
Shivi (Hindi: शिवि) was a republic in ancient India, ruled by a democratic system of government known as ganatantra. Kshudrakas had formed a sangha with Malavas.

At the time of invasion of India by Alexander the Great, in 326 BCE, they were found inhabiting an area in the vicinity of the Malava tribes. The Greek writers have mentioned them wearing clothes similar to wild people even during the war.

Shivi Kings

The Jatakas mention about rulers of this tribe. One of them was a religious and kind king named Sanjaya, who donated every thing and moved himself with his wife Madri, son Jali Kumar and daughter Krishnajina Kumari to 'Bankagiri'. The Buddhist literature 'Avadan Kalplata' writes Sanjay a Vishwamitra. These people were democratic rulers of ganasangha type. All works were done in these ganas with the consent of clan people.

King Shivi was another great King of this tribe, powerful and generous king. Indra and Agni once tested his generosity by becoming birds when the king gave flesh from his body to fulfill his duty.


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