Sami Aldeeb

Sami Awad Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh (in Arabic: سامي عوض ألذيب أبو ساحلية / Sāmy ʿwḍ ʾĀd-dyb ʾĀbw-Sāḥlyh) (born September 5, 1949 in Zababdeh, near Jenin in the West Bank) is a Palestinian lawyer with Swiss citizenship.[1]

Sami Aldeeb in 2011: photo by Lea Aldeeb

Aldeeb was the head of the Arab and Islamic Law department at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law from 1980 to 2009. He now directs the Center of Arab and Islamic law and teaches at various universities in Switzerland, France and Italy.

He is the author of many books and articles on Arab and Islamic law. In 2008 he published a bilingual edition of the Quran (Arabic - French) classifying the chapters (suras) in chronological order according to Al-Azhar, with reference to variations, abrogations and Jewish and Christian writings. He is currently preparing a similar edition in Italian and English. He also translated the Swiss constitution into Arabic for the Swiss Confederation.


Born to a family of Christian peasants, in Zababdeh, near Jenin, he attended primary school in his village (1956–61) before joining the Minor Seminary of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Beit-Jala, near Bethlehem (1961–65). Four years later he left to attend a course in tailoring at the Salesian Technical School of Bethlehem (1965–1968), and worked in the tailoring trade in Jenin while, at the same time, working for the International Committee of the Red Cross. In 1970 he immatriculated at Jenin as a self-taught student, and thereafter obtained a scholarship from the l'Œuvre Saint-Justin in Fribourg, to study in Switzerland.
In April 1974, he received his Law degree from the University of Fribourg cum laude, and then went on to study for a doctorate of Laws at the University of Fribourg and enrolled in the Graduate Institute of International Studies at Geneva to simultaneously study for an Honours degree in Political Science. He was awarded a degree with Honours from the Graduate Institute at Geneva in January 1976, His dissertation was entitled: "The Right of peoples to sovereignty, analytic study of the Marxist-Leninist theory and the soviet position".

Researching for his doctoral thesis, he spent a year in Egypt. He defended his thesis: "The impact of religion on the legal order, case of Egypt, non-Muslims in an Islamic country" in December 1978 at the Faculty of Law in Fribourg, receiving the distinction summa cum laude. His graduation took place after the publication of his thesis on 14 November 1979. During his studies he received a grant from l'Œuvre Saint-Justin in Fribourg (1970–1977) and a grant from the Swiss Confederation (1977–1979).
During his stay in Egypt (1976–77), he interviewed forty Egyptian personalities. He intends to publish these interviews in the near future.
He was a federal civil servant at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne from 1 November 1980 to 31 December 2009, heading the Department of Arab and Islamic law. As part of his duties, he wrote hundreds of legal opinions for Swiss and foreign authorities, for courts, lawyers, enterprises as well as for private individuals in the fields of family law, inheritance, criminal law and commercial law. In the course of his travels in Arab countries, he built up the most comprehensive collection of works on Arab and Muslim Law in Western Europe for the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law.
During his work for the Swiss Confederation, he traveled to the following countries, in order to purchase books and to maintain contacts with law schools and research centers: Morocco (4 times), Algeria (twice), Tunisia (5 times), Libya (3 times), Egypt (9 times), Sudan (once), Jordan (4 times), Lebanon (twice), Syria (3 times), Iraq (once), Iran (once), Bahrain (twice), Kuwait (twice), United Arab Emirates (twice), Oman (twice), Palestine / Israel (7 times), South Yemen (once), North Yemen (twice), Qatar (once), Saudi Arabia (twice).
In May 2009, he opened his own Center of Arab and Islamic law, offering the following services: legal consultations, conferences, translations, research and courses concerning Arab and Islamic Law, and the relation between Muslims and the West, assistance for students and researchers. On June 29, 2009, he received his Habilitation to supervise research (HDR) from the University of Bordeaux. In February 2010, he qualified as a University Professor, granted by the CNU, in sections 1 (private law) and 15 (Arabic). He was naturalized as a Swiss citizen on May 11, 1984. Sami Aldeeb is married with two daughters.

Teaching and conferences

Sami Aldeeb taught Arab and Islamic Law in various universities [2]; Institute of Canon Law of Strasbourg (1985–1991), Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-en-Provence (since 2005), Faculty of Law of Palermo (since 2007), CERISDI of Palermo (since 2007), International Faculty of Comparative Law in Strasbourg (since 2007), Faculty of Law of Trento (since 2010), Faculty of Law of Cergy-Pontoise (since 2010), Faculty of Law of Grenoble (since 2010), Faculty of Theology of Lugano (since 2011). He has also given hundreds of lectures in various countries.


November 15, 1981: Vigener Prize of the Faculty of Law of Fribourg for his doctoral thesis.
November 21, 2009: Elected Academician of "Studium - Accademia di Casale Monferrato e per l'Arte del, the Letteratura the Storia, the e Scienze the Umanità Varies."


Sami Aldeeb’s publications consist of about thirty books and more than 200 articles on Arab and Islamic Law, in various languages: [3]

Le Coran, texte arabe et traduction française par ordre chronologique avec renvoi aux variantes, aux abrogations et aux écrits juifs et chrétiens, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2016, 462 pages

The Koran: Arabic text with the English translation in chronological order according to the Azhar with reference to variations, abrogations and Jewish and Christian writings, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2016, 474 pages

Il Corano: Testo arabo e traduzione italiana: per ordine cronologico secondo l’Azhar con rinvio alle varianti, alle abrogazioni ed agli scritti ebraici e cristiani, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2017, 440 pages

Koran in Arabic in chronological order: Koufi, Normal and Koranic orthographies with modern punctuation, references to variations, abrogations and ... and stylistic mistakes (Arabic Edition) (Arabic) Paperback – Large Print, April 29, 2016, 626 pages

Al-Akhta' al-lughawiyyah fi al-Qur'an al-karim: Linguistic Errors in the Holy Koran (Arabic Edition) (Arabic) Paperback – Large Print, January 2, 2017, 500 pages

La Fatiha et la culture de la haine: Interprétation du 7e verset à travers les siècles, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2014, 120 pages Zakat, corruption et jihad : Interprétation du verset coranique 9:60 à travers les siècles, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2015, 125 pages Alliance, désaveu et dissimulation : Interprétation des versets coraniques 3:28-29 à travers les siècles, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2015, 245 pages

Nulle contrainte dans la religion: Interprétation du verset coranique 2:256 à travers les siècles, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2015, 201 pages

Le jihad dans l’islam: Interprétation des versets coraniques relatifs au jihad à travers les siècles, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2016, 254 pages

Le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes, étude analytique de la doctrine marxiste-léniniste et de la position soviétique, polycopié, IUHEI, 1976, 276 pages.

Discriminations contre les non-juifs tant chrétiens que musulmans en Israël, Pax Christi, Lausanne, Pâques 1992, 36 pages.

Le droit musulman de la famille et des successions à l’épreuve des ordres juridiques occidentaux, Sami Aldeeb et Andrea Bonomi (éd.), Publications de l’Institut suisse de droit comparé, Schulthess, Zürich, 1999, 353 pages.

Les sanctions en droit musulman: passé, présent et avenir, Cahiers de l’Orient chrétien 6, CEDRAC (USJ), Beyrouth, 2007, 110 pages. Demain les islamistes au pouvoir? Conception musulmane de la loi et son impact en Occident, Association culturelle du Razès, Montréal d’Aude (France), 2009, 174 pages

Discriminations contre les non-juifs tant chrétiens que musulmans en Israël, Pax Christi, Lausanne, Pâques 1992, 36 pages Non-musulmans en pays d’Islam: cas de l’Egypte, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 422 pages

Les musulmans face aux droits de l’homme: religion & droit & politique, étude et documents, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, P.O.Box 102665, D-44726 Bochum, 1994, 610 pages

Les mouvements islamistes et les droits de l’homme, in Herausforderungen Historisch-politische Analysen, Winkler, Bochum, 1998, 128 pages: Winkler

Avenir des musulmans en Occident: cas de la Suisse, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 142 pages 

Cimetière musulman en Occident: Normes juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 140 pages

Circoncision masculine et féminine: Débat religieux, médical, social et juridique, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 528 pages

Circoncision: Le complot du silence, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 194 pages

Droit musulman et modernité: diagnostiques et remèdes, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2014, 80 pages

Introduction au droit arabe: droit de la famille et des successions, droit pénal, droit médical, droit socio-économique, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 534 pages

Introduction au droit musulman: Fondements, sources et principes, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 470 pages

L’Islam et la destruction des statues: Étude comparée sur l’art figuratif en droit juif, chrétien et musulman, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2015, 108 pages

Le changement de religion en Egypte, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2013, 56 pages

Le contrat d’entreprise en droit arabe: cas de l’Égypte: avec les dispositions des principaux codes arabes en différentes langues, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 318 pages

Les musulmans en Occident entre droits et devoirs, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 244 pages

Les successions en droit musulman: cas de l’Egypte: présentation, versets coraniques et dispositions légales, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 116 pages

Manuel de droit musulman et arabe, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 292 pages

Mariages mixtes avec des musulmans: Cas de la Suisse avec modèle de contrat en six langues, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 56 pages

Projets de constitutions islamiques et déclarations des droits de l’homme dans le monde arabo-musulman, Createspace (Amazon), Charleston, 2e édition, 2012, 216 pages


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