covers the research areas of:

  • Hydrologic analysis of Wadi Systems and flash floods
  • Optimal design criteria for flash flood control structures and drainage networks
  • Impacts of Nile socio economic development on inflow to Lake Nasser
  • Optimal National Water Resources development strategy

See also


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